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[09 Feb 2004|09:17pm]
You know you want to fill out Scott Sams's survey. Just comment on the February 6th entry of his blog.

It makes the world go 'round! Well, not really.

In other news, there might be another edition of computerized karaoke on the A&M; campus, this time at a TAMSCAMS meeting. Morgan called me and told me that it came up at an officer's meeting. I still have one of the DVDs, and if they can get a laptop that reads DVDs, they get some karaoke. Woo hoo.
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[09 Feb 2004|03:12pm]
Mad birthday shout outz to [info]missravenx!
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Weekend Madness [08 Feb 2004|08:31pm]
[ mood | swell ]
[ music | Guided by Voices - Storm Vibrations (on launchcast!) ]

I was in Dallas, now I'm in College Station. Sorry I didn't inform you earlier. ;)

The drive up was pretty interesting, though not in a good way. I was driving on I-45 when my car apparently decided I was going too fast (75... speed limit was 70) and started not accelerating, so I pulled over. It seemed to be okay, so I tried driving again, this time a little slower, but it did it again. 65 ended up being the magic number, so I got home fine (albeit a little late). I took it to the mechanic yesterday (one in Dallas), and apparently the fine folks at CarDoc didn't gap my spark plugs correctly. The car actually works how it should now.

After I arrived on Friday, I went to the Olive Garden with [info]quixotic, Mom, and Dad. That was my second day in a row to go to the OG, though I never usually go there. Interesting. After that, Amanda and I went bowling with [info]nincure and [info]missravenx. We had a great time, but changing our names on the score monitor thing seemed to be more fun than bowling. My scores weren't too good, either, because I was working on my hook shot. It's getting better. Slowly.

On Saturday Amanda and I had sushi with Mom at the really good buffet in Plano. We had a little time in between the time we finished and when the movie we wanted to see started, so we browsed Target for a bit. When we were on the way out, we spotted either Macie Jepson or a very convincing lookalike. There's your WFAA sightning for the year, and I didn't even have to get Amanda to arrange an interview. ;)

We did see a movie, though. The Cooler to be exact, which was good. I recommend it. After that we hung around the house and Amanda and I watched episodes of The Critic (since I got my DVD set!) I'm through disc one of three at present. Rawk.

This morning we went with Mom to IHOP, and then I was on my merry way back to College Station. I'm not yet done with my homework (one Oceanography problem and two Thermo problems are tripping me up), so there will be no time to Mark Kozelek tomorrow (as I also have to study for my Thermo test on Thursday). There will be other times, I hope.

That's all for now. Alysa bought SWAT on DVD and I think we're going to watch it pretty soon. Though I already saw the movie, I'll watch it again because it ruled. Are you excited? I am.

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[06 Feb 2004|08:24am]
Ripped from [info]kaon:

My Morning Report










Reach for the lasers with Antic's Sims-ulator!
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Productivity [04 Feb 2004|05:22pm]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | Smog - Cold Blooded Old Times (on launchcast!) ]

It seems that today has been mildly productive, even beyond the whole "going to class" thing.

In the time between bowling and tech writing, I renewed my lease. Yes kids, I will be staying in this fine apartment for one more year. The only problem I've ever had is with the occasional unreliability of the Internet, and I suppose a place can't be perfect.

I love things like this about my complex: While I was in the office renewing, I filled out a work order because my desk chair had big holds in the padding on the seat (it did when I moved in, but they were hardly noticable at the time and have since gotten bigger due to my ass). I came back from class to find my old chair gone and a new (and better) chair (it rocks, literally) in its place. That's service. Not that they had to do much, but you know.

I also ordered my Aggie ring today. Ooooooh. I get in April. I'm especially excited now because I thought that they didn't offer white gold because it wasn't on the web site (even though some friends got it last semester), so I asked the lady about it when I ordered and she said that they're "not displaying it anymore" but she was still able to order me one. Rock on!

Additionally, I turned in my scholarship application today, so I don't have to worry about that anymore.

BTW, I just found out that Chomsky is playing Club Clearview on February 28th, the day after [info]quixotic and I turn 21. I'm excited.

Now, if I want to turn a mildly productive day into a really productive one, I should get crackin' on my homework due on Tuesday. I just might do that. Maybe.

