Wednesday, August 28th, 2002
9:57 pm - hey man, nice shot!
well. today pretty much..sucked. nothing exciting happened. bah on school. i'll update about the (dis)-likes of school when i have more then 5 mins. to update.
hooray for bradley being the biggest sweetheart in the world. i was gunna go to his house tonight but his mommy wouldn't have been home, so instead he came out here around 5 and left around 8:15. mmm. he's so fucking amazingggg, and so freaking cuddley. :) he sorta decorated my planner, and we tried to watch a dvd, but between lovin and laughin, and beating up==the movie didn't make much sense... but hehe.. it was a fun night. definately what i needed after today, which i'll describe well, tomorrow. goodnight...and thank you brad for being you. :)
current mood: loved current music: vast-the last one alive
| Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
9:36 pm - .and i think to myself we'd fit together so well.
okay. so, tomorrow i'm wearing my bible school shirt, shpants, my sambas, and i'm going with the brown bag... now, contents of my bag:
3pens, 1 pencil, 2 jack handey books, mini-notebook for inspiration, glucose, chapstick, and 3 anti-avril patches. (for nate, kate, and amanda) i hadta throw on something to reprazent, so i stuck an avril patch, face to face button, and deftones button on my bag, and i'm sure i'll switch bags like...soon, so it was pointless to go all out.
i don't really wanna go to school.. i was like.. freaking out earlier, it was bad. ask linds. heh. i guess i just don't wanna see dan and possibly hafta put up wiht his crap again this year... and i don't wanna wake up.
why are you so worried deanna?!
i don't know.. shut up, shut up, shut up.
oh man.. 10pm bedtime.. shoot me NOW! i got the tylenol pm distributed to linds and myself.. shittt.. agh.. well..
here's to school.. see you all tomorrow... eeek!
current mood: stressed current music: keepsake-the art of collapsing
| Monday, August 26th, 2002
11:28 pm - couldn't see me without you babe..
today was uneventful, except for fone tag with brad. he came over tonight, around 7:30, and we dicked around for a little outside, then took sadie for a walk, then we went downstairs and stole my brothers laptop and watched like, 4 mins. of collateral damage, but the voices were all skippin, so we said eff it and watched tv.
then i got really low.57, to be exact. then i stumbled or something and bradley hugged me. :) and then i stumbled and ran to the sofa before i collapsed. being around boys you like and being low is not fun. well not always.
haha. i remember getting deathly low at nates house and his mom was like, forcing food and juice down my throat. that was classic.
..back to what i was saying..so i was low, and mom brought us some mint choco. chip ice cream (our favorites!) and i was climbing up(sugar) and brad was scarffing his food and i was prolly annoying him.. lol. ((if so, sorry!)) but awh. so cute. so so cute. mom-"what a cute couple!"
whoa. deannas got a boyfriend again! :) it's kinda weird to know i'm in a relationship again, just because it's been so long since something meant so much to me... all weirdness aside-- i'm a very happy girl. :)
so yeh.. we cuddled and such, then he hadta leave at 9:30, he's got school tomorrow, so he hadta be home early.
once again, i never thought these days would come, but i am ever freaking glad they did. :) "it's been a summer." heh. i'm looking forward to whatever else may happen between us in the future. it's just so strange because i always knew who he was, and always thought he was hot, but i was in a relationship at the time and i knew he liked someone else, so it would've been pointless. now it's kinda ironic how we're going out now. like once we were finally introduced, there was no doubt in my mind that something was there... and like, with each time we hung out, we got a little closer each time...my heart opened completely the night before he left, and stayed open, but only to him during this whole summer of waiting, and man-o-man i am so glad he's back..and mine!
pretty stupid how every other school in lebanon county starts tomorrow except for us! thanks assholes. just let the anxiety build up in me. grrr.
i think tomorrow linds is coming over and we're gunna start an avril wannabe clothing line. haha. good stuff.
goodnight all of you crazy kids who read this. :)
current mood: happy current music: ashanti-happy (in my head)
12:07 am
...so i guess me and brad are going out..? or so i'm assuming. (correct me if i'm wrong.) i don't know what's going on for shizzle.
