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a buncha drunkards [29 Sep 2002|10:40pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | e.s. posthumus - nara ]

my sisters fiance said he was bringing a case of beer to the house this weekend. and mom went out and bought skyy blue.. that stuff is good. i drank some at corys, when i went over there last.

i got just a little tipsy friday night, and then saturday night i got
ive never gotten drunk before last night, and im not even sure if that was drunk.. could have been just a buzz.. but i was feeling ok. me and mike (amees fiance) always get hungry when we drink.. we went to mcdonalds at 11:30 at night and got some cheap cheeseburgers. after that we went to my moms little party/get together. she was drunk, and so was my uncle, i had never seen randy drunk before.. it would be fun taking him to grahams. we stayed out there for a little while and played horseshoes, and ate some stew that my uncles friend made (just to be nice and stuff)

btw, this reminds me, i heard this song last night while i was drunk.. and the person who wrote it was drunk.. but it could fool anyone.. sounds like perfection to me.. so download this song (Download Xenosaur - PREDATOR X.mp3)

i didn't do much online last night, except read some of yous journals, and read some forums. i took some pictures too.. its gonna be a little story. kinda. my drunk adventure. Coming Soon...

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[24 Sep 2002|10:04pm]

The Matrix Symbolism: Reluctant Messiah

what movie symbolism are you? find out!

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[24 Sep 2002|08:42pm]

i painted this in 10th grade. supposed to be surreal. his arm turned into a rope so did his right leg. and the left leg is supposed to be a lake.

and bunches of stairs
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[23 Sep 2002|10:42pm]
i claimed Powder at [[claim_a_movie]]
and the character Powder at [[claim_character]]
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[22 Sep 2002|10:28pm]
The Sisters of Mercy!
I am oh so uber goth. No, scratch that, executive goth of the eighties. I am someone who does not stick to one particular way of life; I will try to integrate them all to make my own little hybrid. Thus I am a very creative person more than likely I will always be making something, or thinking of doing it. I can appear to be a very gloomy and arrogant person from the outside but get to know me and you'll probably discover that I'm just like everyone else, I have my little personas for the world to see.
Which 80s band are you?
Test created by Sambam of
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[22 Sep 2002|12:12am]

What Type of Villain are You? /

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40 days and 40 nights [17 Sep 2002|02:48pm]
[ mood | artistic ]

I love this movie
40 days and 40 nights.

This guy break up with his long time girlfriend.. then goes around having one nite stands with a bunch of girls. he takes a vow of abstinence or whatever you call it.. and through the whole movie people are betting that he wont last. while in his vow he meets a girl that he likes.. he lies about his vow and she finds out through his friends. she makes a big dramatic scene about it and walks away a couple times- he comes back to her, and they hang out some more. he lasts through his vow until the end i would say.. but you have to see the movie to know what im talking about..

ive figured out, i like movies where the dorky guy gets what he wants in the end. (the new guy, powder, can't hardly wait)
and movies where the majorly popular guy figures out that what he had for the last years or so wasn't what he wanted, and he finally gets what he wanted in the end. (this one is like 40/40, and van wilder)

I have a question for all of you on my friends list, and more...

I know some of you aren't religious and if you are this may not be part of your religion, but:
If you HAD to give up something for 40 days and 40 nights... what would it be?


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[15 Sep 2002|09:23pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

What a skeletal wreck of man this is.
Translucent flesh and feeble bones,
the kind of temple where the whores and villains try to tempt the holistic domes.
Running rampid with free thought to free form, and the free and clear.
When the matters at hand are shelled out like lint at a
laundry mat to sift and focus on the bigger, better, now.
We all have a little sin that needs venting,
virtues for the rending and laws and systems and stems are ripped
from the branches of office, do you know where your post entails?
Do you serve a purpose, or purposely serve?
When in doubt inside your atavistic allure, the value of a summer spent, and a winter earned.
For the rest of us, there is always Sunday.
The day of the week the reeks of rest, but all we do is catch our breath,
so we can wade naked in the bloody pool, and place our hand on the big, black book.
To watch the knives zigzag between our aching fingers.
A vacation is a countdown, T minus your life and
counting, time to drag your tongue across the sugar cube,
and hope you get a taste.
I can go on and on but lets move on, shall we?

Say, your me, and I?m you, and they all watch the things we do,
and like a smack of spite they threw me down the stairs,
haven?t felt like this in years.
The great magnet of malicious magnanimous refuse, let me go,
and punch me into the dead spout again.
That?s where you go when there?s no one else around,
it?s just you, and there was never anyone to begin with, now was there?
Sanctimonious pretentious dastardly bastards with their thumb on the pulse,
and a finger on the trigger.
Government is another way to say better?than?you.
It?s like ice but no pick, a murder charge that won?t stick,
it?s like a whole other world where you can smell the food,
but you can?t touch the silverware.
Huh, what luck. Fascism you can vote for.
Humph, isn?t that sweet?
And we?re all gonna die some day, because that?s the American way,
and I?ve drunk too much, and said too little,
when your gaffer taped in the
middle, say a prayer, say a face, get your self together and see what?s happening.
I?m sorry, I could go on and on but
its time to move on so, remember: you?re a wreck, an accident.
Forget the freak, your just nature.
Keep the gun oiled, and the temple cleaned shit snort,
and blaspheme, let the heads cool, and the engine run.
Because in the end, everything we do, is just everything we?ve done.

