Unique & Original Art By Keri Joy Colestock

Unique & Original Art By Keri Joy Colestock

Six pieces of mine were published in Contemporary Sculptor table book.

Six pieces of mine were published in Contemporary Sculptor table book.
My 1st time being published Hugs Nela & Charlie

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

Followers Of The Blog

About Me:

I am a Contemporary Artist specializing in a wide-range of art and styles. My works are described as colorful, thought provoking, unique and original. I currently have artwork online through my website http://www.kerijoy.net/. My artwork is also available in galleries throughout Illinois. My wish is to continue to create beautiful but also fun works of art fueled by passion and imagination. necessary pieces I need for my work. At times I incorporate polymer clay into my piece. My style has been referred to as whimsical, unique and on the funky side like me! In addition to my website to can stay up to date on Facebook. l recycle found objects in my pieces so one man's garbage is a Keri 'treasure!' The flea markets provide me with the https://www.facebook.com/keri.colestock


​16 of my pieces are on display and for sale at The Room Of Fox Valley Batavia 2016-

​"In God We Trust" & "Home Of The Free Because Of The Brave" were on exhibit at Water Street Studios June 2016

​"With A Banjo On My Knee" was on exhibit at 4th Fridays At The Starline Gallery April 2016

"Howdy Partner" was on exhibit at the Old Courthouse In Woodstock February 2016

"I'm Horny" & Stop In The Name Of Love" were in the Side Street Gallery Exhibit February 2016

I ressurected my "Wall Dancer" art dolls October 2015

"Strung Out is on exhibit at the Freepoty Art Museum- October-present

"With Love & Respect", I Have A Monkey On My Back," "Aye Carumba" & "Celebrate...Rejoice & Remember" are on exhibit at the Old

Courthouse In Woodstock-present October 2015

"Fez Who???" was on exhibit at Fez Fest- September 2015

"With Love & Respect" is on exhibit at the Old Courthouse In Woodstock-September-present 2015

"Strung Out" & "Weave Me Be" were finalists in the "Noting But a dream Competition September 2015

"Strung Out" won 2nd place in the Off The Grid Competition August 2015

"Strung Out" was in the Williow Creek Exhibit August 2015

Featured Artist At The Martini Room April-May 2015

Published in Healing Power Of Art April 2015

Published In Manhattan Arts International One of the 35 artists out of 1070 selected for April 2015

"Strung Out" was on exhibit for the "Womens Works" March-April 2015

"Stop All The Violince" won Honorary Mention at the Starline Gallery In Harvard January 2015

"I Have A Monkey On My Back" won Honorary Mention at the Starline Gallery In Harvard January 2015

I was the solo Featured Artist at the Starline Gallery in Harvard August 22

My artwork was selected for a Portfolio Feature in the West vs Midwest Issue of Artist Portfolio Magazine.​ June 2014

"Stop All The Violince" won Honorary Mention at the Starline Gallery AND "Leapin' Lizards Makes My Hair Stand Up" won the Peoples

Choice Award May 23rd 2014

"Chinese GNU Year won Honorary Mention at the Starline Gallery April 18th 2014

"Eggsistential: Do I Eggsist" The 4Art Inc Gallery Unique group exhibition of handcrafted Ostrich Egg Art March 2014

Art & Beyond Studio I won one of the The Publisher Choice Awards to be published and promoted in their March/April issue 2014

I was published in San Francisco vs Chicago issue of Artist Portfolio Magazine March 2014

"Who We Aren't" at Union Street Gallery

"With Love & Respect"was on exhibit February 2014

"OMG! Oh Party Gras" A group exhibit at the 4Art inc gallery. My pieces for this exhibit were"Party Gras", Surely You Jest!" & I'm Horny"

February 2014

My artwork has been selected for a Portfolio Feature in Issue 17 of Artist Portfolio Magazine. San Francisco vs ChicagoJanuary 2014

I was published in Hidden Treasure Art Magazine November 2013

My "Makin' Purty Music" won 1st Place Award in the Harvard Gala Masquerade Ball Exhibit I will have a solo exhibit in August 22nd 2014