::highfive:: to josh. zinnngggg.
i'm a hobbit, and brad's like... gandolf. i'm like, all trying to hurt brad, and all attempts were a failure. damnit, being little is no fun. ::angry face::
after he left, mom was like "..we all really like him!" and i'm just like.."well, duh."
awh. so precious.
once again, kudos to josh...
and for all you kids who start school tomorrow, have an okay day!
current mood: bored current music: strike anywhere-timebomb generation
| Sunday, August 25th, 2002
11:15 pm - made myself so sick
::long, relaxed sigh::
...well, not entirely perfect.
he came over around 730 or so, we ate, then cuddled, and beat each other up, and cuddled some more.
he .fucking. amazes me. i never thought moments like these would come back to me, and bring him with, i thought he'd be gone forever, but when i felt his arms around me, i knew the world was perfect.
he's so.. agh, everything! the poor boy was lacking a trillion hours of sleep, and honestly, if we coulda just froze time, we woulda both been out...
he's so cute...getting all sleepy and giggly like a little kid, adorable. he left at 1030 or so, and i was kinda worried about him getting home in one piece, but he did... i gave him one of the anti-avril patches..he's awesome.
he's an angel.
current mood: calm current music: hum-i hate it too
3:26 pm - hoopalaa, hoopalaa!
last night sucked, due to somebody giving brad the wrong cell number, which doesn't make any sense, seeing how they called me earlier that same night; therefore, last night crumbled on top of me.
i was out of my element last night, no doubt about that. my apologies to anybody i didn't clearly communicate with.
brad and matt were gunna come out last night/this am but brad was outta gas and for the life of me, i could not think of any places open 24 hrs. . . but they didn't.. it was late, i was...____, and quite saddened. (dad said turkey hill. he's prolly right.)
so brad is coming out sometime today, and then i called kate to talk, her and jason (futz!) might stop over, so, who knows.
i think i'm hungry and i think i wanna sleep. head hurts. oww.
current mood: chipper current music: midtown-become what you hate
| Friday, August 23rd, 2002
11:15 pm - bored..
5 FAVORITE BANDS: hum glassjaw deftones strike anywhere/vast (tied) the cure
5 BANDS YOU DON'T LIKE the calling disturbed papa roach protestant ..add yer own!
Favorite female Singer of all time ..of all time.. hm. prolly madonna.
Favorite male Singer of all time robert smith or maynard
Least Fav. Female Singer of all time avril
Least Fav. Male Singer of all time hm.. manson, sometimes.
Rap male artist faves: outkast fellows.
Rap female artist faves: lauryn hill, or eve.
Pop Singer least fave: pink, or christina gagulaira.
R&B; singer fave: aliyah, or mary j. blige
Rap Group outkast
Pop group new found glory. <-skippy. (i agree.)
Punk band hm. face to face, alkaline trio, OR strikesanywhere.
Metal Band deftones?
Ska i'd say rx bandits aswell.
12:15 am - .:i just wanna rock you all night:.
i love apc. they always remind me of confused, lovey dovey times, and orestes is a beautiful driving song.. (until the fone rings, bah.)
..i can taste saturday evening.. i'm telling you what, i want to embrace the moments me and brad have together, and never let go of them. although we're not like and official thing, yet every element is there, and i love him. i might be seeing brad sat. night, and if not--then sunday.. i can't WAIT. i've waited this whole summer for this moment, and now that it's approaching, the days creep so s l o w l y. ::smiles::..brad..awh.
.......now if only josh was happy....... even though me and josh have never met, i wish he was my brother or something. he is awesome, and byfar, the most deserving person i've (n)ever met. somebody needs to love him, because he deserves it!!! this kids been added to my prayers, just gotta let it kick in, i guess.
my gosh. stuff fell from the skies tonight.. mom and me stood in the rain.. ah, rain. i remember now. lol. droughts suck.
that eve and alicia keys song is kinda cool.. it makes me wanna dance. it's that gangsta lovin.. heh.
holy eff. i was 570 earlier... i did like...25units of humalog.. then at like, 930, i was 251.. and i did like, 7h, and now..well, i'm prolly still high.. WHAT A STUPID DISEASE.
i think i'm gunna go to sleep now. zzz.
current mood: peaceful current music: apc= the hollow, acoustic. perdy.
| Thursday, August 22nd, 2002
12:22 am - we are not the amatures we say
agh. brad called carolyn and was yelling about his guitar, which she has, and i want, so i can learn hum.
i saw kyle conners today. i see him like...everytime i'm at walmart.
