Today, Brian and I headed down to city hall with our friends Patrick and Chuck. As Patrick will tell you, it was his idea.
We left a few hours later with a marriage license.
What an awesome day.
I step away from the weblog for a while... okay a few months... okay maybe a little more than that... and the whole freaking world goes to hell. She's having serious drama. Money, deportation, yeah, um, I'd be beyond mental. He moved to a teeny tiny town in Florida. And became a Scan Coordinator Assistant at a grocery store. This is not right.
She's sounding kind of bleak. Not her usual zen, I'm gonna make it through this, I will survive kind of mantra. But she will.
So I'm sending out good thoughts for y'all. For all y'all. I hate being the stable one. It just feels, well, wrong.
Mine will be blue. Unfortunately, that rat bastard known as Steve Jobs, pre-announced the product, so I won't be getting mine until February. Make it quicker, c'mon already!!!!!!
As a former Apple education employee (2 years as an intern, 6 as an employee), I was so thrilled not to be an employee in the education division today. One of the reasons I left was my dissapointment that the company was focusing on solutions for consumers, not on solutions for education customers. And today's announcements pretty much reinforced that. I'm glad as hell that I'm not having to spin why Apple's invention of garage band software is proof positive of our committment to curriculum solutions in the K-12 education arena.
As a consumer, I love the products Apple builds. But if I was a K-12 school district... well let's not go there. My former customers still use Macs, and love them. And I love (most) of my former customers.
Did Bikram style yoga tonight. Class was super crowded because of all those pesky new year's resolutions. Which made the normally hot (on purpose) room insanely hot tonight.
But it felt good. It really did.