Thursday, December 18, 2008

Let It Snow!

I am not ready for so much snow since I still have shopping to do but we have to enjoy what we have, right? The kids sure are...
Caitlyn jumped in the air and tried to land sitting in the snow but Jaden moved his head forward in just the wrong moment. She slammed his face right into the snow. I was surprised he didn't start crying or even get mad. But that is crazy Jaden for ya.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pretty Good Week

These last few weeks were exciting for the kids because we made gingerbread houses, made chocolates and sugar cookies for neighbors and went to the Christmas Lights Park.
 For me, the week was exciting because there were some "firsts" with my kids. Elise giggled for the first time,and rolled over on her back.
Jaden wore underwear for the first time and without accidents (no photo attached in order to avoid his wrath, when he is an adult.)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Big Sister

Caitlyn is pretty good about entertaining Elise when I need a few minutes. Sometimes Caitlyn needs a break too. I know it is bad but occasionally I have all three of them watch TV for just a few minutes so I can get things done. At least it is the non-violent and educational PBS cartoons (that is me rationalizing.)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Photo Shoot

I thought I would do a quick photo shoot of the three kids. As I was getting Elise ready, Jaden grabbed the camera and started clicking.
Then Elise spit up all over herself...Jaden kept clicking.
Elise started crying, I took the camera from Jaden and he got mad so I gave up. Here is a little shot of Caitlyn as I am carrying a crying baby back to the house. I'll try again some other day.