Monday, December 24th, 2001
2:49 am
i sometimes wish it were possible for me to go to bed at a reasonable hour, and awaken refreshed from a good night's sleep.
ah well.
current mood: tired at last.
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| Sunday, December 23rd, 2001
4:00 pm
initial frustration yields to an eventual plan. although i completely forgot about having dinner tonight with the fam (minus dad). so no lotr. sadly. not that dinner is so bad, but still.
in any case, did get one present for jim at least though in the process i also bought lovage and the funkstörung remix album on vinyl at sonic boom. though i had the best of intentions of shopping for others. oh well. now i must head out to the u-district for what will hopefully conclude my shopping expeditions for the season. then after dinner, i shall spend the remainder of the evening burning cds and reading. so everything was salvaged, more or less.
current mood: recovered. current music: who else? crooked fingers-sad love.
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1:18 pm
bah. ah well, beautiful day and all that. so i'm going to stroll down to archie mcphees and hope for the best, with perhaps a few other stops along the way. then it's cd burning time, until i depart. was maybe going to hook up with mike today, but since he's going to be off in woodenville, it doesn't seem likely. so i'll have to wait until xmas evening. not so bad, all in all. i wonder how his snow camping trip was. he was worried about being buried in snow. too long spent living in georgia, i suppose. silly.
current mood: thirsty.
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4:01 am - lake mowich.
starlight in my father's eyes refracted into something more brilliant than suns burning out instead the unsteady cold hands and lungfuls of chill air turned mountain side nights to a universal codex of wavering spheres and obscure nebulous washes of distant lights. and to fall into sleep again was to dream of a clear dawn; a lake that answered the sky.
current mood: something else entirely. current music: crooked fingers-devils train.
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3:03 am - overall, a fine, fine day.
any day that kicks off with a FUN time taking care of xmas shopping is on the right track, as far as i'm concerned. and marcus', for starting off slower than an average weekday, turned out rather well, all in all. great time with dave and thomas, jim came down at the end, and i had a few really wonderful moments of music in there as well. smoked too many cloves, but hey, waddyagonnado.
and this week should, by all rights, be decent as well. finishing up the rest of my shopping tomorrow, some of which at archie mcphees. laundry, chores, bills, and then lotr at the cinerama. work and then fambly for xmas eve. mom's for the big day itself, and aprés ça, kimberly's for the post holiday food and herb fest, with all the friends and co-workers, as well as mike more likely than not. next friday there's hopefully a kickass party to attend, and then new year's. and this new year's will almost by default be better than last year's.
and now i might have to do a am/pm run for chips and salsa. after all, why not?
current mood: a mite peckish, but content. current music: crooked fingers-surrender is treason.
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2:51 am
hey jord, guess what i'm listening to...
yep, that's right, among my own xmas purchases was one sigur ros 'svefn-g-englar' single.
so now i bask in the glory that is 'n´yja lagi?'.
beauty, beauty, beautiful.
current mood: content. current music: sigur ros-n´yja lagi?.
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| Saturday, December 22nd, 2001
7:51 pm
although i really am starting to lose any kind of cheer when it comes to the holiday season, i must say my shopping expedition was actually quite enjoyable thanks to kim. even found a gift for her dad, amazingly enough. and i managed to shop both for myself, and about half of my list, so all in all not too shabby. and plus, kim is fun to shop with.
and now to get ready, get set and go go go.
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1:25 am
even being very pleasantly stoned couldn't rescue me from the bummer that was the elliot smith show. alaska were basically a one-note simon and garfunkel clone, only even more tranquilized. then, after what seemed like a million years, elliot finally strolled out, plucked out two songs, made it halfway through a third, forgot the set list, got another copy of the set, studied it for couple minutes to figure out a song he could play, stumbled through a few bars of a couple more songs, and i'd had it. cabbed it back to my car, and split. i don't mind performers getting fucked up, as long as they still PERFORM.
anyway, still feeling alright, and looking forward to the wetvac, shopping (i'm looking at you, kim), and then marcus'.
and now, for some rehydration.
current mood: warm and peaceful.
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| Friday, December 21st, 2001
11:17 am
off to work, then off to the shew, then, hopefully, off to a welcome back party, then tomorrow, get that wetvac, and do my holiday shopping.
i think sunday kim may be having a fondue party. i hope so.
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2:23 am - michael johnson.
that was dirty pool, and i intend to let matt know in no uncertain terms as much.
'tis a long and thorny story, which is best not recapped here, at least not now. but it did make for a much more emotional and upsetting night than i had originally anticipated.
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2:17 am - two questions.
if you were to sum up the past ten years of your life in two words, what would they be? as an example, and cautionary tale, i will offer; Late Fees.
second: are the british-and all their ilk (u.s., various despots and entrenched third world regimes), both past and current-the most pernicious evil civilised man has ever known, and, for that matter, is likely to know?
i will keep that answer to myself , for now.
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| Thursday, December 20th, 2001
8:24 pm
thank goodness for chef boyrdee. and that i get paid at midnight and two am.
xmas, bills, and food. in that order.
oh, and, tomorrow is elliot smiff. which might be good, who knows?
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1:18 am - sated.
and now it's time to read in bed. 'the quincunx' is coming along quite nicely, as a matter of fact. very enjoyable to read.
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12:02 am - ooer!
the fellowship of the ring was quite delightful and full of eye candy.
and it was about the midpoint of the film when i realized that i was famished. so now i must eat.
current mood: hungry current music: the shins-girl inform me.
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| Wednesday, December 19th, 2001
10:20 am
off to buy my brother's bday present, then work, and then lotr at last.
current mood: pretty good.
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| Tuesday, December 18th, 2001
11:13 am - rain again.
i want it to be tomorrow already, so i can go see LOTR with my brother...already have my ticket too.
now i'm off to catch my bus.
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12:54 am - oh yes, we are the champions my friend.
so papillon finally overcame the odds, and in spite of my rather stony contribution to the proceedings, won the day.
and then a few pints of guiness at the ole p, and we're all ready for a bit of the fast food gut bomb.
or are we?
current music: oh yes, i do like to kill.
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| Monday, December 17th, 2001
9:51 am
the water appears to have receded somewhat. and if the sunlight sticks around, perhaps there will be less water still when i get back home.
and it is time for papillon to take the cash, methinks.
current mood: somewhat rested.
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3:00 am
having solved the monday crossword, i think i'll give sleep another shot. after all, i have no where else to go.
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1:30 am
i can never seem to sleep when i want to, even when that's what my beleaguered body most craves. and the damn worms keep coming up out of the woodwork, at the least convenient times.
start small, and start at home, right? this seems to be the gist of my current working theory. keep going forward, but with an eye on the work yet to be done. most of all, do the work. and maybe there is solace to be found in the toil, a kind of weary relief. nothing else has made me feel safe, much less whole. i'm fine with having limitations and faults, but i have to stop denying myself access to my strengths and talents. i have to make this work. i'll never have anything else, and this simply will not do any longer.
if i could get the outline right, i could write a book. 'i could be a genius if i just put my mind to it.'
current mood: not asleep.
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