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Taken from Sardonyx LJ :) [28 Dec 2001|06:48pm]

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

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the hunt begins... [20 Dec 2001|01:01am]
Anyone know of, or needs a roommate for January? I'm looking for something downtown......near the subway? Anything else is an added bonus at this point. I really don't want to commute from Mississauga to Toronto everyday for work.
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[19 Dec 2001|09:43pm]

The Eighties Pop Act Test deems me:

55% Eighties Pop Act

You are The Smiths: You were a peripheral player in the eighties, people thought it was cool to be your friend, but they never really wanted to spend time with you. Go watch Twin Peaks reruns.

Take the Corporate Mascot Test at Willaston's Lounge!

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Decoded Feedback [12 Dec 2001|09:55pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | God Module - Symmetry ]

Okay kiddies....who's going to the Decoded Feedback/Hocico concert tomorrow night??

Hope to see ya all there :)

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[06 Dec 2001|08:15pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Die Form - Resonate Magnetic Source ]

If I were a work of art, I would be M. C. Escher's Lizards.

I am a bizarre juxtaposition of the real and the unreal. Based in the realm of mathematics, my two-dimensional appearance belies a complex and free-willed behaviour which both delights and confuses people.

Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

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Like a moth to a light.... [05 Dec 2001|10:30pm]
....there's always gunna be someone picking their nose on the subway
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CRAP!! [03 Dec 2001|06:05pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]

- I started off my day with my alarm not going off at its normal time
- I missed the last Go Train for the morning
- I took the Go Bus to Union Station.
- On the Bloor Subway, I realized my cell phone fell out of my pocket on the Go Bus
- I was 10 min late for work

So now....my cell is either in the Lost & Found box or someone has it....using it for phone calls...or checking my email (if they are smart enough to use the browser). So how was your day?

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Thinking of you... [02 Dec 2001|04:43pm]

(turn up your speakers)
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How touching... [02 Dec 2001|01:51am]
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Chrome [25 Nov 2001|09:26pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Recoil - Chrome ]

I love Recoil (http://www.recoil.co.uk), but I LOVE Nicole Blackman's (http://www.nicoleblackman.com) vocals & lyrics....she totally made the last Recoil CD worth buying

"You dream of a girl with silver skin, you dream of a girl cooled and thinned. She's gone a bit blue around the edges. You want a girl who sucks her thumb when she comes, you're just looking for a clean sleep. She doesn't want to see you, she wants to be seen by the cameras, the crews and the soft machines. You want a girl who could suck the chrome. You're so rocked and wrapped in anguish, somelittle tragedy I'm slow to extinguish. Watching the suitors stagger home, now I'm butcher, now you're bone...

....You want a girl who's pale and bled, you want a girl who's easily led. Her slim hips, your tight grip, tell me it doesn't hurt just a little bit boy. Come in, copy, she doesn't read you, she fed the hand that bit her, she doesn't need you. Your fill-in girls, your soft metal foxes, your white receipts, your big, black boxes. Life doesn't mean telling lies, it means enduring what you despise. I'm done with the dark boys, through with the dark boys, done with the dark boys, I swear you'll be the last one. I'm done, I'm through."

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DOH! [25 Nov 2001|08:49pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | Cubanate - Hatesong (extended) ]

No Simpsons or X-Files on tonight...


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Thesis idea... [24 Nov 2001|05:02pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | XPQ-21- A Gothic Novel(Body Version) ]

I've have a interest in psychology. If I ever (ha) go for my M.Sc in Psychology...I already have my thesis are planned out:

A regression analysis will carried out to see if I can find a positive co-relation between unhealthy relationships & womens desire to be in one.

H1: Women only want a sweet & loving boyfriend when they have the exact opposite for a boyfriend.

H2: Women will end up leaving the sweet & loving boyfriend to find the exact opposite for a boyfriend

H3: If H1 & H2 are true, then women are in a constant state of unhappiness with their relationship. Thus impossible to please!

A sample group of 100 couples will be used in this study. Quantatative & qualatative data will be collected via comprehensive personality tests as well as relationship survey.
Yes I am rather bored right now....hence me wasting my time writing this pointless entry.. :P

And yes....I am not serious about this idea....

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ELECTROSYNTHESIS Playlist: 11/08/01 - Savage Garden - Toronto, Ontario. CANADA [09 Nov 2001|05:43am]

***Email mailinglist@electrosynthesis.cjb.net to subscribe/unsubscribe to this mailing list***

The turnout wasn't as big as I was expecting. But its a new night, so it'll take some time for it to pick up. Nonetheless, a great time was had with everyone who was there. Special thank you to Squid for the spot! As usual, here's my playlist. Go to www.yip.org/tik for the complete playlist


Playlist for:
Thursday November 8th, 2001
Savage Garden
550 Queen Street West - Toronto, Ontario
(Guest DJ @ TiK Thursdays with DJ's: Electrosynthesis, Squid, & DJ XXX

