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another lovely goddamn day

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[05 Oct 2001|10:28pm]
Click here to find out what robot you really are

I'm Haley Joel Osment. Heh. Heh. HEH.
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[27 Sep 2001|08:42pm]
Elisa posted this, a petition to oppose the Federal Marriage Amendment, and I thought it was important to pass along.
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[26 Sep 2001|12:38pm]
I just fell asleep on the keyboard of my laptop. Literally fell asleep for who knows how long. I'm at work. Can't keep my eyes open. Kind of funny.
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This is boring. [26 Sep 2001|09:51am]
Number of people on my lj friends list: 57
-whom I've met in person: 15
-whom I've met in person more than once: 12
-whose house I've been to: 4
-who have been to my house: 3
-whose precise geographic location I know offhand: 51
-whose full names I know offhand: 19
-whom I've followed/been in touch with for more than 3 years: 8
-who live outside my country: 11
-whose journal I consider myself "addicted" to: all my friends'
-whom I've lived with: elisa, diana, maria, marie, rachel. interlochen people.
-whose ex I slept with: that would be a zero.
-who I'd do: sorry, kids.
-who I've done: 0.
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[25 Sep 2001|11:15am]
-for tonight: relax. watch The X-Files and the season premier of Frasier. (I believe one reason that I am capable of writing realistic dialogue is simply this: I am a whore to television.) eat dinner. go to sleep early.
-for tomorrow: work. just like today. whatever. then go home. eat dinner and watch The X-Files. start cleaning my room a bit. (new carpets!) go to bed semi-early.
-for thursday: day off! finish cleaning room. try to get to the library and research college essays/ kabuki tradition. keep from ruminating about the shortage of kabuki studies in drama programs around the country.
-for friday: day off! more research. maybe plans with mandy. I am thinking perhaps: Zoolander and Red Robin.

I have been at my job for six months this week. six months until March.

inside the museum, they are wheeling something around, I think, but it sounds like a ghost who seems a bit mournful. my eyes will not stay open.
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[22 Sep 2001|01:31am]
Often times I feel like justifying the fact that people will come here and not read what is the best of me. And I want to wave around urls and other writing that I keep to myself, but then I remember that I keep it to myself for a reason.

I think I decided on yes for Portland.

Therapy today was. Therapeutic.

I've been on the internet too much this evening. Much more for one night than usual. I don't like that. It feels weird. But I'm talking to people so. So.

Next paycheck, I am going to buy a pack of polaroid film and make beautiful use of it. It will make me feel a tiny bit better about the Nikon Situation. Yes, there's an official name for it now.

Good night.
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[21 Sep 2001|09:12pm]
At Old Navy right now they have this line, it seems, of T-shirts with names of big cities silk-screened in bright letters on the fronts, and I thought it would be really ironic if I bought the one that says "Tokyo" in bright red letters. I didn't do it, though. I was strong. I was resolute.

ps. Bono just made me cry on the relief telethon.
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[21 Sep 2001|08:41pm]
Lots of frivolous money spending today. I blew a bit of the camera fund. My dad is most famous for his saying, "Money. It's a renewable resource," and I always fucking hear him say that when I'm tempted to go shopping. It wasn't like a temptation today, though; I just knew there was something I'd been needing for quite some time, an overhaul of sorts, on lots of levels, in lots of areas of my life and today I started with...clothes. And neat eyeshadow sticks. I don't feel bad about it.

I think I'm going to Portland next month to see Carissa's Wierd. ? I don't know. I'm feeling poor now. Er. And it's time for dinner. So it's not a good decision-making time because I am stupid-hungry.

I'm still gonna get that camera, dammit. If I can commit myself to being poor (nearly) for a month or so and give up a large portion of the next few paychecks I can maybe even have it before I go to Portland. If I go to Portland. Blah blah didn't I say I wasn't going to think about making that decision now?
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[19 Sep 2001|02:52pm]
Here is what just happened to me. It is crazy.

(I'm at work.)

So, I'm helping two customers, a married couple, and they both want tall Rose Petal teas. It's obvious that they're here at the museum for a meeting, or a social function, one of those museum-y things that requires a nametag. I look at the woman's nametag. Her last name is Dingrani. I look at the man. Now, I've met a few people here and there who have the last name "Dingrani" but something told me that this was a different situation. I don't know why. "I have a friend with your last name," I say. The woman looks very skeptical and is about to protest because it's such a unique name. The man seems a bit more curious, though, and asks what my friend's name is. "Sheetal." So the man starts laughing. He's rather amused. The woman looks completely astonished.

