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Thursday, March 21st, 2002
1:54 am - i stole this, soulmatey
Name: jen.
Birthday: 10-22-83
Birthplace: munster community hospital
Current Location: crown point. the basement.
Current School: Boone Grove School for Hicks
Current Job: none.
Nicknames: soulmatey, jenboone, booner.
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Righty or Lefty: left.
Zodiac Sign: libra.
Innie or Outtie: Innie
Religion: yes please! hehehe
Font: 10 pt verdana

Series 2: What's Your Favorite...?
Music: girls, eurodance, and fast hard things
Cartoon: simpsons, spaceghost, cowboy bebop, home movies
Color: purple
Movie: superstar. vampire movies. 80's movies. movies about music and music culture.
Slushy Flavor: blue
Book: lolita. girl, interrupted. the joy of sex. the fountainhead. wrinkle in time.
Magazine: oh god. time to reveal my secret: vogue, glamour, allure, cosmo, seventeen, etc.... oh no, now everyone knows... :(
TV Show: um... adult swim. :-P
Song: right now it's forgiven by alanis.
Language: spanglish (me too!) hee.
Spice Girl: I like cinnamon.
Food & Beverage: nutrient shakes! orange soda. um.. black olives.
Subject in School: spanish.
Weekend Activity: Michigan City Hardcore.
Holiday: your birthday
Ice Cream Flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip is my favorite too! and almost any kind of ben & jerry's.
Perfume/Cologne: patchouli, gucci rush, emporio armani, vanilla.
Roller Coaster: shockwave
Cereal: Golden Grahams

Series 3: Who is...?
the Prettiest person you know: every girl i know.
the weirdest person you know: carl meyers.
the Funniest Person you Know: joanna banana.
the Loudest Person you Know: me, or joanna. or carl. ("I CAN'T GET A BONER!")
the Quietest Person you Know: adam polomchak.
the Sweetest Person you Know: joanna my doll, my love, light of my life :)
the Sorriest Person you Know: you will be, dammit. heh.
the Scariest Person you Know: Mr. Ivanyo.
the Sexiest Person you Know: David Toth.
the sneakiest person you know: Me and Jonas. We're mad crafty.
Your best friend: Joanna Banana, aka soulmatey, aka my nanna, aka the most incredible person i ever met.
the Person that Knows the Most about you: joanna. or george, actually. he knows a lot.
the Person you Hate the Most: Jonathan Cook.
the person you love the most in the whole entire world right now: Joanna Rose Robbins
your Crush?: heheh.. litopunkrawk!
Most Boring Teacher: mr frickin mitchell

Series 4: What is...?
your most overused phrase on aol: hihi
the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: where am i?
the last image/thought you go to sleep with: probably whatever i was talking to people online about
the first feature you notice in the opposite sex: mouth.
the Best Name for a Butler: derek. i crack me up.
the wussiest sport: cheerleading. pahahah.
the song that best descibes you: dangerous type, letters to cleo.
your best feature: charm.
your bedtime: later than it should be.
your greatest fear: loneliness, large knives, rape.
your greatest accomplishment: learning to snowboard
your most missed memory: being at school with joanna.
Inside jokes: uh... no?

Series 5: Which Do You Prefer?
pepsi or coke: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: burger king
single or group dates: single.
adidas or nike: adidas.
chicken nuggets or chicken fingers: um... strips?
dogs or cats: i love aminals!
rugrats or doug: rugrats.
single or taken: Taken, i think
Monica or Brandy: i hate that kinda stuff.
Tupac or Jay-Z: jay-z, because he's not dead or claiming to be
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes: shania. (man, she is hot)
AeroSmith or Red Hot Chilli Peppers: this is hard!
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton raspberry
one pillow or two: two
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
hot chocolate or hot cocoa: what's the fucking difference?
cappucino or coffee: Cappucino
drinks with or without ice cubes: without
boxers or briefs: boxers. i hate the way guys look in briefs.
give or receive: give!