gah. somebody run me over with a car. crampy crampy crampy. shoot me in the face.
haha, i saw amanda dj, and it said something about avril looking like a rat when she's not wearing any makeup, but ya know-- she looks like a rat with makeup. ::sigh:: ya just can't win.. and speaking of avril's makeup, she does a TERRIBLE job...well, maybe not even her-- but whoever does it-- is bad at it.
i heard something like.. nfg is playing the r+rhof. hm. great! ::sheer sarcasm:: next thing you know, they'll have their outfits in the hof, or soemthing. gah.
me and gage were watching the x games, and he's all "didja see that?!" hehe. gage rocks.
i bought all this yogurt cause it was like, 44cents at walmart. yeeeeeah... anyways, i'm prolly high.. boooo. laaaaters.
current mood: sleepy current music: strike anywhere-detonation
| Wednesday, August 21st, 2002
12:53 pm
11:52 am - waiting for you
i had some weird/cutesy dreams...
uno: my brother comes in the house with rob, who had no hair, and melissa. they must've picked her up, i looked outside and they had my crazy grandpas two cars. melissa was helping me calm down because brad was coming over. i was brushing my teeth and she came in the bathroom and was talking to me about something or other. we looked on the floor, and there was water everywhere, so we hit this button and it magically made the bathroom spotless. mom yelled "Brad just pulled in" and i ran outside. i think i just like, jumped on him and hugged him, then we came inside, and i was sitting on his lap at the kitchen chairs, and mom and him were talking while me and him were cuddling.
dos: melissa, mom, and i are down at the beach looking in dress shops, the store went on a break for 15 mins, and they made us sit in a storage room. there were donuts and crabs, so instead of waiting, we stole the donuts and crabs. we ended up talking about melissa being allergic to shellfish and stuff, and somehow we end up meeting my brother on rehobeth ave. and we're still looking for dresses. then we go to some big fancy restaurant, just me melissa and brad (my bro) and i dunno where mom goes...the place was packed, and the waitress asked if we wanted onion rings and vanilla ice cream. ::vomits:: so we're sitting there, and i decide to get out pictures that i took of the house in ephrata. i looked at them first, and it was scary. like something reflected me and dad back onto every picture, and in the one that said 'they walk wiht you' there was an orb, and i showed brad (my bro) and he's talking about them like it's a pet.. "awh, poor orby!"
then the fone rang, and i woke up.
mom called the school today.. and this is kinda weird, but they switched my english to pd. 6/7 and i now have lunch pd. 8. gingrich said that they hadta change alot of the lunches because they screwed up with 4th pd lunches, and 8 was empty, so.. i hope, somehow that me kate and trav have it together.
i'm gunna go do something productive now. laters
current mood: groggy current music: bikini kill-strawberry julius
12:38 am - please work, you bitch! ::kicks lj::
i'm making anti-avril patches.. get your orders in early! skippy is getting one, i'll mail that sometime. nate gets one, kate gets one, who else wants one?! they're 3x3 pieces of denim, with the 'anti' sign and they read "AVRIL (dead center) PUNK(top) ICON(bottom)"... first 6 are free, so far, got 3 left. holla back now!
lets start a revolution. yeeeehaaaw.
as for today-- that was as exciting as it got. oh yes, and gage tried to steal my deftones pin and my STRAWBERRY POP ROCKS!!! i flipped out. ::shakes head:: kids.
brad comes home super soon. that makes me super happy.
SL1PkN0T 153: okay so this is how its gonna work for sat... SL1PkN0T 153: get home, get in car go to your house.. SL1PkN0T 153: stay there till like i have about 8 minutes to get to matts before i get in tourble SL1PkN0T 153: so i leave your house at like...10_52
curfews suck, no doubt about that.
i can't wait. ::d.c dance moves:: shazaaam!
i think i'm low.
current mood: artistic current music: la girl- distillasss.
| Tuesday, August 20th, 2002
1:04 am - 'hope is all i've got left.' .4.14.02
daiprncssdeceit: this is making me mad.. you are like.. the most deserving soldier i know.. and that's it.. i'm praying for you! xDeadCitiesx: haha, thanks daiprncssdeceit: fo jizza my nizza...? xDeadCitiesx: that made me hungry for pizza daiprncssdeceit: hahahaha ============================================= fyi::: oct. 26th @ the jonestown legion:: sceva, 13over8, running from dharma, the socks, and EverythingAfter (curtesy of brad. :) )
yeh..thas all i know for now..
