Peter Black, of Freedom to Differ fame, is talking about organising an Australian BloggerCon in March 2007. Tell him what you think about the idea, the content, etc etc etc here.
1. Will the Bill make it legal to copy my CDs to my iPod? (see also here)
2. What effect will the criminal provisions of the Bill have? Will teenagers be criminally charged?
4. Why does the government say these new criminal provisions are being introduced?
6. Could MySpace set up in Australia under our law?
7. Can you refer me to a simple summary of the effect of the Bill that a non-lawyer can understand? (and here too)
8. What did the Senate Committee say about the Bill?
9. What do you think of the copyright exceptions, and the decision not to introduce 'fair use'?
10. What does the Bill mean for region-coding? (and see here for the effect on libraries who buy DVDs from overseas)
11. Come on Kim, what do you really think? Any pithy quotes?
1. What did the Senate think of the final draft of our new TPM laws?
2. What do you think of the provisions in the Bill?
3. What did you think of the TPM Exposure Draft? (various links can be found here)
4. Where can I get the LACA TPM Inquiry Report (1 March 2006)
6. Commentary on the Timing of the Report (3 March 2006)
7. Site of the LACA Committee which is conducting the review
8. My initial thoughts on identifying additional exceptions for the LACA to consider (29.Aug.05)
9. My post on how the review will work, and what it is covering (28.Aug.05)
1. Were you wondering what was happening in Kazaa? (October 2005)
2. My initial commentary post (day after the judgment)
3. Other people's commentary (1)
4. Continually updated post collecting other people's commentary (2) - & discussion of the order
1. The Attorney-General's Site with links to all the submissions
2. My collection of the submissions available online, and comments on those submissions
3. My background paper on the Review (pdf)
4. My paper on private copying and the exceptions review (pdf)
5. Comments on the Fair Use Issues Paper
6. Compendium of past posts on fair use issues
7. Some thoughts on submissions to make
8. Links to other people's thoughts on copyright exceptions
9. Links to relevant government reports and law reform reports
'Pretend-y Rights' On the Insanely Complicated New Regime for Performers' Rights in Australia, and how Australian Performers got Gypped, University of Melbourne Legal Studies Research Paper No.127 (Forthcoming in New Directions in Copyright Law) (October 2005)
Response to the Issues Paper: Fair Use and Other Copyright Exceptions in the Digital Age (with Emily Hudson) (July 2005)
A Comment on the Copyright Exceptions Review and Private Copying (June 2005), IPRIA Working Paper 14/05 (pdf)
Submission on Directors' Copyright Amendment Bill (pdf) (June 2005)
Background Paper: Fair Use, Fair Dealing: The Copyright Exceptions Review and the Future of Copyright Exceptions in Australia, IPRIA Occasional Paper 3/05
"Australia-US Free Trade Agreement - circumventing the rationale for anti-circumvention?" (with Emma Caine) (2005) 7(9) Internet Law Bulletin 121-126
On Technology Locks and the Proper Scope of Digital Copyright: Sony in the High Court, Sydney Law Review, 26(4), December 2004
Locked in: Australia gets a Bad Intellectual Property Deal", Policy, Summer 2004
Submission and Supplementary Submission to the Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Australia
Blogs I regularly read
Balkinization (Jack Balkin) (US; free speech, constitutional law, politics)
Catallaxy Files (Jason Soon and friends) (Australia; economics and politics)
Copyfight (US; Copyright, IP, Free Speech)
Ed Felten's Freedom to Tinker (US; tech and IP)
Imagining Australia (Andrew Leigh) (Australia; politics and economics)
IPKat (UK; IP)
IP Wars (Warwick Rothnie) (Australia; IP)
John Quiggin (Australian; economics and politics)
Lawrence Lessig (US; IP, free speech, free culture)
Legal Theory Blog (Lawrence Solum) (US; legal theory) (Michael Madison et al) (US; IP, free speech, information law)
Michael Geist (Canada; IP/IT law)
Patently-O (Dennis Crouch) (US; patent law)
Patry Copyright Blog (William Patry) (US; copyright)
Troppo Armadillo (Ken Parish and Friends) (Australia; politics and law)
Kim's Links
Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia (where i am now)
Melbourne University Law School (where i am now)
University of Sydney Law School (where i used to be)