Daily Log
Wednesday, December 24th, 2003 | 6:52 pm |
"are you thinking of me / when you fuck her" | so, my coy and sly ex boyfriend joe has a new girlfriend. i didn't realize what a complete asshole he was until now. we had been friends for a very long time before we dated, and were attempting to hold the friendship together after we broke up. it was difficult, but doable, except he kept getting jealous and upset every time he heard that i was nether with mike, which is something that happens every now and then, because we are hott and it is difficult for hott people to not do these things. (and these things) anyway. joe stopped talking to me around november because of certain events that happened on a rooftop in october and certain arguments we had due to these events. i think. i don't know for sure, because he never explained it to me for sure, because that is his personality. he just hung up once when i called and refused to email me because he found it was the easiest way to "get [my] voice out of [his] head, telling [him] things about [him]self that [he] knew weren't true." i had asked if he had a new girlfriend, saying that if he did i respected that and i would not bug him anymore, and he said he did not. right. i missed being friends with him, though, so i kept on emailing every now and then, not getting replies. a little over a week ago, though, he emailed me back, saying something had happened in his life that he wanted to get my opinion on. i wrote back asking him to go ahead and tell me about it. i told mike what was going on, and the ever-perceptive mike said "oh, he has a new girlfriend." i brushed that off with "oh no, he'd never be that coy--he'd just come out and tell me." well, joe and i exchanged maybe 5 more emails before he finally did come out and tell me--and what a surprise, the mike o'smarts was right. the new girlfriend i don't object to. clearly. i've been kissing the mouths of others for over a year now so it is none of my concern what joe does with whichever girl is saintly enough to put up with his garbage. what i do object to is the coy and annoying manner in which he told me--he cut off all contact with me, only to renew it for the sole purpose of very coyly telling me he had a new girlfriend. that is disrespectful not only to me, but also to the girlfriend. it's quite obvious he isn't over me if he has to excitedly log online after obtaining this new relationship and email his me, his ex girlfriend who he proportedly had a crush on for years before dating, teasers about his new status. i had assumed, erroneously, that joe's telling me about his new girlfriend meant that he and i were going to be friends. i was wrong. he now emails me terse and dumb replylettes saying basically "i told you i knew it was cheap of me all along to tell you about this, but you wanted to know anyway." right. curiosity happens. i am not to blame for his bad behavior towards me. since my emails have yet to make him as flustered and annoyed as i'd like him to be, and as he deserves to be, i decided to post this story, complete with pictures, on the front of my domain, like the immature and bitchy psychopath i am. he always hated when i wrote about him, and he'll really hate this. not as much as i hate the way he has treated me in the past week, but hey, i'll settle for what i can get. hell hath no fury like laura scorned. the end. Current Mood: predatory Current Music: NONE Sunday, December 21st, 2003 | 4:35 pm |
Augh | The department of homeland security makes me vomit. The straight-from-first-grade color-coded levels. The "this time is the most credible threat since 9-11-01" warnings every time. It's psychological warfare against the American people. Not from who you think, but from your very own government. They want you to be so scared of lax terror prevention that you will vote republican in the next election to keep homeland security warning and warning and civil liberties fading and fading. It reminds me of 1984. It reminds me of The Handmaid's Tale. It's so creepy that our government reminds me of dystopian literature. Orange alert. What it is is a glorified, official term for telling citizens to "be vigilant." We need a whole department to be in charge of telling us that? Sounds like pretty weak terrorism prevention to me. Vigilance doesn't cure terrorism. Know what does? Getting out of Iraq. Current Mood: annoyed Saturday, December 20th, 2003 | 8:03 pm |
Retarded | This person has been harassing me. First she sent me republican propaganda, and then when I wrote back telling her, politely but firmly, that I don't encourage email from viewers and I don't care about her opinions, she sent me this: PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE DANGEROUS. YIKES. THE NAZIS MASSACRED THE WRONG PEOPLE... JEWS WERE INNOCENT... YOU PEOPLE SHOULD BE PUT ON AN ISLAND SOMEWHERE AND FED A SMALLPOX SANDWICH. And then proceeded to treat me as though I were harassing her, by saying she was forwarding all emails I sent her to every department at NYU (?), I guess because she doesn't realize how big of a university it is and that I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't even initiate contact in the first place! This person is clearly as insane as George W. Bush. If you feel like trying to talk sense into her, be my guest. Thursday, December 18th, 2003 | 6:36 pm |
bye | i'm going back to florida now. 2:05 am |
new layout | New layout at mewing.net. I got sick of color. I'm redoing lots of things. I haven't done them yet. Sunday, December 14th, 2003 | 10:41 pm |
If I die, blame George W. Bush. | I smell a class action suit that will start in 15 years. 6:10 pm |
Eee. | eee. Wednesday, December 10th, 2003 | 8:40 pm |
thing | tree horoscope thing my mom sent me. i am Sep 24 to Oct 03 Hazelnut Tree -- Hazelnut Tree (the Extraordinary) — charming, sense of humor, very demanding but can also be very understanding, knows how to make a lasting impression, active fighter for social causes and politics, popular, quite moody, sexually oriented, honest, a perfectionist, has a precise sense of judgment and expects complete fairness. it's pretty accurate, and i like hazelnut in coffee. 3:38 pm |
i want a 75 dollar book | This one. Maybe I can find it at the library. Probably not. Why must it be 75 dollar?! I realize it's about the best subject anyone could ever write about (please don't take this as sarcasm...it's not meant that way at all) but come on. Monday, December 8th, 2003 | 5:07 pm |
