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Interesting. [06 May 2002|08:31pm]
    "The name of Amara has given you an appreciation for many beautiful and refined aspects of life--music and art, literature, drama--and the outdoors, where you find much peace and relaxation, but it creates a far too sensitive nature. You sense and feel much that you do not understand, and sometimes you are alarmed at your thoughts and wonder about their origin. You rarely experience the tranquility that comes with stability of thinking or emotional control. At times, you are very inspired, desiring to be with people and to entertain others as the "life of the party," while at other times you are aloof and choose to remove yourself entirely from association. You crave understanding and affection but your intensity of desire and your self-consciousness prevent you from finding the happiness you desire. You have suffered many disappointments and misunderstandings because of your inability to express your inner thoughts. You could experience sensitivity in the heart, lungs, or bronchial organs, causing tuberculosis, asthma, or depletion of your energies.

(From http://www.kabalarians.com/; thanks, esche.)

mood contemplative
music Sasha & John Digweed - Pushin' Too Hard (Saints And Sinners)

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LiveJourney [04 May 2002|04:05pm]
Decided I would give this LiveJourney thing a try. For the uninformed, it's a Six Degrees of Separation type of game, where you go to the front page of LJ, hit the 'random' userlink, and see how many steps it takes to make it back to your own journal by clicking on other peoples' friends/friend-of lists.

  1. anubisblue -- a vaguely furry-sounding name as my first hit. A good start.
  2. ravengrrl was stop number two... because the name, albeit rather generic, sounded somehow familiar.
  3. loscocco was stop number three, because I know him. Well, okay, I met him once 'cause he's a friend of altenra, but same difference. ;)
  4. kattything -- home again. That was too easy...

I admit I cheated a little, because this is actually the second time I've tried LiveJourneying. The first time, I got stuck: 'random' brought me to the journal of some girl in Ohio, and the five or so people on her friends/friend-of lists were all from the same small Ohio town, and all linked only back to one another. Grr!

mood amused
music Michael Jackson - Thriller

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Buh. [03 May 2002|11:32pm]
Okay, so I lied about a con report being forthcoming; I really haven't had the energy to write anything in-depth, so I'll give you a summary (in neat list-form!):

  1. I-5 sucks. It's long, and flat, and boring, and gets a lot of bug guts on your windshield to boot. Thankfully, a rainstorm whipped over the highway near Bakersfield, removing most of said bug guts prior to arrival in LA.

  2. CF as a con is pretty well dead. They upped admission price again despite falling attendance, and the whole thing was just really crappily scheduled and planned.

  3. The hotel in Burbank was well deserted Thursday night, so Lief and I dragged jonasbagel out to Denny's and made him stay up past his normal 9 PM bedtime (pfft, morning people). Later that night we slept in the car. Well... okay... I didn't quite sleep, just lay in an uncomfortable heap in the reclined passenger seat for about five hours until the sun came up. Then it was back into the hotel to fork over a huge amount of cash for registration.

  4. Caught up with wolfwings, gryllus and frysco, among others. Registration took entirely too long, but at least there were people to talk to while waiting in line.

  5. At some point on Friday I snagged an artist's alley table, and was suddenly innundated by people thrusting $20 bills at me. Much as I like it when people do this, in theory, it meant the next two days were filled with me hunched over sketchbooks, trying to milk the last bits of ink from dying markers.

  6. I finally got to see Felidae, the animated German murder mystery about house cats. It has everything: blood, gore, sex, cult activity, shady medical expiriments, and cats. J'approve.

  7. Saturday night, Turbine Divinity (who, by the way, is Cool with a capital C) and his gang threw a little room party, and a bunch of people I know turned out for it, including icefox and Peganthyrus. Wolfwings made some really tasty drinks with chocolate milk and coffee and vodka and who-knows-what-else, that managed to get Jonas smashed in record time. Karen and I went at him with a Sharpie (with amusing results... the flying penis is noteworthy), and then she went at him with ice cubes and one of Turbine's leather floggers. I wish I would have had a tape recorder handy...