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[02 Feb 2004|06:14pm]
I have some tortilla soup cooking right now, so I'll pass the time by telling you a story.

Today I had lunch at the Common Denominator (because I was going to the SCC to work on my newsletter for Tech Writing), where I often had breakfast when I lived on campus. Everytime I'd go there for breakfast, the same lady (Evelyn) almost always rang me up. This story is funnier if you've heard my impression of her, because she'd always say "have a nice day" as insincerely as possible, among other things.

Anyway, I haven't been to the Common Denominator since I lived in Mosher, but I went there today to get some Chick-Fil-A, and Evelyn happened to be the person at the register and she's all "Hey there, stranger! Where've you been?"

Yeah, the breakfast lady knows me. That's kind of sad. I guess I'm just ever so popular.

Anyway, the whole working-on-the-newsletter-at-the-SCC thing didn't work out, because I tried to download the template I wanted to use for Word and the computer was having none of that, so I went home and starting working on it, and it's halfway done now. In a perfect world, I'll get it done tonight since it's due on Wednesday. We shall see.
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[02 Feb 2004|09:39am]
Punxsutawney Phil Sees His Shadow.

BTW, I love this quote:

I'm glad I live in this luxurious burrow on the knob, and not in a dirty, smelly, spider hole like a slob," said the proclamation read aloud by one of the organizers. "When I come out, I don't want to negotiate; but to just do my job and prognosticate."
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[01 Feb 2004|11:52pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Tragically Hip - Escape Is At Hand for the Travellin' Man (on launchcast!) ]

Ok... I really have to share this picture before I go to bed. The facial expressions are priceless.

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Weekend [01 Feb 2004|11:29pm]
[ music | Billy Joel - All About Soul (on launchcast!) ]

Apparently Launchcast's artist of the month is The Darkness, who they say are bringing back 80s hair metal. Now, I've never listened to this band (where have I been, right?), but I sure hope this isn't the case.

At any rate, my weekend was good stuff. After services on Friday, I went to a party at Morgan and Rachel's, which was better than I thought it would be. I tend to go to their parties for about thirty minutes because they only live a building a way and it's fun for a bit, but too many people and drinking games quickly get boring. It seemed like they had a lower turnout than usual, which was fine by me. However, it was very "it's a small world" esque when Dror showed up with some people; apparently they heard about it from someone else.

On Saturday, [info]stevenharper came by and whisked me away to Austin for [info]sarahpryce and [info]scurvydog's housewarming party. At the party there were good times, cheese cubes, and Trivial Pursuit. The house looks really nice. Mad props to the decorators. ;)

Enos and I left at about noon today, so that Enos could get to his secret location in time for the Super Bowl, so I had time to finish my homework (well, the stuff that's due Tuesday, at least) and go to HEB with [info]seasleepy and [info]eeyoreama before getting my steak on with Dror. I thought the place would be dead, but I didn't think we'd be two of maybe... seven people in the whole restaurant. It was almost eerie. The steak was really good, though. The only thing is that I ate so much that now I don't have room for more chicken mcnuggets from the fifty piece that we got (you know I couldn't resist, especially when other roommates were interested). I ate about six of them before dinner, so I didn't totally abstain. Would you expect any less from me?

BTW, I am forever indebted to [info]xgray for taking the RAM from Amanda's deceased laptop and putting it into mine. Now I can run Launchcast without stuff locking up, and I will be able to get rid of Windows ME (at long last!) Rawk.

It is now time for bed, just so you know.

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[01 Feb 2004|02:27pm]
I was in Austin, now I'm in College Station. More later.
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[29 Jan 2004|06:19pm]
At long last, my car has returned. Grand total: something around $664.
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[28 Jan 2004|02:54pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Some bluegrass song on KEOS ]

I just wanted to let you know that today I have received e-mails from two different professors in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, and they both signed the e-mails "Cheers, Dr. [Whoever]"

Now I'm curious... is this a department-wide initiative?

And just because I like to brag, I will let you know that one of those e-mails was sent to inform me that I am being nominated for a scholarship. Aww yeah. That's stuff I like to hear after I get the news that my car repairs are going to cost more than I thought.

Now, let me eat lunch.

