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Below is user information for Shannon. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:nae_ (155030) Paid User  
i have a crush on every boy!
(too bad the feeling isn't mutual)
Website:update journal
Location:Jacksonville, Florida, United States
AOL IM:AIM status bareNAEked (Add Buddy, Send Message)

most of my homestar runner based icons are courtesy of [info]homestaricons - please dont snatch them from me without contacting the maker first.

friends only banner courtesy of [info]runningscared and/or [info]_andiunfold
Memories:11 entries
Interests:46: #bnlmusic, barenaked ladies, ben kweller, breakfast for dinner, brothers creeggan, canada, carbon leaf, concerts, crank yankers, dave grohl, florida, foo fighters, glen's penis :p, great big sea, guster, homestar runner, hugh jackman, jacksonville, kevin hearn, law & order, love, maroon 5, mission hill, monk, movies, music, my bebehs, myself, nick lea, nip/tuck, obwat, patrick starfish, peanut butter and jelly, pizza, sexy losers, shakespeare in love, six feet under, television, there,, thin buckle, toronto, whores, x files, , . [Modify yours]
Friends:48: annimal, arithena, bnl_is_the_best, bnlblog, bnlculby17, brandonq, bryoney, buzzinlikeneon, cartymordova, cherubchick, culbyrose, cyberjulez, dannos_baby, diannad, french_bow, fullcircle5, go_bucks, hamymcboobyflsh, hoots10bc, jordyn222, kbelly55, kissingcounts, lammy, lj_maintenance, m_m_goodsoup, macadamia_nut, mace_acme, mercuriehg, morganalefaye, musclebob, nakedhead, news, paidmembers, rachel7moon, randompaige, rosesandvine, sallyk, sandimas, sara79, sigmaration, starr234, tex_arkana, therealsugshady, totothegreat, twofortuesdays, uncleelwyn, utgirl1998, yokobnl
Account type:Paid Account

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