Series 6: Do You...?
take a shower everyday: no.
have a(any) crush(es): sure do.
think you've been in love: mm-hmm.
want to go to college: Yes
like high school? ha! does a bear shit on your head?
want to get married: probably NO. I want to live in sin.
type with your fingers on the right keys: mostly
Believe in yourself: if i don't, who will?
have any tattoos/where? not yet ;)
have any piercings/where? ears, belly button
get motion sickness: yeah, it sucks
think you're a health freak: not at all. unless you count my obession with nutrient shakes.
get along with your parents: not really. on the surface.
like thunderstorms: Yes

Series 7: Your Future:
Age you hope to be married? UM NO
Number and Names of Children: fuck that shit, yo
Where do you see yourself at age 20? in the mirror (HA!)
Descibe your Dream Wedding: It doesn't happen!
When/How do you want to die? while fucking.
What do you want to be when you grow up? happy
What country would you most like to visit? i'm going to be a fuck and say "europe"

Series 8: what you think of the opposite sex
best eye color? anything striking. light blue, emerald green, dark dark brown... i don't like hazel eyes or grey eyes. or magic color change eyes.
best hair color? dark, or short and bleached, or anything as long as it looks good and not shitty
short or long hair? hmm... short
best height? at least as tall as me
best weight? not grossly overweight
best articles of clothing? tight t-shirts.
best first date location? local show.
best first kiss location? outside.
descibe your dream mate: fun!

Series 9: Other:
What do you Wear to bed? grey corduroy pants, hooded sweatshirt
When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? last night
Have you ever played the ouija board? yep
How many rings until you answer the phone? after i see the caller ID
What's on your mouse pad? it looks like it's bumpy, but it's not!
How many houses have you lived in? 2.
How many schools have you gone to? 6.
What color is your bedroom carpet? light grey. with spots.
Would you shave your head for $5000 dollars? fuck yes. i'd do it for free.
If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three things with you what would you take? joanna, my computer, and heh... a vibrator
What was the best time of your life so far? It's not going to make sense to anyone but you, but when I was at the academy.

(9 screams | fuck me hard)

Wednesday, March 20th, 2002
11:46 pm
talent show song decided.
the winner is: Forgiven by Alanis Morissette.

"You know how us Catholic girls can be.
We make up for so much time... a little too late.
I never forgot it, confusing as it was.
No fun with no guilt feelings.
The sinners, the saviours, the loverless priests, I'll see you next sunday.

We all had our reasons to be there.
We all had a thing or two to learn.
We all needed something to cling to... so we did.

I sang alleluiah in the choir.
I confessed my darkest deeds to an envious man.
My brothers, they never went blind for what they did,
but I may as well have.
In the name of the father, the skeptic and the son,
I have one more stupid question.


What I learned, I rejected,
but I believe again.
I will suffer the consequence of this inquisition.
If I jump in this fountain, will I be forgiven?


We all had delusions in our heads.
We all had our minds made up for us.
We had to believe in something... so we did.


We are trying out tomorrow. It will be awesome when we're actually in the show, because I'll have a real band. I mean, it'd be fine with me if it was just acoustic, but this is fucking wonderful.
David is getting his tongue pierced on friday.
You have no idea how much this excites me.

(fuck me hard)

6:58 am
let the stars fall down...
let the leaves turn brown...
still you know you could never make me love you more.

(6 screams | fuck me hard)

Tuesday, March 19th, 2002
11:47 pm
JenTheDevilgRRL: Don't have sex with boys, David


(2 screams | fuck me hard)

6:21 pm
oh david.
thank god for parents who leave you home alone.

(fuck me hard)

4:01 pm
possible songs to sing:

dido- my lover's gone
alanis morissette- forgiven
walls of jericho- angel
sarah mclachlan- witness

(5 screams | fuck me hard)

12:00 am
Love love love, la la love, la la love makes the world go round.

current mood: loved

(3 screams | fuck me hard)

Monday, March 18th, 2002
8:06 pm
i said i would never do this again. but it's funny. i kinda feel like i was tricked, but it's pretty much true. except, i'm not furry.

Test Results
You think of yourself as being unique, brilliant, royal, and pretty.
Others think of you as being furry, cute, happy, and energetic.
Your relationships can be described as sunny, warm, adventurous, and exciting.
When stressed, you feel lonely.

(4 screams | fuck me hard)

Saturday, March 16th, 2002
1:30 pm - Last night.
Awesome. Michigan City with david, Right arm death threat. Everyone was there, and we had such a really great time. Hung out with Jessica for the first time in forever, saw kel, brit, rhea, josh, james, kel-c, and all kindsa good peoples. Then, afterwards, we went to denny's. I made out with this chick I'd never met before for a dollar. Saw ryan cook. Ate the sampler. Last night was good times.

(7 screams | fuck me hard)

Thursday, March 14th, 2002
3:37 pm
When you call Sara's name, she hears a little prayer.
And we all hate mr. BB (Big Boner). All in all it's just another brick in the wall.
I'm sore. From david. Mmmmm.
I'm going to Muncie still, I guess, but my parents have to talk to Jackie's parents to make sure that it's okay that I'll be staying there.

