Unique & Original Art By Keri Joy Colestock

Unique & Original Art By Keri Joy Colestock

Six pieces of mine were published in Contemporary Sculptor table book.

Six pieces of mine were published in Contemporary Sculptor table book.
My 1st time being published Hugs Nela & Charlie

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About Me:

I am a Contemporary Artist specializing in a wide-range of art and styles. My works are described as colorful, thought provoking, unique and original. I currently have artwork online through my website http://www.kerijoy.net/. My artwork is also available in galleries throughout Illinois. My wish is to continue to create beautiful but also fun works of art fueled by passion and imagination. necessary pieces I need for my work. At times I incorporate polymer clay into my piece. My style has been referred to as whimsical, unique and on the funky side like me! In addition to my website to can stay up to date on Facebook. l recycle found objects in my pieces so one man's garbage is a Keri 'treasure!' The flea markets provide me with the https://www.facebook.com/keri.colestock


​16 of my pieces are on display and for sale at The Room Of Fox Valley Batavia 2016-

​"In God We Trust" & "Home Of The Free Because Of The Brave" were on exhibit at Water Street Studios June 2016

​"With A Banjo On My Knee" was on exhibit at 4th Fridays At The Starline Gallery April 2016

"Howdy Partner" was on exhibit at the Old Courthouse In Woodstock February 2016

"I'm Horny" & Stop In The Name Of Love" were in the Side Street Gallery Exhibit February 2016

I ressurected my "Wall Dancer" art dolls October 2015

"Strung Out is on exhibit at the Freepoty Art Museum- October-present

"With Love & Respect", I Have A Monkey On My Back," "Aye Carumba" & "Celebrate...Rejoice & Remember" are on exhibit at the Old

Courthouse In Woodstock-present October 2015

"Fez Who???" was on exhibit at Fez Fest- September 2015

"With Love & Respect" is on exhibit at the Old Courthouse In Woodstock-September-present 2015

"Strung Out" & "Weave Me Be" were finalists in the "Noting But a dream Competition September 2015

"Strung Out" won 2nd place in the Off The Grid Competition August 2015

"Strung Out" was in the Williow Creek Exhibit August 2015

Featured Artist At The Martini Room April-May 2015

Published in Healing Power Of Art April 2015

Published In Manhattan Arts International One of the 35 artists out of 1070 selected for April 2015

"Strung Out" was on exhibit for the "Womens Works" March-April 2015

"Stop All The Violince" won Honorary Mention at the Starline Gallery In Harvard January 2015

"I Have A Monkey On My Back" won Honorary Mention at the Starline Gallery In Harvard January 2015

I was the solo Featured Artist at the Starline Gallery in Harvard August 22

My artwork was selected for a Portfolio Feature in the West vs Midwest Issue of Artist Portfolio Magazine.​ June 2014

"Stop All The Violince" won Honorary Mention at the Starline Gallery AND "Leapin' Lizards Makes My Hair Stand Up" won the Peoples

Choice Award May 23rd 2014

"Chinese GNU Year won Honorary Mention at the Starline Gallery April 18th 2014

"Eggsistential: Do I Eggsist" The 4Art Inc Gallery Unique group exhibition of handcrafted Ostrich Egg Art March 2014

Art & Beyond Studio I won one of the The Publisher Choice Awards to be published and promoted in their March/April issue 2014

I was published in San Francisco vs Chicago issue of Artist Portfolio Magazine March 2014

"Who We Aren't" at Union Street Gallery

"With Love & Respect"was on exhibit February 2014

"OMG! Oh Party Gras" A group exhibit at the 4Art inc gallery. My pieces for this exhibit were"Party Gras", Surely You Jest!" & I'm Horny"

February 2014

My artwork has been selected for a Portfolio Feature in Issue 17 of Artist Portfolio Magazine. San Francisco vs ChicagoJanuary 2014

I was published in Hidden Treasure Art Magazine November 2013

My "Makin' Purty Music" won 1st Place Award in the Harvard Gala Masquerade Ball Exhibit I will have a solo exhibit in August 22nd 2014

Centerline Exhibit at the Zhou B Art Center My "With Love & Respect" was included in this exhibit September 2013

"Shattered Mirror Exhibit at 4Art Gallery A group exhibit September 2013

Martha Stewarts American Made People's Choice Award Winner August 2013

Art & Beyond Studio I won one of the The Publisher Choice Awards to be published and promoted in their July/August issue 2013

I was published in International Contemporary Artists May 2013

I was contacted by Carolyn Graham Edlund & Carolyn published my artist profile on the Arts Business Institute blog 2013

Art & Beyond I won one of the The Publisher Choice Awards to be published and promoted in their May/June issue 2013

I was on the front cover of Doll Maker's Magazine In Russia April 2013

My work was at 4Art Inc Gallery in the well known Zhou Bros. Art Center January 2013-May 2014

Art & Beyond Studio Won one of the The Publisher Choice Awards to be published and promoted in their January/February issue2013

Beverly Art Center Exhibit "I Have A Monkey On My Back" was on exhibit January 2013

Martha Stewart American Made Audience Choice Award I was chosen as the American Made Artist Audience Choice Award Winner November 2012

"Wanna Play? exhibit at The Union Street Gallery "The Apple Doesn't Fall Far..." was on exhibit October 2012

I was chosen to be an Emerging Artist On Art Jury. October 2012

Six pieces of mine were published in the Contemporary Sculptor table book September 2012

My hubcap was one of the featured hubcaps in an article with Ken Marquis of Landfill Art with E-Junkie.Info September 2011

2011: The "KeRicTures" were born. They are 28" whimsical greeters. A collaboration I do with my husband.

