Sid Vicious Community's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
Sid Vicious Community

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yeah, it's me again, already... [07 Sep 2002|02:20am]

just wanted you all to know that i just made a new community. (no, i didn't join here just to tell you that... haha fuckin ha...)


anyway, i just made a new community, and i am actually quite proud of it. anyone can join it. and it's all about the two people that i think i have researched the most over the years. you know who i'm talking about...sid vicious and nancy spungen, who else? this community is based pretty much mainly on those two, but the sex pistols can be discussed there as well. there is much to be discussed about sid and nancy even today, in 2002, be it to honor them or to talk about how much it sucks that they get talked about like garbage even today (i come across sites even now that tag nancy as "whore" or sid as a "druggie scum").

if you look at the user info page, which i spent some time on, it can tell you in detail what this whole fucking shebang is all about!!! go on, give it a look, lads and lassies...i think you may like what you see! i always wanted to honor and have a discussion spot for sid and nancy.... sid_and_nancy

and if not, i always have this place to come home to. ;-)
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hey [06 Sep 2002|09:43pm]

obviously i'm new.

and i hate first posts, don't you? they always fucking suck.
well, i like the music of the sex pistols a great deal. and i think that sid is one icon that never gets his fuckin' due. but i must agree with one thing that john lydon tends to say in the media a lot. he says that the movie "sid and nancy" is a fairy tale. well, it tends to seem like one doesn't it? after reading the book that nancy's mom wrote , and reading johnny's book, one tends to get the feeling that the movie is a fabrication 100%.

but hell, what fucking movie isn't even a little fabricated?
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[04 Sep 2002|06:48pm]

Check out my lj layout.

Fuck yes.
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[27 Aug 2002|12:16am]

[ mood | disgusted ]
[ music | Public Image Ltd - Luck's Up ]

Hi, this could be interesting and disgusting to some of the intelligent people here.
If someone would come with me to stalk that cunt and help me beat her to bloody shit, I'd be quite grateful.

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[14 Aug 2002|11:39am]

[ mood | sore ]
[ music | NOFX-Idiot Son of an Asshole ]

wooo new icons :D Theres another sex pistols one... a bodies one... but heres mah new sidney icon ;D

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Shameless Community Promo [08 Aug 2002|02:37am]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | My mom snoring. haha ]

For All Who Are Interested:

Me and punkgirlbri just made a john_lydon community. Please join if you can, everyone is welcome. Thankyou.


Fuck yes [07 Aug 2002|08:40pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Social Distortion-Pleasure Seeker ]

I just redid my entire layout on lj ::cheekygrin:: hahah fuck that. I even added a background pic.. Now that is beautiful.

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[05 Aug 2002|08:12pm]

[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | Leftover Crack- Atheist Anthem ]

Ok lets try this again. Fucking LJ didn't post my entry, so I'm writing this yet again. Sorry if its posted twice, but I want to make fucking Sid Vicious mood icons. I'm not sure how to go about with that idea, but I think I'm going to fuck about with it right now and see where I get.

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[05 Aug 2002|08:09pm]

[ mood | calm ]
[ music | The Distillers- SIck of It All ]

I'm tempted to make Sid Vicious mood icons.... I doubt I'd actually get them to work though...

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[05 Aug 2002|12:05pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Bob Dylan - Mr. Tamborine Man ]

has anyone ever been to this site? I think it's fucking amazing, if you want to learn about Sid and nancy through the eyes of people that knew them.

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b0ll0cks [01 Aug 2002|12:17am]

[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Room Without A Window, Operation Ivy ]

I think it goes without saying that I'm a newcomer to the community and I think that Sid is great. Regardless, Hi to everyone...I'm Bri.

...wonder if I know anyone in here...

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[30 Jul 2002|09:55pm]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Pulp - Common People ]

John on the (very) early days of Sid, from No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs. It's very ... enlightening.

Read more... )

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[24 Jul 2002|03:33pm]

hi, i'm new to the community i'm a really big sid fan cause ever since i was twelve he fascinated me and he was a good person at heart and he didn't kill nancy and i'm glad someone killed her anyway, she was evil...
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[24 Jul 2002|02:51pm]

[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | Black Flag- Fix Me ]

Hullo. I'm new to this community, so I thought I'd say something to everyone out there. I was hoping LJ had a sid community, because I am such an admirer of the man. I have this giant sid vicious shirt collection.. yeah and i basically decided to play the bass because of him. What can I say, hes the shit. So Hello everyone.

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[18 Jul 2002|12:03am]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Sid Vicious - Interview ]

The interview on the CD Sid Dead Live seems to be the one reason anyone should buy that CD, even if Sid's singing grates your ears to the point where they bleed and you don't even know it. Sid sounds like he's on speed, and John's incessantly bitching. And I like the length of My Way. ;x

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still makes me sad. [18 Jul 2002|12:00am]

[ mood | sad ]

sid and nancy was on hbo this morning. i couldn't watch it. that movie makes me sad. *sigh*

freddy got fingered is on now. in the beginning of the movie they play a sex pistols song. weird because i had sid vicious on my mind and that exact song (sorry not good with song titles) in my head and bam it comes on. like whoa...

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[15 Jul 2002|08:34am]

hey im new :) i kinda have an obssession for sid and
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[14 Jul 2002|07:12pm]

I bought this shirt )
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well... [10 Jul 2002|06:57pm]

i'm new. i like the sex pistols. sid vicious is a very interesting person. i grew up always hearing about him or seeing pictures of him, and i finally got around to listening to the music. yeah. great stuff. nice to meet you all.

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[02 Jul 2002|09:51pm]

the store is star booty....i tried to put a link in but it didnt fuckin work.....oopsey
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