loose train no. 1's LiveJournal [currants|raisins|the big oatmeal cookie]
loose train no. 1

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[Sat 18 May |9:39am]
imagine if you bought a playstation 2 a week and a half ago.
2 stuck-to-the-ceiling pancakes|flip my pancake

[Fri 10 May |10:18am]
got the internship at the design agency.
look out world.
11 stuck-to-the-ceiling pancakes|flip my pancake

YES!!!! [Fri 10 May |10:18am]

Alan Evans the ambidextrous Soulive God is a mac user!!!!!!
fug yeah. . . he's got a @mac.com e-mail address. he rules.

i got to shake his hand too. starstruck am i.
flip my pancake

trip to waco [Fri 10 May |10:16am]
I finally found a song that sums up a lot about my trip to waco back in the day. good closure.

"Don't Know Why I Didn't Come" by Norah Jones

I waited 'til I saw the sun
I don't know why I didn't come
I left you by the house of fun
I don't know why I didn't come
I don't know why I didn't come

When I saw the break of day
I wished that I could fly away
Instead of kneeling in the sand
Catching teardrops in my hand

My heart is drenched in wine
But you'll be on my mind

Out across the endless sea
I would die in ecstasy
But I'll be a bag of bones
Driving down the road alone

My heart is drenched in wine
But you'll be on my mind

Something has to make you run
I don't know why I didn't come
I feel as empty as a drum
I don't know why I didn't come
I don't know why I didn't come
flip my pancake

[Sun 05 May |1:41pm]
hmmm. . . after watching 20 minutes of Trading Spaces on TLC. i came to the conclusion that Vern and Paige are going to have babies.

6 stuck-to-the-ceiling pancakes|flip my pancake

[Tue 30 Apr |5:13pm]
fuggin' crap san diego can be weird

flip my pancake

[Tue 30 Apr |5:10pm]
fuggin' crap san diego can be weird

flip my pancake

note to self. [Fri 19 Apr |12:28am]
good attitude = dreamer dreaming
abandon in attitude = dreamer caught in reflection
bad attitude = dreamer stuck/caught in dream
flip my pancake

[Fri 19 Apr |12:22am]
an idea passed to me. . .$10 more a month for unlimited sprint to sprint calls anytime. that is the second best idea i've heard next to key lime pie.
flip my pancake

well hey there stanley. . . [Thu 18 Apr |11:59pm]
dammit sometimes don't you just want to run through a sunny field and find yourself in the middle procrastinating and slightly hay-fevery so you can just give yourself a gigantic hug?

i don't want to walk alone girl
i don't want to walk alone
i wanna walk alone
with you
-- "goodbye street" by hepcat
flip my pancake

[Thu 18 Apr |2:55pm]
duke's mixture
flip my pancake

[Mon 15 Apr |10:33am]
so i can't measure the amount of joy i got driving back and forth along the 60 mile Avon Breast Cancer walk honking like an idiot. and maybe that joy could only be topped off by the nappi-ness of my hair from all the dust and grit that flew into it. ick.

still i stop by the camp after the first night and notice two small glowing orange cigarettes way off in the distance. that type of irony knocked me on my ass for a while.

not that i'm a do-gooder, and i do know the craving of puffin' on something after a long day outdoors, but. . .this time i felt an ounce or two of junior high rebelious behavior.

go walkers!
flip my pancake

[Thu 04 Apr |12:37pm]
hey does anybody know about any good free web space providers?
? no ads
? mac compatible
? allowing outside html and html-editors (aka not geocities)

its for school.
thank you
2 stuck-to-the-ceiling pancakes|flip my pancake

[Thu 04 Apr |12:35pm]
[ mood | impressed ]

lightbulb galore

flip my pancake

[Wed 03 Apr |8:12pm]
roll over to sleep mah baby
flip my pancake

latest thoughts [Mon 01 Apr |11:40am]
it was like the last week or so was a dream in my head right now.
the luna bar key lime pie flavor is par excellence even if it might make my estrogen counts high.
i'm hungry for garlic and toast.
i need to move with my grove.
it's time to tend to buddies j and maybe others.
flip my pancake

i'll tumble for ya [Wed 27 Mar |11:35am]
so the weekend was swell. It seems like a million things happen and all I can say is that I may just may have gotten over a complex or two. . . like getting over my irrational fear of asparagus piss to name one. sheesh is like a million well-behavin' puppies all cuddling me at the same time without throwing up/pissing/shite all over me. par excellence.

i feel like i accomplished a lot even though i spent most of my time at home
<----- sleeze bucket.
(and proud of it)
flip my pancake

[Sun 17 Mar |11:54am]
from the boob tube the other day.

i saw two leopard slugs take part in coitus.
i've never seen something so beautiful that made me want to upchuck giant cubed chunks.
it was inspiring in that "extend blue glowy goop out of the side of my head to wrap around and share juices" way
flip my pancake

[Sun 17 Mar |11:37am]
I Am A Small Purple Paramecium
Take the What Will Your Result To This Quiz Be? Quiz
by napoleonherself, if you are so inclined.
flip my pancake

[Fri 15 Mar |11:07pm]
perhaps i will eat chicken ay-gain on a wednesday.
2 stuck-to-the-ceiling pancakes|flip my pancake

the bad/sad news [Thu 14 Mar |12:13am]
[ mood | sad ]

two months.
two grandpas.

i may be in lala land off and on for a bit, but man are my friends and family beacons right now.

6 stuck-to-the-ceiling pancakes|flip my pancake

from a to zed [Mon 11 Mar |11:17pm]
my liederhosen hat shrunk somehow

either that or my head grew.
i feel that i scratch it alot without thinking about it.
perhaps i'm scratching and my head is like poison ivy. . . constantly spreading in mass. rar.

i could use a dose of calamine for the noodle cos' I'm friggin the cat in the liederhosen hat.
3 stuck-to-the-ceiling pancakes|flip my pancake

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