LiveJournal for the ever so enthralling Nick.

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Friday, February 22nd, 2002

Subject:neato girls
Time:3:46 am.
Mood: impressed.
wow, go here too, mad purdy

go there n click members n lookit all the girls with their awesome opossum skillz. 0_o I am in awe n stuff.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Time:3:41 am.
Mood: weird.

Which My Little Pony Are You?

Which Winona Are You?

er okay, I've never seen that movie so whatever

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

yea - no.

I'm the king of all penguins, giant and wonderful, no being matches me! *mwahaha* I enjoy artic weather, and I’m not really threatened by anything else in my domain, except snowstorms. I am moderately in danger of human corruption, but the stewpid people can’t get to me in my icey domain!

Take the What Penguin am I? Quiz by Krysten!

the cold is evil you fuck.

I've sneezed 14 times in a row damnit, my face hurts.

NixRca: lol but I spooged all over my keyboard, ew
NixRca: AHHH there's snot on my hand!
Lilacspheryeyne: LOLOL
Lilacspheryeyne: SPOOGER!
NixRca: lol yes
Lilacspheryeyne: spoogy head ^_^
NixRca: lol you're really enjoying that aren't you?

Comments: Add Your Own.

Wednesday, February 20th, 2002

Subject:lmao -bee/maff-
Time:8:00 pm.
Mood: hyper.

Which Kittie member Are You?

You're Mercedes!
You're loud and confident.
You love to talk to people and visit your own fansites whilst flashing your ass out an elevator.

lmao I've never read a more accurate description of myself.

I'm sexxxxxy!

*coff* I wanted crazy you ass.

I'm Lottie, Which of Beccy's friends are you?

okay now THAT offended me like a mofo. *glares*

heh k, now I go play.
Comments: Read 2 or Add Your Own.

Time:7:44 pm.
Mood:talkative 0_o.
Music:King of Sorrow - Sade.
hm I hardly ever get on aim...when I one talks to me...unless that one creepy little kid who talks to me constantly for some odd reason is on...but I blocked him heh he was weird, bad weird that is. But I realize that I'm quite impatient, I said hi to maff cuzuh I don't know, I felt like saying hi to him. But I got offline before he could say anything, assuming he would have answered anyways, and it made me wonder. Why do I so desire this communication with people but 1. I very rarely ever initiate it and 2. I'm so impatient I hinder any possibilities of talking to anyone anyway...what the hell is making me think about all this crap? I'm only even online being bored out of my damn mind because I'm waiting to see if my good friend Liz wins the auction for the dolls I want *eeee* but she's getting *growl*. Yes I'm a big fag and I like these dolls. BUT you have to see them, the little fucks are cool as hell, scary little suckas too. neato poteeto I think I posted a picture of the other set of dolls by the same makers that I bought before, but they were the second series. This is the brand new third series that I'm dying for but alas, as of now I shall have to just lust after Liz's, little wench. I'd just buy them at Spencers when they come out but they're usually $34 each, and bloody fucking Spencers probably won't get the whole set. Lizbeth bought a really tough to find series 1 doll from there the other day damn her, she's just lucky so few of the hicks in this god forsaken town are as cool as she and I are. ^_^

day 5 with no Doug contact, he said he misses me though woo which is always a good sign, yes? I'm almost not sick, but I don't want him to be. =( aws He just got his little paw fixed and all, he doesn't need to have the flu now.

I'm probably going to an Incubus concert in April then another in June ^_^ w00t depends on what my dear and only friend lol Liz's mom says about it. Brittney can go though, but she kinda bugs me, heh, she's Liz's friend from school, not so much mine.

k I'm done rambling. Off to play civilization I go. I'm becoming such a computer nerd. o_o

P.S. download King of Sorrow by Sade if you've never heard it, it's a wonderful song. Sade kicks arse.
Comments: Read 1 or Add Your Own.

