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The following users are interested in songs: ohia. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
0529 - Sarah
5_leaves_left - chris
__godspeed - rachel
__tristeza - __tristeza
_danceparty - max
_film - art is hard
_roy_ - roygier befriender of the vagi <-- back by request
_thecorner - like a Grace Kelly movie.
_tristeza - no one.
_trite - grilled cheese dream date
a_man_in_beige - Filip
a_pelican_wish - Justin!
akasoup - Libby
all_the_rage - your greatest failure
allisonthethug - -
allmytime - the movement and the spin
always_a_siren - The Book of E.
americanturnip - citizen here and abroad
amodestproposal - Scorpion Boy
amputative - a movie script ending
antennas - Faulty Schematics
antifuck - god damn these hands.
ashtolia - Ashtolia
atlantik - Bradley
atropa - jas
attacking - been swank -- & lovin it
august21 - Sparkles [has an AK-47]
avant_gardening - girl anachronism
b_is_for_bravo - french kissing the bullet hole of a bigger gun.
baahhh - delightfully eccentric!
babaluma - babaluma
babylovecakes - I am the New Scottish Gentry
badcrow - Crow
baronessvontito - Ani
batteryintheout - Battery in the Out.
beatboxing - J-U-D-A-H
beautyispoison - Scotty Too Hottie
betsybondage - beat
betterthanthis - kt
bettythreat - Messiah Complex
bigfuckingdeal - 2 hot 2 shock
bipolaroid - Kimberly
bladin - nave dos suspiros
bloodflow - bloodflow
blueandgirl - Amber
bluemeanie99 - Bridget
bluetintedeyes - eric
bluetoes - bethany
bobbleheadcow - Chris
bonanzajellyb - bonanza jellybean
born_in_68 - My fiction beats the hell out of my truth
bottlesnskulls - bottles, skulls, & bloody buckles
bovukitten - kitten
boydangerisdead - jonny
boywithcheese - lost highway
breakslikeglass - heart beats fast
brentbot - brent
brightcorners - brightcorners
brittndaville - dream a little dream of me
burblelikeme - rotten wooden stairs
butiloveyou - Adrienne Jeanine
caitlincore - ♫
caloriccowboy - norman townsend
candicemusic - Candice
cardigangirl - cardigangirl
carsong - stefanie ann
caughtfire - pejuta winan
cecilseaside - Cecil Seaside
cheap_and_evil - cheap_and_evil
chokehold - the shotgun message
christinam - christina
christobot - Chris
christonacross - detached
chromiumfence - The Chromium Fence
chubbs_was_god - chubbs_was_god
chuckie_moo - Lizzie M
cinemaair - Lee
cjg - C.J.G.
clarityreeks - haley
classicsoflove -
cloudy_and_47 - Mark
clovesmoke - molly.
coin_op - la cinta dinámica
colormefatigued - I'm a [one] night stand
comestomind - Jason
completesquare - all about the hamburger
crippledstalks - a forlorn labor...
crushileptic - jessrawk
cuttooth7 - YOUNG LION
cyflea - cyflea
dancinginshadow - .shannon elisabeth.
daniel_d - Daniel
darwinspiranha - born in a bottle rocket, 1929
dayan - light bulb heart
deadbatteries - syk
deadbodies - james
deadendexposure - overpasses to nowhere
deadflagblues - (s)asha
deathbunnies - Brooke
deathcabformel - Broken Hearts and New Addictions
deathkit - the stepchild of the free world
deckadense - let us pagans rust under the rubble and lava
diagonalsleeper - diagonal sleeper
dinocore - Nancy Drew Blood
dizzystupid - this guy's the limit!
dramamine - cheshire
dreamtincircles - Rider of Rohan
drjohn - John
dulcenaia - chaz lambourghini
e_licia - wee tods rightens
earthstar - the best christmas ever
easiertohide - your lipstick is smeared dear
eaturcheese - an invariable plethora
electrolytes - she was a danger to herself !
elijahismyfrodo - Electricity Makes Me Insane
elisa_day - elisa day
elleellen - Kitty McPretty
elysee - margarida
emoheartsme - jessica for life
enderwillsaveme - Stun Gun
ephemeral_0_ - moceno
epheron - now is the winter of our discoteque
escargo_go - try and ALPHABETIZE my file of FUNK
every_catharsis - mike.
exploit_me - Sarah
faerieanne - Electric Cat
fameless - sam
farfromruin - the grizz
fashionxxfight - breathe deeply. you're in my arms.
fater - stella
faux_aime - there's nothing safe in your stars
feelingit - ethan
feigning_ease - megan
felineofaveb - Caro
feministaxbella - I Like to Kiss Hard
fiendbeatscene - i'm shot out to alcatraz zam
fixed_content - sipidous punjii of the irian jaya
foodfortigers - Kate
foreverthursday - false pretense
fourohfive - the duet's never die
fromtwilight - A manda
frondeur - Don't break my heart.