Centerline Exhibit at the Zhou B Art Center My "With Love & Respect" was included in this exhibit September 2013

"Shattered Mirror Exhibit at 4Art Gallery A group exhibit September 2013

Martha Stewarts American Made People's Choice Award Winner August 2013

Art & Beyond Studio I won one of the The Publisher Choice Awards to be published and promoted in their July/August issue 2013

I was published in International Contemporary Artists May 2013

I was contacted by Carolyn Graham Edlund & Carolyn published my artist profile on the Arts Business Institute blog 2013

Art & Beyond I won one of the The Publisher Choice Awards to be published and promoted in their May/June issue 2013

I was on the front cover of Doll Maker's Magazine In Russia April 2013

My work was at 4Art Inc Gallery in the well known Zhou Bros. Art Center January 2013-May 2014

Art & Beyond Studio Won one of the The Publisher Choice Awards to be published and promoted in their January/February issue2013

Beverly Art Center Exhibit "I Have A Monkey On My Back" was on exhibit January 2013

Martha Stewart American Made Audience Choice Award I was chosen as the American Made Artist Audience Choice Award Winner November 2012

"Wanna Play? exhibit at The Union Street Gallery "The Apple Doesn't Fall Far..." was on exhibit October 2012

I was chosen to be an Emerging Artist On Art Jury. October 2012

Six pieces of mine were published in the Contemporary Sculptor table book September 2012

My hubcap was one of the featured hubcaps in an article with Ken Marquis of Landfill Art with E-Junkie.Info September 2011

2011: The "KeRicTures" were born. They are 28" whimsical greeters. A collaboration I do with my husband.

I was asked to be a part of the Landfill Art Project. Ken Marquis asked me to be one of his 1041 artists to do my work on a hubcap. Showing

trash can be turned into masterpieces. It will be a traveling exhibit and table book. May 2010

I create with bright beautiful rainbows

I create with bright beautiful rainbows

Sunday, August 31, 2008

How Can People Be So Cruel????????

view profile

Reality'sendlessblue says:

I find this very disturbing, cheap, cliched, and ugly. This represents everything art shouldn't be.
Posted 3 hours ago. ( permalink | delete )

view profile

walldancers Pro User says:

I read your profile & you do not have a clue. When you realize that EVERYONE is special because there are ONLY ONE of us.......come back & talk to me. These dolls were born by someone who was told because of Lyme Disease I should 'accept' my life as a 'veggie' & whatever spirit I had left fought like hell! You can hate my art....you can hate me (what an ugly word hate is). Which is a shame because my capacity to love is huge. I just feel you are a MEAN angry person & I will not comment on your art because you are not worth it. And you say you have passion for art....maybe you should find passion for your fellow humans! You truly are one miserable human being. I wonder how you treat the ones you love!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 22 minutes ago. ( permalink | delete | edit )

Thursday, August 28, 2008

You darling wonderful ladies!

I am back & your kind sentiments are so moving. Truly. It takes an army to hold this 'Babe' down! ~laughing~ I guess that I saw the writing on the wall & after 2 years refusing more infusions....I knew they truly would help me. You just want to believe that this is the last time. We all have stories to tell & after seeing children dying of cancer infusing next to me the reality was & is...... that I am blessed. I have a beautiful family & friends & now you a beautiful bunch of talented caring wonderful people whose path I may have never come across if I did not get sick.

I SWORE I would NEVER do my art again & to think that was my saving grace just shows that we are sometimes on journeys that we are meant to be on and do not realize that. I love you all very very much. You all have HUGE hearts and each & every one of you I carry in my heart. A zillion hugs & dolls are coming out as we speak.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Keri Joy, We Love You

Keri, this is for you...

to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers. We miss you dear sweet friend but we know that soon you'll be back brightening our days, making us smile and laugh with your fabulous stories and pictures, sharing the brightness of your heart that shines brighter than any sunrise ever seen and the warmth & generosity of your heart that can warm the coldest of days.

So feel better dear Keri and know that we love you dearly!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'll Be Back!!!!!!!!