And so that's how I met Sheetal Dingrani's parents in the Seattle suburb of Bellevue, Washington. I know the story doesn't sound quite so crazy but to think that I met the parents of someone who I knew at Interlochen two and a half years ago, in the suburbs, on the east side (according to them, they're never out here), that she just happened to be wearing a nametag of all things, is kind of weird. So I just spent a half hour talking about Delp and college and well, um, Interlochen obviously. It's just odd. Marie, Sheetal's mom says hi.


Today I've swept and mopped the floors and my, are they a site to be seen.

I'm thinking of leaving Tully's and finding a smaller, less corporate cafe to work at. But shh, don't tell. I don't know what I want. 1) More money. 2) Well, two is infinite. It's like everything. It's like my life, all my life is just...unrealized. And everything that I don't have adds up and equals infinite desire. I guess I could be simpler though and say "Expedition of the delivery of a Nikon Coolpix 995 to my front door". Yes, that's what I want.
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[17 Sep 2001|11:00am]
Proof is a really fucking wonderful play.
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[16 Sep 2001|10:30pm]
Today, I woke up early because my grandfather was coming over and I couldn't afford to be around and risk the possibility that he would see my car. Long story short for those who don't remember: I bought my beautiful wonderful Thunderbird from my him, "Papa" as we call him, two months ago and promptly, within a matter of two weeks, collided with a semi on I-5 headed to Portland. And, um, yeah, it was mostly my fault.

Got dressed, etc., went to Elliot Bay Book Co. Bought the 2002 Poet's Market, the 2000-2001 Dramatist's Sourcebook, and Proof by David Auburn. Probably going to return the Sourcebook because I'm a moron and forgot that 2001 is almost over. I'll probably xerox a few contests that interest me and then take it back. Maybe spend the money on new pants.


This weekend we made $500+ in tips and we're donating it all to the Red Cross. We are, quite truly, the shit.

Talked to Kt for a few minutes tonight. Told her a funny story. Was never aware of Big Nick's, the restaurant. Am now aware of Big Nick's, the restaurant. Laughed for app. 230984 years of course because while telling me her Big Nick Story she was in the room with one Nick Halley and well. You have to know Nick. Or you have to have my sense of humor. Or both.

Then the battery on my phone died.

Hello to all of my stealth readers! You know who you are!


Hmmm. Dear Brian, you are now allowed to write me back. Your two week waiting period is up. Yours, Callie. ps. Good night.
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[15 Sep 2001|12:02pm]
Ben finally emailed me. Good good good. Apparently there have been a lot of bomb threats really close to Juilliard, etc. and eh. Eh. I hate this. I'll probably call him tonight or tomorrow. I'm glad he's okay.
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[15 Sep 2001|12:20am]
It is important to note that I am about to get into bed and fall asleep to All that You Can't Leave Behind. Does anyone want to take a road trip to Oakland with me in November? I would be really, really happy to see U2 again. That would make three times in four months. And um, well. Oh, I don't know. It would make me smile.

It is also important to note that tonight Kt is in NYC seeing "some jazz thing with [nicholas halley] and jon singer and matty b. and kris sabeo and richard
whatever his last name is [bigler. i mean. oops. yeah.]" which is sort of odd, and it's not even fair that it seems the entire graduated population of Interlochen is condensed elsewhere and I am here. I think things would be a lot more comforting on certain levels if I weren't. Here, that is.

Somebody, somebody. I am addicted to The X-Files. Even in the wake of all this...shit. David Duchovny, why won't you love me.


Good night.
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[13 Sep 2001|11:52pm]
I have another ear infection.

Tomorrow, I will not be on Zoloft anymore; I will be on Celexa. It sounds like some kind of futuristic aerobics workout, Celexa does. 1000 mg of Depakote ER now.

Inventories being kept.

Instead of discussing music now, and various other frivolous whatnot, Jenny and I discuss...politics. And foreign policy. And strategy? and war? and who thinks what, and what is what and. Well, it's different, you know? I've become this sponge, in two days I have become this absolute fucking whore to the news, and reading articles about what these attacks mean, angry with myself for not being prepared, at least in terms of knowledge, to deal with this beforehand. Never again will I feel as ignorant as I do right now.