fstopandinertia - A to the N to the G
ftrocker - i've lost my way
fuckingtables - Jesus submerged in midnight
full_of_bees - laura
fullofsmarting - lsdjf;kds
future_seal - Ryland
g_ather - Oz
giantpinkdot - the girl with her shoes never tied
giraffeonfire - Subterranean Homesick Alien
girlfiction - like a freewheelin' bob dylan
girlrocker - faux punk fatigue
givethemtheguns - Ignorant Rob
gizzamaluke - xeper
glassdanse_ - Sam-o
godspeedyou - Geoff
goingsteady - Rayna Esther
gomezinabucket - gomezinabucket
goodeveningsun - carroll
grantstewart - Grant Stewart
gregamus - The Lost Boy
gvsboys - i lied when i said mañana, our tomorrow never came
happygoldfish - Carrie
hearhervoice - hearhervoice
heart_factory - COPY of a COPY of a COPY
heartbeatsblue - she's always cold lamping
hn277 - Heather
hothothebrew - frank sinatra, incarnate
hotyboomba - tarah-rah-rah.
hristov - possibly bulgarian
iamkate - am i not yours
iamnotanumber - Patrick McGoohan
iamsylviaplath - the kind that goes out and then sleeps for a week
iancurtis - i sing the body electric
iblamethemedia - i blame the media.
icrushskulls - lets just hump
ifjuly - d'you lie
igengrri - i dance when you are not looking
ihavelintysocks - karen p. r.
ill_steezing - Olympic
im_a_doll - optimist little leager
in_a_boxcar - in_a_boxcar
infatuationheln - Dustin
inthedeltawaves - :jonas ashbury
isom - (isom)
isuxroxyrules - Fallen Star
its_his_factory - krylon
jackieblack - jackie black
jameshatesyou - James
janiceangstrom - Janice Angstrom
jasminedreame - jasmine dreame
jasonandreas - Jason Andreas
jasonvericose - I must have been unconcious most of the time: I
jennheifer - Baby Alzheimer
jeshaheidi - jesha
jimmysleeves - You never knew me, you just wish you did
jn91 - Jb
jojogirly - Hobanana
jonny_esque - jonny
jrk392 - Jason
ju_lay23 - Mary Bellows
julie_the_mouse - black eyes
just_a_spark - crystal
justfriends - Omar
kamakhai - what're we gonna do?
katkoolerthanu - KathrynLOVE
katriane - kt
kennysunshine - Ken McClain
kidarod - April
killerpussy - THINGS THAT KILL
kingjester - skyler david
kostantine - sara
kuryakin - kuryakin
lahadamagnifica - eckidge
lancetadance - ♥Lance♥
laslucas - alaska
lastbestchance - Last Best Chance
laura_laurent_ - Laura
lazy_sunday - Elisabeth
le_stiletto - todd
leadsalad - sarah
lightning_bolt - Nayferious.
lights_out - the angry samoan
likenothing - tragically average
lil_octopie - undersea adventures
lilplastrbubl - Auspicious October
lisa_go_blind - Sally
lo0ll - lo0ll
lofiordie - you'd eat your heart out -- i'd eat it too.
longlines - that made you late
lookawaycait - Cait
loor - Captain Badass
lord_of_all - Education-Medicine-Defense
loveinvents - cross bones style
lovelyuniverse - yossariania
lukycharm - David
lullaby - Pi
magevortex - Han Shan
make_war - Wisteria, Magnolia
mandyhaven - Mandy
marketfresh - Carrie
mathslut - marilyn
mattxcuddle - mattXcuddle
mayorthis - brian
megamiwillow - The Chinchilla
mereunit - mia louise
metasteph - nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands
microwaveheart - the body burned away
millingroark - stop me if you've heard this one before
minet_de_lune - Elizabeth
mis_mis_eree - mis_mis_eree
misshedwig - Jodi
mockmyemotion - //mock my emotion
modechic - natalie
modzilla - Chemical Driven
moldynoodles - Adam
mon_coeur_casse -
monpetitoiseau - Round-Eye
moonpix - stephanie anne
mostfallen - kate.
movieboy0 - Jeff
mr_jontron - Never had a clue
mr_spongehead - mr spongehead
music_in_review - Listen up!
music_is_math - your native grieving
musicalgraves - laura
mymixtape - sk8r boi
naqahdah - the new scottish gentry
natelyswhore - Jilliann
naturelad - chrisky business
nealt128 - "Black" Kenny
nice_and_blue - .:the gem in me you'll never see:.
nickeecoco - Matthew
nnnathan - nathan
no_me_ha_matado - a fast talkin' hell raisin' son-of-a-bitch
noloveforned - ned
norbrektt - I live in a Giant Bucket
nosferatuman - Callum Zeff
octoberman - Octoberman
ofcoven - Ian
often_humbled - tara
ohsoscandalous - SCIENCE.
