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(5 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[23 Apr 2002|04:06am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Patti Smith - Because the Night (Dance Version) ]

You know what I hate? Remixes that say, over and over, "This is the remix. This is the remix." Yeah, I'm looking at you, P. Diddy. How fucking self-referential can you get? Jesus.

Also, what the fuck is this? For one thing, this isn't even Patti Smith singing. For another... What the fuck is this shit?

I was thinking about the difference in behaviour between old episodes of What's My Line (that's What's My Line, not to be confused with Whose Line Is It Anyway, one of the worst media phenomena to come out of Drew Carey's cavernous maw) and game shows nowadays. I used to watch a lot of The Price Is Right when I first came to live with my father. It was a ritual of sorts. Every morning, the same syndicated sitcoms and then The Price Is Right and then he'd wake up and we'd go out walking. Anyway. Stupid fucking people on The Price Is Right. Lots of Look-Ma-I'm-on-TV-ishness. But the people who were on What's My Line were quiet, reserved even, depending heavily on the gregariousness of the host. (On a side note, Johnny Carson, at least on that show, was HILARIOUS.) I'm wondering what's changed. I've developed a theory, which may be WAY off. Maybe there's a point at which there's a sort of... feedback loop. Self-reference. I don't know. But give me old game shows like that and... oh, what's that other one? They've resurrected it, but it's a shade of its early-'60s self. Hosted by J. Peterman, or the man who played him, from Seinfeld.


(dream a little dream of me)

[23 Apr 2002|03:01am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Patti Smith Group - Godspeed ]

by Patti Smith

His father died and left him a little farm in New England.
All the long black funeral cars left the scene.
And the boy was just standing there alone,
Looking at the shiny red tractor
Him and his daddy used to sit inside
And circle the blue fields and grease the night.
It was as if someone had spread butter on all the fine points of the stars
'Cause when he looked up they started to slip.
Then he put his head in the crux of his arm
And he started to drift, drift to the belly of a ship,
Let the ship slide open, and he went inside of it,
And saw his daddy behind the control board streaming beads of light.
He saw his daddy behind the control board,
And he was very different tonight
'Cause he was not human, he was not human.
The little boy's face lit up with such naked joy
That the sun burned around his lids and his eyes were like two suns,
White lids, white opals, seeing everything just a little bit too clearly
And he looked around and there was no black ship in sight,
No black funeral cars, nothing except for him the raven
And he fell on his knees and looked up and cried out,
No, daddy, don't leave me here alone,
Take me up, daddy, to the belly of your ship,
Let the ship slide open and I'lll go inside of it
Where you're not human, you are not human

But nobody heard the boy's cry of alarm.
Nobody there except for the birds around the New England farm
And they gathered in all directions, like roses they scattered,
And they were like compass grass coming together into the head of a
Shaman bouquet. Slit in his nosse and all the others went shooting
And he saw the lights of traffic beckoning like the hands of Blake
Grabbing at his cheeks, taking out his neck, all his limbs,
Everything was twisted and he said:
I won't give up, won't give up, don't let me give up,
I won't give up, come here, let me go up fast,
Take me up quick, take me up, up to the belly of a ship
And the ship slides open and I go inside of it
Where I am not human.

I am helium raven and this movie is mine,

So he cried out as he stretched the sky,
Pushing it all out like latex cartoon,
Am I all alone in this generation?
We'll just be dreaming of animation night and day
And it won't let up, won't let up and I see them coming in,
Oh, I couldn't hear them before, but I hear them now,
It's a radar scope in all silver and all platinum lights
Moving in like black ships, they were moving in, streams of them,
And he put up his hands and he said:
It's me, it's me, I'll give you my eyes, take me up,
Oh now please take me up, I'm helium raven
Waiting for you, please take me up, don't leave me here.