I'm so tired, too, of hearing the so-called upright people of the world, and their goddamn upright opinions. I'm scared, too, you know? I'm scared of war. I am opposed to war. I am opposed to what happened on Tuesday. I am opposed to the idea that this could go unpunished, and happen again, simply because we are a "peace-loving people". I don't demand blood; I don't demand revenge and I am appalled, and irritated, and disgusted by the audacity some people have had to assume that those of us who aren't willing to preserve peace at any cost are, among other things, racists, blood-thirsty, hasty, unthinking, or too proud, or have had our judgment clouded by our emotions. I just wish that it registered with more people that this was a disgusting, disgusting thing that happened, an act of senseless violence perpetrated by terrorists. We are not lowering ourselves to their level if we protect ourselves from anymore devastation.

And furthermore, I don't think patriotism at a time like this is uncool or deserving of anyone's scorn.

I know everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I've heard a lot of self-righteous talk the past few days, and I'm just baffled by it. Who are you to think you are above the rest of us for your self-proclaimed rationale? Your detachment? Your desire to perpetuate an ideal, something utopian you'd like to hold onto even though clearly things have changed?

I know, I'm biased. I can count on both hands the number of close friends I could have lost. I can count on more hands if I had them, the number of people I know in New York City. Without ever having been there, for the love of God, I could have lost so much when those planes hit.

Regardless, though, I know myself well and I know that I see now, and would always be capable of seeing a clear and definite difference between tens of thousands of mostly peaceable, hard-working people dying, and retaliating against the heartless, reckless individuals and/or groups who killed them and would and will not hesitate to do it again.

I just can't see how there aren't more people who are afraid of what will happen if we don't do something. I don't know what I mean by "something". Believe me, I'm scared shitless. I know the implications.

Just...knock if off. Some of you. Stop patting yourselves on the back because you think you have it all figured out. None of us do. This is unfathomable. It's not something you or I could figure out.


I've almost lost track of myself. I'm just going to...listen to Canadian Amp and sleep. Sorry for being so lengthy.
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[13 Sep 2001|10:55am]
This morning I am glad because I heard from Nora. Yay.
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[12 Sep 2001|09:07am]
I'm at work again. Yesterday, I was sent home early. Glad for that because I felt like such an ass making coffee for people in light of the circumstances, and such contempt for the people who had the nerve to order things like pounds of espresso, and then ask me to grind the espresso for them. Just...who cares? Get your espresso tomorrow. Get it some other time. Buy some Yuban at the grocery store. Do it discreetly. Yesterday, today, tomorrow, whenever, it's not the time to be indulging yourself so...publicly.

I might be exaggerating but it felt really disgusting at the time.

The Sound of Waves is beautiful so far.

Nora didn't write me last night. Check your email, Nora.
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[12 Sep 2001|12:02am]
I was watching ITN just now and saw this tiny little Japanese girl and her umbrella being tossed around a street in Tokyo during the typhoon and it scared the shit out of me. I am just so fucking afraid today. I had to break the sanctity of our unspoken semi-weekly emailing agreement and write to Brian to find out if he's all right. And he better fucking check his hotmail account because I don't need to be worrying about people in other fucking countries right now, too. Or something dramatic like that.

You're okay, aren't you, dear?
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[11 Sep 2001|10:25pm]
The next few days I'm going to distract myself by reading Mishima's The Sound of Waves. Tomorrow I'm going to work for eight hours. I want to go to temple some time within the next few days.

Ben is okay. So are the rest of the Juilliard kids. Nolan and Elisa are okay. We're just waiting to hear from Nora. I keep seeing my friends' faces, and they're smiling, and I think of losing them. I think of how hopeful I've been about my future these past few weeks. And how different it feels now.
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[11 Sep 2001|09:52am]
I have "Sunday Bloody Sunday" stuck in my head. I imagine that if U2 is doing a show tonight somewhere, that they will play it and...I guess that's just a random observation of mine. I can't believe the news today; oh, I can't close my eyes and make it go away. How long, how long must we sing this song.

Cheesy, I know. Well, not so much. I don't care.
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[11 Sep 2001|08:53am]
I called Nolan at Manhattan this morning on my way to work and nearly burst into tears at the prospect that he might have been...I don't know, milling around the city when the towers went down. He's okay. I have no idea how to get ahold of Ben or Elisa though. Not to mention all of my other friends who I don't communicate with on a regular basis.

This is so fucking ridiculous. I'm scared to death but I'm also really really angry. These things. Happen. But they shouldn't.
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