Below is information about the "Goth/Industrial for Upstate NY" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | gothupny (1392331) |
| For everyone NOT in NYC even if you don't consider yourself from "Upstate" ;-] |
Name: | Goth/Industrial for Upstate NY |
About: | First there was None; Then there was one.
This community is for people in Upstate NY to promote/discuss events/bands/whatever regarding their goth/industrial scenes. Feel free to post basically whatever you want, but please don't stray too far off from the community theme. Pictures, playlists, show information, etc is welcome. -Thanks for joining!
Join the Yahoo! Group:
RELATED LINKS: [+] Albany Goths [+] Ithaca Sunday night at The Haunt [+] International Goth Club Listing [+] Goth Links [+] Take Back the Industrial Scene
[REGIONAL COMMUNITIES:] wnygoth hvc_dwellers
[MUSIC-RELATED:] goth industrial rivets rivet_g00nsquad n0ise handsvsantzen forms_of_hands ant_zen coldmeat rhythm_noise terror_ebm noiseterrorism
sb2 maschinenfest maschinengirls
industrial_djs |
Interests: | 150: accessory, aghast view, ah cama-sotz, albany, alien sex fiend, and one, apoptygma berzerk, arzt+pfusch, aslan faction, assemblage 23, bauhaus, bigod 20, binghamton, boris at the bar, buffalo, cabaret voltaire, claire voyant, clan of xymox, cleen, clubs, coil, combat boots, concerts, converter, covenant, cruxshadows, cubanate,, dance or die, dark, darkwave, das ich, de/vision, decoded feedback, deine lakaien, depeche mode, die form, dj's, dj-ing, djing, dulce liquido, ebm, electronic music, falling over drunk, feindflug, fetish, fla, flesh field, freaks, front 242, funker vogt, german industrial, god module, goth, goth chicks, goth clubs, goth scenes, gothic, gothic rock, gothic subculture, grendel, handjobb, hanzel und gretyl, haujobb, hocico, idm, in strict confidence, industrial, industrial clubs, industrial music, industrial scenes, infact, ithaca, juno reactor, kevorkian death cycle, kmfdm, kompressor, kraftwerk, l'ame immortelle, laibach, leæther strip, london after midnight, massiv in mensch, mdfmk, meat beat manifesto, metropolis, metropolis records, ministry, music, neuroticfish, new paltz, new york, night life, nine inch nails, noise, noise music, noise unit, noisex, noize, ny, ohgr, p.a.l, paleness, pig, pigface, portishead, poughkeepsie, projekt, rasputina, razed in black, revolting cocks, rivet, rivet boys, rivet girls, rivetheads, rivets, rochester, sci-fi, shows, siechtum, siouxsie, siouxsie and the banshees, sisters of mercy, skinny puppy, snog, suicide commando, switchblade symphony, synthpop, syracuse, tarmvred, terrorfakt, the borg, the cure, the faint, the smiths, thrill kill kult, tumor, ulster county, upstate new york, upstate ny, utica, velvet acid christ, vnv nation, voltaire, waldgeist, wearing black, west new york, winterkalte, wumpscut, x marks the pedwalk. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 157: 50l4c3, _midknight, _noisex_, _tearinyoureye, agent139, agent242, aliengoth, aliyna, amethysttrash, anangrygirl, anti_rockstars, asleepbydawn, asoul_isborn, astridmoon, avoidxcesses, avon_leader_ba, azazeal6, baron_army, batoutahell, billisdog, bite0fgod, blackismysoul, blood_orchid, bloodybody115, brandinsbabe, brokendreams09, brokenlastwish, burner, catecumen, caterpillergirl, chinnxxxgashes, choker, corruptedtease, cranilingus, crimson_agony, cynestria, danainclogs, dancing_ferret, das_schweigen, daysdawning, dazed1, devilpaul, die_asche, digital_ferret, digitalgeist, disassimilate, distillate, djgwen, drkrverphnix, dvlsadvct, eat_your_makeup, eeesheeea, evilicious, evilnewt, f5_, fabulousme, felix_scarecrow, gigglinggorgon, girlvirus, gottestod, greystreet1986, halos4nothing, hateis_mine, heathen_panzer, his_darkest_sin, imperativesgirl, in_dust, indulgentsin, indyastar, jennvix, jett_black, jredbaby, julesnycsw, kindgott, ladycelest, ladylullaby44, lilnicky87, littlepoptart, lucretia626, magiman2, masochisticzoe, mattn217, mayhem613, meiow, michaelpath, michelletenoh, mindcage, miss_ogynist, missanthropy, missmaladie, mistresshexx, mistressnelle, molly_sigh, morbidfishnets, morgain13, mozisuptonogood, msstrsblue, muse_sans_hat, musicisdead, necrozombiesexx, niiicolaaah, nydecay, omenangel, optci0nvap0r, or_not, psychoengel909, puremisery, qubertn, queenkali, rachel_doll, rainbowbrite242, ravegirlie, razedfyst, realitysgonemad, residualfear, robmarsh, scar_let, secrettime, sethers, shesaid_destroy, sickgurl1313, silentwyllow, singebkdrft, skapllnker, sororbabylon, soundnova, spaceagetiki, speedandmalice, stormgald, superkathoid, syntheticacid, tainted__blood, takeapeek, tdotruvon, tear_of_hate, thelearnerx, themirror, thezer0ist, tinomen, tragiclife, u8my303, umbrellamusicco, understandingme, vahnyughi, velvetdeathdoll, vicious_fantasy, violate, voltaireanguru, vrykolaka, wickedniteshade, willowannab, wushupork, xenimae, xpashax, xx_distorted_xx, yankee_rose, yinshu |
Watched by: | 102: _midknight, _noisex_, _tearinyoureye, agent139, anangrygirl, anti_rockstars, avoidxcesses, azazeal6, badwillow, baron_army, batoutahell, bifurcate, billisdog, bite0fgod, blackismysoul, brandinsbabe, brokenlastwish, caterpillergirl, choker, cranilingus, crimson_agony, darkheartedfool, das_schweigen, dazed1, deftlyd, devilpaul, die_struktion, digitalgeist, djgwen, drkrverphnix, dvlsadvct, eat_your_makeup, ebilishandy, eeesheeea, f5_, fabulousme, fe3dy3rk1tty, felix_scarecrow, goblyndick, greystreet1986, halos4nothing, hateis_mine, heathen_panzer, his_darkest_sin, ilovedo, in_dust, indyastar, julesnycsw, ladycelest, ladylullaby44, lc_claudia, lilnicky87, littlepoptart, lucretia626, magiman2, mattn217, mayhem613, michaelpath, michelletenoh, miss_ogynist, missanthropy, missmaladie, mistresshexx, mistressnelle, morbidfishnets, morgain13, mozisuptonogood, msstrsblue, muse_sans_hat, niiicolaaah, nydecay, or_not, puremisery, queenkali, rachel_doll, rainbowbrite242, ritone, robmarsh, scar_let, shesaid_destroy, sickgurl1313, silentwyllow, singebkdrft, skapllnker, speedandmalice, superkathoid, tainted__blood, takeapeek, tdotruvon, themirror, thezer0ist, tinomen, toomanywhispers, understandingme, urbomancy, vicious_fantasy, voltaireanguru, wushupork, xenimae, xpashax, yankee_rose, yinshu |
Account type: | Free Account |