Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sarah Palin oblivious to Thanksgiving turkey slaughter

Betty C. mentioned, in a comment to my recent food post, something about a "Sarah Palin Thanksgiving Turkey interview." So, of course, I had to see for myself what it was all about. First, here's a snippet from The Australian about it:

Sarah Palin oblivious to Thanksgiving turkey slaughter

Sarah Palin has fouled up a Thanksgiving interview, shocking television viewers who saw what the Alaska Governor could not - a turkey being slaughtered behind her.

Mrs Palin was granting a traditional Thanksgiving pardon to one lucky turkey, obviously not the one being slaughtered by an employee at the Triple D Farm & Hatchery outside her hometown of Wasilla, the Associated Press reported.

Here's the video - Supposedly, Palin was asked if that was the background that she wanted for the interview, and she replied: "no worries."

But my real question is: "What the hell was that newscast producer thinking?" I also thought - Hey, she's got that Fargo accent, and here's the classic Fargo scene as the background.

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