The son, the sign, the cross, like the shape of a tortured woman,
The true shape of a tortured woman, the mother standing
In the doorway letting her sons, no longer presidents but prophets.
They're all dreaming they're going to bear the prophet,
He's going to run through the fields dreaming in animation
It's all going to split his skull, it's going to come out
Like a black bouquet shining, like a fist that's going to shoot them up
Like light, like Mohammed Boxer, take them up up up up up up
Oh, let's go up up take me up I'll go up I'm going up I'm going up.
Take me up, I'm going up, I'll go up there.
Go up go up go up go up up up up up up up
Up, up to the belly of a ship. Let the ship slide open.
We'll go inside of it where we are not human, we are not human.

Where there was sand, there were tiles,
The sun had melted the sand and it coagulated like a river of glass
When it hardened he looked at the surface, he saw his face
And where there were eyes were just two white opals, two white opals,
Where there were eyes there were just two white opals,
And he looked up, and the rays shot, and he saw raven coming in,
And he crawled on his back and he went up up up up up up up
Sha da do wop da shaman do way sha da do wop da shaman do way
Sha da do wop da shaman do way sha da do wop da shaman do way

We like birdland.

(1 embryonic dream | dream a little dream of me)

[23 Apr 2002|01:40am]
[ mood | overcome ]
[ music | Patti Smith - Birdland ]

I want to.
I want to share.
I want to share this experience with someone.

*keens* we were not human...

(dream a little dream of me)

[23 Apr 2002|01:37am]
[ mood | intellectually superior ]
[ music | Patti Smith - Redondo Beach ]


(9 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[22 Apr 2002|07:43pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | The Smiths - Asleep ]

I had another one of those marathon dreams. Didn't wake up until 5:30PM. ho-ley.

I think Mix was in it. In fact, I'm sure she was. But there were other people, too. Maybe people from school. Man.

I hate myself sometimes. I miss school. Not missed. I miss school. It seems like ages since I've been. le sigh.

(12 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[22 Apr 2002|07:06pm]

by Martin Walker

A simple test for you boys. Who would you rather hump? Bernard Manning or Kylie Minogue? And for the girls - Brad Pitt or The Queen Mother?

Fair questions? Hardly. Weighted? Definitely. Useful none the less. Heterosexuals will one day accept that every one has at one time fancied a member of their own gender. Straight stars like Euan MacGregor have - and met with no public derision at all for saying so. And I know lesbians that have sex with their gay boy friends.

"OK" I hear you cry, "But that doesn't mean I'm straight does it?!" And at this point we realise what a ridiculous collection of words we're labelled with. Straight, gay, bisexual. It's all bollocks.

People aren't born gay. People are not born straight. There is no gay or bisexual gene. Practising sex with another is neither moral or immoral - but as natural as blowing your nose. Who you chose to sleep with is no one's business but your own. The label is irrelevant. People, when coming out to themselves don't have neuroses about the sex act itself, but what it's called. A boy might reasonably think, in the current climate, that if he sleeps with a man once, then he will be gay for ever and everyone will see him as such in the future, his image consumed by a statement which says that the most important thing about a person is who they sleep with.

I like football. I sleep with men. I drink lager. I play chess. I sleep with women. I love The Simpsons, I am a Civil Servant, I eat cheese, I smoke, etc., etc. It is ridiculous to be labelled and judged by just two of the above statements. All some people see, once they know, is a bisexual man. Period.

Who actually likes the terms `gay' or `lesbian' or `bisexual' or `transgender' or `straight' anyway. Do you prefer `queer' or `dyke' or `catflap' ?? In the last issue I mentioned a debate on labels that we had had a few years ago at a bisexual conference. Not liking the `B' word much we were seeking an alternative - and came up with the term `nice'.

And there is no nice gene, or even selfish ones. You can not genetically modify the sexuality of an individual who hasn't even got a sex drive yet. You can't abort a gay foetus because there are no gay foetuses, or straight ones. Nor do foetuses like football, drink lager or play chess.

It's common sense isn't it?

