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The Midnight Fae
Name: The Midnight Fae
Sparkly Days
Back March 2004
Mmm. Literature.
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"

The Midnight Fae
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You know that feeling when you close a document with the paper you've just spent several hours writing out, and then go to re-open the file to make sure everything still works.... and you can't find it.

Yeah, that one.

Finally found the damn thing in my temp files... but good goddamn. *breathes*

Current Mood: distressed

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Nope, not dead... yet.
I may be getting thier though. My life, a comedy of errors.

To give you an example of one of Julia's recent misadventures, I had just gotten out of class, walked all the way to my car (which takes about 15 minutes) and then discovered that my purse, with my keys, was not with me.

It was in class. So I walk back. Thirty minutes later, I am back at my car, and fully intend on opening my door. I reach into the purse, pull out my keys, *look at them*, and proceed to try and unlock my door. For some reason the door wouldn't open. I fiddle with it for over a minute before it suddenly dawns on me.

Pencils do not open doors.

Among other misadventures of this type include walking into stationary objects, playing the "Talk to that Person" game of University beauracracy, and trying to get the 45 hours of homework done in about 24. As it is, I have a paper "due" tomorrow and one due on Weds.

Of course, I first have to decifer that first question before I can write the paper. To give you an idea about these questions I will share them with you later. They're in my car right now I don't think I feel like walking back there in the rain. However, in the meantime, suffice it to say I have two disjointed paragraphs masquerading as questions, a professor who has blatantly said he doesn't know the answer, and a flexible due date. Oh, and little bird. He drew a little bird on the bottom of the page.

Rather, I think I will sit my ass right here. Here is a good spot for my ass. Here, of course, is the smaller computing commons not too far from the Anthropology building. Which reminds me. I should go see about rearranging my schedule for the summer, because my advisor is a crackhead. Yup, he's a crackhead. Looks like I won't be taking any classes the first summer session. I'm going to be out of town for a week and half, so that means I'm limited to online courses. Unfortunately, the only online courses availble are ones I don't need. So, no classes for Julia. What I will be taking during the second summer session in Cell Biology and some online course on religion in the US. I'd rather not take the latter one, but I need another humanity. I think that's all I need. I hope so. I'm getting tired of religion classes.

That reminds me. I need to see about buying myself a tape recorder. I'm going to miss Fossil Hominids on thursday, and I need to take the lecture. Missing lectures in that class is a Bad Thing. Maybe someone has one I can borrow... *ponders*

Bye bye now.

And I should probably stop blathering at ya'll... so I'll leave now. Fnord.

Current Mood: rushed

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I have one thing to say...

Kinky fnord.

Current Mood: silly

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And now... a bit of Renn Faire drama, since, after all, that's all the Faire really is.

Now, I'm not working this weekend. I called my boss, got his voicemail, and told him I was sick. Not true, but I need to catch up on homework, and if there is a weekend to do it, this one is it. Not only is it the weekend after President's Day, which is normally slowish, its threatening to rain and its pretty damn cold.

However, there is another reason I called in sick. I wanted to find out if I still have a job there *before* I drive up to Apache Junction... cue drama.

My roommate works for a group called Chaine Maille Fashions. Not only does she work there, its where I hang out when not at work and where I'm hoping to score a job next faire. Pay isn't a good, but I've made new friends there and the work enviornment is better. Well, earlier this week, their boss was wandering around to check on some of the people he'd outfitted for chain mail that day... and he came across this booth selling really crappy, cheap chain mail headdresses and hand flowers. Moreover, they were sellling an array of manufactured rings. Now, there are two rules at this faire regarding the selling of items.

1) You have to register for everything you're going to sell. Apparently the owner of the faire (henceforth referred to as The Little Troll), does this to keep the vendors happy, since the more people there are selling the same thing, the more difficult it is to do business. Makes sense.

2) Everything at this faire must be made by the artisan. Nothing manufactured or imported.

This booth happens to be registered only to sell hair wraps. Not rings, not chain mail. And certainly not supposed to be selling anything manufactured.

It also happens to be the booth I'm working at go. Go me! First year at the faire, and I pick the fuckups to work for. So there is a good chance The Little Troll made them take down half thier booth, in which case, being the only weekender working for them, I'm going to be the one who loses my job. I'm waiting for my boss to call me back at some point, since by calling him he finally has my number in his phone again, and tell me if I have a job, on the pretext of calling because I'm "sick". Everyone at Chaine Maille Fashions is amused that of all the places I could work, I'm working for the enemy.

In other news, I have a test on Monday. Shouldn't be hard, but I better hit the books.