Time:7:40 pm.
Mood:talkative 0_o.
Music:King of Sorrow - Sade.
hm I hardly ever get on aim...when I one talks to me...unless that one creepy little kid who talks to me constantly for some odd reason is on...but I blocked him heh he was weird, bad weird that is. But I realize that I'm quite impatient, I said hi to maff cuzuh I don't know, I felt like saying hi to him. But I got offline before he could say anything, assuming he would have answered anyways, and it made me wonder. Why do I so desire this communication with people but 1. I very rarely ever initiate it and 2. I'm so impatient I hinder any possibilities of talking to anyone anyway...what the hell is making me think about all this crap? I'm only even online being bored out of my damn mind because I'm waiting to see if my good friend Liz wins the auction for the dolls I want *eeee* but she's getting *growl*. Yes I'm a big fag and I like these dolls. BUT you have to see them, the little fucks are cool as hell, scary little suckas too. neato poteeto I think I posted a picture of the other set of dolls by the same makers that I bought before, but they were the second series. This is the brand new third series that I'm dying for but alas, as of now I shall have to just lust after Liz's, little wench. I'd just buy them at Spencers when they come out but they're usually $34 each, and bloody fucking Spencers probably won't get the whole set. Lizbeth bought a really tough to find series 1 doll from there the other day damn her, she's just lucky so few of the hicks in this god forsaken town are as cool as she and I are. ^_^

day 5 with no Doug contact, he said he misses me though woo which is always a good sign, yes? I'm almost not sick, but I don't want him to be. =( aws He just got his little paw fixed and all, he doesn't need to have the flu now.

I'm probably going to an Incubus concert in April then another in June ^_^ w00t depends on what my dear and only friend lol Liz's mom says about it. Brittney can go though, but she kinda bugs me, heh, she's Liz's friend from school, not so much mine.

k I'm done rambling. Off to play civilization I go. I'm becoming such a computer nerd. o_o

P.S. download King of Sorrow by Sade if you've never heard it, it's a wonderful song. Sade kicks arse.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Tuesday, February 19th, 2002

Subject:nuttin rilly
Time:6:27 pm.
Mood: contemplative.
I don't know if I'll ever understand human beings natural desire to be among those like themselves.

Don't get me wrong, I adore people different from myself. I love meeting new people and new kinds of people. I completely relish in the fact that there are fifty gazillion types of people out there unlike me, and by knowing them I can learn more about the way people are and therefor more about myself.

But for some reason or another, lately, I have had more of a desire to...I guess the word would be -know- more gay people. I know a lot of gay people back in California, but the more I think about it, the more I realize how few of my close friends in CA are gay. I had a lot of acquantances but not many friends. Online I know a few gay guys but not that many. I don't know, I guess I've just had a lot of time to think about myself lately. Oh lord please don't let me be on a damn path of self discovery lol I don't think I can take that right now. I don't know what i was clicking around at earlier but I came across a person with an interest in "gay boys" and for some reason I was so inclined to click on it. Well i don't know, I came across some community that I thought was called art fag, which I got a kick out of (it's evidently called "creative gay" how PC is that?) but it seems interesting. Perhaps in my boredum instead of posting stupid quizzes that piss off Maff I'll scamper about in this and any other gay interest community I join today.

I need to update my damn layout, I meant to do that before, but I didn't get around to it. hm hm hm I don't know what I'm going to do it as. I had this cool idea for this BDSM type theme due to this picture of a tied up boy that made me go rawr o_o but now I don't know. I'm not feeling quite that dark anymore. I found the cutest picture of an otter lol but I dunno. I think I'll work on that now...though I should be resting. Fucking flu.
Comments: Read 3 or Add Your Own.

Time:5:17 pm.
Mood: tired.
Music:Kim - Eminem.
Who was...
The last person you smiled at? my dog, oh person, erm my sister
The last person that made you cry? Shane ;_; he fell and hit his head on the coffee table and was crying and I was all scared and stuff and it made me cry lol damn paternal, um stuff >_<
The last person that made you laugh? Shane
The last person you yelled at? Shane lol for running around on the wood floor in wet socks and making himself slip, it was one of those "you scared the hell out of me don't ever do that again because I don't want to see you hurt!" kind of yells
The last person you kissed? Shane while I was holding him while he was crying ;_;
The last person you spoke to on the phone? mama
The last person you shook hands with? I haven't the slightest
The last person you gave a gift to? Doug
The last person you made cry? erf Marky I think
The last person that yelled at you? my sister lol I don't know what I did, but aunt flow's visitin so I'm trying not to bug her much

What was...
The last thing you ate? pears
The last item you purchased? *thinks* hamster food, wait no, I bought juice today
The last gift you gave someone? I gave Doug a little stuffed turtle heh
The last e-mail you received? *thinks* um nicknames for condom coverage from Drew is the last one I read lol
The last e-mail you sent? I think I emailed Liz the other day
The last alcoholic drink you made/drank? bacardi
The last non-alcoholic drink you had? Sierra Mist
The last website you visited? my livejournal
The color of the last set of sheets you had, previous to the ones you have now? black
The last class of the day during your senior year? world history

When was...
The last time you spoke to your mother? about 20 minutes ago
The last time you had an alcoholic drink? don't remember, been a lil while
The last time you spoke to someone you went to elementary school with? too long ;_; I'm gonna call Dru here in a little bit
The last time you checked your e-mail? yesterday I think
The last time you slept past noon? sunday
The last day of work you missed? last monday
The last time you were in a good mood all day? it's been a while
The last time you rode a rollercoaster? long ass time ago, I dun like those fuckas
The last time you saw your grandparents? christmas time
The last time you cried due to happiness? yesterday I was laughing so hard my eyes were watering, does that count?