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[27 Jan 2004|06:41pm]
Big 30 Results )
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The car saga continues [27 Jan 2004|05:10pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Some Badly Drawn Boy song in my head ]

So I went to pick up my car from the mechanic, paid the bill and all, got in my car, turned the key, started to pull out of the parking space, and the thing stalled out on me. After the second time, I went back in and gave them back my keys.

We'll see how this goes. Hopefully they didn't put a new fuel pump in my car for nothing.

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[27 Jan 2004|08:05am]
Oscar nominees.

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Car... [26 Jan 2004|03:42pm]
[ mood | carred ]
[ music | John Wesley Harding - Same Piece of Air (on launchcast!) ]

As Dad predicted, the fuel pump went bad in my car. Actually, it was acting up this morning for my mechanics but now starts fine for them for whatever reason so they can't do a fuel pressure test or whatever. The guy I talked to on the phone said that kind of thing is normal for fuel pumps and that he's absolutely sure it's the fuel pump. They've fixed my car many-a-time and the only problem I had with them was when they put in a defective throttle position sensor, but I don't think there's any way they could have known it was defective and they put another one in for free, so I don't hold it against them.

At any rate, it should be fixed today.

In other news, the Internet is finally back up in the apartment (it'd been down since Friday morning, but I'd been sneaking online with the wireless card), so life is good.

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[26 Jan 2004|09:01am]
I didn't do the country one because I haven't left the US, but you get the states one, since everybody else is doing it.

create your own visited states map
or write about it on the open travel guide

Keep in mind that I've only visited airports in Michigan and Tennessee.
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[25 Jan 2004|10:56pm]
The Welcome Back Bash went splendidly, thanks for asking. Rabbi counted sixty-two people there, and a lot of people sang and everyone had a good time. If you weren't there, you missed my rendition of "These Boots Are Made For Walkin'" among other fun performances. I am forever indebted to [info]farrisgoldstein for making it all possible. The Jews all love you. Now I have proven to myself that I can organize stuff. Aww yeah.

It's nice that the Bash went well, because car troubles earlier made the day less tolerable. I went to go with Alysa to HEB and had trouble starting my car. I got it going and we made it to HEB with my car stalling out at the red lights. After we'd shopped, we went to go home and I could get the car to stay going long enough to get out of the parking spot. So [info]seasleepy came by and took Alysa and the groceries away, and I called a tow truck, so the car is now sitting at the mechanic. Hopefully the repairs won't be too bad.

And with that, I'm going to bed.
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[25 Jan 2004|11:35am]
[ mood | swell ]
[ music | Al Green - Funny How Time Slips Away (on KEOS) ]

So the Internet's been down since Friday morning. The only reason I'm on right now is because I'm using some random wireless access I'm picking up with the card on [info]quixotic's computer. Rawk.

The first week of classes came and went without a hitch. I get good feelings from all my classes, and I have no homework this weekend! I don't think that's ever happened before. Then again, I'm not taking a Math class this semester.

I had lunch with Dror on Thursday, which was a lot of fun. We went to a place called Cafe Eccell, which I never knew existed because it's kind of hidden. It's a shame I didn't know about it sooner, though, because it's really good. I ended up getting to work about an hour after I usually do, but nobody seemed to care. My boss hadn't even come into work yet at that time. As long as I get my hours in...

On Friday I went to the first Shabbat services of the semester. Everyone seems really excited about today's karaoke party, so I hope it lives up to everyone's expectations. After that, I watched Pirates of the Caribbean with the roommates. I do realize I'm the last person on the face of the Earth to see the movie, but that's okay.

Saturday I didn't do much until 5pm, when I went with Elise (a fellow Hillel-er) to Wal Mart to get some decorations and such for Welcome Back Bash. After that, I watched the first Lord of the Rings with the roommates, since I haven't seen that one either. I watched Iron Chef after that and was way too amused by the milk battle.

Today I have to go to HEB to get some stuff, and then the rest of the day will be consumed by Welcome Back Bash stuff. Are you going? It's at 630pm.

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[21 Jan 2004|10:34pm]
Whatever your opinion is on this whole "raucous Howard Dean speech" this is, you have to admit that this photo is at least slightly creepy.

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