Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "satire".
172 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in satire. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 1000milesaway - Professor McBooty
- 16bit - Neo-Maxi Zoom Dweebie
- _phaedrus_ - Pierce
- _she_devil - holy moly guacaumoly
- a_typical - a_typical
- aardvark - mark in the line of fire?
- abominari - The Sadistic Goldfish
- abunchofcrap - Lauren
- adders - Adam Tinworth
- admiralkatt - The Second-Greatest American Hero
- adupont - Andrew Dupont
- aguacates - sarah
- ajaxxx - ajaxxx
- ajhst55 - That Girl
- akanewolf - RJ
- alacrity - Damien
- alchemi - Mike
- alegria_mj - Joy
- algeh - Techno Geek is Having a Quandary
- alienesse - Nicole
- alleykitten - Dork. Alley Dork.
- alliemoon - Allie Moon
- amaterasu - goddess-to-be (or not to be)
- ambrosia - ashka
- andromeda_x - Liz
- angel83 - ..nescient tatterdemalion..
- anisakid - anisakid
- anotherchapter - Another Chapter
- antithiscully - Rachel
- apathetic_damp - queen of the gravity urge
- ardweden - Arwen
- ariellabella - miss ariel
- arrack - du Lescons
- arrogance - §.dolce far niente.§
- arya - Sayuri
- ascian - Adam the Dreamer
- asinine - Mo
- astrokaiju - the reverend bethy Q. williams
- aunticrist - Morpheus_
- aurorabeauty - God
- autographedcat - Rob
- azaelya - Bethany
- babyk - Kari
- badfae - beware_the_faerie_gone_bad
- badrabbit - Erin Leigh Lukens
- balthasargrey - Nemo Grey
- baphometmoon - Dr. Death
- batbat - Jean Delumeau
- bathory_aria - PlasticLawnDaemon
- beansidhe - Andromache
- beginning - I Just Want My Thoughts & Feelings FAQ Elevened
- belladonna713 - Cassiopeia
- belleiseult - La Belle Iseult
- bentleftliberal - bentleftliberal
- bertho - cocaine and whiskey
- bevanmoth - Ben "Yawg" Moth
- bigm - Melissa
- blackat13 - Kat
- blackdragoness - becca
- blakwolf - blakwolf
- blauweleeuw - blauweleeuw
- blindtreu - Jen
- blue02dude - Chris
- bluestocking7 - Quintessential Halfling
- bolahead - Jonas Marcoux
- bookcat - Sharpie
- boyeater - the space between us all
- boyhowdy - Of Recklessness And Water
- bram - Boroson, the Latvian Terror
- bronxbomber - sidewalk social scientist
- brumal - Brumal
- buckinghamblue - Chris
- bullywug - Fit the Nth
- bunnyboy - BunnyBoy
- c0rrosion - a cat named Lola, with a violent past
- cacklebang - Weapon of Mass Confusion!
- capnsponge - The lawyer with an eloquent tongue
- cappybara - anemone penelope jones
- carsgetcrushed - I wish I were you so I could be friends with me.
- caseysnow - ::Osaka::
- catachresis - James
- catelin - Cate
- catra_ - pffft
- chansonnier - chansons et ballades
- chaoself - Aerie
- chaoticerotic - We are as Gods here....
- chebutykin - Chebutykin
- cheddarinc - Michael Bangs
- chitterking69 - Super Ska Master
- chlaal - joan the english chick
- chocomoose542 - Mooserella the Magnificent
- christinebobean - Guess!
- cinder - cinder
- classicalpunk - Ladd Hillcrest
- cliosrose - Laura
- clipdude - Chris Phan
- clovenhoof - Leonardo Di Capricorn
- cocksuperczar - Vilox
- cocooned - The quaint tragedies we invent.
- comicgenius - sarah
- commodorevic - Unreadable
- comradesid - the unnoticable man
- countessolivia - Countess Olivia
- crazeechristine - christine
- crazynezumi - Ami
- crocodilewings - Rikk Hill
- crystalridge - Julia
- czaria - violetbleue
- czircon - S. David Hammack
- dark_silence - silence
- darkrow - Rich Anderson
- daughtry - Daughtry
- defchick - xDeFchicKKx
- defuseme - oxymoroniC
- demonstar - Space Cowboy
- dental_unit - finding out about fish
- desirony - kestryl
- devilrose - Baby G
- dewaltgirl - Rachael Smith
- diephilosophie - diephilosophie
- dingo7 - Sam
- dirtynavit - Matt
- dis1035 - danceyoufucker danceyoufucker don'tyoudare
- disillusionized - Kara
- divineinsanity - Ha.