  8. Iron Badger was kind enough to loan me a corner of a hotel room floor on Friday night, and Peggy was kind enough to loan me a cluttery apartment floor (yay for cluttery apartment floors) to sleep on on Saturday. So this year, I didn't have to spend a penny on places to sleep! This made me particularly happy.

  9. Sunday was pretty slow, so I managed to get on my way by around 8 PM, which had me back home in San Francisco at around 2 AM. This was cutting it a little close for having to work the next morning, but I survived it nonetheless.

  10. Hi to all the people I met and hung out with, either for the first time or for yet another encore. I'd list names, but I just know I'll forget someone if I try to do that.

And there you have it.

mood tired
music Sasha & John Digweed - Believe (Gus Gus)

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[30 Apr 2002|01:56am]
My feet have blisters, my brain has fatigue and my car has about 1,500 miles more on it than it did last week. Could only have been one thing: a con. Thus, a CF13 con report is now tomorrow soon sometime eventually forthcoming. In the mean time, I scare you with this:

(Don't worry, it's just a wig.)

mood exhausted

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I Heart Ralph Steadman [23 Apr 2002|08:00pm]
Today gryllus and dour and I went to the San Francisco Zoo. I typically melt in direct sunlight, but I was saved today by a free sample of Banana Boat (sunblock) I'd had in my backpack for diety-of-choice-knows-how-long.

Nearing the end of the outing, we wandered by the Lion House during the daily feeding hour. Outside of the doors were signs that read the following (or something similar, I'm paraphrasing):

    "Attention: As part of their normal feeding schedule, our big cats are being fed whole, dead rabbits today. Parents should be advised that young children may be disturbed by the sight of the cats eating their whole rabbits."

The ripping and tearing was pretty much over with by the time we got there (darn), but the image of cats and dead rabbits lingered on for a few hours, until I got home and drew this:

Not only is it a delightful parody of a certain arteest (cough-entrytitle-cough), but it's also a portrayal of a snippet of the day's fun!

mood creative
music Monster Magnet - Space Lord (stuck in my head)

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[21 Apr 2002|11:10pm]
Yesterday Lief (dour) and I got an opportunity to hang out with Sue a.k.a. krkt a.k.a. Gryllus (gryllus), who's in town interviewing for jobs'n'such. We broke out the markers and sketchbooks (even managing to get Lief to draw -- he drew a green cricket which we decided looked more like a grasshopper) and generally just made a public nuissance of ourselves at TGI Friday's.

I think I was most amused by a little collaborative drawing Gryllus and I did. I pencilled in a flowy, super-dynamic figure in an attempt to loosely mimick Talon's flowy-super-dynamic figures. The sketch was forgotten, until Gryllus dug it back up and applied Pseudo-Manitou-ish ink lines and designerly-atrocious green and orange marker. To complete the parody, she suggested someone think up a witty inspirational quote. Lief came up with:


and I applied the lettering to one corner of the paper in a mock-designerly hand-font. Props to you if you know the exact origins of this quote.

Afterwards we drove Gryllus back to Francisco's (frysco) place, just down the road, and admired his awesome purebreed cats. I want one.


Oh, yes. Reasons #932 and #933 that I would be a bad parent: when a little kid at the table next to us at Friday's turns around and starts messing with my open art bin, I have to go to great internal lengths to prevent myself from wringing his neck. When another little kid walks up later and wants to know what we're drawing, I have to go to great internal lengths not to say, "hot, sweaty cartoon porn. Wanna see?" I don't like little kids. Grr. If I ate meat, I would probably think that they would taste good with barbecue sauce.


One last item: thanks to the few of you who actually sent me donations! I wasn't expecting more than a couple of bucks, at most. o_O I'll see about some neat LJ pictures or somethin' else appropriate as thank-yous.

mood recumbent

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shamelessness [18 Apr 2002|10:53am]
It just occured to me I finally have a reason to try this PayPal donations thing: I want to go to CF next week, and I'd be able to drive down to LA quite cheaply, and make money while I'm there, but right now I'm broke!

