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Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
11:19 pm
Today, I bought my first car.

Today, I got my first car insurance policy.

Today, I got temporary tags for my car.

Today, I set off on my journey to Leavenworth to pay for my insurance and my LV county tags.

Today, my car began to overheat about 4 miles outside of Lebo, Kansas.

Today, my car had to be towed back to Emporia, and I had to hitch a ride with the mechanic.

Today, the mechanic told me my car was a very bad deal, and I should get my money back.

Today, I put a stop payment on the check for my car.

Today, I cancelled my first insurance policy.

Today, I returned the car.

Today, I became carless again.

Today sucked.

current mood: disappointed

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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
9:24 pm - Woohoo!!!

Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

current mood: amused

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Tuesday, February 5th, 2002
5:11 pm
Why is it that reformatting your life is never as easy as reformatting your hard drive? *ponders this*

In other news, I didn't burn the house down last night and the roommates actually liked dinner. So yay for me!! *grins*

current mood: amused
current music: Indigo Girls - Sister

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Monday, February 4th, 2002
8:23 pm
In the honor of trying to be a better roommate, I have attempted to make dinner, which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, but the dinner that I attempted was not one that came conveniently prepackaged so I can just add water and meat. We're talkin' something from scratch. It's currently baking in the oven. And I'm home alone.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

current mood: pensive

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Saturday, February 2nd, 2002
11:31 pm
And while I'm on the subject of being pissed off, FUCK THAT TOO.

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11:28 pm
Arghh... I hate this... grr... i'm fucking pissed, and I have no reason to be... okay, so X roommate did dishes on thursday b/c she wanted to... but i don't know why that means I have to do them sunday... and then i get home tonight and there's a note on the messgae board that says the Y roommate needs dishes done by noon tomorrow... fuck it all... it's not supposed to be my dishes day... dishes are done in the evenings, not afternoons... and I have to work all day tomorrow... so i have to fucking do the dishes tonight b4 i can go to bed... when I don't fucking feel well, and all i wanted to do when I got home was relax for a bit and then fucking go to sleep. Fuck 'em all!!!

current mood: pissed off

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3:22 am
I'm drunk and I just went to see nipples with my roommates... no... not my roommates' nipples... nipples with my roommates... as in we went to the strip bar. It was yummy... tho I never thought I'd see that much cellulite on strippers. Oh well. Did I mention I'm drunk? Whee... I want to call someone, but everyone I know would not be pleased if I called right now. As for the nipples, my roommates have voted we should go back and visit them soon.

That is all.

current mood: drunk

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Friday, February 1st, 2002
12:48 am
My website can now be found here. Who thinks the URL is as funny and ironic as I do?

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12:30 am
I'm dying inside
I've been dying inside
It doesn't hurt so much anymore
But still the ache is there

There's nothing I can do
There's nowhere I can run
It all follows me
There's no escape

The death is inside me
And so is the life
Two warring factions
But none shall ever win

The war rages on
And I...
I try to ignore it
Ignore the pain I feel

But without the pain
There is no joy
And I become nothing more
Than a robot

Facing each day like the last
Going through the motions
Living a normal life
as a mindless drone

That is how it is
That is how it shall be
until that day
when love sets me free.

current mood: blank

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Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
12:39 am
So tonight, a girl told me that I'd be an easy girl to fall for. And I like that idea, because what she doesn't know is that she'd be one easy girl to fall for too. And Kyla keeps telling me... Al... you've said this before about so-and-so, and look how that turned out... so I'm supposed to be careful with those internet girls, b/c they tend to crush my heart. But this is different. I don't know how. I'm almost scared to put it into words, b/c I don't want to give myself any false expectations by quantifying this. So I'll just say that at this moment, I'm happy, and that's all I care about. I hope she feels the same.

In other news, I dyed my hair again tonight. It's auburnish-red with black tips... very sleek. I like it. I'm half tempted to go buy a digi-cam so everyone can see it.

current mood: content
current music: Dido - My Life

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Sunday, January 27th, 2002
1:30 am
Wow... i met a girl online tonight, and she's actually cute AND smart. This makes me very happy. More info to come as it develops.

current mood: cheerful
current music: Indigo Girls - Go

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12:25 am
Well it seems that I'm the only one of my friends who has no real life and is therefore sitting at home on a saturday night wishing someone was online so i could talk to them. I'm very bored. And I could go to bed as I have to work at 10am tomorrow, but I'm not tired. Hmm... I'm a loser tonight. Oh well.. I'll get over it.

current mood: blah
current music: Indigo Girls - Tangled Up in Blue - Live

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Saturday, January 26th, 2002
11:46 pm - SWEET!

Purple Shimmer

I'm the purple shimmer Doc Marten...
I'm a little spunky, definitely fun,
and I like believing in fantasy

Which Doc Marten are you?
(by *coffeebean*)

current mood: amused

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12:08 am
So it's official. I'm attempting academic suicide by adding a second major. I now have a double major in math and computer science instead of a major in math and a minor in computer science. I can still graduate in the same amount of time, but I have to take 6-9 hours for each of the next two summers in gen ed classes. I think it's very doable... it will just be very hectic. But, it will make my life a bit more secure if for some reason I need to take a break sometime during grad school for financial reasons. I think I'm pretty happy with this development.

In other news, I have to have my CS 260 make up work done by thursday the 31st, so is off to work for me as Dani needs the book back tomorrow.

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Friday, January 25th, 2002
12:43 am
Why do the scarey girls always seem to find me? I mean really... I'm just goin' through life tryin' ta find a cute girl to get with, and these crazy freaks message me and tell me to call them. It's very frightening... and disturbing. Maybe I should just stop trying to date all together. It leads to nothing but trouble. In other news, I'm tired. Good night.

current mood: annoyed

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Thursday, January 24th, 2002
4:54 pm
I just got a bill from the Kansas Turnpike association in the amount of $36.00 for damage done to a reflector post on 11-18-01. Now, this would not bother me so much, as I know the damage was done while I was driving a given vehicle. However, I distinctly remember the owner of said vehicle also getting a bill for that amount and saying that insurance paid it. So, is this legal? Is the turnpike trying to bill twice for the same incident? I'm very confused.

current mood: confused

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Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002
11:54 pm
Wow. I'm a sleepy math geek. And it's not even midnight. This is a frightening thought. I may actually have started to develop a semi-normal sleeping schedule. I don't know if I like this.

current mood: drained
current music: Indigo Girls - Go

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9:33 pm
Wow... this color pallette rules!! It allows you to select colors and compare them with one another. It rules for selecting customized colors for webpages. It gives you the hex codes for them and the "names" of them so you can easily implement them in your html code. And the best part is, they're all web-safe colors! *grins and does a happy geek dance*

current mood: bouncy

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Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
10:42 pm
This is probably the scariest thing I've ever had to report, but it is only like 10:40 at night, and I'm headed to bed. The plan is to read my philosophy until I fall asleep, which shouldn't be long since I'm quite tired for some reason. I just hope I don't lose my "hopeless insomniac internet addict" title because of this. That would be a very tragic experience.

current mood: tired

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2:26 am
Tonight, my roommates and I must have been a very amusing sight walking into Wal-Mart at 12:30am... them in PJ's and me in my hoodie and a backwards black ball cap... and what, pray tell, did we get? Milk, butter, eggs, paper towels, and toilet paper. All the essentials. Oh... and I had to pick up my backpack, as I accidentally left it in the break room after work yesterday... can we say bad Al, no biscuit?

In other news, me bed beckons, and I don't want it to get lonely without me.

current mood: sleepy

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