I was asked to be a part of the Landfill Art Project. Ken Marquis asked me to be one of his 1041 artists to do my work on a hubcap. Showing

trash can be turned into masterpieces. It will be a traveling exhibit and table book. May 2010

I create with bright beautiful rainbows

I create with bright beautiful rainbows
Showing posts with label manamoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label manamoon. Show all posts

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Going Pink for October

I'm happy to announce that once again we'll be participating in the Going Pink for October campaign. Pink for October is an initiative to bring attention to Breast Cancer Awareness Month, get people talking about breast cancer, and raise money for research by making websites pink and wearing a badge.

This year along with with wearing a pink badge on our websites we will also be sponsoring a prize for a contest the P4O website will be holding, increasing awareness through our graphic design shop by offering banners and badges and featuring several postings here throughout the month of October.

Since Etsy doesn't allow me to post free items in my graphic shop, the money earned from the sales of the banners and badges will be donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
I will be creating a specially designed Woven Wire Beaded Bracelet featuring a pink flower focal by the talented Zuda Gay, that also includes a pink ribbon bead and a selection of pink accompanying beads.

Sadly my mother lost her nine year battle with breast cancer when I was a child. She lived at a time when mammograms and prevention awareness were unheard of. I'm thankful that today we have measures which can help families live long lives together as breast cancer not only affects women but touches the lives of men as well.

It would be wonderful if you could help spread the word as well by posting a badge on your blog or shop. Together we can make a difference.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Awards, Jewels & Banners, Oh My!

This posting may be a bit unorthodox but given my dear friend Keri's newbie status with blogs I'm taking the proverbial bull by the horn and announcing that Keri was awarded with the honorable "Arte Y Pico" Award which is The Creativity and Art Award and I'm certain she's quite honored to receive it. ;)

In receiving this beautiful award it is her honor & responsibility to pass the award on to five other fellow artist whom she greatly admires. Now normally Keri would post those names here but at the moment her special talents are in posting comments. Soooo, I'm certain that Keri will add a comment or two, noting the individuals she admires within the Arts (and she won't include me as I'm the one who bestowed the award on her ~wink~).

Now at the same time a littler bird has been telling me to post one of those shameless plugs about my work and since I adore this little bird I find I must comply. So, here it is...

Mana Moon Studios is the name of the business my husband and I co-own. While my hubby creates fantastic Chain Maille wears I busy my fingers with my original Woven Wire Bracelets & Fiberwear Treasures. The bracelets are an original design of mine and I find such enjoyment in featuring artist's Lampwork beads as focals. It's a delight of mine to bring fabulous arts to the spotlight by framing their gorgeous works of art.

We sell our original creations through our website located at http://www.manamoon.com as well as through Etsy shop, on Smashing Darling and several retail locations. My bracelets have been featured on oodles of blogs, websites & favorites lists and it's a continuing honor to be included.

Recently I've branched out by bringing my years of Graphic Design and Web Design experience into the picture by opening a new Etsy shop featuring my original banner & avatar sets. They're perfect for the new business just opening on Etsy or for those looking to improve on their professional & creative presence. I offer prefab banner sets, custom orders & photo editing to name a few. So, if you're looking for either the perfect one-of-a-kind gift (for a friend or for yourself) or if you're in the market for a delightfully whimsical banner, stop on over to one of our stores... you won't be disappointed and I'd love to see you there!
~ Sharon

Thursday, June 19, 2008

With Love Girlfriend

I'm honored that Keri would invite me to join her Wall Dancers blog but quite honestly who could possibly upstage her whimsical ladies!? Each little dancer springs to life with the joy of color and expression.

Keri does the impossible on so many levels. Just take the time to read her profile and you discover a woman of strength, courage, determination and one so full of heart and a joy for living that you can't help but admire and adore her.

Creating her original works of art in the form of Wall Dancers is awe inspiring enough but Keri does it all while under the grip of dealing with Lyme Disease. Having lived in areas where this dreaded disease is prevalent I have a grasp for what a trial each day must be for her. And yet through it all she delights and inspires us to reach higher, find our creative inspiration and live life to it's fullest. So welcome to the wonderful world of Wall Dancers created by Keri, a most talented artist, a delightful friend and a treasured soul. To view or purchase Wall Dancers visit her Etsy shop at http://kerijoy.etsy.com.

On a final note, since I'm supposed to be plugging my business, here's a link to my new graphic design shop located at http://manamoonstudios.etsy.com