Want to help? Please? I'll love you. I'll be your friend. I'll draw you sketches or LJ icons or something.

mood po'

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There is no escape from the internet. [15 Apr 2002|08:22pm]
So on Sunday, Lief (dour) and I are driving down Highway 1 from Humboldt county (1 being a longer, slower, prettier alternative to 101). After an hour or so of his taking 15 MPH hairpin curves at 30 in the thick morning fog, we hit the coast, along which are numerous small fishing towns.

Passing through one of said towns, we drove by a looping road with a street sign that designated it "OMEGA DR." Only, the E's bottom-most line was worn away, and the A wasn't quite as reflective as it should have been... which caused the sign to read instead as "OMFG."

I didn't think Lief had noticed, until he busted out laughing.

Now I think we both spend too much time online.

mood contemplative

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[13 Apr 2002|06:38am]

what's your battle cry? |
mewing.net | merchandise!

Sure, why not.

mood sleepy

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[12 Apr 2002|01:32am]
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life... but it can't begin until I get through the night, and get home.

Wish me luck.

mood drained

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*giggle* SHOPPING! *giggle* [05 Apr 2002|09:59pm]
Okay, so the title is sarcasm. :)

Typically I'm not a person who enjoys going shopping, but in the right place at the right time I suppose it can be fun. Monique (tsuminaki) and I went to the Haight today; she needed to get a birthday gift for a friend, and I needed to be active and energetic for an afternoon. Between the hole-in-the-wall shops chock-full of crazy bondage gear, blacklight posters and overpriced novelty clothing (I will own the pants emblazoned hundreds of times with the word "fuck," some day, you just watch) and the vast stores full of shelves and shelves of desk fountains, scented candles, Egyptian statuaries and Hindu-inspired electronica CDs, I got my fill of esoterica for the day.

I also ate lunch at the Blue Front Cafe... mmm, lemonade with honey. Mmm, big salad with pasta and avacado. Mmm... I spend too much money on food, don't I...

Later in the evening, sitting at home and attempting to de-stress (I came home to find out Len's been bitten by a dog, all of my poi-spinning-related cuts and bruises are getting sore, I have less time available than I thought I did to clear my floor, and several friends are feeling down for a variety of reasons), I discovered something cool: if you mash up bits of strawberry in a garlic press, put the mashed strawberry into a glass of Coke, and let it sit awhile, the rising carbonation from the soda ends up secondarily 'carbonating' the strawberry slush!

I sat in the bathtub for about an hour, drinking it and pretending I were on some tropical island somewhere.


What? Don't you do that, too?

mood relaxed
music Pearl Jam - Even Flow

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Strangeness. [04 Apr 2002|02:04am]

^ Scribble I 'colored' using stillframes of various camcorder interference patterns.

mood tired
music Aphex Twin - Polygon Window

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^____^ [02 Apr 2002|06:43pm]
HEY MAUI u r kewl 4 drawig me a icon!!! ok thnx bye!!1

mood devious
music Soundgarden - Spoonman

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[02 Apr 2002|02:02pm]
So, I wake up this morning to the slightly-distant sound of air raid sirens. This is not all that unusual, seeing that they test said sirens (in San Francisco, anyway) once a week, at noon on Tuesdays. I do notice they seem to be staying on quite awhile, but that could just be my half-asleepedness misinterpreting lengths of time.

"It must already be noon," mumbles my brain.

"Wait." I'm slightly more conscious now. "Why didn't my alarm clock go off at 11:00 like it was supposed to?"

I roll over, confused, to inspect my clock. It reads 10:38 AM.

Suddenly I am awake. Panic. Why are the sirens going off early? Why have they been going off for longer than 30 seconds? Why are they still going off?

I go downstairs, look outside. Nothing looks wrong. No carnage or destruction, or anything. There are people out and about. It's sunny and warm. The sirens have stopped.

Jittery, I go outside to move my car to the other side of the street like I normally do, so I don't get ticketed for staying in one place in the two-hour zone all day. I come back. I turn on the TV. The usual soap operas and gameshows... nothing is wrong.

Nothing is wrong.

I come back upstairs. Take a shower. And when noon really does roll around, the sirens don't go off again; for some reason, they must have just tested them early today.

Nothing is wrong.

