Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Says No to Snowsuits

As soon as Caitlyn arrives home from school, she and Jaden bundle up in snow clothes and run outside to play.

Elise would like to join her siblings but she thinks gloves and a jacket are all she needs to go outside. She refuses to trade her dance attire for her snowsuit. I tell her she can't go out without a snowsuit, she throws a crying fit then calms down and resumes dancing.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Most Adorable and Delicious Turkey Ever!

My sister taught me how to make these cute turkey cupcakes. The turkey is made of caramel. Yum! Where was she when I needed "turkey" for preschoolers?

Monday, November 22, 2010

LOL Nov 2010

Jaden opened a package of mine and found these new baby bottles for the pump. He asked if they were to pee in. I don't even know how he knows about cups for urine samples.

A couple of weeks ago, Jaden informed me that he told his preschool class he would be bringing a turkey from Costco for the preschool feast. I laughed and forgot about it until I received this note on Friday

Seeing it on an official preschool paper cracked me up. Did she seriously expect me to bring a huge turkey for 9 kids. At the bottom was a hand written note to call her. I talked to the teacher and she said she didn't expect me to but that she couldn't change his mind so she wrote it down. This morning I finally convinced him to trade the turkey idea for a pumpkin pie.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

When Life Gives You Carrots..

Rob and the kids cleaned out the garden today. I guess the carrots had too much time to grow.

So Jaden and I made our first carrot cake from scratch. In case you are wondering what is with the lopsided kids, Jaden thought he needed to lean sideways to be in the photo so Elise copied him.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Goodbye Cinderella, hello Belle

It makes me sad that Cinderella doesn't visit on a daily basis anymore.

I am happy to say that Belle has been dropping by often.

And true to the part, she is more demanding and not afraid to speak her mind.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Most of our neighbors all agreed to trick-or-treat last night. I was skeptical that my children would get MY candy because of the pouring rain but it stopped as we walked out the door. The cowardly lion and Glinda, the good witch, kept Dorothy safe from the wicked witch but poor Buzz Lightyear could not escape the torture of Sid.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall at Lake Powell

I've never been to Lake Powell in the fall and I have to say it was soooo nice.
Except for not sleeping at night and Rob flying over waves causing me to fly off the seat, I was pretty comfortable.

Friday the water was smooth and so I had to wakeboard. Don't worry, baby boy and I are fine.

We hiked to rainbow bridge.

Caitlyn learned a lesson about gravity. She ran down a steep sand hill only to find herself doing somersaults down it instead. I wish I had been there to witness it because it sounds like it was a pretty impressive tumble.

Elise takes after her Uncle K. She hates letting her feet touch the sand so she spent a lot of time in a chair (which isn't so bad if you have M&Ms) or on the boat.

Before heading home, we visited the dam.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why are so many toys for little boys violent?

Jaden is REALLY enjoying all his gifts from his party but they are turning our house into a war zone.

Caitlyn took his lightsaber, Rob took his foam dart gun and Jaden kept his Ironman glove for himself.

The photo below makes me laugh. Rob was just shooting Jaden in the bottom so Elise turned around and patted her back side so Rob would shoot her. She wanted to play too.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Playing at the Farm

We spent family night at a local farm.

The kids navigated the corn maze.

Jaden loved these pedal cars.

..a little swinging...

Jaden buried in corn

Caitlyn sliding to end the night.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Early Birthday

Yesterday, we gave Jaden his first real birthday party. The seven 4 and 5 year old boys brought a lot of extra noise and energy to our house. Jaden loved playing the ping pong game,

musical chairs,

and hitting the Lightning McQueen pinata.

We ended the party with a piece of Lightning McQueen cake.

I think his party was a success!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Belated Birthday

As much as I hate arguing with her about what to wear, I do love the laughs she gives me as she dresses herself.

Last month, we had a little family birthday party for Elise. Jaden and Caitlyn loved helping her open gifts from extended family. Can ya guess what most of her gifts were? A lot of jewelery and dress up clothes!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


We welcomed in the first day of October by watering flowers, going on a bike ride, and going swimming.

Not quite the crisp-air-fall type activities that we usually do but this weather has been crazy warm.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September Catch Up

On Labor Day weekend, we tried to go boating but the wind was crazy. Jaden and his friend did enjoy a ride in the little boat.

We also went to a family BBQ where the kids enjoyed good food..

and you can see how much fun Caitlyn had on their teeter totter.

The next weekend, we visited the Fair. Caitlyn loved the little piggies. I couldn't pull her away but I could only watch for so long. I felt tired for the mom pig.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Throwing Away Money

Elise is pretty helpful. She still doesn't say many words but she is good at the clean up song - "een up." She puts her dirty clothes in the laundry basket, helps pick up toys, puts her shoes away and throws away trash. I sometimes wonder what she throws away and have to check. I am glad I checked today. The kids emptied their piggy banks last night and left dollar bills on the floor. She saw paper and took it upon herself to clean up the "trash." Good thing I checked the garbage or we might have had some accusations of stealing and fighting in our house!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Today at the park a little girl asked me to push her on the swing. Elise was walking away towards the slide so I answered that I was sorry I couldn't because I needed to stay with her. (as I pointed to Elise) The little girl said, "Okay but when your SISTER leaves, I want you to push me." Ha! Sister. I'll take that as a compliment!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Caitlyn skateboarding?

Caitlyn has shown a sudden interest in skateboarding......I didn't see that coming.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Day at the Zoo

Grandma W treated us to a day at the zoo.
Jaden gave a dollar donation to a bird while Caitlyn observed safely from behind.

Caitlyn loved seeing the baby elephant. She requested a copy of the photo for herself.

They thought it was cool to be so close to the prairie dogs.

As always I was most amused by the monkeys. I found it funny to see one carrying a stuffed monkey.

We all enjoyed a rest from walking by riding on the zoo train

Jaden was disappointed that the kangaroo wasn't available for viewing but other than that we had a great day!