Current Mood: amused

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I was going to post and answer the questions posed to me by ShinyQuarter... but I'm too tired, so I'm going to bed, homework finished or not.

Current Mood: exhausted

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As if I didn't have enough on my plate...
I now have a chance to go and label some fossils from the Middle East - a good bit of experience that will do be a lot good. However, that's 10 more hours of my time that will be going AWOL... Still, hopefully, I will enjoy it.

Also, politics at work are starting to get nasty.... not much fun at all. However, my direct supervisor and my *head* boss think I'm doing well, so I'm not too worried about job stability. Which is good.

And now, homework time.
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I had much fun this weekend working at the Renn Faire. I don't think I much care for the place I'm working at, and as such, will be looking for new employment next year. Fairytale Fynery and Chaine Maille Fashions may both be hiring, so its something to look at. That being said, dressing up and talking funny all day was a good amount of fun, and I made about 125 dollars for the entire weekend. Of course, the cat got about 50 of it today, but in the long run, the grooming supplies were cheaper than paying for grooming.

However, there is a downside to all the fun and extra income - it severely cuts into my free time. But its only for two months and I think I consider it an exercise in time management. Yes. Time management. That's what is. (We'll all pretend here for a moment that "time management" is someting that Julia is good at and ignore the fact that she is updating her journal right now instead of doing homework).

My classes are all extremely reading intensive, but I'm trying to prioritize. The upside is that they are fairly light on homework, though I need to go back and check my syllabi and see when papers are due and such.. Well, just checked and my first round of papers seem to be fairly well spaced. Good, good. The reading is trying to kill me, but I'm starting to think that for a few classes, reading may or may not be required for the class. Unfortunately, it seems that good quality writing is somewhat lacking at ASU, and as such, my best effort isn't exactly required for an A. And since my best effort is rather time intensive, I'm inclined to slack off where I can in order to pick up the slack elsewhere...

I also got a very good report from my direct supervisor at the Rock Art Center. Susan told the head boss, Peter, that I was very hard working, very efficient, very responsible and very pleasant to work with. This makes me happy.

Finally, on a complete side note, I'm tired of reading pagan mailing lists that are flooded with people who cryptically announce that they are trying to find thier place in the world and thier path and meaning in life, thus looking at paganism, but when asked what thier *specific* questions are, either spout off meaningless drivel and grievences that they refuse to consider could have a "mundane" origin and solution or just repeat their cryptic claims in the first place. Paganism is not devoid of intellect or reason and, if you don't know what you are looking for, no one can point you any sort of direction in which to look. People are happy to help, but not all help need be "magical" and if one doesn't know what they're trying to help, it becomes very hard to provide... BLAR! BLAR IS SAY!


Current Mood: bouncy

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Long weekend. Had fun. Will update later. Am tired. Bodices, while making cleavage look nice, also impede breathing.
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I'm having a hard time keeping up with everyone, since I can barely find the time to sleep, eat and breathe.

So... I pose you all this request...

Update me on your life.

Current Mood: curious

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*shock and amusement*
I... I don't know what to say.

I got this from Nile_Red...

It should especially amuse those of a pagan persuasion.

Current Mood: amused

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If anyone happens to stumble across any articles relating to race or ethnicity in the US, could you please send the links my way? I need them for one of my anthropology classes this semester. Basically I need to have five my march and then another five my May.

Thanks :)

In other news, I'm tired and unmotivated. I think its the text. Eliade just manages to piss me off, more than anything else. He's so damned condescending towards modernity and scientific thought, almost to the point of glorifying primitive spirituality as a panacea. It irritates me. Not to mention its a bad French translation.

But... no time to be unmotivated. I still have to finish the Eliade (The Sacred and the Profane) chapter, then two chapters of O'Flatery (Other People's Myths), then part three of History of Sociology, and 18 pages in The Human Career (which at least should be interesting) and the article for Fossil Hominids (again, interesting)... and I think I have some Arabic homework to do in there somewhere, too...

Current Mood: busy

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I really need to stop watching Food Network... In my latest endevor, I have just managed to fill the entire apartment with smoke. On the upside, I think it was because someone spilled something in the oven, not because it decided to scorch my fish. Here's hoping. *crosses fingers*

Current Mood: cynical

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Well, I have internet access at home, so hopefully I'll be around a bit more. Unfortunately, life seems to be consuming most of my time...

Those two 12 hour days in a row are gonna kill me. I swear. I'm just gonna drop dead on the bus one of these days.