To all of my dear friends that think I fell off of the face of the earth-I am still here. My Lyme Disease was being uncooperative the last few months so it was time to get aggressive again. We had to thread another (my 11th) pikline (IV to the heart) I was sure that after 2 years without one I was done or at least wanted to believe that. I will be getting my daily infusions of antibiotics. In a couple of days my arms will not be so sore & more dolls will be coming. Love & hugs to you all! Keep on posting your wonderful work!!!!!!!!!!

Moon Glow Scarf

You can take the Moon with you all day or night with this super soft scarf !

I've crocheted this Moon with white covered copper wire and embroidered it with pewter beads.
The fabulous white furry yarn makes the rest :)
Please take a look at my store for more details and colours :


thank you :)))

All my scarves and shawls are ON SALE during August.

Hugs ~

Thursday, August 14, 2008

NotYerAverage Black Cat Lobster

Lobster wanted to enter a Halloween contest that's happening right in a group on Flickr. This creature features grey outlined cats with orange collars, pink ears and noses, and green eyes. It's cotton fabric quilted onto fabric. Thought I'd share it with you!

Sojourn Quilts
"A Resting Place Along Life's Journey"

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

FuN FuNcTiOnAl Wall Art!

Woo Hoo ~ I luv when a plan comes together !! Wire Wall Art is always fun for me to make because it has to have a purpose. FuNcTiOnAl ArT is what I'm all about and I'm usually inspired by everyday things. Last week I was going through my jewelry ~ you'd be surprised what you can do with odd beads and jewelry findings (o-k I'm getting off track here). It took a little longer than usual because most of the necklaces were tangled and it was very time consuming to detangle them... I know, it's my fault ~ I'm always in a hurry ~ I can't fess up to the fact that I'm just plain ole sloppy....it's a known fact that creative people are that way you know :o). Needless to say, my wheels started spinning and I had to drop everything I was doing to start wrapping and swirling wire.... so here you have it, a Wall Mounted Jewelry Rack.. it's perfect for Necklaces, Bracelets and Earrings. I loaded mine with my favorite peices of jewelry, now when I want to wear them.... they are right at my finger tips! You can see more of these wall mounted jewelry hangers in my eBay store www.stores.ebay.com/all-wired-up-functional-art Let me know what you think and as always... feel free to contact me for custom art. Artfully yours.... Linda

Friday, August 8, 2008

Olympic necklace

This is my latest necklace and since it looks rather chinese to me, I've called it Olympic ! The date ( 08.08.08 ) also helped , I must say ... :)

The crocheted roundels are in cotton covered copper, a material I've just found, and they have a gorgeous matte effect. I've made the beads myself ( !!! ) in gold filled wire, quite a hard material I admit ... my fingers complained :(
I hope you like it !
You may find more details in June Gardens my etsy corner

Enjoy your weekend as much as you can !!
* * hugs * *

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Kotex Slippers For My Friend! We have to have a little fun once in awhile!

A friend of mine just got a new more lucrative job so I sent her these slippers I made.

Attached was my note:
I am so excited for you that I wanted to make bedroom slippers for you as a gift. You'll most likely agree that it's a splendid idea, and should you wish to do the same, I've included the instructions below:
How to make bedroom slippers out of maxi pads:
You need four maxi pads to make a pair.
Two of them get laid out flat, for the foot part. The other two wrap around the toe area to form the top.
Tape or glue each side of the top pieces to the bottom of the foot part.
Decorate the tops with whatever you desire, silk flowers (this is most aesthetically appealing), etc.
These slippers are:
* Soft and Hygienic
* Non-slip grip strips on the soles
* Built in deodorant feature keeps feet smelling fresh
* No more bending over to mop up spills
* Disposable and biodegradable
* Environmentally safe
* Three convenient sizes: Regular, Light and Get out the Sand Bags.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Need help Keri and all!