Thanks, guys, for the advance notice on changing the time at which the test sirens are to go off.

mood distressed
music Rage Against the Machine - Genocide

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Big Changes. [01 Apr 2002|12:40am]
I've been doing a lot of slow, painful soul-searching recently... it hasn't been easy, but I've come to some conclusions about my life, and about what I'm missing in it; what I need, what will make me happy.

All my life I've felt an emptiness I cannot descibe. I've tried to turn to my family, but they haven't been much help. I've tried to fill the void with friends, but to no avail. More and more I feel like I'm lost, and I need someone, a guiding light, to steer me in the right direction. I've made a lot of stupid decisions in my life, and I think it's time I did something Right for a change.

I've decided it's time for me to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

read more about my decision... )

mood rejuvenated
music something or other by Creed

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Heh heh. [31 Mar 2002|09:28pm]
* oCe nods. "Hey, at least you've got something of an income now. I'm still a bum."
<Baines> Well, I'm kind of a half-assed bum. I could get a regular job and a regular salary, but right now I'm working freelance - half the pay, half the work.
<Baines> I guess it's a testament to my half-assedness.
* oCe nods.
<oCe> Three cheers for half-assedness!
<Baines> Hip-hip.... eh, whatever.

mood amused
music Blue Amazon - Four Seasons

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[31 Mar 2002|07:21pm]
Grilled vegetable kabobs, steamed rice, barbecued potato casserole, barbecued corn on the cob, home-made potato salad, pasta salad, strawberries, dinner rolls, blackberry pie, vanilla ice cream, Cadbury Creme Eggs, jelly beans, gawdawful marshmallow peeps (which I was tempted to skewer, roast and smash into a sadistic s'more)...

I think ate too much today.

mood full
music Nine Inch Nails - La Mer

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[30 Mar 2002|07:49pm]

Poi #1 works! It's not done yet (I still have to install a switch, find swivels for the cord, and figure out how to close the two halves securely) but the curcuit works!

mood pleased
music Bedrock - Voices (Sasha & John Digweed, Northern Exposure)