(13 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[21 Apr 2002|10:31pm]
[ mood | my head hurts. ]
[ music | The Police - Message in a Bottle ]

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?
quiz, by Angel.


Took it again:

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?
quiz, by Angel.

Okay, that I can live with.

(dream a little dream of me)

[21 Apr 2002|10:08pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Gorillaz - Dracula ]

Cuirt an Mheadhan Oidhche

Ba ghnáth mé ar siúl le ciumhais na habhann
Ar bháinseach úr is an drúcht go trom,
In aice na gcoillte i gcoim an tsléibhe
Gan mhairg gan mhoill ar shoilseadh an lae
Do ghealadh mo chroí nuair chin Loch Gréine
An talamh, an tír, is íor na spéire
Ba thaitneamhach aoibhinn suíomh na sléibhte
Ag bagairt a gcinn thar dhroim a chéile.
Ghealfadh an croí bheadh críon le cianta
Caite gan bhrí nó líonta le pianta
An séithleach searbh gan sealbh gan saibhreas
D’fhéachfadh tamall thar bharra na gcoillte
Ar lachain ina scuain ar chuan gan cheo,
An eala ar a bhfuaid is í ag gluaiseacht leo
Na héisc le meidhir ag éirí anairde,
Péirse i radharc go taibhseach tarrbhreac
Dath an locha agus gorm na dtonn
Ag teacht go tolgach torannach trom,
Bhíodh éanlaith i gcrann go meidhreach mómhar,
Léimneach eilte i gcoillte im chóngar,
Géimneach adharc is radharc ar shlóite,
Tréanrith gadhar is Reynard rompu.

Brian Merriman
The Court of Midnight

It was my custom to meander with the river in sight
Through the fresh meadows laden with dew,
Near the woods by the mountain-side
At the dawn of the day, without fear or fright, I’d set out
It would gladden my heart to find Loch Graney,
And the country around it, to the edge of the skies.
Oh how I delighted in the mountains
Fighting for heaven, on each other’s back.
It would gladden my aging heart
Spent without caution or care
The sorry outcast without riches
To see beyond the wood tops
The ducks peacefully paddling,
Tailing the swan on her majestic way,
The fish energetically leaping
And of the perch, a speckled sight,
The blue mass on the tinted lake
Racing ashore with a thunderous force,
The birds in the trees gayly singing,
As the deer sprint through the woods,
To see huntsmen with blaring bugles,
As after Reynard the hounds are chasing.

Brian Merriman

(dream a little dream of me)

[21 Apr 2002|01:44am]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Mudmen - Underdog ]

For some reason, just this second, it amuses me that whenever Ben (friend of Devin's) comes to our class, both Andrew and I do our best impression of Neo dodging bullets. It started out as a not-so-funny joke about his trenchcoat, and somehow, as it's become a cliche, it's gotten funnier. Maybe because our Neo impressions have gotten better.

In other news, I like this song.

I believe in the underdog
I have stood in the rain
I believe in the lost cause
I believe in getting through the pain

(8 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[20 Apr 2002|10:19pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Paula Cole - Amen ]

You know something funny? I don't think there is a picture in existence of Klaudio and I together.

Strange. Because for awhile there, we hung out EVERY DAY. For about a year and a half, I should think. strangestrange.

(6 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[20 Apr 2002|10:15pm]
[ music | Mudmen - Saturday ]

I found the most bizarre site ever.

Basically it says that Hinduism is a corrupted version of Christianity. Or something like that. Hinduism supposedly isn't one religion, but a collection of folk beliefs that were called a religion by the British when they conquered India. That basically all Hindu meant then was anything other than Buddhist or Muslim, or something. Which sort of makes sense. But then they get crazy. APPARENTLY, the concept of avatars was STOLEN from Christianity. haha. Good for a larf.

