Showing posts with label forums. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forums. Show all posts

Thursday, May 13, 2010

"It's in everyone's best interests that the students feel happy here."

From the California Aggie:

Although many concepts, such as long-term solutions for Davis' monetary problems, were reiterated throughout the forum, council hopeful and current UC Davis School of Law student, Watts, took a unique approach.

"What I offer is a representative of [UC Davis] students on city council. I could be a voice for them." Watts said. "It's in everyone's best interest that the students feel happy here. [They're] a large population."

Watts and other candidates mentioned tensions between university students and police after the protests earlier this year. The average age for a Davis resident is increasing, which Watts said, should be a reason for community members to take action. If the city wants students to return and raise a family, he advised, it must make the environment more inclusive, starting with the City Council.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

"Something we need in this city"

We had a debate/forum a couple days ago at city hall, sponsored by the League of Women Voters. My favorite part of the Davis Vanguard's story on the debate wasn't anything the Vanguard wrote, but rather a voter's note in the comments section:

E Roberts Musser

05/08/10 - 10:57 AM

IMHO, Daniel Watt did very well in this debate. He wasn't afraid to speak his mind, and used a common sense approach by giving specifics, something we need in this city. Very quick on his feet in a debate. He has shown a proven track record of effecting change in city policies, by getting the city to start the process of repealing its own unconstitutional laws. Thus Daniel already has a certain grasp of how to get things done, a surprising turn of events. He's a little rough around the edges, but he reminds me a bit of Lamar Heystek - young, idealistic, a representative for youth in this town (which is sorely needed) and ready to try to do the right thing for Davisites, without being beholden to special interests. Good job, Daniel...

Read more at the People's Vanguard of Davis: "League Candidates Forum Puts Campaign Into Home Stretch."

Friday, April 9, 2010

Debating the police -- with the police chief

A few days ago, the Davis Chamber of Commerce sponsored a "candidates' forum." A forum resembles a debate, except slightly more boring. David Greenwald at the Davis Vanguard covered it extensively, and the David Enterprise printed a front-page article on the forum.

I said what the others wouldn't. To quote the Vanguard,
Daniel Watts was rough around the edges but clearly the conscience of the group that was willing to take on the tough issue and let the chips fall where they may. He went after unconstitutional city ordinances, the police who he claims harass students and homeless people, city salaries, the firefighters, landlord-tenant disputes, the Davis Model lease, you name it. Said Mr. Watts, "We don't have an advocate for the voiceless on the city council. I intend to be that advocate."

The Chamber asked how we would sustain enrollment in Davis's schools. I explained how we cannot expect young families to return to Davis, where they spent four years as students, if the city mistreats them when they are students.

"No offense to members of the force in attendance," I said, gesturing to Davis Police Chief Landy Black in the front row, "but the police do not have a good relationship with the students."

During the campus protests, the police -- working with the CHP and UCPD -- beat peaceful protesters with clubs. They tased them, then lied about tasing them, then admitted to the lie when they realized they'd been caught on video.

It's unfortunate.