Kricket and koon, I steal your survey. |
[29 Mar 2002|05:00pm] |
Middle name: I wish it started with an R. *State of sexuality: I typically decline to state labels. *Most hated bodily functions: Things involving stomach acid, and whatever hormonal process is responsible for the creation of breast tissue. *What are you guilty of: Paranoia. *What are you proud of: Some of the things I've created. *For/against animal testing: For. The vast majority of animal testing is not cute critters being needlessly eaten alive by caustic chemicals; that's just what PETA and other fanatical groups want you to believe. *Movie that scared you the most when you were a kid: I can't remember... I wasn't a kid to be scared easily by media. *Something about adulthood that mystifies you?: The fact that so many adults persue lifestyles and goals that they themselves don't actually want, simply because they've been told that they should by family or society. *Natural disaster you fear most: Firestorms, or other disasters by which things burn to the ground. *Natural disaster you want to experience: I want to watch a tsunami, but only from high ground. *Would you be the bride/groom in a shotgun wedding: NO. CURRENT JOB: Unemployed bum slash freelance illustrator. I do actually make a small income on the latter, but it's not enough to cultivate any savings from. FUTURE JOB: Multibillionaire. RIGHTY, LEFTY OR AMBIDEXTROUS: Right. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS OR GLASSES: Neither, save for optional sunglasses. RELIGION: None. PETS: A cat (who recently died, but she's still my pet), a leopard gecko, a Mexican rosy boa, and two obnoxious tiger oscars. SMOKER/NONSMOKER: Non. CAR YOU DRIVE: A white 1994 Saturn SL2 filled with toys (black fuzzy dice, a stuffed ocelot, lemur and lizard, Sideshow Bob and Apu figurines, a plastic dragonfly on the rear-view, a miniature disco ball on the dome light, a Darwin fish I haven't put on the back yet...) *******************FAVORITES*********************** TYPES OF MUSIC: Rock (modern, grunge, light, prog, punk, funk, etc.), electronic (techno, industrial, ambient, dance, trance, disco, etc.), and miscellaneous (classical, jazz, pop, r+b, ethnic, choral, etc.) BAND/ARTIST: Nine Inch Nails, Tool, The Crystal Method, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Depeche Mode, KMFDM, Gravity Kills, Death in Vegas... and on and on. Just reading off CDs from a stack on my desk. BOOK: Don't think I have a favorite book, but the last two I read were both nonfiction ("Fast Food Nation", about the history and practices of the fast food industry, and "Blue Cats and Chartreuse Kittens," about synesthesia.) HOBBIES: Drawing and painting, making things, the online world, swimming, cooking, eating, sleeping, writing... COLOUR: Any, but dark greens/grays/black if I have to choose arbitrarily. GAME: Tetris. FOODS: French fries and other fried things, salad, pizza, burritos, pasta, deli sandwiches. VEGETABLE: Carrots, lettuce, peppers. FRUIT: Pineapple, mango, strawberries. ICE CREAM: Strawberry, green tea, espresso bean. CANDY: Chewy and sour. (Sour Patch Kids, sour straws, peachy-Os, that sort of thing.) NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINK: Pineapple or cranberry juice, Italian soda, white mocha. ALCOHOLIC DRINK: Lemon anything (hard lemonade, electric lemonade, citrus vodkas). MOVIES: Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, The Lion King, Being John Malkovich, anything with Edward Norton (Fight Club, American History X, etc.), Arlington Road, The Sixth Sense, and so on. TV SHOW: The Simpsons. CARTOON: TaleSpin. DAY OF THE WEEK: Friday (night), but Gryllus is right: the days of the week melt together into one generic day when you're unemployed. FLOWER: Bird of paradise, although I admit I like the leaves more than the flower. GEMSTONE: Jade[d]. HOLIDAY: Halloween. JEWELRY: Turtle pendant and... uh, miscellaneous? SEASON: Medeterranean fall. ANIMAL: Any, but cats and reptiles favor high. PLACE TO VISIT: Europe, South America. THING TO WEAR: Perhaps nothing, but I never get that opportunity. SPORT TO WATCH: None on TV, hockey in person. FLOWERS/CANDY/POETRY: If you insist... KISSING/HUGGING/F@#KING: Are you only supposed to pick one? TV/RADIO: Don't watch/listen to much of either. ******************HAVE YOU EVER****************** BROKEN THE LAW: Yes, I'm a petty criminal. Almost all of the people I know are, too. HAD STITCHES: Yes, in my mouth. (Skin graft on thin gums, in third grade. No fun.) BROKEN A BONE: No. PLAYED STRIP POKER?: Not seriously. MOONED SOMEONE IN PUBLIC: No. BEEN ON A BLIND DATE: Sort of... COME CLOSE TO DYING: No. BEEN DRUNK: Yes. BEEN STONED: No. WHAT IS******************** YOUR GOOD LUCK CHARM: The number 53; my stuffed ring-tailed lemur; one of my sand-filled geckos. WORST SONG YOU EVER HEARD: Too many to name... ug. MOST EMBARRASSING CD IN YOUR COLLECTION: Actually, I don't own any albums by bands I'm ashamed of liking. (You won't tell anyone about my secret collection of Korn mp3s, right?) WORST FEAR: Unfamiliar people. ON THE WALLS OF YOUR ROOM: A poster print of Lazy Leopard by Craig Bone, another poster print of Scott Mutter's signature 'escalator' photomontage, a blacklight poster (Swamp Mirage, the tree-woman one), white X-mas lights, a bulletin board, a mirror, a net with stuffed animals in it, dust, spider webs and isolated patches of mildew. UNDER YOUR BED: Probably dust, random debris, and coins. My bed is a futon directly on the floor, so I haven't looked recently. ARE YOU******************** A GOOD SINGER: I can stay on key, but I dislike the quality of my voice. A GOOD DANCER: Sure, why not. Though, a big part of being a good dancer seems to be just up and doing it... I always see way too many people standing around in the wings at clubs, bopping self-consciously but never actually dancing. SINGLE: No... GOING TO GET MARRIED: No, never. GOING TO HAVE CHILDREN: Not unless you count pets, no.
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