Fossil Hominids finally started, and I think the class is going to kick much ass. Even more kick ass is the fact that the summer after next the school is going to be running a paleoanthropological field school in Ethiopia, at Hadar. It sounds like its going to be awesome. Moreover, I shouldn't have a problem getting accepted to the field school with my background I should have. Also, Luke, the graduate student I've been working with, is going to be one the coordinators for the field school. It does, however, mean that I need to go to a field school this summer. I think I'll probably go to the one in California, run by UC Davis. Its rather important that I take the time to learn whether or not I actually like field world *before* I spent 5000+ dollars on going to Ethiopia. Still, I find it all very exciting.

Work is still work. Rather dull, but not bad. I should also be (hopefully) starting a weekend job next week at the Renn Faire. Its only for two months, but still. It should be a lot of fun, and its extra income. Less time for everything else, but such is life.

I don't know what I'm going to do about Spring Break. I think the Rock Art Center needs to me to work. I hope not. I'd like to go home and see everyone. If that doesn't work, then I'll just have to drive down there on a weekend once the Renn Faire is over. Damned if I'm not going to see everyone until summer. I miss Jay and my family and everyone else too damn much. Also, to all the people in Mississippi, I will probably have to push back my visit till early April. I wish it wasn't so, but that will give me time to save the money for the trip and also I just don't think I'm going to be able to make it during break. Still, I love you all and I miss you all.

And now, I'm afraid I have to run and keep doing my reading for class. I don't have enough time this semester to afford to get behind.
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Sure, why not?
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Oh, and I forgot to ask the masses... anyone else have a problem with garter belts trying to slide off your ass?

Current Mood: amused

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Quick update on life in general and then onto the questions my aunt gave me. Its the ever-prevelant "Ask me five questions" meme... but given all the memes running around, its one of the more interesting.

Before I say anything, I'd like to thank the oh-so-wonderful, nifty and captivating VoodooLimbo for explaining to me exactly how much wood a woodchuck can chuck. I feel enlightened...

First week of classes is now over. My religion teacher is a little kooky, but interesting. James is in that class too, so it should be fun. A couple of pagan anthropology majors in a religion class - oh the trouble we'll cause.

Also, my History of Anth proffessor is a bit off his rocker. The best analogy I can come up with is he dumps his lecture notes in a blender, turns it on, dumps it out and then reads the notes as they fall. I don't know if I can handle three hours of that at once, but hey... no final exam, it knocks out a literacy requirement and a social anthropology requirement.

As for Ethnic Relations in the US, I'll know more about that on Monday, and I'll also begin Fossil Hominids (yay!) next week. Wish I could have started that last week, but the proffessor was still in Ethiopia.

That's about all I can think to say about life right now, so onto the questions...

1. What's the most important thing you've learned from your education to date?
Probably that I don't have the patience nor the ability to suffer idiots required to be a practicing vet. Good to have realized that now, rather than halfway through vet school. Also, that anthropology is just downright fascinating. That one was actually just a random happenstance that I have Kristin to thank for. She's the one who talked me into taking that biological anthro class with her last year.

2. Where do you see yourself living in 10 years?
Hopefully here in Arizona. Aside from the aging Republicans, its a wonderful place. A little, uh, warm in the summer. But I adore the scenery, and its a large enough city to meet people in, but not overly crowded - rush hour excepted. But that may change, as life is wont to do.

3. What's your favorite piece of artwork, and why do you like it?
Probably Much Ado About Nothing. Its a play - that's art, in my opinion. If you were looking for some kind of visual art, well, you're out of luck. Never been all that captivated by it. But plays... I love plays, and Much Ado About Nothing is simply wonderful. Funny, charming, and seeped in imagery.

4. What kind of living arrangement do you want to end up in (house, condo, apartment, commune, etc.)?
Well, a house I suppose. Apartments and condos are nice enough I suppose, but the kitchen just has to go. Besides, I rather like the idea of owning my own home, rather than paying a rent check every month simply for the privelage of living there. Besides, I'd like a couple of ferrets, but apartments don't seem too keen on them.

5. What is it that scares you the most?
That ones a bit a harder. There are, of course, the ever-constant answers of the dark and spiders. *shudder*... but at the moment, I think right now the biggest demon lurking in my subconcious is the fear that once I'm all done with the run-around at school, having put myself in debt and used up years upon years of my life, I'm going to graduate with my doctorate and not be able to find any sort of job in the field that I enjoy. Suppose I will have to continue to rely on my persistance and hope it works as well in the future as it has in the past, no?