Good morning Keri and everyone! I am in need of a little help... I was wondering if anyone has any experience with Master Mache or Clay-Shay? Here is a doll in progress that I'm making for a friend and I've decided to make her body from Master Mache (a paper mache mix) and now that it is dry, I'm afraid it won't be as strong as I like. The head is made from Apoxie Sculpt which is SUPER strong and the armature is simply a glass bottle. I guess my questions are: 1) will the mache adhere well to the armature? 2) do I need to strengthen it with a sealer to keep it held together? 3) Does anyone have a favorite brand/recipe for mache?
Thanks guys and have a wonderful day! Renee :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

What Happens At Grandma's.......STAYS At Grandmas!!!!!!

Well it a WONDERFUL 'girl's day out! My Granddaughter Lexi has a darling friend who is Middle Eastern & has been going to her church with her. Well last week Lexi came home in a Sari & with her face covered in a Berka! OY! Her Mom called Good Ol' Grandma Keri ASAP for advice so I thought we would take a 'road trip' to the Bahai Temple where ALL religions are practiced! ~shaking head laughing~

When I was a 'youngster' I would take my sketch book & draw in the rose gardens there so it IS gorgeous & quite spiritual. My daughter Kelly loved going there with me when she was small so a 'blast from the past! Afterwards we found just a great park & I am still crunching sand! Hazel may be small but she is quick & decided to feed Grandma a handful! YUM!
Now I know why opposum eat their young!

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Way-Too-Early-For-Christmas Stocking

I had this idea for doing Christmas stockings with a pocket on the side to put candy canes or other sweet gifts. This one is made from recycled wool and flannel fabrics and cotton thread. It's about 15 inches long and about 10 inches from heel to toe. I just listed it in my shop for $30. If these seem interesting and cool, I plan to do some with buttons and other embellishments as well. I'd love to hear what you think...worth pursuing?

Sojourn Quilts
"A Resting Place Along Life's Journey"

roman golden necklace

Hello, my friends !!

I quite enjoy meeting you all here :)

One of these days I was looking at a jet Swarovski crystal and I thought it could make a beautiful necklace if surrounded by gold !...

I've tried a blend of ancient and modern .. :) as a matter of fact, I 've felt some ancient roman Empress has inspired me while creating this one !!!

Ancient Romans loved balance, class, elegance and beauty, and women had mirrors made of high polished metal ...... just to please men !!

You may find measurements and other details at my etsy store


Love All Of You Bloggers........

Boy I feel so blessed to see all o my buds blogging away. Today is 'girls day out.' Both granddaughters, my daughter & I are going to the Bahai Temple then to the beach. My eldest granddaughter Lexi made friends with a lil Middle Eastern friend who took her to her church twice. Well Lex came home last week in a Sari with her face covered & decided she was Indian!!!!!!!! ~shaking head laughing~ So today we will 'explore' the world.

Last week we took Hazel to the zoo. I am VERY blessed that Kelly my daughter & dearest friend makes sure Grandma sees the baby EVERY Thursday. I must have done something right so Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to play I go!
Hugs & smooches!


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

For All You Wonderful Artists!!

When Keri told me that she was starting a blog, I knew it would be a success. I'm sure you will all agree she's like a people magnet! I practically live in my art studio wrapping wire ~ but I always seem to make time to visit this blog and keep an eye out on all of the artwork, I luv it ~ you are all so talented!! This morning I was thinking "what can I do to contribute to the blog? Nothing really...I'm quite busy preparing for art fairs and craft shows" Well, then another thought occurred to me.... "why not offer something to the talented artists on the blog?" So here you have it... WIRE SIGN HOLDERS! For those of you who display your artwork and use signs or price holders, this is it. Originally I started making these as place card holders and table numbers for weddings and showers, then others began using them for party favors, pictures, recipe card holders etc., Now I use them as my sign holders when my Wire Art is on display. You can find them at www.stores.ebay.com/all-wired-up-functional-art . With the Holiday season quickly approaching, many of you are preparing for the art and craft season too ~ feel free to contact me directly (not eBay) to save 10% off your entire order. One 3"-4" card holder is just a buck! Taller card holders are a thicker guage wire and I can make them up to 12" tall for $4 each..... for more information, drop me a line at linda@allegroartstudio.com Have a colorful day :o) Linda at www.allegroartstudio.com

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

NotYerAverage Red Swirl Lobster

A cuddly crustacean made from red swirl flannel, cotton thread, craftlace and polyfill. It's the newest addition to my shop.


