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The Pirate Queen
Moon Child
Name: Moon Child
Back May 2004
Spots on the Map
The 411
Thanks to our artists, we pretend well, living under canopies of painted clouds and painted gods, in halls of marble floors across which the sung Masses paint hope in deep impasti of echo. We make of the hollow world a fuller, messier, prettier place, but all our inventions can't create the one thing we require: to deserve any fond attention we might accidentally recieve, to receive any fond attention we don't in the course of things deserve. We are never enough to ourselves because we can never be enough to another. Any one of us walks into any room and reminds its occupant that we are not the one they most want to see. We are never the one. We are never enough.
My Ramblings
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In light of the fact that I can not stop stupid, disgusting trolls from friending my journal (it's now up to 4) I'm making this journal friends only. I know it doesn't make much of a difference b/c none of those assholes are even reading the journals they friend but it makes me feel a little safer and it's one less thing I have to feel paranoid about.

I'll probably get around to friends locking the journal tomorrow. If you're reading this and I don't have you added as a friend but you want me to, leave a comment. I hate having to do this but I hate that LJ is doing nothing to stop this even more.

Does anyone know if there is any way to mass friends lock old entries? I vaguely remember someone mentioning there was one once.
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One Last Thing
Three years ago today I signed up for a LiveJournal account after discovering the site through my friend from high school, [info]carla80. It was almost another year before I actually used it for anything but once I got into it, I've only had a few bumpy spots.
Much love to all of you that occupy my Friends page and allow me to occupy yours.
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Notes From The Artic
During the fic Truth or Dare challenge I posted last week, Julie dared me to write a fic containing Goyle and Petunia talking (thankfully she didn't ask for a Goyle/Petunia fic). I was going to write her bad Methos/Duncan mpreg fic instead because I know that's her favorite but I decided to be a good girl instead. So I spent 4 hours tonight writing this fic and it's somewhere between genius and crap. It's also not getting posted until tomorrow because I wrote it in long hand and don't feel like typing.

Last night's Angel makes me want to write lots of Harmony fic which should at the very least make [info]jennyo happy.

Lastly, my mother is insane. Much like the mother in Foxtrot my mother does not believe in ever turning the heat up. Silly me thought that since we're breaking freezing records tonight she might decide to break the rules a bit. So what was her big concession? She turned the heat up from it's normal night time setting of 58 to a whopping 60 degrees. If I don't post tomorrow it's because I've died from frost bite.
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So Glad To Be Awake
I had the creepiest dream last night. Somehow my ex boyfriend from way back had gotten my telephone number by tracing my credit card and wanted to talk about how our relationship going wrong was other peoples fault and for most of the conversation I wasn't able to talk. When I did gain the ability to speak I started trying to tell him what I thought. The whole time I was doing this I was trying to get on LJ to post about it b/c I was freaking out and obviously couldn't call someone b/c I was on the phone. My computer wouldn't turn on though so I get my cellphone. Then the bastard starts text messaging me on my cellphone while talking to me on my house phone. Finally he gives me directions to his new house. Without walking or driving or anything I end up at his house. He, of course, is not home. So I wait out on the front porch for him and when he does show up he's got a girl on each arm. I basically say, "Screw you. I let you destroy me once, I'm not letting it happen again."

Then I walk into the house behind me, which was his home but is now somehow my house. No one is home and I sit in the dark for what feels like hours. When my parents do come home, my mom and I get into this gigantic fight over something I don't even remember. The fight ends with me ripping up the newspaper she was holding in her hands and storming into my bedroom. It was shortly after that they I woke up.

So even though it's freezing and I had to go outside and help my mom shovel (until she sent me back inside b/c severe cold hits my asthma hard and she always gets scared when I'm out in it), I'm very, very glad to be awake.
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Just Dropping In
Congrats to my dear [info]trakkie for making The Black List. Your deviant fic was some of the first I read in the HP fandom and it helped pull me into this insanity. *g*

To all of you I owe emails, comments, fics or all of the above. They're coming. I've been doing nothing but sleep or laying in bed reading for the last few days in efforts to combat a very nasty cold that I'm trying to get rid of before it gets really bad.
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Ending the Evening With A Meme
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In honor of this apparently being Bernard Hill's fave line I finally got around to making this icon, which I've wanted to for awhile.