Where were you/did you go...
The last time you kissed your Better Half? erf saturday ;_;
The last time you rode a bicycle? during the summer
The last time you spent the night away from home? hm it's been a while, probablyyyy during summer
The last time you went on a date with someone? hah.. lol.. uhm.. i suppose that would be refered to doug. so yeh.. just before i moved. <_< lexis has a doug too heh, butum a date...jebus I guess the first time Doug and I hung out was considered a date sorta
The last time you remember crying in public? I have no idea
The last time you bought something with your own money? today
The last time you went on a trip or vacation without your parents? summer

Did you take this survey? because I'm bored and feel icky and trying not to go to bed
Do you/don't you want children? lol well I think it's a bit late to be worry about this, yes? I want more though
When did you start dating your Better Half? January 12th
Do you like the town you live in? sweet lord no, I hate it here
Did you wake up at the time you did this morning? my dad made me, bastard >_< lol
Comments: Add Your Own.

Monday, February 18th, 2002

Time:10:24 pm.
Mood:arosed should be a mood....
Music:the sound of my own drooling?.

I dunno who the fuck that is but sweet christ he's hot o_o

he's a might bit sexy as well 0_o rawr. But he doesn't like stereotypical people...yet he doesn't like preps...ohhh the irony of the little hot topic goths.

thank you Phil ^_^

go lookit Phil, he's a sexy son of a bitch with good taste in boys. Although he did love that scary ass thinger that scared the fuck out of me. ;_;
Comments: Read 7 or Add Your Own.

Subject:SITA LOOK!
Time:8:19 pm.

a big black cock *slaps knee* ^_^
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Subject:uhhh neat -Death-
Time:8:08 pm.

Your Results:

You were female in your last earthly incarnation.

You were born somewhere around the territory of what is now know as modern Saudi Arabia, approximately in the year 1050.

Your profession was: builder of roads, bridges, docks.

A brief psychological profile of you in that past life:
Revolutionary type. You inspired changes in any sphere - politics, business, religion, housekeeping. Could be a leader.

A lesson that your last past life wishes you to learn in your present life is:
To learn humility and faith in spiritual principles. You should believe in High Reason.

do you remember?

*blinks* o_o

FUCKING POP UPS! DIE!!! I especially hate the ones where when you close it 3 more pop open! grrrr fuckers

Victims are tied into you and stretched inch by agonizing inch, until they are either rent limb from limb or they confess. Or hey, maybe both. Not as bad as some people, someone tells you what you want to hear you'll feel better.

What torture would you be?

# 1 The Rack
# 2 The Stake
# 3 The Water Wheel
# 4 The Iron Bed
# 5 The Cross
# 6 Red- Hot Iron
# 7 The Press
# 8 Stoning
# 9 Boiling Oil
# 10 The Brazen Bull
# 11 The Ripper
# 12 The Heretic's Fork
# 13 The Chair
# 14 The Pear
# 15 The Cat's Paw
# 16 The Whirligig
# 17 Iron Maiden
# 18 Bed of Spikes
# 19 The Cage
# 20 The Branks
# 21 Sawn in Two
# 22 The Wheel of Spikes
# 23 The Judas Cradle
# 24 Braiding
# 25 The Box

coolest online test ever ^_^ wanna know the sick thing? I know what all of those are lol.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Time:7:46 pm.
Mood: amused.
Music:Kiss - Prince lol.


everyone post it in your journal so it plays a different song lmao

<_< >_> why the hell isn't the music playing here? >_< bastards! The effect is gone. ;_;
Comments: Add Your Own.

Time:1:40 pm.


Woah, dude, too far. You're totally unsuitable
for anybody under the age of 17, and for society
in general. Tough break...

"Which Movie Classification Are You?"
Test created by Jamie - take it here.

heh, good show.

Are you Addicted to the Internet?