Oh oh, and it says that "everyone knows" Sanskrit is the oldest language in the world. haha. NO. Basque is, for the most part, older. Its words for knife and plow and things of that sort are directly derived from its word for stone. A stone age language. Whereas Sanskrit is AT LEAST bronze age.

(6 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[20 Apr 2002|07:31pm]
A group of Ravens is called 'An Unkindness'. It can also be a 'Constable' or 'Conspiracy', though, depending on what they are doing at the time. For example, an unkindness of ravens might torment a dog and steal its food. A constable of ravens is stationed at the Tower of London. A conspiracy of ravens might be seen lurking in the shadows of a garbage dump.

ooh, fabulous.

(1 embryonic dream | dream a little dream of me)

[20 Apr 2002|05:55am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Gordon Lightfoot - The Way I Feel ]

Must be a Dad night for me. First I downloaded all of this Gordon Lightfoot, then I surprised myself by singing all I could remember of American Pie (about half). Drunken stupidity aside, I love the old codger.

I was singing Phil Ochs and Tom Paxton tonight in the kitchen while he was cooking dinner. What's funny is I was singing them in nearly the same voice I sing showtunes in the kitchen, in. Probably atmosphere more than musical genre. He was amused, I think.

(dream a little dream of me)

[20 Apr 2002|03:16am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Jennifer Lopez - I'm Real (remix featuring Ja Rule) ]


Andrew says:
You know what's fun? Killing someone and raping their pets.
Raven says:
How true.

Watchet Rhapsody: some of my best weekends have been spent doing that. ah, the memories.
Watchet Rhapsody: *shakes head*

(dream a little dream of me)

[20 Apr 2002|03:12am]
[ mood | lol ]
[ music | Smashing Pumpkins - Blissed and Gone ]

PsychedelicJedi: You know that Uranus is not actually pronounced "yer anus"?
PsychedelicJedi: An alternate spelling that actually gives you more of an idea of how it's pronounced is Ouranos
Watchet Rhapsody: I knew that, yes.
PsychedelicJedi: ur smrt
Watchet Rhapsody: we both is.
PsychedelicJedi: *tries to impregnate you*
Watchet Rhapsody: O_o
Watchet Rhapsody: you're 'trying'? want some help?
Watchet Rhapsody: havin' trouble?
PsychedelicJedi: *laughs*
PsychedelicJedi: *very very drnk*
Watchet Rhapsody: suuuure.
Watchet Rhapsody: ok, yep. i have to go.
PsychedelicJedi: ha
PsychedelicJedi: UR PREGANT
Watchet Rhapsody: *pats belly*

(2 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[20 Apr 2002|01:59am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Portishead - Biscuit ]

Watchet Rhapsody: OH! I was going to tell you...
PsychedelicJedi: what?
Watchet Rhapsody: guess what is in the 'secret' purple binder...
PsychedelicJedi: porn?
Watchet Rhapsody: no.
PsychedelicJedi: I forgot you're not a guy, sorry.
PsychedelicJedi: um. A story you wrote?
Watchet Rhapsody: no.
PsychedelicJedi: A really really hot picture of me?
Watchet Rhapsody: hehe. no.
PsychedelicJedi: Well, it'd make sense if you were showing that off to all of your friends
PsychedelicJedi: But okay.
PsychedelicJedi: hm.
PsychedelicJedi: I should've watched more reruns of What's My Line? while we still had the game show network. Then maybe I'd have better questions.
Watchet Rhapsody: Heh.
Watchet Rhapsody: Alright, alright...
Watchet Rhapsody: Erotic fiction.
Watchet Rhapsody: Lots and lots.
PsychedelicJedi: Ô_O
Watchet Rhapsody: No, not really.
Watchet Rhapsody: Let's can I explain this...
PsychedelicJedi: You... cannot be told... what is in the purple binder... you have to see it for yourself...

(dream a little dream of me)

[19 Apr 2002|01:13am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Rage Against the Machine - Maggie's Farm ]

This is the inscription that made me cry my eyes out on Sunday. Granted, I was in an emotional state to begin with, but I dunno. Pretty poignant, I think. It's bilingual, so if you don't understand the first bit, scroll down to the second.