anyways.. goodnight...er, morning?
| Monday, August 19th, 2002
11:24 pm - 40 grey nights of twistedness
so today, i woke up before freakin 10am, whoa. i took a shower and ate and stuff, then sat around until noon, when brad took me down to lindseys, and we went into goodwill.. they are having a little boy teeshirt drought...i found one shirt, for $1.50.. woo. then we went to the mall, and i got some new b+bw soap and lip goo, for like...$4.00.. then onward to taco bell! mmm,mm. then i came home and layed out for like, 8 nfg sticks and stones tracks, it was too hot.
did any of you guys hear about the little boy that drown yesterday(i do believe)?.....it turns out it was bobbi's one time, best friend's little boy-- luke. it's so fucking sad... you turn your back one minute, and you're 6 year old little boy is dead...... ::cries:: it's so sad when people die, especially little kids, ESPECIALLY when you know them...awh, pray for kristy (his mom). ::cries more:: rip luke.
i wish bradley was on to talk to...:\ ...and these days seem like lightyears...
::glances around:: whoa. what a fucking idiot--it must be fun to try and get the world to look at you, only to realize they're not. mwahahaha...
i tried to talk to mom and dad about brad and stuff today, and after countless fights with mom, she okayed things as long as:
*we're not going to friend's houses without permission *i'm not hanging out with him at his friend's houses (i argued this one, cause i like matt too! heh) *we're not at one another's house, unless one (1) parent is there. *we stick to our plans, and if they're is a slight change in them-- call immediately. (i argued that aswell, she's just being a bitch.) *we're not allowed to 'go out' everynight. (i argued that to the point of "well then, you frickin genious mother of mine-- when else am i supposed to see him? it's not like we go to the same school!") *..and something about like, 'going out'(as in away) once on a weekend..
whatever--as long as i can see him...jeez. might as well throw me in prison. ::kicks mom::
...and all dad really hadta say was-- "........" and the random blurtations towards my mom. see-- dad rocks.. he wants me to have fun and be safe, but mom--well...she wants me to be safe, and to her 'being safe' means being stuck at home daily, thus, i become a crackhead, lunatic by the time i'm..oh, 19.
they think that we're gunna have sex....yeh mom, yeh dad, no. i was flipping out about that..i was like.."Helllllooooo.. i'm not gunna do that shit until i'm 23094723597927349% sure that it's right. don't you know i have strong views, and i plan on sticking by them as long as i can?!?!?!" once again.. bitch. agh.
anyways, i'm gunna go for now.
current mood: cranky current music: i hate it too in my head.. awwh.
12:37 am
i swear i'm going to either burst out crying, or vomit because of anxiety...
growl kitty86: well, after i got offline, i ate nachos. mm. then took a shower, did some wash, then called lindsey so see what's up. she ended up coming up around 5 or so, and left at 9:30 or so. awh, i can honestly say that i miss my friend :-(. i love our talks, but sometimes it feels like i'm not even one of her priorities, which really hurts. but of the 4-5 times we did anything this summer--it turned out fun.. but still.. i miss her. ::cries::
growl kitty86: :cries two: daiprncssdeceit: awwh.. daiprncssdeceit: i'm sowwy growl kitty86: no no growl kitty86: its true thought growl kitty86: and i'm so sorry growl kitty86: but things will be a changing growl kitty86: i promise daiprncssdeceit: i know- and i hope so.. i mean.. you seem very determined.. growl kitty86: and i am growl kitty86: i miss you too daiprncssdeceit: ::hugs:: growl kitty86: ::hugs dee back:: daiprncssdeceit: that's why i'm looking forward to school.. cause i mean..that's when we always have fun..ya know? growl kitty86: yea i knows growl kitty86: but you know i am so sorry about all of this i never thought that a boy would take over my life daiprncssdeceit: yeh growl kitty86: :-( yea awh.. i love my friend.. i wish her luck on her journey..