*sigh* Trig homework and cleaning tonight, but it's somehow comforting...

(2 screams | fuck me hard)

Wednesday, March 13th, 2002
9:53 pm - For everyone. But especially Leslie. (She knows why.)
Friendship is a strange thing. We find ourselves telling each other the deepest details of our lives... things we don't even share with our families who raised us. But what is a friend? A confidant? A lover? A shoulder to cry on? An ear to listen? A heart to feel? A friend is all of these things and more. No matter where we met, no matter how long we've been together, I call you a friend. A word so small, yet so large in feeling. A word filled with emotion, a word overflowing with love.

Truly great things come in small packages. Once the package of friendship is opened, it can never be closed. It is a constant book always being written... waiting to be read and enjoyed. We may have our disagreements, we may have our disappointments, we may argue, we may concern one another. Friendship is a bond that lasts through all tribulations. A part of each of us goes into our friendships. Our humor, our experiences, our tears.

I just want you to know that even though we aren't the closest of friends, that I am always here for you.

(Thanks, Leslie. I'll always remember this. And the same goes out to everyone else.)

(4 screams | fuck me hard)

8:54 pm
I had such a wonderful day today.
So many words rhyme with today.
But I'm not going to write them, cuz that would be gay.
Hey! I said gay! That rhymes with today!

i am a rhyming fool. you know it.
but today really was great. the only thing that would have made it better was for it to have lasted longer.
everything's peachy.

Leslie rules. yep yep yep. and so does eurodancing in the parking lot. and the top down. glowsticks. cigarettes. becoming a ritual.


(fuck me hard)

Monday, March 11th, 2002
6:33 pm
When I fall in love, it will be forever, or I’ll never fall in love.
In a restless world like this is, love is ended before it’s begun.
And too many moonlight kisses seem too cool in the warmth of the sun...
When I give my heart it will be completely, or I’ll never give my heart.
And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too, is when I fall in love with you.

(fuck me hard)

6:20 pm
sometimes i feel so scared.
because i think i am scary.


(7 screams | fuck me hard)

Sunday, March 10th, 2002
10:15 pm

(3 screams | fuck me hard)

2:34 pm - this is a song i wrote, like, a year ago.
in the night
i can see your face
i can be at a place
where i want to be
you were right
i took too much time
but that's not a crime
at least not to me
you were all "so"
so i didn't know
so i couldn't go
but now i have to show you
i love you
and that's where i want to be.
in mylife
i've had it tough
i was treated rough
but now it's all okay
i have you
and everything is fine
and on down the line
i want you to stay
you were all "so"
so i didn't know
and i couldn't go
but now i have to show you
i love you
and you're where i want to be.

(fuck me hard)

3:33 am
After that, I decided to do it. I mean, what the fuck, I don't care if I'm not sure what my feelings are, I think I know myself, or I don't care if I don't. I told him I loved him. Because I really feel like I do. If he would have been one of my friends, I would have told him this a long time ago.

He said, "its only been like a couple weeks and i feel the same way."



(2 screams | fuck me hard)

2:55 am
I hate the word love.

I hate how much it means to some people, and how little it means to others...

I hate how sometimes you want to say it, because you're sure you feel it, and you don't because it's too (insert societal standard here).

I hate how it's okay to say "I love you" to your friends, and really honestly truly mean it, but if you feel the same exact way for someone you're dating and you're saying it, then you're moving too fast.

I mean, goddamnit, I love everyone. Isn't that what everyone is supposed to do? So why is it so wrong to say it specifically to one person?

I love you. I really do. I love you.

(4 screams | fuck me hard)

2:10 am
i just had a very distressing experience. my internet had been unplugged.

things i like: lemon water, good conversation, david, internet, god, happy music, my grandpa (sometimes), warmth, holding hands, kissing, cuddling, good sex.

things i don't like: annoying people in restaurants, when you only know 2 people at the venue, coldness, internet that kicks people off right when you most need to talk to them, ignorance.

(2 screams | fuck me hard)

Friday, March 8th, 2002
3:41 pm
what is there to do at night?
the mall, the venue, the movies, go out to eat, dance club... bla.... nothing...
david hates the dance club anyway, so that's out
and i want to go to the venue tomorrow so i probably won't go tonight
i don't really want to see any movies that are out
i hate living in indiana

current mood: bored
current music: static x - get to the gone

(6 screams | fuck me hard)

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