
Showing posts with label Xanax reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Xanax reviews. Show all posts

Friday, March 1, 2013

Xanax Side Effects - Full Review

When it comes to taking medication for serious health conditions, there is a lot of care and precaution that is important, one could say mandatory also. One class of drugs known as psychoactive drugs can have serious repercussions if they are taken without a doctor’s prescription. Among this class of drugs, can be found categories such as analgesics and even anesthetics. While psychoactive substances have been in use even in historical times, today psychoactive drugs are serious business indeed. Some of the areas in which they find an application are:

  • Pain management
  • As anesthetics
  • Anxiety disorders of various kinds and
  • As sedatives also.
One of the well-known names as far as psychoactive drugs are concerned is Xanax. This is the trade name of alprazolam.

Where is it prescribed?

Some specific conditions where Xanax is prescribed are in treating anxiety disorders and panic disorders and if the patient is suffering from depression which causes him to have highly anxiety levels. A doctor will prescribe this drug based on the patient’s medical history and will also take into account health conditions such as liver disease, history of depression and addiction to substances such as alcohol and so on.

Contraindications for Xanax

There are some conditions in which a doctor will not prescribe Xanax. Unfortunately, being a psychoactive drug, Xanax is also misused by people. But there are a few conditions in which Xanax should not be used. One of them is if an individual is pregnant. The other is if an individual is allergic to alprazolam.

Side-effects of Xanax

Every medication is capable of having side-effects if it has been taken without proper medical supervision. Also, while side-effects are kind of commonplace with every medicine, watching out for them will give you a chance to counter them and to cater for them as well. Some of the side-effects of Xanax include:

  • A feeling of lightheadedness
  • Feeling sleepy
  • Fall in libido
  • Speech slurring
  • Higher sense of fatigue
  • Severe allergic reactions

The last category of side-effects can manifest themselves in various ways such as rashes, a feeling of suffocation and itching on the face or other parts of the body. It is highly recommended that an individual contact his or her doctor if such side-effects are noticed. Immediate action will prevent side-effects of Xanax from escalating into more serious health conditions. As a patient, it is always advisable to ask your doctor to list out the possible side effects of the medication so that you are well prepared to cater for the same.

Carolina Monroe Written by: Carolina
Way To Be Healthy Updated at: 9:17 PM

Monday, December 17, 2012

Xanax Dosage Addiction: All Xanax Review

Xanax is a powerful drug most often used in the treatment of anxiety, panic disorder and other related illnesses. This drug acts as a depressant to the central nervous system and, when taken as prescribed, effectively relieves symptoms that include overwhelming fear, panic-induced shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, severe nervousness and more. However, this drug is often misused and is, in fact, one of the most-abused prescription drugs in the United States.

How Does Addiction to Xanax Occur?

In most cases, addiction to Xanax begins innocently enough. For example, if an individual experiences symptoms of panic disorder, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder or obsessive-compulsive behaviors, he or she may decide to see a mental health professional for a complete psychological evaluation. During this evaluation, a doctor may take into consideration the severity and frequency of symptoms, as well as their probability to interfere with daily activities. If symptoms are severe enough to warrant medication, Xanax, or its generic form, alprazolam, is often prescribed. And although Xanax is often helpful at reducing symptoms and improving quality of life, misuse occurs due to a tolerance for the drug, which can lead to the need for larger, more frequent doses in order to produce initial effects. Also, in some cases, patients seek the euphoric effects produced by Xanax and begin to take larger quantities of the drug, even when symptoms of anxiety aren't present.

What Are the Signs of Xanax Addiction?

Like other types of substance abuse, addiction to Xanax may be hard to detect in its initial stages. However, there are several signs that may indicate the beginnings of addiction, some of which include the following:
  • Psychological cravings for the drug. 
  • Persisting symptoms, which could indicate an increasing tolerance. 
  • Using more medication that prescribed. 
Once addiction progresses, the signs become easier to spot. For example, individuals addicted to Xanax may exhibit behaviors like the following:
  • Slurred speech.
  • Problems with coordination or motor skills. 
  • Inappropriate behavior and/or loss of inhibitions. 
  • Black-outs or memory loss. 
  • Personality changes, including apathy or a drastic decrease in emotional range. 
  • Compulsions and preoccupations regarding Xanax. This can include excessive thoughts about the drug, as well as extreme anxieties when supply dwindles. 

How Is Xanax Addiction Treated?

When addiction to Xanax is apparent, seeking treatment is recommended. Some individuals can stop using the drug suddenly without experiencing any negative side effects. Others, however, may have a difficult time discontinuing use and may experience withdrawal symptoms that include rapid heartbeat, insomnia, an increase in anxiety and panic disorder symptoms, tremors and high blood pressure. In these cases, the risk for complications such as seizure and stroke are increased; therefore, a physician should be consulted. In most cases of Xanax addiction, a tapering dose is prescribed, as well as medications used to substitute Xanax. These often include other anti-anxiety drugs that have a lower potential for abuse.

In severe cases of Xanax addiction, entering a substance abuse treatment facility is often recommended. Here, patients will receive proper treatment for withdrawal symptoms, as well as learn coping strategies for dealing with anxiety and other issues without the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

Carolina Monroe Written by: Carolina
Way To Be Healthy Updated at: 7:41 PM
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