...and... ::dances::
daiprncssdeceit: you know what time yer flight comes in? SL1PkN0T 153: 430 at BWI SL1PkN0T 153: i should be home in lebanon by like....7 or 8 daiprncssdeceit: sweetness. daiprncssdeceit: you'd better call me... daiprncssdeceit: or else.. grr. SL1PkN0T 153: i will call SL1PkN0T 153: and then i come and pick up SL1PkN0T 153: and then off to the chunkys house daiprncssdeceit: i'll make mom bring me in to yer house..then we can go from there.. daiprncssdeceit: no sense in running out here and such SL1PkN0T 153: no no no... SL1PkN0T 153: more time... SL1PkN0T 153: and i can play with tjhe dpog SL1PkN0T 153: the dog* SL1PkN0T 153: and talk to your mom daiprncssdeceit: lol, okay, okay. SL1PkN0T 153: yes SL1PkN0T 153: is your mom going to be okay with ath? SL1PkN0T 153: cuz i thought the whole..like 16 thing was still goin on daiprncssdeceit: i dunno yet.. i didn't plan on saying anythign to her.. i'm gunna mention something to dad.. cause he's cool. SL1PkN0T 153: okay daiprncssdeceit: but wait.. what else is going on after you come out here and stuff..? SL1PkN0T 153: well...just so i dont show up there and then like you cant come and stuff..cuz the id just stay there and go to matts like..sunday
i can't wait.. time for the cure--close to me. hehehehehehe.
current mood: anxious current music: orgy-eva
| Sunday, August 18th, 2002
11:24 pm - tonight you seem so far away
well, after i got offline, i ate nachos. mm. then took a shower, did some wash, then called lindsey so see what's up. she ended up coming up around 5 or so, and left at 9:30 or so. awh, i can honestly say that i miss my friend :(. i love our talks, but sometimes it feels like i'm not even one of her priorities, which really hurts. but of the 4-5 times we did anything this summer--it turned out fun.. but still.. i miss her. ::cries::
tomorrow we're going slummin.. i'm so excited :).
daiprncssdeceit: what time do you reckon we're gunna go slummin? growl kitty86: umm in the afternoon growl kitty86: some time daiprncssdeceit: for shizzle?! daiprncssdeceit: whew. sleepytime! :-) growl kitty86: yea growl kitty86: yea i know daiprncssdeceit: so like.. not before noon, or what? growl kitty86: i doubt it daiprncssdeceit: woo. good. lol. call me when you wake up, not before 1030, unless it's urgent! growl kitty86: otay
mrs.gingrich is supposed to call tomorrow...she better..or else! i don't want a pervert english teacher. bah!
i'm feeling almost accomplished.. here's why. i wrote in the stupid book that dan has, here's the word for word account::
"8/18/02 i talked to you yesterday, i do believe... i just need to get this out, hopefully for the LAST TIME...
i dunno where you stand anymore, but i find it necessary that i say, er, write the following...
this summer has been a big reflective era, and now that school is on the way, and i'll be seeing you more often, i want you to know that my heart has picked up something, someone--who means so much to me, and i'm very settled into him-- i want you to know DON'T BREAK THE BONDS OF OUR FRIENDSHIP by crossing that line again.
I hope you can respect that, and if not, this friendship is meaningless. hopefully, you can find some sort of comfort in these words...that's all.
'the paddle is broken. the punishment is served full. the welts are faded. the pain still lingers as it should. the lone receiver of empty compliments taken in and bought in full. the lesson's hammered. the message reinforced. you said there would not be any reason to fear this world but you're the reason i feel broken and branded and burning with doubt. these things are dealt in increments. constant and laced with detriment. how dare you even feign surprise when all those fingers point inside, they're piercing you.' "
anyways...brad's being a bunghole with all these freakin away messages. bahhh...
i'm gunna go for now.
current mood: happy current music: the eyeliners in my head. bah!
3:23 pm - is there no one?
weird. i went to bed at 12:15 last night, and i woke up at 12:51pm today. that's alot of sleep. i'm dedicated to sleeping as much as i can in the next few days, cause after that-- hell begins. ::dark music plays:: and i get to be surrounded by incredibly stupid people. joy.