As always, this meme is rather simple. If you want me to ask you questions, just let me know. :)

Current Mood: amused

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Suppose after my absense that another post is in order... still no interet access... I'd hoped to have it up by the end of the week, but the school, by order of the ever-wonderful federal government, hasn't given me my money yet. Instead of simply disbursing private loans when they come in, I get to fight the hordes of badgers that will be at the Union on Tuesday to get my check. Lets see... 30,000+ students, one building, all the checks in one place on the same day. This is not going to be fun. But seeing as how I don't have enough gas to get to work that day, nor do I have any money with which to buy gas, I suppose I haven't a choice about fighting the badgers. Perhaps I'll poke one with a spoon. (Points to those who get the reference).

Life has been rather uneventful. Worked all this week. Life at the Deer Valley Rock Art Center has been rather slow, so I've been doing more administrative assistant work than receptionist work. But it still beats spamming people's phones at dinner time, so I can't complain.

Classes start up this next week on Tuesday. My schedule looks to be rather harrowing, but nothing I can't handle. If I can manage to get yet another 4.0, I will be happy a camper, though I'm beginning to get the sneaking suspicion that honors as ASU are based on your ASU GPA alone, and as such, my transfer grades aren't going to make a difference in that department. Eh, regardless. I've now got two semsters of 4.0s and, assuming I keep up the work at about the same level, I figure there is no need to concern myself with that first semester.

Anyways, as I was saying about the schedule. I've got my second semester of Arabic bright and early at 8:40 in the morning. That may not seem early, but I am NOT a morning person in the least, so its plenty early for me. That class runs Monday through Thursday. Later on Monday afternoon, I've got my meetings with look at around 2pm, during which we will hopefully begin doing background research for a few projects concerning australopithecine premolars (P4s to those that care about those particulars). Probably will be focusing mainly on afarensis, since that's what the IHO has the most of.

After my meeting, I have to run to my Ethnic Relations in the US class. This was my easy class, being only 200 level, it knocks out a social anthro requirement and a cultural exposure requirement all in one go.

Tuesdays I have Arabic, an hour break, and then my Fossil Hominids class. This one isn't going to be easy, but Luke is also going to be the TA, so hopefully I'll have a better background in it than most. Of course, the class doesn't start till the week after next, since my professor is still in Ethiopia. Once that's done, its off to work till five. Thanks the fates that's all I have to do that day. It gives me a bit of a reprieve before the next two days hit.

Once again on Wednesdays there is Arabic. Immediately following Arabic, I head to work, where I stay until 5pm. I then head back to campus where I will be in class until 9pm. Ritual, Myth and Magic class... have to knock out those humanity requirements with something. Might as well be an interesting something. I think this one also takes care of a literacy requirement. (Translation: Lots of writing)

Then, as there is no rest for the weary, I'm back in Arabic bright and early Thursday morning. Finish that, Fossil Hominds again, and then to work till five. Then its back to campus for History of Anthropology, which takes care of the second and final social anthro requirement as well as the second literacy requirement. It appears I'll be doing quite a bit of writing. Class ends at 9:30.

And then, my saving grace, no class on Fridays. That's right, I scheduled myself a 3-day weekend EVERY weekend. Yay for Julia. And now... sleep for Julia. I believe Dan is dragging me out to look at cars tomorrow... Lovers to bed! Its fairy time!

Current Mood: tired

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Random Life Update
Suppose one of these is in order, since I haven't updated in a while. Again, appologies to all my online friends, but no internet access at my house, so I've been having to abuse other people's computers. Soon. Very soon. In the meantime, I *do* have a phone, and I'm happy to return long distance calls so you don't get changed for them. But you must first call me. If you don't have the number and would like it. Email me. Or ask someone who has it.


I just got back from a trip to Las Vegas with my mom. It was fun. We saw a magic show, a jousting show, ate plenty of raw fish, and walked a lot. Too much maybe. My feet still hurt. I did win about 75 dollars on the trip, from this strange little nickel slot. It was fun. More than that, it was really nice to just spend time with me and Mom. I miss that a lot now that I live about 750 miles away and never see her. It was good to just have some mother-daughter time, no matter how cliche.

Work is going really well. I have to go back next week, since I only got two weeks off during vacation - enough for Christmas and the Vegas trip. Actually, for a while, I wasn't even sure the trip for my birthday was going to pan out. But my boss was nice enough to give me the extra week off, since I was turning 21. Only downside was that I couldn't both take the time off for Vegas *and* New Years, so I had to miss out on the latter. New Years here kind of sucked. Spent most of it in a corner hiding from people I didn't know and making sure they didn't break anything.

Also, I'm really enjoying my job, which is nice. Its been a while since I really enjoyed a job. Well worth the fifty cent pay cut, if you can call it a pay cut. Can't really do much worse than ZERO, which is what I was making since my last job had no work.