9:00 - 9:45 - Squid
9:45 - 11:00 - Electrosynthesis

Carbon 12 / Liquid State / Very Harsh Frequency
Diverje / Structure / On Skin
Netz / Dynamik (Cybercut) / Werk 01
Ctrl / I Want to Know Her / Is Burning
Halo_Gen / Halo / Halo_Gen
Imminent Starvation / Parasite / Transmission 01.79
Cut.rate.box / Traummaschine / New Religion
Flesh Field / Utopia (din_fiv rmx)/ Dystopian Vision
Arts + Pfusch / Love / Love
Lights of Euphoria / Slow Motion / Future Wave
Die Form / Resonate Magnetic Force / Extremum
Assemblage 23 / Bi Polar (Serotonin) / Virion Sequences
(R) Massiv In Mensch / Ans Kreuz Genagelt / Belastendes Material
(R) Enigma / Mea Culpa / MCMXC AD
Collide / Pandora's Box (Opened Version) / Distort
(R) Delerium / Aria / Poem

11:00 - 12:00 - DJ XXX
12:00 - 12:30 - Squid
12:30 - 1:00am - Electrosynthesis

Noisex / Electrogott / Serious Killer
Plastic Assault / !Splat! / We Score
E-Craft / Electrocution / Electrocution
Absurd Minds / Deception (E-Craft rmx) / Electro Club Attack Shot 4
(R) Cubanate / Hatesong (Extended) / Hatesong
Front Line Assembly / Dead Planet / Epitaph
(R) NCC / Seven Steps of Nervousness / Seven Steps of Nervousness

12:30 - 1:30 - DJ XXX
1:30 - 2:00 - Squid
2:00 - CLOSE: Electrosynthesis (Note: I had to leave, so Squid or XXX took my place)

Legend: R = Request
Note: For complete playlist, go to www.yip.org/tik.
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Electrosynthesis @ Savage Garden Tonight! [08 Nov 2001|01:40am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | PAL - Bang Your Box ]

Back by popular demand (HA!), I'll be DJ'ing @ Savage Garden tonight....read on:

Thursday November 8th 2001 - ELECTROSYNTHESIS GUEST DJ'ING FOR TIK @ SAVAGE GARDEN (550 Queen St West - Toronto). DJ's Electrosynthesis, Squid, and DJ XXX. Come on out and support the new TIK club night. http://www.yip.org/tik & http://electrosynthesis.cjb.net

Well, just another friendly reminder! I know its a weekday, and people have to get up early the next day and all. But if you can, c'mon out...say hi, drink, dance, and get drunk. Friday morning hangovers are highly under-rated!

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holy poop [04 Nov 2001|05:57am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

.....Just got home....I ache....my ears are killing me....

Dark Rave was good....well.....I enjoyed Netz & Headscan. Ich Liebe Deutsche Muzik :)

The actual rave itself...meh...hardly any EBM. Too many raver.....I hate ravers. Lazarus played my request.....Leaetherstrip - Kill A Raver.

I hate ravers....

I need sleep....

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ELECTROSYNTHESIS: Upcoming gigs @ Savage Garden [24 Oct 2001|09:52pm]
***Email mailinglist@electrosynthesis.cjb.net to subscribe/unsubscribe to this mailing list***

After several months on hiatus, Electrosynthesis (formerly of 93.3 CFRU FM & The Underground Night Club in Guelph, Ontario) is back for *two* nights.

- Friday October 26th 2001 - ELECTROSYNTHESIS GUEST DJ'ING FOR DJ M @ THE SAVAGE GARDEN (550 Queen St West - Toronto). Electrosynthesis will be on from 10:50-11:50pm. It will also be the CD release party of the new Psyche disc "The Hiding Place". www.yip.org/djm

- Thursday November 8th 2001 - ELECTROSYNTHESIS GUEST DJ'ING FOR TIK @ THE SAVAGE GARDEN (550 Queen St West - Toronto). DJ's Electrosynthesis, Squid, and DJ XXX. Come on out and support the new TIK club night. www.yip.org/tik

I Hope to see all the regular listeners of the Electrosynthesis radio
programme @ the club...along with the Savage Garden regulars.

Pierre's World: http://pierresworld.cjb.net / ICQ# 131503756
Revolutionize Toronto radio: http://radiox.electrosynthesis.cjb.net
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The Sparks.com Personality Test [22 Oct 2001|04:41am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | In Strict Confidence- Kiss Your Shadow (Extended) ]

(Submissive Introvert Abstract Feeler )

Like just 12% of the population you are a DREAMER (SIAF)--reserved and imaginative. You are basically the shy, silent type. You don't have much interest in facts and figures or most of what's going on around you, but the internal worlds you build for yourself are rich and complex.

Luckily, your creativity and strong heart mean you have a deep personality evident to anyone who gets to know you. It's just that not many people do, because most everyone thinks you're a loser. Talk to yourself less, other people more, little shaver.

Meh....I kinda disagree with the part about me not having much interest in facts & figures of whats going on around me. But I guess this test wasn't too scientific anyways....

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[24 Sep 2001|11:14pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Wumpscut - Deliverance ]

Oh joy....I'm now a part of the hippy LJ community. Thanks Amulet for the code. Well, I'm gunna dink around with this and see exactly how it works. I'll write more later.

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