i called lindsey after i woke up. heh, we might be going slummin this week. woo! i totally re-organized my closet and all items in it. i vaccumed it this afternoon. my room is clean, i'm going slummin, and brad is coming home. =life is good.=
oh wait. stupid kids and school-- there's a downfall. dan called yesterday, i'm so happy that WE DON'T HAVE ANY CLASSES TOGETHER!!!! whew. i can breathe again... however, i think i might wanna kill him this year. on the fone he was all like.."i miss you, yer so perdy.. we should hang out this week." yeh dan--that'll happen. ::rolls eyes:: pfft. i swear to god-- if/when *crosses fingers* me and brad OFFICIALLY 'go out' and dan tries to fuck something up-- i'll kick his ass. i can invision myself with my hands around his collar, screaming at him while i've got him thrown against a wall...better yet-- i'll file for harassment. haha.
ew. GOD. i swear.. i can feel the anger raging up in me already. i will fucking hurt him.
once again-- another "WHY CAN'T YOU SETTLE FOR FRIENDS" deal. he'd better get the picture when he notices i don't wanna talk to him. ::evil smirks:: ===================================================
the pit is officially outta business. bah. even though the pit sucked, like lots-- the pit being closed sucks even more. some good shit happened there, awh brad. and to think of it--that's the only good thing.. well..and dancing with kate to the sound of the misfits ::cries:: those were the days! ...talk to aaron for the full account of what happened-- sn: taprootcore.
gage hasta go to the hospital, and apparently mom and me are taking him, and then we're going to target or something. fun fun! :) i hope he's okay. awwh. anyways, i'll be on sometime tonight.
RIP Pit. :(
current mood: low. meh. current music: afi-who knew (in my head)
| Saturday, August 17th, 2002
11:22 pm - ..a desert without horses..
today was almost exciting. mom and me went shopping today. i got:::
-a pair of levi's -a pink golfish kinda shirt -a brown+tan striped shirt -dried coconut+pineapple -orange pineapple swirl popsicles -baklava -blue contacts holy shit. baklava is ever fucking tasty. too bad it's a greek specialty and is expensive. oh yes, and the popsicles are drool-worthy good. mm, mm, mm.
it makes me sad that i can wear levi's in the 'short' length. :\ .but. we stopped at eyeland and i tried on acuvue dos, blue contacts, and they feel so nice. the freshlook colored contacts i had sucked ass like no tomorrow, but these feel like normal contacts. i.am.amazed. mom ordered them, soooo.. i get new eyes! yesss.
hm. what else...
oh yes. we were on the way home from being in town and i'm sitting there, singing loud and obnoxiously and all of a sudden i'm like.."MOM!!!!!!! he'll be home next weekend!!!!!!ahhhhhhhhh!!" so, here's a 'brad' section...
SL1PkN0T 153: umm....will the mommy permit her daughter to drive around with the very mature kid with a new hair cut?
awh. he's cute. mm. mom better lemme see him.. i mean...she loves him, and she knows how psyched i am, so.. ::crosses fingers:: i hope soooooo.
in other news...
i hella cleaned my room this evening. all my clothes are finally away, and i'm determined to keep it clean until brad comes home-- which is in 7 FREAKIN DAYS! i started to fill out my application, but i still don't wanna work. bahh.
awh, i saw brianne today. i wish she was my big sister.. she's now the manager of the store--good. she cut all her pretty hair off! i was like.."you cut your hair?!?!?" and she was all happy to see me. awwh.
also..it's sadie's birthday today..she's dos. awwh. we got her this dog ice cream called 'tasty paws' or something.. she scarfed that thing like whoa.
anyways, i think i might go to bed soon. i'm tired.
awwwh. :) 7 days.
current mood: anxious current music: phil collins still in my head. shoot me in the face, please.
12:38 am - 3rd time now.. work bitch...
yesterday me linds and alan went swimming, we tried calling nate, but he wasn't home.
today was a freakin buttload of fun!!! i woke up at 8:30am(earlyyy!) ate, and took a shower. me and dad went into cvs to buy some film, and then we set out on an adventure. we drove to ephrata, and right on the main street there is this HUGE abandoned mansion-like thing. (you may know what i'm talking about..?) there were "no trespassing" signs up everywhere, so we walked around the block that this property takes up, (it's big.. whoooa) and took a few pictures here and there, then we headed back to the van to leave, but this lady was outside, so my dad and me went and talked to her about information on the place. she said it used to be a farm, but then they turned it into the "Mountain Spring Hotel" and she was saying how there was this huuuuuuge, beautiful ballroom, but then the hotel shut down and these "devil worshipers, or something" came up from new jersey and had a cult thing going on or something, then they moved out and it was abandoned for years, damaged beyond repair from years and years of weathering and abandonment, so the ephrata borough (or something) is in charge of cutting the grass and making sure nobody goes in the area.