Ba ar an trá seo a bhásaigh breis is 1,500 Gael den tíofas, iad ar a dteitheadh ón nGorta Mór in éindi le saoránaigh thruachroíocha eile de chreidimh éagsúla, a d'fhóir orthu i mbotháin fhiabrais Kingston.


Is naofa linna a cuimhne siúd


On this shore more than 1500 Irish fleeing THE GREAT HUNGER, along with compassionate citizens of many faiths, who cared for them, died of typhus in the fever sheds of Kingston.



I've been going around copying out the inscriptions on the three celtic cross monuments. I figure if I can dissect the irish language in practice, I'll better understand how it works. Plus I just like visiting the monuments and writing things in my barely-used notebook.

(2 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[18 Apr 2002|07:37pm]
[ music | Jennifer Lopez - Waiting for Tonight ]

I forgot to say this, but at the sunday ceilidh, THREE different girls were making eyes at me.

Granted, one was 8 and another was 11, but I was VERY flattered nonetheless.

The third one was "almost 17", and bore a strong resemblance to luxxie, at least in my mind. Her name was Colleen, or maybe it was spelled the Irish way, Cailín. Whichever. She was coolish. She directed a couple dances at the saturday ceilidh. She lives in Toronto, apparently. She was babysitting Róisín (ROW-sheen), daughter of Dermid and Denise, two teachers who came from Ireland for the weekend.

We had a nice little conversation. Idle teenage conversation. Lots of "yeah"s and "cool"s.

AND the bartender gave me a coke for free. boo-yah.

(4 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[17 Apr 2002|11:17pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | The Smashing Pumpkins - Soots and Stars ]

I hate how whenever I say something obscure, Klaudio immediately has to explain it to Irina. Or he'll say to me, "She doesn't know what you're talking about."

That would be part of the joke, actually. Dickhead.

It's funny, because I used to be so supportive of them. Until he started discarding things for her. blah.

I need new friends. I realised the other day, that I don't really have any other real-life face-to-face friends. Except Andrew, I guess, and he's only really good to be around sometimes.

Maybe it's time for ME to get into a relationship and get lobotomised.

...That was SARCASM, folks. Come ON.

(dream a little dream of me)

[17 Apr 2002|01:39am]
[ mood | smirking ]
[ music | You Were Spiraling - Take on Me ]

Watchet Rhapsody: I was thinking the other day...about this race of people who, like, pass down all their memories and lessons and stories and so on through their genes. so each generation keeps getting wiser and wiser....kind of. like, there's a limit to it...sort of like, once they hit physical maturity, everything starts to reveal itself, and doesn't stop until they have children themselves...and stuff. or something.
PsychedelicJedi: In Clan of the Cave Bear, the neanderthals were like that, sort of. They could remember things their ancestors did.
Watchet Rhapsody: wheee. really? my sister told me to read those books a long time ago, and i never did.
PsychedelicJedi: Later ones in the series have a LOT of sex in them. A LOT.
Watchet Rhapsody: O_O
PsychedelicJedi: Like, romance novel amounts of sex.
Watchet Rhapsody: why?
PsychedelicJedi: *shrugs* Dunno, but it made my early adolescence a whole lot more interesting.

Contextless Statements Are the Best Kind! [17 Apr 2002|01:16am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Moby - We Are All Made of Stars (radio edit) ]

ballad of zagg: all ilona does is play with her pussy

(5 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[16 Apr 2002|11:53pm]
[ mood | ironic ]
[ music | Andrew W.K. - She Is Beautiful ]

theempathogen: W00T
PsychedelicJedi: eh?
theempathogen: you've got me thinking
theempathogen: that abortions and euthanasia should be both legal AND state funded.
PsychedelicJedi: Makes perfect sense to me

Watchet Rhapsody: you know what else i realised? i lost my Moby single, too...and it's my birthday in, like, two months.
PsychedelicJedi: Then you'll be old enough to gamble and fall in love and shoot yourself
PsychedelicJedi: Or wait... no, that's only on Alpha Centauri
Watchet Rhapsody: *snorts*
PsychedelicJedi: Sorry Vanessa, you're a soulless subhuman for another two years and two months.

