My god - ess

My god - ess

Tuesday 24 July 2007


JOHN Howard says he is "not ashamed to say I inherited my mum's values: the Protestant work ethic, that if you work hard and if you're honest in your dealings with people, you will get your rewards".

Now the homeless on the streets of Australia ( as has been happening in America for ages) are more and more likely to be 'families'. Families in caravans, families under canvas, families in cars. We always thought this a perculiararity to the"American way of life" that the rich get richer and if you are poor it is YOUR fault.
Now it is being visited upon us as we move closer and closer to the USA's attitude to 'work', taxes, 'user pays', erosion of welfare, no rights at work for workers, and profit being the only master and motivator.

Most Protestant Australians were also brought up with the maxim of; "If you work hard and are honest in your dealings with people, you will get your reward".

There are too many out there now for the 'ethics' to be ignored. It is statistically significant proof that the 'pup' we were sold is a vicious mongrel.

So I hope that as night follows day, our PM gets his 'reward' here on earth...I hope he watches as his children get sick, his legs let him down and his wife leaves him. Maybe then he may see what the rest of us were talking about before he dies ( slow and painful without any recourse to euthanasia!)

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