the BBC's News ticker can sit anywhere on your desktop, and will automatically update throughout the day with the latest news, sport, travel, finance and weather. When you click on the headline, you'll be taken to the full story.
How do I get Newsline?
It's fast, simple and free. Newsline is available to download in 4 versions - for Windows 95/NT, for Windows 3.1 and now for Mac Power PCs and Mac68k. Click on the button below that matches your operating system.
Download here
Before downloading, please read the download notice below.
Do you need help?
For step by strp guide to installing BBC Newsonline see our:
Download Notice
BBC Newsline is provided to you "as is". The BBC does not warrant that the software is without errors, viruses and/or defects, but the BBC has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the software contains no errors, viruses or defects. You ("the User") are advised to ensure that you take precautions to protect your computer from virus infection. The BBC will not be liable for any claims, actions, demands, losses, damages and/or costs which the User may sustain or suffer as a result of or connected to the software.