another seasonal quiz. | What will you get for Christmas? 2:14 pm |
interesting | sometimes i search for "laura" and "belarus" on google and get excited when mewing.net comes up first. but sometimes i read other articles listed and i find stuff like this. AH! i pretty much agree with the tone of the article except for the part where they say laura bush is one of america's most beautiful women. YIKES. 1:38 pm |
i am so lucky | ...that i didn't find this yesterday when i was trying to write a paper. Saturday, December 6th, 2003 | 11:51 am |
Favorite website | CIA world factbook. I might go read about the Caspian Sea now. Friday, December 5th, 2003 | 10:57 pm |
aw! | Marie missed IP Pavlova and I miss Radost. Their website is terrible though. 12:58 am |
Augh | I got an A on my myths paper and I'm now president of poetry club. Professor Top was pretty funny tonight but now i need to shower so i can go to sleep and go to work but someone is in there, and after they get out i have to wait 20 minutes for the water to drain. hate. Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003 | 1:03 pm |
Hahahaha | How can I write a paper when I could be looking at this? I love whitehouse.org. A lot. 10:29 am |
hate | my heater won't blow hot air. all fall, when i didn't want it on, it blew hot air. but now that it's 23 degrees out with a windchill of 10, it won't do anything but sit there and be sort of latently warm. i hate. Monday, December 1st, 2003 | 5:49 pm |
eep | I couldn't resist joining this. Even though it's conducted in Belarusian. Sunday, November 30th, 2003 | 9:36 pm |
Pittsburgh pictures | Here. On the train back, a boy sat next to me and jounced oddly. And we all made the Melissoface as we passed near Hoboken. Saturday, November 29th, 2003 | 9:59 am |
re: barrrrr | BARRRRR is the magic word. if you use it at the end of an argument, it means you won. if you use it at the end of a statement, it means it's true. if you use it wrongly, you can be sent to court with no one to love you. yesterday agnes and i bought terriblethings. we bought matching (well...) bright orange and hot pink vinyl boots. that was when tood took us shopping with becca and her beau, ed. later we went to tood's grandma's house, which had ceilings that made me feel tall and food that made me full cause i ate it. after that we went to walmart and agnes and i bought slippers that matched our boots, and i bought knitting needles, homespun yarn-a-doo, nylon terribleloops, and terriblelanyard. with the loops i made terribleleotards and tood and agnes and i went insane. you will see terribleleotard pictures suen. the terriblelanyard made a ureter plug. today we go ice skating, eye scayding, and eis scaetink. BYE Thursday, November 27th, 2003 | 5:43 am |
Oh yeah | I'm going to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving today. I'll be gone until Sunday. Monday, November 24th, 2003 | 6:16 pm |
2 things | 1) This gets filed in the "bad things happen to those who deserve them" folder. Wow. 2) I completely sympathize with this guy. I get about ten emails a day from people who want to enlarge my penis in some way or another. This is mostly offensive because these companies seem to disregard the very high number of women online. Yes, there are people who have email addresses and no penises to enlarge. Anyway, the best part of this dumb article is the part about giving a bad name to the penis enlargement business. THE PENIS ENLARGEMENT BUSINESS NEVER REALLY HAD A GOOD NAME. It's the penis enlargement business! Come on! Okay. 5:56 pm |
I like this song. | This song. Why? Because it's the only song ever about someone with my exact eye non-color. Wow. Sunday, November 23rd, 2003 | 11:52 pm |
This bugs me. | Yes it does. A lot. I am back from New Orleans and I bought a new toothbrush. That is all I'm saying today. Friday, November 21st, 2003 | 12:45 am |
Gone | I'm going to New Orleans tomorrow. I'll be back in NYC Sunday afternoon. Thursday, November 20th, 2003 | 3:15 am |
DONE | I finished my Myths paper. It's over 3000 words and I don't care. I just have to format the footnotes tomorrow before class. Ah I have more papers next week and the week after. Hate! Wednesday, November 19th, 2003 | 10:44 pm |
Oh yeah | I set this up awhile back. Take a look at it for easy, easy, easy recent-picture viewing. 7:25 pm |
you know your drain is clogged beyond the point of all clogging when... | it takes ten minutes to get half a bottle of drano to go down it. jesus. maybe if one of my suitemates with big curly hair and an attitude didn't feel the need to brush her hair in the shower (as evidenced by the hairbrush in her shower caddy) this would not happen. maybe she will find this and i'll have a situation a la tood and ericmike. i sure hope. now i'm going to write the myths paper. Current Mood: bitchy Monday, November 17th, 2003 | 8:43 pm |
wiggle | wiggle wiggle wiggle Saturday, November 15th, 2003 | 1:24 am |
May your 12 year old daughters get knocked up | hate! Wednesday, November 12th, 2003 | 5:30 pm |
heh | it will do for now Saturday, November 8th, 2003 | 3:52 pm |
Cute | Gus, who lives at home in Miami, calls me for directions to get places there, even though I live in New York now. Why? Because he knows I look at maps. And I knew the answer. Heh. Tuesday, November 4th, 2003 | 8:41 pm |
The most revolting thing I've read of late | This. Send him hate mail. I'm going to. Besides being a misogynist and a bad doctor, he's a blatant liar. (I found his site while searching online to settle a debate between Tood and I as to whether penis size is relative to height [and apparently it is]. I wasn't just reading this site for pleasure) Current Mood: enraged Wednesday, October 29th, 2003 | 5:18 pm |
Pictures of the haircut | Here they are. I'm making faces in some of them. 4:36 pm |
Hairrrrrr | I got my hair cut! I went to Parlor, which is where I always go when I'm in NYC. I love it! It looks like this except even shorter--about two inches shorter, maybe--and not as blonde anymore. I can't wait until I wash it and it's wavy. I love it when it's flippy and messy and wavy and poufy at this length. For now it's very sleek and straight. |
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