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[15 Sep 2002|09:04pm]
im pissed off.

not at anything or anyone inparticular.

i just want to snap at everyone.

kaleb is talking to me.. which has been probably 3 weeks or so since the last time we talked.. he just all of a sudden stopped talking to me for a while, and now he wants me to just pick up where he left off. im tired of people doing this to me..and it may not even be directly *for* me.. but if im not even part of their thoughts, im not gonna take the time for them to be part of mine.. ill deliberately find something else or someone else to think about, just to stop thinking about them. cory did that too.. i mean, he called me every day last week and this week he hasn't called me once- and it took him 4 days to answer an email. all he does all day is drive around in an 18 wheeler! and the whole time he called me last week- he was in his truck, driving.. so he has NO exscuse.

i mean, you get so used to talking to someone everyday, and they go off somewhere with no word of where they went.. i tried calling cory through the week.. he either had his phone turned off, or it just wasn't working. then i couldn't call kaleb, since he has the free long distance cellphone, he has been calling me.

and its long distance for me to call corys cellphone too (i usually call him, then he calls me right back)

i dunno. i dont want them to expect me to just talk all nice and (i missed you) type talk.. cuz i dont feel like i missed them.. they certainly haven't missed me, or they would have made some kind of contact.

sorry chas, i had to get off that screen name - i didn't actually have to use the phone. i just needed to write this with no interruptions.. but ill get back online later.
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[15 Sep 2002|05:08pm]

jon cryer.. he was on outer limits one time
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[15 Sep 2002|02:02am]
i thinking about chopping my hair off...

i want a haircut like angelina in hackers.. my hair is super curly and dry.. but in the back, where it hasn't been dyed and messed with, its straight and very fine. im thinking if i cut it.. it might all turn out to be fine and straight.

what do ya think?
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from [14 Sep 2002|11:57am]

Question 1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids
already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis; would you recommend that she have an abortion?

Read the next question before scrolling down to the answer of this

Question 2: It is time to elect a new world leader, and your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three leading candidates: Candidate A: Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists. He has had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.
Candidate B: He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, Used opium in college and drinks a quart of whisky every evening.
Candidate C: He is a decorated war hero. He is a vegetarian, does not smoke, drinks an occasional beer and has not had any extramarital affairs.
Which of these candidates would be your choice?
Decide first, no peeking, and then scroll down for the answer.

Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt
Candidate B is Winston Churchill
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler

And, by the way: Answer to the abortion question if you said yes, you just killed Beethoven.

Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someone.
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[13 Sep 2002|12:21am]
"How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
I don't know. But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they?"
[Judy Garland and Ray Bolger]
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[13 Sep 2002|12:00am]
friday the thirteenth
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letterman [11 Sep 2002|11:29pm]
[ mood | ack ]
[ music | deltron 3030 ]

im watching david letterman right now and bill clinton is a guest.. the more i think about it.. the more i hate bush.. i mean cant these republicans see that bush is just making the country sound stupid? because he is the one representing us..ick

bill clinton seems so much smarter, and he has witt and class.. (besides his incidents)

i wish bill was still the president... or at least someone else besides bush.. i would have rather had gore for the president

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[11 Sep 2002|09:42pm]

Your Secret Fetish Is Piercings!

Not only is the pain a big rush, as you know, piercings are a great sexual enhancer.

Sure, you may not be able to get a job with your punctured face,

but you will have incredible sex!

Kiss and suck away, but don't get your piercings locked with your lover's.

What's *Your* Secret Fetish? Click Here to Find Out!

this aint no secret though :-P
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[11 Sep 2002|10:47am]
i didn't make a post on seept 11th last year

but the next post that i did make was meeting cory

(i remembered where i saw duckie in him.. its on his drivers license ONLY)

cory meeting
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[10 Sep 2002|08:46pm]

Which Pee-wee character are you?

i lovveeeeeeeee pee-wee
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daddy [10 Sep 2002|12:48pm]
my uncle came over yesterday and fixed my moms electricity.. she hasn't been living in her house for the last couple months.. now she'll be able to move over there again.

my mom told him to keep a look out for my dad.. because my dad would be working in the same environment as my uncle.. so my dad came in the place that my uncle works- and we found out where he lives now.. so maybe we will be getting some extra money.. and i dont have to worry myself sick about getting a job.. i mean, im still looking every week.. going back to the places ive applied.. im doing all i can.. and im going tomorrow too.. i need a job.. but i hope since my dad has been seen, that we get some money, enough to pay my car payment one more month at least :/
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[09 Sep 2002|11:17pm]
the more i listen to the white stripes. the more i dont like them..

i only like 4 songs.. and those aren't that great

maybe later ill change my mind.. but right now i really dont want to hear anything.

pilgrims didn't call me back today.. i called twice but the lady wasn't in her office.

i really want that job..

its cool.. because ill be a lab technician (and ill get to wear a white coat) lol -
ill be testing dirt, and stuff and dissecting baby chickens sometimes.. which might turn out to be cool. im not qualified as a scientist dissecting these sorts of things.. but i told them i had physics and chemistry in high school.. the lady didn't seem to mind that i wasn't qualified fully.
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