Newbie (21% - 40%)
You've started to learn that there is more to the internet than AOL. You've recovered from that email virus that wiped your hard drive and are thinking of getting DSL. You still tend to forward too many jokes and inspirational thoughts via email to your entire address book.

The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at!

You are most like Basil, assaulted by bears!

Created by Thren.
Which Gashlycrumb Tiny are you?

# 1 Basil
# 2 Ernest
# 3 Hector
# 4 Maud
# 5 Victor
# 6 George
# 7 Leo
# 8 Neville
# 9 Quentin
# 10 Xerxes
# 11 Clara
# 12 James
# 13 Kate
# 14 Prue
# 15 Rhoda
# 16 Titus
# 17 Una
# 18 Yorick
# 19 Amy
# 20 Desmond
# 21 Susan
# 22 Winnie
# 23 Fanny
# 24 Olive
# 25 Zillah

I'm bored and on a testing spree...leave me be.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Subject:-H Fotismenh
Time:1:24 pm.

What Ayumi Hamasaki song are you?

Quiz by Mika Tsukino

# 1 Who...
# 2 To Be
# 3 Dearest
# 4 Endless Sorrow
# 5 Surreal
# 6 Wishing
# 7 Depend On You
# 8 You
# 9 Trust
# 10 Fly High
# 11 Hana
# 12 Love ~Destiny~
# 13 I Am...
# 14 Poker Face
# 15 Kanariya
# 16 A Song For XX
Comments: Add Your Own.

Subject:-evil emo girl with cute layout-
Time:1:13 pm.
Mood: cranky.
Music:Switchblade Symphony.
I'm so punkish!
Take the The "What Teen Label Do You Fit Into Most?" Quiz!
by antiperfect

Rock on, you punk person! You probably heart plaid, patches and messenger bags while hating authority, the Nazis, and all that shit! Woo!

fucking stereotype bullshit! I fucking hate plaid and those god awful messanger bags you wankers. *growl*
Comments: Read 2 or Add Your Own.

Time:1:07 pm.
Mood: irritated.
Music:Switchblade Symphony.
I want this person to die.


seriously, she needs to just go away. I don't care if it's a joke or not, it irritates me.

I have the flu and I feel horrible, leave me be with my hatred.

(yes that's been what's wrong with me and my hatefilledness)
Comments: Read 2 or Add Your Own.

Saturday, February 16th, 2002

Time:5:08 pm.
know what I noticed? I was watching the free jump thingy in the Olympics, well, a lot of those boys are cute as can be. Skinny as all hell but they have cute faces...damn european boys...the american boys looked good too though. 0_o I must have a subconscious fetish for disturbingly skinny people.

oi my head hurts

this bobsledder is 39 0_o props to him y0
Comments: Add Your Own.

Time:5:04 pm.
Mood: aggravated.
Music:Echo - Incubus.
I am Thursday's Child

What day are you?

oh thanks, I wasn't aware.

MERMAIDYour personality type is MERMAID. You love the great outdoors and enjoy physical activites such as swimming, hiking, cycling and dancing. You have a natural tendency to wellness and are rarely ill. Your favourite season is Summer.
Click HERE to get your own personality doll

# 1 Mermaid
# 2 Lil' Devil
# 3 Smarty Pants
# 4 Party Animal
# 5 Rock Chick
# 6 Shy Girl
# 7 Goth Girl
# 8 Faerie Princess

anyone know the name of the song in the Dasani water commercial? "back to life back to reality" etc.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Subject:oh god, "goth" people *can't breathe* lol oh man
Time:5:27 am.
Mood: drained.
Music:Tonight, Tonight - Smashing Pumpkins.
I stumbled upon this page whilst searching for "Jhonen Vasquez" earlier today, a young lady with a Jhonen site had a link to it on her page, and I found it so fuckin chock full of hilarity that I must post it for those few who actually lay eyes upon my journal.

The site is called Reality Check and it's done by Here, they take sites by the self-labeled "oh my satan I'm so gothic is hurts" gothic poser types, and rip them apart and point out just how big of asses the entire "I'm so gothic I want to lick satan's nuts" subculture has become. I also think it's hilarious that these "gothic" people claim to be Satanists yet go on and on about Satan and how there's no God and whatnot...I mean really, how STUPID can some people be?! I'm Catholic and even I actually know what Satanism is, I mean Jesus H Christ, do I need to stab you all in the face? Is there no end to it?! NO END AT ALL?!