Once I get around to showering I think I'm going to treat myself to ROTK, I've been meaning to see it by myself and today seems as good a day as any. Antisocial doesn't begin to describe my mood.
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I Really Need To Find A Job
I'm having one of those days where things that I only mean to occupy myself with for awhile are sucking hours of my time away.

This morning I needed to know when abouts Theoden started deeply falling under Wormtongue's(Saruman's) spell and who, if anyone, besides Eomer recalled Boromir's visit to the Riddermark on his way to Rivendell and where exactly in Rohan Boromir borrowed that horse, etc. I ended up reading most of the first part of TTT.

When that was done it was well past lunch time so I made myself some lunch and decided to put in the pilot ep of Firefly. I ended up watching the entire first disc.

I'm so spending tomorrow looking for a job.
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Work Is Fun
I'm not sure if I mentioned this but the box office job I'm working at a few days a week I got through [info]majrgenrl8 who also works there. I was going through the desk I've been typically stationed at this morning when right on top of the envelopes in the top drawer I find a note that says "It's not all about Boromir and Theoden". I can't imagine who wrote that or who it was addressed to.

To my secret penpal I have but one thing to say,"IT SO IS!"
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Of Werewolves and Vampires.
On Monday I went back to the store o' doom and officially quit. On Tuesday I had to go back again because I forgot to give them my store keys. While there I decided to pick up Underworld. I command you all to watch this movie if you haven't already. It's got something for werewolf fans, vampire fan, gothic horror movie fans, people with leather fetishes, etc.

Minor Spoilers within. Just being on the safe side )

Thanks to everyone for all the positive feedback on the two fics I wrote this week. I've gone from an almost near constant writers block over the past few years to writing like a demon, both fanfic and original stuff. Whatever is going on in my mind right now, some sort of damm has finally broken.
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More LOTR Fic
[info]greenabsinthe dared me to write "LotR: post-movie/semi-book, Eowyn/Faramir: Eowyn tells Aragorn about her relationship with Faramir before the coronation. You can throw in a bit of Aragorn/Eowyn if you'd like, but it's not required."

I wrote this:

Title: New Life (1/1)
Author: ThePirateQueen (
Rating: G
Pairings: Eowyn/Faramir, Aragorn/Arwen, moment of Eowyn/Aragorn UST
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Short drabble in which Eowyn and Aragorn talk about love. Set in the movieverse. Written after the theatrical release of ROTK came out but before the EE. I do not know how much of the book’s plotline will make it into the EE intact.
Notes: For the Eowyn/Faramir shippers in my life who helped me see the light.

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Tonight I cried for 2 and a half hours straight over the utter shambles my entire life is in. On looking over my friends page many of you are also having horrific days.

As such, I'm calling for a big group hug.

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I Am Played By The Least Cool Person In My Own Movie
The piratequeen in A Fractured Peace
[info]thepiratequeen (Kate Hudson) has a reputation for rigging elections. Following a recent PR disaster, her best laid plan is in question, and [info]majrgenrl8, her campaign manager (Cate Blanchett), is implicated in an international scandal. [info]thunderemerald (Maggie Smith) entertains a huge reformation. Given more time, this would be an even longer movie.
Produced by ianiceboy
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Someday I will have a computer with internet access so that I don't have to type on one computer and upload on another. Then I won't do silly things like upload the wrong draft of fic and put the one without the corrected mistakes in place of the corrected one.

In other words, if you read the fic in my last post and noticed the handful of glaring errors, I did too. The right version has now been uploaded in its place.

And on that note, I'm going to bed.
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Truth Or Dare
Taken from [info]thunderemerald


TRUTH will be an open-ended question (i.e. not yes/no). It may be personal, or it may be about your opinion on something. Your answer may be any length, but it must be as honest as possible.

DARE will be a writing challenge of some kind. It will probably involve either fanfic or original fiction, and it must be at least 500 words in length.

You are allowed to deny a T/D once, but then you must take the second T/D I give you (or fall back on the first, your call.)

If you want to participate, comment here, and let me know if you want truth or a dare. If you want a dare but don't want a fanfic challenge, note that.