i am so freakin intrigued by this house. my dad used to work over in ephrata, and when we'd drive past i always got this crazy feeling of amazement-- this house is magnificent. it sits in the middle of a bustling town and remains untouched...until today anyways.
we snuck up through the stone wall on a side street with a camera in hand. we got some pretty amazing pictures...it's like a dream world-- you can picture how beautiful it once was. you get such an eerie feeling being there, on the grounds, surrounded by all of these empty buildings, with the windows barred shut, and the doors bolted tight. you walk by cracked windows and you can smell the musty air, and it warms your heart with curiousity. i think we used up all but 4 or 5 pictures, but even a photo cannot contain the sight of this place. we found a little grotto area, completly covered with ivy, you walk up these steps into this round area with cracked benches, and in the middle is this empty cement pool with a fountain overflowing with ivy. there was this archway and ingraved in the cement it said "They Walk With You", pretty creepy, eh? anyways.. i'm am just about..well...speechless.
then we went to the greendragon, packed full of amish and tourists, we were there for a half hour or so, then we left cause it was too hot and too full, and we were hungry. i bought yet another new belt. leather, round studs, wings and stars. i look like i should be riding a harley. vroom, vroom. i also bought a bitchin necklace that words can't describe, and a cd.. the cure-mixed up. it's extended versions of songs...and i have it...and you don't! hah.
then we went out to lunch, then to see the dalmatian puppies in brickerville, where we got my first dog, maddie. awwwwh..the pups are only 10 weeks old, and so freakin sweet, but not my sadie. i was crouching on the ground and they all ran and jumped all over me and knocked me on my ass.. the pups are 2 for $100...awwh.. get a dalmatian! :)
then i came home, took a shower, tried to fall asleep, and bam! my fone starts ringing, and i suddenly feel important. eva richards (dale richards) wife called and asked about me and my 'sister' (who was actually lindsey) volunteering for games at the hinklefest, but it turns out that i'm supposed to be going to knobels, so i dunno yet.. but then eva said that i could help them the thurs. before with getting food and stuff prepared, she's super trying to help out. awh. then i get off the fone with eva, and it rings like..2 seconds later, and it's mrs.redcay asking if i'd like to come back to the old f-burg lib and help move books to the new one-- that's at 10am-1 or 2pm, so i dunno if i'll do that or not. if i show up i show up.. but then she said that any days after school, i could always come and help out for an hour or so in the library. so this is super cool. all i need is 20 hours of community service to complete the grad. project, so-- this should be a sinch. along with being important-- some lady gave me an application and told me that she'd super appreciate my help at the restaurant-- so... i'll be a working class girl. ::dances::
kelly and/or amanda are having a huge fuggin party tonight.. we drove past and there is like.. no room for anymore cars. lol. they're awesome.
i haven't talked to brad for like, 2 days now. are you alive?! he's coming home in 8 days. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooo!!! :):):) awh. he's the bestestest! awwwwwwwwwwwwwh. :) ya know what.. even if i can't see glassjaw with him-- he's the next best thing. ;) hehehe.
aghhhhhhhhhhhakdfhaoihdesifuhawefgaisdfh;! son of a whore. loyalty is a very rare thing. i'm finding this true.
| Thursday, August 15th, 2002
12:58 am
SL1PkN0T 153: okay..im a whore
i watched lord of the rings like..5473945 times since we got it the day it came out on dvd. beautiful movie.
dad has off of work tomorrow.. i don't wanna wake up until like..noon or so. i'm so tired.
vacations are so much fun. all we do is eat and eat and eat. ::drools:: ...stupid uterus...::waves middle finger::
aye..and for all you otep fans-- there's a pic. in the latest issue of seventeen magazine. maybe otep will be the next avril....?hahahaha.
damnit! at the beach, i lost my most precious blood button that aaron gave me. it fell through the boards on the boardwalk and some old guy was like.. "whad ya lose?!" i was like..'shut up old man..not a good time!' so.. ::waves:: bye mpb button--i loved you! :(
aye! butttttt.. i jacked a face to face, and deftones button... so..heh.
anyways... gooooodnight.
current mood: sleepy current music: new filter... dunno the name.