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Kricket and koon, I steal your survey. [29 Mar 2002|05:00pm]
Middle name: I wish it started with an R.
*State of sexuality: I typically decline to state labels.
*Most hated bodily functions: Things involving stomach acid, and whatever hormonal process is responsible for the creation of breast tissue.
*What are you guilty of: Paranoia.
*What are you proud of: Some of the things I've created.
*For/against animal testing: For. The vast majority of animal testing is not cute critters being needlessly eaten alive by caustic chemicals; that's just what PETA and other fanatical groups want you to believe.
*Movie that scared you the most when you were a kid: I can't remember... I wasn't a kid to be scared easily by media.
*Something about adulthood that mystifies you?: The fact that so many adults persue lifestyles and goals that they themselves don't actually want, simply because they've been told that they should by family or society.
*Natural disaster you fear most: Firestorms, or other disasters by which things burn to the ground.
*Natural disaster you want to experience: I want to watch a tsunami, but only from high ground.
*Would you be the bride/groom in a shotgun wedding: NO.
CURRENT JOB: Unemployed bum slash freelance illustrator. I do actually make a small income on the latter, but it's not enough to cultivate any savings from.
FUTURE JOB: Multibillionaire.
DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS OR GLASSES: Neither, save for optional sunglasses.
PETS: A cat (who recently died, but she's still my pet), a leopard gecko, a Mexican rosy boa, and two obnoxious tiger oscars.
CAR YOU DRIVE: A white 1994 Saturn SL2 filled with toys (black fuzzy dice, a stuffed ocelot, lemur and lizard, Sideshow Bob and Apu figurines, a plastic dragonfly on the rear-view, a miniature disco ball on the dome light, a Darwin fish I haven't put on the back yet...)
TYPES OF MUSIC: Rock (modern, grunge, light, prog, punk, funk, etc.), electronic (techno, industrial, ambient, dance, trance, disco, etc.), and miscellaneous (classical, jazz, pop, r+b, ethnic, choral, etc.)
BAND/ARTIST: Nine Inch Nails, Tool, The Crystal Method, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Depeche Mode, KMFDM, Gravity Kills, Death in Vegas... and on and on. Just reading off CDs from a stack on my desk.
BOOK: Don't think I have a favorite book, but the last two I read were both nonfiction ("Fast Food Nation", about the history and practices of the fast food industry, and "Blue Cats and Chartreuse Kittens," about synesthesia.)
HOBBIES: Drawing and painting, making things, the online world, swimming, cooking, eating, sleeping, writing...
COLOUR: Any, but dark greens/grays/black if I have to choose arbitrarily.
GAME: Tetris.
FOODS: French fries and other fried things, salad, pizza, burritos, pasta, deli sandwiches.
VEGETABLE: Carrots, lettuce, peppers.
FRUIT: Pineapple, mango, strawberries.
ICE CREAM: Strawberry, green tea, espresso bean.
CANDY: Chewy and sour. (Sour Patch Kids, sour straws, peachy-Os, that sort of thing.)
NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINK: Pineapple or cranberry juice, Italian soda, white mocha.
ALCOHOLIC DRINK: Lemon anything (hard lemonade, electric lemonade, citrus vodkas).
MOVIES: Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, The Lion King, Being John Malkovich, anything with Edward Norton (Fight Club, American History X, etc.), Arlington Road, The Sixth Sense, and so on.
TV SHOW: The Simpsons.
CARTOON: TaleSpin.
DAY OF THE WEEK: Friday (night), but Gryllus is right: the days of the week melt together into one generic day when you're unemployed.
FLOWER: Bird of paradise, although I admit I like the leaves more than the flower.
GEMSTONE: Jade[d].
HOLIDAY: Halloween.
JEWELRY: Turtle pendant and... uh, miscellaneous?
SEASON: Medeterranean fall.
ANIMAL: Any, but cats and reptiles favor high.
PLACE TO VISIT: Europe, South America.
THING TO WEAR: Perhaps nothing, but I never get that opportunity.
SPORT TO WATCH: None on TV, hockey in person.
FLOWERS/CANDY/POETRY: If you insist...
KISSING/HUGGING/F@#KING: Are you only supposed to pick one?
TV/RADIO: Don't watch/listen to much of either.
******************HAVE YOU EVER******************
BROKEN THE LAW: Yes, I'm a petty criminal. Almost all of the people I know are, too.
HAD STITCHES: Yes, in my mouth. (Skin graft on thin gums, in third grade. No fun.)
PLAYED STRIP POKER?: Not seriously.
WHAT IS********************
YOUR GOOD LUCK CHARM: The number 53; my stuffed ring-tailed lemur; one of my sand-filled geckos.
WORST SONG YOU EVER HEARD: Too many to name... ug.
MOST EMBARRASSING CD IN YOUR COLLECTION: Actually, I don't own any albums by bands I'm ashamed of liking. (You won't tell anyone about my secret collection of Korn mp3s, right?)
WORST FEAR: Unfamiliar people.
ON THE WALLS OF YOUR ROOM: A poster print of Lazy Leopard by Craig Bone, another poster print of Scott Mutter's signature 'escalator' photomontage, a blacklight poster (Swamp Mirage, the tree-woman one), white X-mas lights, a bulletin board, a mirror, a net with stuffed animals in it, dust, spider webs and isolated patches of mildew.
UNDER YOUR BED: Probably dust, random debris, and coins. My bed is a futon directly on the floor, so I haven't looked recently.
ARE YOU********************
A GOOD SINGER: I can stay on key, but I dislike the quality of my voice.
A GOOD DANCER: Sure, why not. Though, a big part of being a good dancer seems to be just up and doing it... I always see way too many people standing around in the wings at clubs, bopping self-consciously but never actually dancing.
GOING TO HAVE CHILDREN: Not unless you count pets, no.

mood calm

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Question for the few people who have begun reading this thing... [29 Mar 2002|03:19pm]
Would you use this mood icon set (or others similar to it) if I submitted it for public use?


I'm working on a full set of animated crows (probably up to 40 or so images), which obviously is not complete yet. I've a couple other ideas, too, this is just the first I've done any actual work on. :)

mood busy
music KMFDM - Juke Joint Jezebel

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