When you finish, post the answer/story/etc in your own LJ, and pass on the TRUTH OR DARE offer. Then, comment here with a link so that everyone else knows where to find it.

I said Dare. [info]thunderemerald dared me to "Write a story at least 500 words long. It must involve Aragorn, Eowyn, and the phrase "At least I can do it better than a hobbit could." Ready, set, go!"

I wrote this:

Major props to Julie for letting me call her and whine about how I was supposed to be writing about Aragorn and Eowyn and all I could have them do was talk about how wonderful Boromir and Theoden are.

Title: Someone Else's Story (1/1)
Author: ThePirateQueen (
Rating: PG
Pairings: Much Aragorn/Eowyn UST with a dash of RST, blink and you'll miss it Aragorn/Boromir and a deep, underlining Aragorn/Arwen
Disclaimers: I wish I could claim even a fraction of ownership but that honor belongs to others.
Feedback: Don't make me beg for it.
Archiving: Ask and ye shall receive
Author's Notes: This was less fluffy then I thought it would be but I'm quite proud of it. For my dear Lindsay, may all your days be full of Hobbity fun.
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Bad Fan
It's not enough that I still haven't been able to see Master and Commander. Now I missed Russell Crowe on Inside the Actors Studio.

After 9 years I think our relationship may be losing its magic. (In Crowe fan land, at least during the brief moments I was a part of it, how long you've been a fan of him was insanely and disgustingly important. No one ever quite believed me when I told them I was a fan of him from before even Virtiousity as I had caught this lovely little Australian movie called Proof starring him and Hugo Weaving on Bravo one night when I was a freshman in high school and have loved them both ever since.)

At least we'll always have Asbury Park. And the hell hole that is the Stone Pony where I suffered several hours of scary Crowe fans to see his band play on my birthday three years ago. It was all worth it for the few moments where he walked right by me and I actually went "Whoah" in a non ironic way for the first and only time in my life.
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Today Life Is Good
Today I did all the laundry I needed to do (four loads, much better then last month's mega laundry day total of six loads).

Today I also cleaned out my Inbox and emptied it of all the mail I'm never going to read, thus making me more likely to read the mail I want to read in a timely fashion.

I also watched some Alias (Sark in a Russian uniform is my new happy place), read a bit and wrote a bit.

The only somewhat dissappointing adventure of the day was my search for good Theoden fic. There is almost no good Theoden fic. There is almost no Theoden fic period. This makes me sad on my levels. To make up for it I read my favorite parts of Bagenders for the millionth time.

Current Mood: accomplished

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This Is Priceless
Someone sent TORN a scan of the ROTK Valentine's Day cards you can buy. I'm totally getting these and sending the Denethor card to everyone because who can resist the sheer wierdness of a Denethor Valentine's Day card. I'm also sending either the Legolas/Gimli or Merry/Pippen ones to all my slasher friends.

But really it's all about the Denethor card. I may never get over that.
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Movie Time With The Parents
My increasingly worried parents did the unthinkable tonight. Even though they went to the movies last week, they went again tonight to take me to see Return of the King. They did it as a cheer me up kinda thing and for a movie that makes me cry like no other it did still work. I think I enjoyed their reactions almost as much as the movie. My mother loves Faramir because "he looks just like Sean Bean" (please note my mother only saw LOTR to begin with because Sean Bean is the only man she'd leave my father for) and my dad is both Billy Boyd's number one fan and the world's biggest Aragorn/Eowyn shipper. My mom said she was going to kill him if he said "Choose her" one more time when Eowyn appeared on the screen.

I simply remain devoted to Theoden and Sam.

My feelings towards the movie itself remain ambigious. It clearly has a profund emotional impact on me and either because of this or in spite of it I have no desire for many more repeat viewings of the movie, at least until the DVDs come out. I think it's such a personal movie to me that I can't get quite comfortable watching around other people. Trilogy Tuesday was fun because the room was packed full of the most devoted of fans but the second and third time I've been painfully distracted by my desire for everyone but the people I came with to leave me in peace with the movie.

I also have an idea for a Theoden/Eowyn fic that's not incesty but very intense cause they're my OTPlatonicFamilyPairing.