My god - ess

My god - ess

Monday 17 March 2008

...Because they are....

Bit tired of this.

Distant relative comes to visit.
Stays overnight.
Rabbits on about how much he, they are worth.
A dodgy but legal scheme that takes double the amount for connecting selling real estaters to buyers.
Owns five houses plus the present abode.
How to 'draw down' and ' borrow against', thereby 'tax free' income up to $80,000 a year.

They say we pensioners 'suck of the teat of the land'. Geshus...

Tax dodge, tax evasion, tax minimisation, tax free, tax rebate...anything but tax.
So they get the utilities allowance, the phone allowance, the discount with rates, water, maintenance of properties, trusts, squirrelled money here, there anything but being open full tax paying citizens.
They move it about, borrow other peoples money, depend upon the desperate to sell and the needy for a roof over their head.

They connive and manipulate and 'massage' the markets, the money, the tax, the government.

And ....
because they can..they use others for penny pinching...eating, drinking, supping, free accommodation for the night...

"Oh we had this in Morocco."
"Oh when we were in Paris, we really didn't like it"..
"Oh St Petersburg is a real hoot to see".....
On and on...and the stomach churns and the mind boggles at the hide of the visitor.

And nerry a bottle of wine in sight, or a packet of biscuits.

Another evening and a surprise party for a newly married older couple.
Work, wash, place, feed, top up drinks, 'champagne anyone?'
"What does he do for a living?"

"OH nothing...used to breed gold fish but now lives off....shhhh (sotto voce)".

So where is their contribution?

"Just come back from the Gold Coast. Phew it was exhausting with a baby ( 2 months) and a 3 year old in tow. Flew my mother in law out from Ireland"

Blah blah blah...on and on...
No gift for the 'happy couple', no champagne ( "It is to be a nibbly and champagne get together"), no work input to make things go smoothly, no help.

Because they can...
Because they are ...
sucking off the teat of the poor.

As he who must be obeyed says;
"There is a finite amount of money in this land. The rich don't take it off each other, because they know how to hide and squirrel it away. They can only, and do only take it from the poor...out of their mouths, out of their homes, out of their jobs, out of their fear, out of their gullibility and vulnerability and out of their very hides".

Fuck you!


Anonymous said...

I applaud your He Who Must Be Obeyed, and will use his quote as an email tagline, with linkback to your blog.

Your writing strikes many a resonance with this middle-aged curmudgeon. Thank yo for sharing it.

Jack K. said...

You'd think they would be sensitive to the plight of others, particularly relatives.

But, no, they only wish to aggrandized themselves. 'Tis a pity they know not what they do.

I am currently reading A New Earth and it helps explain such behaviors. It is all about being caught up in ego. I think you would enjoy it. If there were a way for me to give you a copy, I would.

Serve with integrity, care about others and share the love in your soul.

Polly said...

Hello in Ren and Stimpy?
Where is your site?

Thanks jack.
I have so many books lined up to read I shall add that title to the list.