- djdoubledumbass - nick
- djmindwarp - I can taste your stink
- dobermanndru - Eric
- doeadear - Kick! Kick! Kick!
- dollheads - something or other
- dotmarie - date rapist
- dragonwyn - dragonwyn
- dragoonraven - Shower Technician DR
- dreamlogic - min
- drolorezekim - Balance-Seeker
- dryad - Dryad
- duke_of_url - The Duke of URL (Earl)
- edwardina - Ms. Type B Personality
- eideteker - Quite the Bastard
- ejoso - Ejoso
- el_duder - Josh
- empallin - Allin Khg
- endgame - Endgame
- erotikino - Lizzy Gnosis
- escaevaotaku - StrangerKDC
- esmetickle - esme
- eugeneoregon - Tim Kearns
- evil_mr_tim - Evil Tim
- eye_of_beholder - sgt. nikki's lonely hearts club band
- fairyluver - Teresa
- feliciahime - Felicia Hime - Koufuku no Hime!
- fi - Fi
- fiddlersgreen - Brennan
- finex - Jason
- firsttiger - Tracy
- foxfyre - FoxFyre
- fragglerocker13 - Your Loverly Laura
- fragmented - Despair
- frazier718 - James
- fric - Jen
- funboytim - Funboytim
- gandalfgreyhame - David
- gandhi_on_acid - gandhi on acid
- gargy - Mr. Christopholeze
- gddssgrl - Jenn
- gealflings - The Giddy Heretic
- geeklet - geek|et
- gentlevamp - Chris
- gigglegoddess - Some Strange Creature
- girlwithsixarms - Elsie Grenada
- gloom3of3 - That Biznatch
- glynnis - Glynnis
- gnatdbug - Gnat
- gopherbomb - Dial L for stupid
- gravity_ - Worshipping at the Altar of the Two Steves
- greenmeplease - *enter something name-like here* resume dancing
- gregconley - The Great Filament
- grimmlin - Last Fiend On Krypton
- gringuito - Un Gringuito En Rancagua
- gryffyn - gryffyn
- gudriba - Save Me From My Own Hand
- gundamtsubasa - Private O'Malley
- gypsydance - Delirium
- gypsyjr - Hippie Geek Girl
- hamadryad - Buzz and Agamemnon
- hellodali - hellodali
- heroofmyownlife - A God Damn Marvel of Modern Science
- himeko02 - Amy
- hork - robert
- hurm - Mr. Keedy
- hypokrite - Mike
- iamalex23 - hot sex
- iamsuperb - Simon
- inbetween - jen
- indiegrrl21 - IndieGrrl21
- infernos - Christ Sol, the atomic thunderpuppy
- inle - Inle
- instant_water - P_T
- interimlover - the speedwagon
- irisathena - Iris
- irisatnau - A Veritable Smorgasbord
- isomorphisms - Moebius Stripper
- itookboth - Water and Oil
- ivynova - Rebecca
- iworshipsatin - Dell
- jared_anthony - J-Rod Van DOOM, The Bitch of Deziree
- javafiend - Java Fiend
- jeb - Jeb
- jehoovie - Joseph
- jeroenwing - Jado
- jessicapadkin - Jessica Padkin
- jezebel_complex - Sniper Rabbit, Matron of Cheap Ale
- jjjiii - Junior J. Junior III
- jmichiko - jacob
- joannabella - Joannabella
- joecool - Mr. Kyle
- johnbot - John
- jon10982 - Jon
- jonah - Jonah
- jorachan - Nemuko
- joyfuldork - Amber
- jratlee - john lawrence
- junkiethemunkie - The Somniloquos Somnambulist
- junktheory - zenfire
- juppo - Juppo
- just_laura - Laura
- justanothernick - Fabian Everding
- juubou - juubou
- jwdarklegion - Jason
- jynnifer - Jenn
- kailan - Kailan
- kandiss - Candice
- karebear82 - shattered expectations
- katybugg - Ophelia
- kcin - Nick, self-appointed authority
- keefus - Keith
- kelvinwuff - ®º¢|<♂
- kesey - kesey
- khakipants - Indiana Joanna
- khristomophelle - Khrisnege
- ki_te - Francis
- kilroywashere - Ben
- kittenrae - Rae
- krud42 - Krud
- ktnflag - The tractable apostrophe
- kunzgita - Gitalissa of Troy
- kvschwartz - [e^(i*pi)] + 1 = me
- kyjex - Bug.