Yes the site makes me horribly bitter, resentful to no extent, filled to the brim with very real hatred, but it's also terribly amusing. I mean really, terribly amusing. For example:

piece'o'trash #1
He wants all homosexuals to die, go read why, it's painfully funny.

I find it disgusting and pitiful that I am/have been lumped with this waste of a subculture because of the way I dress occasionally, the interests I have, and the fucking comic books I read. I don't even go for the stereotypical "gothic look" when I get the "you're goth?!" accusations. Well if wearing clothes that are tight and black make me "goth", someone shoot me now, please! This is not right, nooo it is not. They all claim to be "unique" and to be unsheepish, yeah well fitting into a subculture, gasp why yes that includes your so-called perversion of gothicism, makes you exactly like a million other people!

*pant* I'll be fine, I promise. I just had to get that rant out...I haven't ranted for a while...a few days anyways.

New subject
I ate broccoli with cheese today, for the first time. It still amazes me that after almost 19 years of life I hadn't ever tried that. My dad despises broccoli so my mom never makes it, which sort of explains why I've never had it. But today I had a baked tato for lunch and this little container of broccoli came with it. I was I tried it, it was...okay...I think. It's 5 am I'm having trouble remembering this afternoon right now. Shit I think I have to work tomorrow afternoon...I forgot. I know I have to do *something* tomorrow, I just can't remember what. I didn't do anything tonight/last night. I was supposed to go to a movie (Peter Pan 0_o) with Liz, Brittney, her friend Savannah and a couple other people from their school but it seems Savannah never called miss Lizbeth. Liz was not a happy camper, hooboy, so we didn't go. Neither of Liz or me felt well anyways, so I stayed home and slept, she said she was going to as well. I got on my computer hours ago for the soul purpose of doing something...but I don't remember what...but I know I didn't do

I missed Incubus on David Letterman last night and then I missed them again today on TRL *cringe*. I am saddened by this. Today/yesterday/the 15th was Brandon's birthday, go Brandon go. But I missed it. *sniff* ah well. Liz informed me that the TRL will reair tomorrow at 9:30 but jeezus that's an uncool time. I think I'm going to go play Civilization...I don't feel like going to bed although I am a bit sleepy.

I didn't get to spend any time with Doug today *sad face* but I talked to him earlier which made me a happy bunny. It's good enough just to talk to him but aw I miss him. =\ Oh I'm pathetic lol but I adore the boy. I hope I get to see him tomorrow, he doesn't have school monday so I'm going to see if my dad'll let me miss work or at least let me out early. Alrighty I'm finished rambling for the day. Adios.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Friday, February 15th, 2002

Time:2:23 am.
Mood: cold.
ahhhhh I just remembered that I missed the er David Letterman show earlier and Incubus was on! GAH! >_< damn *thinks* what time in that show on? Doug was probably still here when it was on, eh, fooey damnit, fooey I say. I'm so cold, brrr, my room got all frosty all of the sudden. We had fun today, it was nice. ^_^ He made me macaroni and cheese lol since I love the stuff and that's all he feels confident enough to make for me. He made me a cake too, well I helped, but he tried, oh how the boy tried. It was adorable watching him try and figure out how much a tablespoon was and stuff. Poor child had no idea what to do. Fortunately my mom's a cooking freak and has anything and everything one could possibly need while making a betty crocker from the box cake. It was great fun though, and I got to lick batter off of him bwahaha it just sort of ended up on his face somehow. He's retarded lol who knows how it got there. We sort of akwardly thought about doing, you know, buuut we didn't. We were both happy we didn't in the end though, I can tell he was releaved, like he wanted to but he didn't. Weirdness. I hate situations like that, ick.

I have work to I will go do it, as I'm going to be up all night. *sigh* I miss sleep.
Comments: Add Your Own.

Time:2:11 am.
Mood: bored.
Music:Gorgeous - theStart.

Which Star-Crossed Marvel Lover Are You?

I don't know what the hell that means but I'm Spiderman and that's awesome. ^_^

Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty

bwahaha I rock

I should be a member of Dir en Grey!

I was meant to be a member of Dir en Grey! I'm just Goth enough to be cool, but still easygoing enough to be popular.

Take the "Which J-Rock Band Should You Be a Member Of?" quiz by malloreigh

...I somehow doubt that...*shows letterman jacket from high school* lol I am not goth you fucks

Which Firearm are you?
brought to you byStan Ryker

um okee dokee


You are driven and optimistic. You strive to succeed in life while lightening the mood of those around you. You do well at any job you put your mind to.

Find out your color at!

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LiveJournal for the ever so enthralling Nick.

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