Sojourn Quilts
"A Resting Place Along Life's Journey"

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Thanks to Keri for this invite to co-author!!! Keri rocks!!
Hi Friends,
This past weekend my husband and I had to make an emergency trip to our hometown of Freeport, IL because my brother-in-law was seriously ill.
The trip ended up being two-fold.
While we were there, we managed to attend our GRAND-niece's baptism. Grace Madonna is a beautiful little bundle and we were so thrilled to be able to attend.
To back-track just a bit, I've been struggling with my biz, trying to stay motivated and trying to rekindle my love and passion for stained glass.
We arrived at the church five minutes before the service started (after driving four hours in the car, and putting my makeup on in a gas station bathroom!)... I was frazzled.
We walked in and my breath was taken away. The stained glass in this church was incredible.
As we stood in witness of Grace's baptism, I was struck by how beautiful this church was, how wonderful the energy was and how stunning the stained glass windows were. From all angles the glass just shimmered and brought me immediately back into focus on just WHY I love this art form. The detail, the precision and the lasting beauty of this great art draws me in, centers me, calms me and makes me filled with gratitude for all the blessings we have in this world.
Needless to say I was so glad we were able to be there for my brother-in-law during his time of need. It was the reason we made the trip but in doing so, I was re-energized, my spirit was rekindled, and my love and passion for stained glass was renewed.
In giving of my love, my time and my energy to the family I was given back SO much!!
I'll share one of the photos I took of the stained glass in honor of this beautiful art form.
I will forever be reminded that even in our greatest hour of need, if we PAY ATTENTION, we are given gifts beyond what we could ever hope for.With gratitude, Laurie B.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

MERMAIDS, MERMAIDS....What fun to be one!!

I'd like to thank Keri Joy, for her lovely offer to let other artists post on her blog! THANKS, KERI....you are a lovely lady in more ways than one! Since, Keri has so graciously offered this opportunity to share my work on her blog, I thought I bring some of my original designed, one-of-a-kind fiber sculpted mermaids here for a visit.
The photo above shows the largest of my "wall" style mermaids. She measures 15" tall. Her upper body/face are 100% silk fabric. Her tail was designed from one of Laurel Burch's whimsical sea creature designs. Her hairdo was designed from a multi-colored Italian yarn, and it has a bit of sparkle to it. Her accents are real sea shells, and Swarovski crystals. Her face has been individually hand-drawn, needle sculpted and hand-painted.
The mermaid above is the largest of my sitting style mermaids, and she also has a tail designed from Laurel Burch's colorful seahorse designed fabric. She is holding a unique, enameled fish in her hands. An "offering" from her magic kingdom below the sea.
This tiny, colorful mermaid is the smallest of my "wall" style mermaids. She measures just about 6.5" tall. I designed her colorful hairdo using about 4 different types of yarn. Her accents are Swarovski crystals and real sea shells.



Medium "Curved" tail wall style mermaid

If you'd like to see more of my work, please visit my DZFANTASY shop out on Etsy by clicking on the link below:


THANKS AGAIN, KERI!! Visit my DZFANTASY blog to see KERI JOY as a "featured" artist!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Blog On My Lil Bloggers

Thank you all so much for putting your work on my Blog. I am humbled & love seeing your work here!
Love & hugs!
Buy Handmade

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pocket Flower Garden Quilted Wall-Hanging

This 23" x 28" quilted wall-hanging is the first I've done in a while. It's made from recycled wool, flannel and linen fabrics, cotton thread, glass beads, and buttons. The flowers are coming out of a pocket from a red flannel shirt (leftovers from some lobsters I made) and can be used for a sachet. The piecing, applique and quilting is machine done. The raw edges will fray and soften the piece over time. I decided to step out of my "rectangular" box and make the edges irregular. I'd love to hear what you think!

More info about this quilt and other items I make may be found in my shop.

Sojourn Quilts
"A Resting Place Along Life's Journey"