onefootinfront - the new goddess of fuck
onyx_moon - onyx_moon
ooglemonster - Melissa B
opium_flower - jennifer
oranjes - Tom
originalformula - Arnaldo de Andrade Bastos
owltranslator - mateo
pablojonney - mystery white boy
papayanuts - does not exist take an exit
parasoltree - emilie
parkinglotdeath - ParkingLotDeath
peggy5454 - the world's a mess it's in my kiss
pending_past - sunset soon forgotten
physiology - ♥ julia dangerous ♥
picaluna - picaluna
pilar666 - Pilar
pizajane - sarah
plaidskirtsrule - Paul Gersky
playgroundexit -
pocketfuzz - she's got a carburetor tied to the moon
pootski - Aunt Rhody
popslice - GodsMiddleFinger
pork_n_beans - psychobabble
put_yr_dukes_up - straight-edge is a non-violent bowel movement
rachaelfallen - with open arms and broken elbows
raemunkee - the cheap and evil girl
ramonathebrave - demons are real.
randomaxes - Shayne
raspberries - Francesca Marisol
retrocareermelt - Monsieur Meursault
retroelectro - retroelectro
rhombus - i am an equilateral parallelogram...
rhune - KevDave
ricepaddy8 - Full on Idle
rickybanana - Jon
riotbetherhyme - jamie
robofagpants - Robofagpants
robotic_jon - jonas berzanskis
rokprsn - teddy
roses_rejoice - lalalalala, aka Our Lady of Perpetual Exasperation
roy4nuci - Some animal I can't remember
rubberlegs - Petey G
saltrustedeye - And so we dress
santadog - santadog
sarahfortune - S is for Sarah
scarstoproveit - As thirty dialogues bleed into one
se7 - se7en
sebastian - see-bass-tea-anne
see_ragnarok - Matthew Young
seetext - Seetext
semidrummer - this might be satire
septemberally - *Jenna*
seratonein - Fast Hands Mean Less Whipping
shakespeherian - Tim Coe
shanepointblank - Shane
shatazap - jordan
shrapnel_caress - a belly floped proposal
shunpike - Scott
sikerdij - all things ordinary
silentlywaiting - Rebecca
sinkyoufool - christonacrutch
sinsister - sinister
sirpropaganda - Sir Propaganda
sister_ray - Chicken-headed Raccoon Dog
skeletor42 - katie
skylock - the shifty-eyed belligerent nine-fingered magician
sleepcameslowly - er!ka
sleepingwartime - sleepingwartime
smallfires - Jane
sonjaduck - the cat wit the .45 caliber claws
sourbunny - bunny
spacedan - dans cocoon of horrors
special_kay - stitch a caesura in the pulsebeat of the world.
spikes_to_you - single black female addicted to retail
st_ - shinyspecial
stabtacular - bitches get stitches
standupandfight - stop trying so hard
starfire103 - brad
starkk - starkk
starrzinhereyez - Verbal Diarrhea
stereo_relapse - when we have each other we have everything
sublimerina - your uncool niece
suburbangoth - sparky
superdistant - superdistant
superfluouslove - Jessica
sweetwankle - Owl
syzygy_ - Justin!
takethesechains - Damaged Bad At Best
takexwarning - molly
tastysteve - Steve-o
teenhandmodel - dolledupinbadluck
teknosavvyalfie - Alfie
thadissorad - Thaddeus
thegolddomestic - Jacob
theheadacheset - the wolf at the door
themannnnnnnnnn - Kristian Hersh
themightychrist - brenden
thepartysover - afternoon sister
thequietstorm - Michelle
thescientiste - jeannie.
thestarsaredead - Jasmine
theusedarefake - tessa
thingsthatfly - Kevin Edward Stetz
thisisdisconect - the pressure will murder you
throughsparrow - Topher
tiredandtrue - justin
tomalotocamelot - Nevermind the Bollocks here's Michael P Williamson
tomato_rosebud - Sara
tommypot - i wish i was spider-man... then i'd be cool
torpidness - jelllo...?
touchandgo - gene wilder's ghost
trainxmyxeyes - nikki.
trennerdios - Mark
trixie_bee - Girl Genius
troutmask - simple and silent
turningonadime - Liz
twitchwich - the spy brigade
ultrashank - Thomas
ultravioletriot - Alfie
unfinishedplans - David P-Rice
unsarah - sarah
unsteadily - don't watch me bleed
up_the_gnarl - Spackle Spackle Babyhole Oxen Loot
vaaka - Vaka Orradóttir
vicariousk - kurtis
viejagloria - mass suicide occult figurines
vincent_obrien - Vincent O'Brien
vintagehottie - vintagehottie
vintagelemonade - Kelly D-M
virgin_politics - Culture-Vulture
vivalaweezer - The ambiguously aged one
vixenxstar - et cetera.
walterjs - Walter
watchmechoke - Maybe If I Grew Wings - Maybe if you lost yours
we_are_rock - i <3 stabkill
weird_divide - SENATOR!
when_in_oxford - jessica ann
whenweglow - Cass
wristrocket - Wrist Rocket
wundklee - (isom)
xcentra - temporary like achilles (eric)
xdeadheartx - noah
xdoyourememberx - and you shall shed tears of scarlet!
xentric - Angsting Glitter Whore
xkylex - Kyle fuckin' Key
xladydx - *burp*
xmxrx - Mike
xxlove_jennaxx - Jenna Anjelina
yello3submarine - melissa
yoniyum - soft as snow (but warm inside)
youreatarget - alex0r
yrfirstdefense - Candice
zeligg - Zelig