Showing posts with label premium beautiful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label premium beautiful. Show all posts

Monday, 30 April 2012

Save Money II

Special price for my blog readers..!! Hurry while stocks last..=).

click here to see our discounted items.

** Sticky post until 30 April. Untuk post baru just scroll down. TQ =).

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Premium Beautiful di The Mall

InsyaAllah esok kami akan berada di The Mall sehingga hari Ahad 29 April. Ada byk booth lain utk diterjah oleh bakal2 pengantin. So apa lg jom chekidout...!! =)

Friday, 30 March 2012

Experience it Yourself with PB

Hari nie nak cite pasal my own experience pakai premium beautiful (PB) corset =). x lama pn bru 2 minggu pakai. Wan nie ada gastric, perut bloated and b**s** yg xdelah kronik and xde la menyakitkan but it's there.

pic credit to mr. google

So, masa minggu pertama pakai PB perghhh..angin kuar cam ada pam rosak dlm perut/mulut kekeke... Asyik sendawa jer = ^_^ = siap my DD ckp euww..disgusting mummy =p. Nway, ianya berlarutan sehingga seminggu gak la. Masuk minggu kedua otomatik xde burp yg berlarutan dah hehehe... Alhamdulillah..xde muntah2 bila lewat mkn and perut kembung pn berkurangan =). So, kite tunggu perkembangan wan lepas sbln lak ;).

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Premium Beautiful di Ekspo Perkahwinan

InsyaAllah Wan dan biz partner Ain akan berada di Ekspo Perkahwinan Sunway Mall Putra pd 27-29 April 2012. So to all gorgeous brides-to-be who are looking for a corset to accentuate their body on their BIG DAY, come and join us at our booth =). U can try our sample there or better still own the corset urself ;).

Couldn't wait that long..? Call Wan at 013-6693714 =) or

Friday, 23 March 2012

Save Money

***sticky post (until 23 march 2012)***

Those of you who are looking for a corset to accentuate their body or about to start their confinement but looking for an alternative type of “bengkung” or having losing weight but not your stubborn belly fat or for what ever reasons, do contact me via

013-6693714 (wan)



Btw, we're having a four day promo on our Premium Beautiful Corset till this friday (23 March 2012). Hurry..!! Grab one NOW..!! =)

*this promo only apply for small size corset =)

* this promo apply for plus size corset =)

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Premium Beautiful Exclusive Business Meeting

Td baru je abis Exclusive Business Meeting kt Wowen's Management Insitute. Group Hanis B32 yg conduct this meeting and sgtlah bernas dan padat isinya. Oklah jom tgk CDM yg jadi speaker on that day =). Sebenarnya CDM Raz yg berucap dulu tp lupa nak snap gmbr hehehe..

CDM Hanis Haizi tgh ckp pasal self-improvement =). U need to have burning desire to do what u wan to do =).

CDM Salha pulak tgh ckp pasal senarai nama and how to create traffic to ur blog and FB. Sgt menarik and sgt teknikal =p

 CDM Maisarah ckp pasal takwim utk bln Mac - Mei 2012. Ini penting ni sbb kita kena plan diri kita betul2 kat mana kita nak berada masa tu. Rebut la peluang jd DSM secepat mungkin (ni bg SM/SSM)..!!

DSM Waheeda tgh memberi kata2 semangat utk SM/SSM so kami semua buat yg terbaik =). Selebihnya serah pada Allah =). Please jgn lupa doa & solat =).

Lastly, dpt bergmbar dgn CDM Hanis waaa...excited sgt...!! Sbbnya I've been reading her blog since dok uk lagi, now dh balik m'sia pn still mengikuti perkembangan hanis. I'm really glad to be in her group and be equally successful as her ;)
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