Title: Josie
Issue: No. 22
Date: September, 1966
Publisher: Radio Comics, Inc. (Archie Comics)
Cover Artist(s): Dan DeCarlo
Many folks share the belief that the sales slump of today’s comic book market can be directly attributed to the over-proliferation of comics starring superheroes. But here’s an issue of JOSIE from over 35 years ago that seems to say the exact same thing! That throng of super-types on this cover even includes a few of Archie Comics’ attempt to jump on the mid-60s superhero bandwagon, including Mighty Comics’ the Fly (also known as Fly Man), Steel Sterling and the Black Hood! (That chummy cover-credit, “By DAN ‘n’ DICK” -- apparently referring to artist Dan DeCarlo and publisher Richard Goldwater – even seems to be an attempt to emulate the breezy style of Marvel’s Smilin’ Stan Lee. That blurb is especially sadly ironic when you consider that, decades later, Archie Comics would go out of their way to deny JOSIE creator Dan DeCarlo – who named “Josie” after his own lovely wife -- his fair share of the profits derived from a licensed JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS film. The Archie brass even deprived the respected 80-year-old cartoonist of any further freelance art assignments! If anyone ever had a genuine need for a superhero’s intervention, it was poor Dan, who died before ever getting his just rewards from Archie Comics!)
This issue’s13-page lead “Josie” story is “The Mudslinger” Parts One and Two was drawn by Dan DeCarlo. Part One begins as Mighty Man and Mighty Girl race to their Mightycar after receiving news of a catastrophe on their Mightyphone! And if you think that’s mighty odd, wait until you learn that these two new superheroes are actually Alexander Cabot and his sister, Alexandra! Since superheroes have become the “in” fad, Alex figures he can impress Josie, while Alexandria goal is to capture Albert’s attention. But when even ditzy Melody can recognize the not-so-super-siblings right through their costumes, it’s apparent that they haven’t impressed – or fooled – anyone! After the “duo of dynamic dimwits” take off in their Mightycar, Pepper (she’s the bespectacled brunette who was replaced by Valerie when the Pussycats were introduced) suggests that their “mighty” friends need a “real” master criminal to fight. Going one step further, Melody suggests that they become the master criminal themselves! Later, while Mighty Man and Mighty Girl discuss their next move, they’re pelted by gooey mud-balls, supposedly hurled by “that malevolent mastermind of muck and mire, “The Mudslinger”, who threatens to “spill the dirt” on the local Chief Of Police! The duo rush to the local police station, but although they try to warn the Chief about the attacks on themselves, he’s unable (or unwilling) to accept the notion of a supervillain. But as he tosses them out of his headquarters, Mighty Man and Mighty Girl are clobbered by a load of soot dumped from a nearby rooftop. Part Two starts as Mighty Man and Mighty Girl check out what Alexander calls “a perfect spot of an ambush”. Of course, he immediately gets pelted with mud that was supposedly hurled by the mad Mudslinger himself! Within the grubby mud-pie is a cryptic challenge:
So dark and so deep is the Mudslinger’s lair…And if you can find it then come if you dare!
Mighty Man and Mighty Girl hop into their Mightyboat and set out for the mud banks off of Crawfish Isle, where they deduce the Mudslinger’s hideout is located. But since it’s low tide, their boat immediately gets stuck in the muddy flats. After they sink up to their chins in the goo, Pepper and Melody “just happen” to show up and rescue trapped Alexander and Alexandra, who are still unaware of the Mudslinger’s true identity. As they haul their costumed friends back to the mainland, both of the would-be superheroes announce their decision to give up their “mighty” lifestyles.
How about that, Melody? You don’t often see a story end with the villain winning!
Ah, but Mudslinger was such a NICE villain!
Also included in this issue of JOSIE are the stories and features:
- A ”Josie” pin-up drawn by Dan DeCarlo.
- “Josie” in “Dressed To Kill”, drawn by Dan DeCarlo. – Dressed up in the latest groovy fashions, Josie, Melody and Pepper get nothing but grief from whoever they encounter. But when Alexander Cabot is smart enough to compliment them, he gets smothered in their kisses! Later, after the girls are gone, Albert criticizes Alex for “lying in his teeth” and that “all the world hates a liar”, lipstick-covered Alex’s only reply is “This ain’t raspberry jam, Charlie!”
- “Li’l Jinx” in “Nuts”, a one-page gag-strip written and drawn by Joe Edwards.
- “Josie” in “Frost Free” ”, drawn by Dan DeCarlo. – After diving into the wealthy Cabot sibling’s swimming pool, Albert vanishes when Alexandra grabs him with a hook and pulls him into her secret “underground mantrap”! Concerned, Josie investigates and discovers the door to the hidden chamber. Suspecting Alexandra’s dirty work, Josie sends Melody and Pepper to investigate, who locate the controls of the hidden “love-nest’s” air conditioner. They turn up the controls to “full blast”, chilling Alexandra and Albert to the point of turning blue-ish purple! They exit the secret chamber through a trap door in the lawn, and join their friends. When Alexander complains to his shivering sister that she’s ruined his time alone with Josie just because she couldn’t hold onto Albert, she disagrees, claiming “H-he l-leaves m-me c-c-c-cold!”
ODDBALL Factoid – A completely different version of “Mighty Man” co-starred in Ruby-Spears Productions’ animated cartoon series MIGHTY MAN AND YUKK, a regular segment included in ABC’s 2-hour SatAM PLASTIC MAN COMEDY/ ADVENTURE SHOW series (1979 – 1981)! Mighty Man was billed as “the world’s smallest superhero”, while Yukk was “the world’s ugliest dog”, a shaggy pooch who wore a tiny doghouse over his head to obscure his apparently horrific facial features!