(3 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[16 Apr 2002|10:54pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | The Dandy Warhols - Shakin' ]

Raven says:
Cain was the worst mass murderer in human history. He killed fully one quarter of the population.
Andrew says:
Are you refering to ireland or something. Pardon my ignorance...
Andrew says:
Raven says:
Actually, I'm talking about the Bible
Raven says:
The most poorly-written horror novel in human history.
Andrew says:
Horror? I always thought it was comedy. Guess I was wrong
Andrew says:
Ah the bible. So many christians, so few lions.
Raven says:
Ain't that the truth.

(5 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[16 Apr 2002|10:11pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | The Dandy Warhols - Shakin' ]

Oh yeah, I got a futon frame from Mum yesterday. It's actually Morgan's, but whether she'll want it back, if she ever comes back from Mexico, is up for debate. So now I've got the frame, then my queen-size futon, then Morgan's... double, or whatever it is, on top. It's mind-blowingly comfortable. I slept through school on account of it. Well, that and staying up way too late reading The Long Hard Road Out of Hell. See, I got it down from my shelf because I want Andrew to read it, and then I started reading it and couldn't stop. Silly.

(1 embryonic dream | dream a little dream of me)

[16 Apr 2002|09:24pm]
[ mood | groggy ]

PsychedelicJedi: Ô_Ô
theempathogen: YES....
theempathogen: *cries* I wanna GOOOOOOOOOOO.
theempathogen: if only to meet shirt guy Dom and club him over the head and pack him into my luggage.
PsychedelicJedi: tsk tsk
theempathogen: well, what do I need him for anyway
theempathogen: chris looks exactly like him
theempathogen: ha ha.

(3 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[16 Apr 2002|09:09pm]
[ mood | okay ]

I played two games of Age of Empires online with Andrew today. You know, that game is SO much more fun when you play with someone else.

(1 embryonic dream | dream a little dream of me)

A Public Letter to mo Neasa. [15 Apr 2002|04:40pm]
[ mood | energetic ]
[ music | Finley Quaye - Sunday Shining ]

This song makes me feel hopeful and LET'S-GO-OUT-AND-PARTY.

I'm a hero like Robert DeNiro.

But you know what it says in the liner notes? "I'm a hero like Robert the Black." hawHAW.

I know an Ital rasta man.

You know what that means? I think the best way to describe ital is to say that it's sort of like kosher. It's an eating code of sorts. What a rastaman can and can't eat.

(dream a little dream of me)

[15 Apr 2002|04:26pm]
[ mood | still sort of tired ]
[ music | Mindless Self Indulgence - Bitches ]

Yesterday I had Gaeilge lessons in the early morning, then a break, then a dance workshop, then lunchtime, which I ascetically did not take advantage of to eat anything, then Dubhglas, Seántal and I walked all the way from the base to the Brew Pub (took us nearly an hour, including our break in the park--we played on the Merry-Go-Round) for an afternoon ceilidh. After the ceilidh, I walked with Suzzanne and Cindy to school, then they went to Cindy's house and I went walking by the river, feeling melancholy. I read the gaeilge inscription on the celtic cross by the river/lake (river mouth) and cried my eyes out. In the rain. How melodramatic is THAT? hawHAW. Then I walked home, the long way, and called my mother, who'd been calling me all weekend, and Klaudio, who had also been calling me all weekend. Then at about 8:30 I went to bed.


(9 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[14 Apr 2002|07:51pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | Mudmen - 5 O'Clock ]

I support and use sema's client.