Also, it looks like I *won't* be going to Jordan this summer, since two of my friends are getting married in Mississippi! If there was any reason not to go out of the country, this is the best I can think of. :>

Current Mood: tired

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Firstly, I'd like to appologize for my silence. I've been busy and I still don't have internet access at home. Just you wait. January is upon us and I shall have internet access before it is over. Not that anyone has expressed any interest or notice of my absense, but eh. Can't have everything, can we?

Regardless, I've been feeling the need for the oh-so-so stereotypical end of the year post. Things I've learned, things I want to learn, things I need to accept. So on and so forth.

I've been reminded again that friends, and love, shine brightest in the most unlikely of places.

There is more to letting go than just moving on. They are very different and one is far more difficult than the other.

I am not perfect. I never will be. I will fuck up, I will make mistakes. But I do not need to compromise myself for love. Everyone has limits, and pretending you don't does no one any good at all.

I can do what I set my mind to. Its not always easy, but I'm no fool and I know what is within my grasp. I know what I can accomplish. The only trick is doing what needs to be done to get there.

No mistake is beyond repair. That repair job my just look a little different is all.

I love the desert at night.

I may not be considered in the moment. I may not be remembered, or appreciated for what I do in the present. But perhaps the true measure of a person is not what they are thought of in the present, but rather how they are missed when they are gone.

Regardless of the above, sometimes its just nice to know that you are appreciated, thought of, remembered. And far too often those words are not forthcoming. Knowing is not always enough.

Friendship does have its limits, and it can't survive everything. But given the chance, and the willingness of both parties to swallow thier pride, it will survive most things.

Hindsight may be 20/20, but don't forget what you saw at the time.

No matter how much better off you may be, you'll always miss something about situations past.

I am fat. There is no way around this. I am fat. And I will fix this.

I also procrastinate. Another thing I will fix. I have 1975 left to go on my Breast Cancer 3-Day donations, and I still have to do some real nitty-gritty fundraisers.

I may be fat, but I am sexy, when I'm not busy being self-concious. There is also no way around this. I should learn to accept it.

I am in debt. This is bad. I may not be able to do anything about the student loan debt, but that credit card debt has to go.

I am loved. I should remember this too. Sometimes it feels like people put me in the background. Kind of like a shrub that will grow regardless of what you do with it. I don't require work, because I'll be there regardless. But I'm still loved. I need to remember this.

I am not a bad person. I do stupid shit sometimes, but I still have a good heart.

I need to trust myself. That little voice does, in fact, know what it is talking about.

Current Mood: contemplative

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I was going to make a Christmas post, but I can't see the point other than to list gifts, and that just seems kind of silly.

Yes, holidays are boring around here.

Current Mood: bored

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A real holiday-type post will commence later today. At the moment, however, I was wondering if anyone knew any tactics for buying international plane tickets?

Current Mood: happy

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There is some diety up there that thinks I'm sexy or something. That's the only explanation I can think of as to why I got an A in Native American Art. I sure as hell didn't do it with my own nifty talents, that's for sure.

I got an 89 on the first test, a 79 on the second test, made a B+ on one paper, and an A on the second. I also missed two out of three essay question assignments for class participation.

I did the math, and if I made 100% on my last paper and she gave me a full 100% for class participation (ignoring the missing assignments), I could get an A with a 98% on the final.

I have an A. I hope that diety doesn't expect any sex.

Current Mood: confused

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I'm going to be very pissed if I don't win my residency appeal...

Apparently student loans don't count as a source of income, despite the fact that they're in my name, the fact that I will have to pay them back, and the fact that as a full-time student I have to find a way to pay 12,000 in tuition along with all my living expenses with a high school education while at the same time passing 16+ hours of class.

There are easy ways around this. I could have attended a Community College for a year, since its easy to establish residency with them. They want to see a driver's license. That's it. And then when you transfer, you keep residency status.

But for those of us who wanted the same quality of classes you get at a four-year University for all four years? Oh, no... they want a driver's license, they want employment history, they want major banking moved, they want insurance, they want vehicle registration, they want voter registration, they want complete financial independence WITHOUT loans, and then just maybe they'll give you your residency. Maybe.

You know... for someone who really likes it in that damn state and wants to live there, paying their taxes and SUBSIDIZING that damn school for the REST OF HER LIFE, this is really, really fucking fustrating.


Current Mood: discontent

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We just had an earthquake apparently... too bad I didn't notice it.

Current Mood: sleepy

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I caught my barbell on my brastrap and it *tore*. Not badly - just along where the skin was dry... but god fucking damnit, THAT HURTS!


Current Mood: surprised