- kyrn - denii
- ladyoracle - Trying to Evolve
- lambkin - sunburned gorecki
- lara7 - Wardrobe Malfunction
- laruth - Ruth
- lauralin - Special L
- lavender_bitch - abandon hope all ye who enter here
- leevine - Lee Vine
- liafaile - TheWorldWithin
- lilith_morgana - imperfectly yours
- littleblackbat - Mich
- livetolove - finding beauty
- lizardlois - lois
- lockeboy - Martin Jesse O'Toole
- logand - L.D. Flowers
- logos - Madame X
- lostkittykat - ネメシスのキティ♥ !
- loweeel - Arrogant Bastard
- lunaleise - even a glamorous bitch can be in need
- lusus - Thought Junkie
- mabnyx - bound to leave some keepsakes
- mad_hatter62 - the hatter
- majorweather - shasta
- manaangel - Cao Elong
- manicpop - Anthony
- marksism - Jiggs Omeri
- marlon - Marlon P. Onoakes
- martingil - restricted until further notice
- mathjoker - Cody Patterson
- meanmoppet - MeanMoppet
- meowhip - Cat
- mercuresque - Annabel
- midgetsonparade - A Leftist's Requiem
- migrainegirl - amusing myself to death
- mihail - The Mihail
- mike_b - only slightly sleazy m
- minilauren - L.V.
- mjp - MJP
- modgloss - The Modern Gloss
- modified - Ferris
- moleque - moleque
- mondae - mostly bastard
- monde - psychosahedron
- mpoetess - The Scourge of Something Or Other
- mrneutrino - The Moose In The Closet
- msbitch - msbitch dot org
- muffybolding - muffy
- musesoul - Muse Juice
- mylemon - checkmate
- mysterytrainee - mysterytrainee
- nakedmime - the mime
- natashashota - Natasha Compagnon
- nermil - I am … Sancho
- neur0tica - MistyDawn
- nidhogg - Jonathan
- nijipynku - the softest bullet ever shot
- nila - Nila
- nobody622311 - Eleanor Rigby
- nticerust - Tice Rust
- nyblues - Io Sono
- oflanigan - oflanigan
- ohyeah - Brent
- om3ga1315 - liz
- oneiroi - OnEiRoi
- onrevolution - "Hef"
- ooh_shiny - Clarice Ferguson
- opalinemortal - Andrea
- ormus - Mithril
- ostringo - ostringo
- otaku1 - Josh
- padders - Patrick Allan
- painamplifier - jAson
- paraphasiclotus - Cam
- parn - P
- pasquinade - Ed
- pastorofmuppets - The Lingoistic Junkhead
- paulvonmurder - Paul Von Murder
- paxsenarrion - Girl Goddess No. 9
- petit_chou - A goddamned Vulcan's girlfriend
- phlebas - Phlebas
- picotheman - Brad Damaré
- piscespriestess - Rebecca
- pixelwench - Carrie Ann
- plasticcanopy - harmony
- plasticeyes - Pattern Recognition
- plattcave - John R. Platt
- poet - Peter Poet
- pointedulac - kamikaze kaitou
- polinees - Adam
- pollypry - retardation: a celebration
- pondgyrl - Meredith
- pookiedrawers - Sunlight Through Styrofoam
- princess_vicks - Princess Vicks
- prod - LimbBomb
- prophyt - Paul
- prufrock - apparently asymmetrical
- punkerchickita - sheroxahonda
- punkrockgrrrl - Ophelia
- pupfiction - Pup Fiction Presents
- pureinhell - Angel
- queenmab88 - meredith
- quez - Quez
- quintessence - Serenity
- r0bin - Robin
- radiocait - Cait
- rainbrot - Brain Rot
- rainysunday - Rainy Sunday
- randombtchchick - TommyGirl Productions
- raven_fire - Steph
- ravenritings - CONTravenE
- razorlicious - girl ruin
- razorwire - Social Darwinism, baby.
- reiven - Pick Me!! PICK ME!!
- relia - little idiot
- renny62 - Karynne
- replicant2001 - replicant2001
- revevastars - caution, contents may be hot!