(3 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[14 Apr 2002|01:28am]
[ mood | exhausted ]

Not even gonna read my friends page tonight. I'm just online to say that I just got back from the Ceilidh, and it RULED. Holy shit. I love celtic music, I love celtic culture, I love Gaeilge, I just fucking love it.

I danced with Cindy and Emily Rúa and Suzzanne and Chantale. With Suzzanne it was hella crazy, cos we were sort of waltzing, but I was throwing in all these... whatchacallit, flamenco-esque moves. The hardest, though, were the ones I did with Emily. Man.

Tired as hell, pumped full of adrenaline. I know when it wears off, I'll be out like a light.

We learned lots of useful and interesting stuff in Gaeilge. The morning teacher was terrible, but the afternoon teacher was great.

You would not BELIEVE how many Seáns and Padraigs there were. Or maybe you would. Whatever.

Almost missed my ride this morning. I left a message for Dad, asking him to wake me up, but since it's Saturday, he didn't listen to it until 8:30, and I was supposed to be picked up at 8:50. So. He told me what time it was, and I took this half-gasp, half-deepdeepbreath, and I was AWAKE. AND IN A HURRY. I ended up not going straight to Cindy's house, because I figured I'd be too late, so I tried to cut them off, so to speak, walking along the road I expected them to take. At first I thought I'd missed them, but then I heard this voice yell, "Isaac!" and I turned around, and there was the car. Sweet. And then during free time, after Gaeilge lessons, Emily Dubh's father brought a bunch of us home, and I got a ride back with Cindy again. Same deal tomorrow. Same Cindy time, same Cindy channel.

Room starting to spin. Goodnight.

(8 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[13 Apr 2002|12:44am]
[ mood | going to bed now! honest! ]

Oh yeah, and at the Irish Weekend thing, we met this stepdancer from an irish bit of the Maritimes. Someplace in Nova Scotia, I reckon.

Him: Día dhuit!
Raven's gaydar: *BOOPBOOPBOOP*

heh. I'd never heard anyone speak Gaeilge with an effeminate lisp before. It was quite interesting. I just stood back, drank my coke, and watched him converse with Emily Rúa (in english). She's a stepdancer too, see. Cape Breton style. Apparently Cape Breton style is similar to his. Which is why I reckon he's from Nova Scotia. The fact that they're similar would make much more sense if they're close geographically.

(6 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[13 Apr 2002|12:23am]
[ music | Mudmen - 5 O'Clock ]

Have you ever noticed how when you point out that someone is a great deal richer than you, they always snap back, "My parents worked really hard"?

I mean, I'm never trying to imply that their parents are rich dilettantes or anything. I just notice when people live in particularly rich neighbourhoods. I live in... well, Kingston doesn't have a ghetto. Unless you count Rideau Heights. But I live in a seriously shitty neighbourhood. My building smells like 1)cat piss, 2)cheap food, or 3)cheap air freshener used to cover up the other two.

My building could be Winston's, in 1984. In fact, if I ever end up filming my version of that, I'll probably end up using this building as Winston's.

Dad says we're middle-class, but I think that's more in mentality than actual prosperity level. And the fact that he was raised middle-class, and my mother was raised upper-middle-class.

Case in point: Cindy has a CASTLE on the end of her block. I pointed out, "You live in a really posh neighbourhood, Cindy."

"My parents worked really hard."

(7 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[13 Apr 2002|12:00am]
[ mood | I have a headache ]
[ music | Fiona Apple - Across the Universe ]


Jai = Live Forever
Guru = Teacher
Deva = Heavenly One
Om = The Vibration of the Universe
I get the feeling that Om is like punctuation. Or like tacking "amen" onto the end of a prayer. D'yadig?

(2 embryonic dreams | dream a little dream of me)

[12 Apr 2002|11:35pm]
[ mood | tired ]

I just got back from the first night of the Irish Weekend. Man, it was a blast.

