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Below is user information for Sir Sneaky of Bastard. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:technoshaman (550803) Paid User technoshaman
Slouching towards apotheosis
A virtual walkabout
Name:Sir Sneaky of Bastard
Send technoshaman a text message
on his/her cellphone/pager.
Bio:BearBio V3.0.1 (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 da Bear under the GFDL.

Click for Seattle, Washington Forecast
    This journal rated NC-17    Blogger Code: B5 d t- k+ s u-- f++ i+ o x++ e l c

Of average height (for his father's generation), and very much in all other respects a Bear (save one), round, fuzzy, cuddly... but, alas for some gentlemen, hopelessly het. :) The weirdnesses he does have include being proudly Microsoft-free, owing allegiance to no political party (although he leans strongly libertarian), being somewhat of a privacy nut (which includes being extremely picky about my friends list), having one's own religion (no, you can't have it, MINE! MINE! :) , and having a distinct lack of silly taboos on a whole lot of things including what one can and cannot do with one's love life. Oh, and let's not forget a willingness to back the causes he believes in with bucks, sweat, keystrokes, and, Lady forbid, bullets, as are available, appropriate, and necessary.

Born in the South, proud of his Upper Tennessee Valley accent and his Southron heritage, the Bear grew tired of the Dixie heat, the screwed-up politics and urban violence of his chosen city, and, inspired by the tolerance and mild climate of the area, pulled some strings, got his ducks in a row, packed up the pickup one day (and loaded it aboard a dolly towed by a 24' moving van loaded to the 23' mark), and headed for Beverly Hills. Well, you kinda have to get within 200 miles of LA to get to the Pacific Northwest without braving high mountain passes, and I had no idea you could cross Snoqualmie with impunity in early November. Besides, we got to see some old friends while traversing almost the length and breadth of the realm of the Golden Bear.

I am:
American by birth
Southern by grace
Seattleite by choice
Writer, geek, urban shaman, poly, teddy bear.
Cook, shopper, punster, aviation enthusiast.
Baseball fan, college football fan, Lady Vols Basketball fan.
Defender of freedom in all its forms.
Defender of love in all its forms, even those I don't practice.
Defender of religion in all its forms, and grok a few of them.
Defender of the planet on which I live, but believer in economy alongside ecology and staunch proponent of human life on other worlds.
Advocate of the idea that community, both of people and of ideas, distills both.

I believe in Spider's Lemma: Shared pain is lessend; shared joy, increased. Thus do we refute entropy. Intellectually, this translates into Linus' Law: With enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow. In short, I believe that by creating community, and getting enough brains in one place, we can heal hurts bigger than ourselves, and solve problems no one thought possible. The real trick is not to get into a cult of personality while doing this. Mr. Torvalds seems to have this licked... I wonder if we can learn from his example.

Dislikes: spam, Spam™, people who push their ideas on me, brussel sprouts, folks who break trust, folks who don't tell me when I've screwed up.

You see what you like, drop me a line. I may read you for quite a while before deciding to add you....I add because people are interesting to me, show they care, and build trust. I do post a lot of public stuff, on politics, science, geekery, and such. Feel free to read and comment.

Memories:21 entries
Interests:103: (writing parenthetical asides), 24 hour cafes, alice's restaurant anti-massacre movement, alternative energy, babylon 5, babylon5, bagpipes, banjos, biodiesel, brewing, callipygian, celtic, celtic music, clan gordon, classic rock, comics, conversation, cooking, cornbread, dark chocolate, death to spammers, debian, discordianism, douglas adams, eagles, emerald rose, emeril lagasse, escaflowne, family of choice, flying, folk music, folklore, garlic, geek girls, geekgirls, geeks, gordons, grits, grok, harlan ellison, harry potter, homeschooling, hot tubs, hugs, i ♥ >1, j. michael straczynski, jeff foxworthy, jeremiah, jerry pournelle, jimmy buffett, jms, john romita jr, journalism, julian may, kevin smith, kill your television!, kilts, larry niven, libertarians, line marriage, linux, magick, mead, music, neil gaiman, open source, openmindedness, pacific northwest, pagan, pagans, photography, pixar, pizza, polyamory, princess bride, puns, robert heinlein, sapiosexuality, science fiction, scotland, seattle, seven nations, shamanism, shamans, smart people, snarking, southern, southern rock, spider robinson, ssh, subverting the dominant paradigm, tea, technology, the bill of rights, thomas jefferson, tom clancy, unlimited refills, used bookstores, user friendly, utilikilts, weirdness, wordplay, writing. [Modify yours]
Friends:54: amanda42, bbwoof, beckyzoole, charlesks, cindygerb, cyberangel_, dakiwiboid, digitalscreams, djuberheblich, dr_nebula, dslartoo, elfric, elfs, elorie, emeraldrosega, fac, grrwoo, jenkitty, jhulten, jw1776, kendaer, lisakit, lisakit_writes, lisakits_path, lj_backend, lj_maintenance, logjam, lysana, moosl, news, omahas, paidmembers, papergirl, radarrider, reves_rouges, riverheart, rubylou, sdfischer, seattlesparks, secanth, tabbifli, talek, taxqueen, technoshaman, templechild, thewonderboy, trillian42, tygereclipse, unixronin, vernard, vidicon, wenchita, wolfieboy, xjournal
Friend of:103: adriang, aekajin2, amberfox, ariedana, ashlupa, bbwoof, beckyzoole, blackavar, blackthornglade, blueingenue, cainadai, canacat, charlesks, cindygerb, cyberangel_, dakiwiboid, dead_girl371, digitalscreams, djuberheblich, dr_nebula, dreamerwolf, dslartoo, eleazar, elfric, elfs, elorie, elphie, elynne_smut, fallenpegasus, gaelfling, gothwalk, grrwoo, happypete, iroshi, jassad, jenkitty, jhulten, jilara, jw1776, k_crow, kaneda_khan, katster, kendaer, kyburg, laan, lisakit, lisakit_writes, lisakits_path, lysana, mba500, mightywombat, moon_ferret, moosl, mouser, mulix, nynrose, oakdragon, omahas, omharlot, onceupon, oneechan19, papergirl, plutopsyche, polyanarch, preciousjade, princesslizabet, radarrider, ravenousdebris, reves_rouges, riverheart, rubylou, rutemple, sar_writing, sassy, sdfischer, seattlesparks, secanth, seraphina_prime, shari_bear, simianlovedoc, skydancer, t3knomanser, tabbifli, talek, taxqueen, techempage, technoshaman, templechild, terminalwriter, thewonderboy, tichia, tregare, trillian42, ts_comics, tsjafo, tygereclipse, unclemilo, unixronin, vernard, vidicon, wenchita, whisperedstorm, wolfieboy
Member of:5: dot_cattiness, emeraldrosega, fac, paidmembers, xjournal
Account type:Paid Account

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