- rhealz - Ryan
- riboflavin - Miss Pot
- roastporkbun - sex, drugs, and roast pork buns
- robp - robp
- ronnieraccoon - Ryan J. Smith
- runatiku - Dina
- rxa_staff - Ravens and Angels Staff
- s00sh - tyna
- sabrina_il - Marina
- sakurachan - sakurachan
- samedarkclouds - Same Dark Clouds
- sarcasmsslave - Sarcasm's Slave
- satyrnine - Roderick
- saul_goode - No Smiley Zone
- savadave - Dave
- scarlett262001 - Entity #26
- scarletxanth - [::lost in a dream::]
- scrumbles - scrumbles
- sebadoh - braden!
- self - some guy
- serendipity779 - Marie
- shace121 - Dani
- shadowomega - The Converse of Our Destruction
- shakerbreaks - (under) the weather girl
- sharc - Sharc
- shelbinator - Shelbinator
- shipbuilding - deena
- silentsiren - shrinkingviolet
- simpleobject - + < @ \/ | $
- skandy - Andy Vilaine
- skankincraigo - CraigO
- skullworm - Skullworm
- sledgeriprock - Captain Sledge Riprock
- sleipnir_ - Matt
- slicegirl - Alyssa
- smileloki - Verdandi
- smlot54 - Stephanie Lynn Mlot
- smoking_robot - smoking_robot
- snizatch - jes
- snoopdawg - christy the great
- snowgarden - Li
- somebigloser - Dee
- somebodyelse - -insert something clever here-
- soopageek - soopageek
- sorciere - Sorcieré
- soullessghost - Charles
- sourpuss - controlling your every moment from my germfree pod
- sparkdogg - Mr. Cellophane
- spicy_mustard - Fusion Cuisine
- spicymeatball - 'Nilla
- spikdangel - Pamela
- spindesigner - asinine amanda
- spiralstarlight - Hopeless
- spitfiregirl - If You Love Somebody, Set Them On Fire
- starkey - Coleman
- starkravingmad - Blaire
- starrrfucker - do you miss meaning everything to me?
- staticdecay - [/static]
- statistical - Stat
- stellae - Liz
- stevo420 - The Final Girl
- stigmartyr - stigmartyr
- strike3 - Ryan
- suddenbeauty - Linds
- suffocated - Max Payne-in-the-ass
- sumac - chi-nü-ä
- surf_ninja - Little Sparkeé
- suzyqstar - Suzanne
- sweetinsanity - Heather
- swighs - Sarahbell
- swirling_poetry - Andie
- sylvanmarten - Maui
- tabriscoonz - Dr.Sarcastabitch
- taeha - Lisa
- taerowyn - Taerowyn
- temima - Tara
- the_4thb - Caleb Brown
- thefink - Tashy
- themadjuggler - Chris
- therhyn - David A. Bradley
- thisgirlsweird - Molly
- thisisjackssite - You can jump first, cause I'd rather drown
- tigerkitty - Captain Wildchild
- tikiking - kevin
- tipazollik - Tipaz Ollik
- tksmith - Tyler
- tlee - t to the l.e.e.
- tobysionann - Sionann
- todesbanden - Ashley
- tommydiablo - DAU OXENDER
- tonybologna - Antonius of Bolognia
- treacerbullet - ST
- tripandglidex - emily
- trippingdaisy - stacia
- turbulence - The Eloquent Robo-Goth Who Capitalizes Her I's
- tweekypo - TWEEKY
- unfinis - Lunatic Pandora (ルナティックパンドラ)
- unheardmusic31 - Monkey Boy
- unidra - Unidra
- unknownj - Jamie
- unmei - Unmei
- unprovoked - claire THE bear
- untakenname - Nick
- vaguechaos - Love wasted punk
- valerian - Valerian
- veloshane - veloshane
- vikvanda - vikvanda
- viola575 - aboard a foreign vessel
- violate - Miss . Impossibility
- voidfromhealing - Modern Idiot
- washjones - Washjones
- watership - Mike
- watookal - Watookal
- wednesdayschild - beloved
- weepel83 - A "Cram-A-Lot" operator
- westerneyes - MiettesCity
- whiterussian3d - Davey Whipwreck
- wingedpetitfour - Veylinel
- wise_athena - Athena
- wishdragon - Wish
- wreckyourtv - Nick
- xanaxjj - Xan
- xcommunicate - these monsters are real
- xjoshx - josh
- xk8tx - Katie Rohrer
- xlindsayx - lindsay
- yellow7star - *caryl anne*
- yermie - Trey
- yidrae - Flamingo
- zachdms - Zach
- zerophim - jeff
- zodac - Zodac
- zombiewhore - Zombie Whore
- zombyshakespear - Mark