I got a ride out there with Cindy. It was actually pretty cool. She's nice to me all of a sudden. And Sue and Emily Dubh were there, too. I'm Sue's hero. Or that's what she tells me whenever I say something odd and funny, anyway.

I got to Cindy's neighbourhood about an hour early, and I felt a little weird about going over there that early, so I sat on the grass on the island (in the middle of the street), and wished I'd brought a book. Then I walked a little closer at 7:30 (the plan was to leave at ten to eight), and watched the seagulls and crows. This dude who was hanging out with his kids was like, "Are you waiting for someone?" Haltingly, stuttering, I explained a simplified version of the situation. He asked which house it was, and I pointed it out, and he said, "Cindy Brandybuck*'s house?" I said yes, and he said to his kids, "This is Cindy's friend." Then he turned to me and said, "Cindy's boyfriend?" I laughed and said no. He told me that Cindy babysits his kids. (Cindy later told me that she had told them about her boyfriend, but she hadn't introduced them because he's really tall, and she thinks they'll be scared of him. That's probably why the dude asked if I was her boyfriend, because she'd mentioned that he was really tall.) Then I went over to Cindy's door, because Emily Dubh had just showed up and the door was open. Cindy saw me and said, "Come in." So I did, and stood in the front hallway. Then Sue came out of the back of the house and said, "You're acting strangely shy." I asked didn't I normally seem shy? She said no. Probably because she used to sit near me, and she heard all of the comments I made that most of the class didn't. False impressions. Plus Cindy looked really good, and that made me nervous, somehow. (I'm just a nervous guy. I blame my father's genes. Dude had an ulcer at age 10.)

My part in the play didn't go TOO badly, I reckon. I was Warrior 1. I died VERY quickly. But I looked best of all the warriors, including Cu Chulainn. So. I guess I was killed because Cu Chulainn was jealous of me. Or else it was that whole Brown Bull/White Bull, Ulster/Connacht thing. Whichever.

We got some pictures (from Emily Rúa, methinks). One of me singing The Cnite and the Norange Tree. Very candid. I'll scan the ones with me in them if I can borrow them from whoever they belong to.

Andrew bought me a pop when I asked him too, with minimal scowling. And Cindy lent me five dollars to buy an ice cream cone when we stopped at BeaverTail (ice cream place I dropped off a resume at) on the way back.

We listened to Mudmen REALLY loud in Emily Rúa's car.

monday you're paranoid
tuesday you try to avoid
wednesday you don't have a clue
thursday they're laughing at you
thank god it's friday
thank god it's friday

that means that Saturday is on the way
through the confusion i fade away
you know i give it a shot, i'll tear my way
through saturday, saturday
Tomorrow, if I get to Cindy's house at ten to NINE, I will have another ride. WE SHALL SEE. I don't know how I'll get in otherwise, because if you're in a car the driver needs picture ID. I don't know if they'll let someone in on foot, and even if they would, I don't have picture ID. My health card still hasn't arrived. So we shall see, yes.

*Names altered very obviously to protect the innocent. Really her last name is one that hobbits have, so yeah.

(dream a little dream of me)

[12 Apr 2002|05:19pm]
[ mood | go ahead (somethingorother) and date a dead messiah ]
[ music | Marilyn Manson - The Last Day on Earth ]

Yesterday was a million years ago
In all my past lives I played an asshole
Now I found you, it's almost too late
And this earth seems obliviating
We are trembling in our crutches
High and dead our skin is glass
I'm so empty here without you
I crack my xerox hands
I know it's the last day on earth
We'll be together while the planet dies
I know it's the last day on earth
We'll never say goodbye
And the dogs slaughter each other softly
Love burns its casualties
We are damaged provider modules
Spill the seeds at our children's feet
I'm so empty here without you
I know they want me dead
I know it's the last day on earth
We'll be together while the planet dies
I know it's the last day on earth
We'll never say goodbye

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