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In the name of Zahra Kazemi, Canadian PhotoJournalis Tortured and Murdered by
Islamic Clerical Regime,  PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION!

Reza Pahlavi Interviews:
Latest Interview[NEW]
Excellent VOA Interview
Interview / Fox News Sunday
Interview / Washington Journal (C-Span)
Reza Pahlavi Speeches:
French - American Press Club
Empress Pahlavi Interviews:
Time to Get Serious About Iran's Nuke
NPR Interview with Empress
Farah Pahlavi on TV-New Year Messege
A Gift From Destiny
ARE YOU A BLOGGER? Then join the Grassroots Blog-Iran campaign now!
Iran va Jahan - A Great Iranian News Site
American Patriots:
Senator Sam Brownback (R - KA)
Senator John Cornyn (R - TX)
Congressman Robert Andrews
Michael Ledeen (American Scholar)
Sign These Petitions:
-Arg-e-Bam Genocide Petition
-Expel the IRI from United Nations
-Save Ahmad Batebi's Life
-Support Iranian Asylum Seekers
-Kazemi: National Reporters Day
-Int. Criminal Court Against IRI
Must Read Books:
-The Iranians - Sandra MacKey
-Farah Pahlavi's Memoirs
-Ancient Iranian Ceramics
-An End To Evil
MidEast Democracy Links:
-Middle East
Important Iran Links:
-Democracy for Iran (News/Org)
-For a Free Iran - PSU Student (Iran Patriots)
-Grafton County Free-Iran) (Party/News)
-Holy Crime (Human Rights)
-Iran va Jahan (News)
-IRI Crimes.Org (Human Rights) (News)
-Iranian Motherland Party
-National Referendum For Iran
-National Union for Democracy/Iran
-Reza Pahlavi's Website
-Secular Democracy For Iran
-Today Only Unity
Zoroastrian Web Sites:
-Zoroastrian Film Festival Chicago
-World of Zoroastrianism
-Excavations of Fire Temple
-Zoroastrian Hub (Resources)
-World Zoroastrian Directory
Some Victims of Regime:
-Dr. Farrokhrou Parsa
-General Hassan Pakravan
-Dr. Farrokhrou Parsa
-Dr. Abbas Ali Khalatbary
-General Ayat Mohagheghi
-Dr. Shapur Bakhtiar
-Dr. Fereydoun Farokhzad
-The 67 Massacre
Excellent Iranian Blog:
Excellent Web Logs:
-Anti-Idiot Rottweiler
-Jihad Watch (R. Spencer)
-Free Thought
Visually Appealing Sites:
Art4Persia (Illustrations)
Cox&Forum; (Editorial Cartoons)
Islamic Republic Achievements:
1. Execution, flogging, stoning and amputation of limbs in public.
2. Mass killings of political prisoners.
3. Assassination of political dissidents outside of Iran.
4. Political serial killings in Iran.
5. Construction of many new prisons holding thousands of political prisoners.
6. Political oppression.
7. Promotion of international and domestic terrorism.
8. Violation of human rights in every category.
9. Lack of civil liberties.
10. Improvement and growth of Iran's Cemeteries.
11. Killing and imprisonment of journalists.
12. Violation of women's rights.
13. Censorship and closure of publications.
14. Forcing Iranians to flee the country resorting in five million refugees throughout the world and "brain drain".
15. Oppression of religious minorities.
16. Filtering the internet.
17. Jamming out of country satellite TV and radio stations.
18. Stealing Iran's wealth by the Mullahs and transfer of funds to abroad.
19. Destruction of Iran's Economy.
20. Widespread poverty throughout Iran.
21. Severe Inflation.
22. Devaluation of Iranian Rial.
23. Increase in unemployment.
24. Increase in the crime rate.
25. Promotion of corruption, prostitution and addiction.
26. Housing crisis in Iran.
27. Malnutrition, retarded growth and increased rate of depression among Iranian youth.
28. Public health crisis in Iran.
29. Making Iran an international "embarrassment".
30. 1979 Occupation of the US Embassy in Tehran and holding hostages for 444 days.
31. Conflict with neighboring countries.
32. Iran-Iraq War resulting in millions dead, wounded, handicapped and homeless.
33. Destruction of Iran's Airline Industry.
34. Causing economic sanctions against Iran.
35. Producing weapon's of mass destruction.
36. Inability to get Iran's fair share of natural resources from Caspian Sea.
37. Promoting regional conflicts in the Middle East.
38. Destruction of Iran's industries.
39. Lack of technological advancements.
40. Air and environmental pollution crisis in Iran.
41. Destruction of Iran’s agriculture.
42. Destructions of fine arts, theater, cinema and music in Iran.
43. Promoting Islamic Fundamentalism.
44. Closure of Iranian Universities under cultural revolution for three years.
45. Attacking University campuses to kill and crack down on students.
46. Violating the constitution of the "Islamic Republic".
47. Hiring hooligans to beat and crack down on Iranian citizens.
48. Improving and selling contraband by regimes elements for additional income.
49. Selling Iranian women as sex slaves in the United Arab Emarets.
SIGN This Important Petition!
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Commentary: Iran Behind Iraq Unrest?
[FOX Fan Central!]

US Fears Tehran is Spreading Influence in Iraq!
"US intelligence officials believe Iran's hard-line and fiercely independent security services are providing support - directly or through proxies - to Iraqi militia forces loyal to the Shiite Muslim imam Moqtada al-Sadr that have been clashing with the US-led occupation forces all week."
[Boston Globe]

"Military sources said Sheik al-Sadr is being aided directly by Iran's Revolutionary Guard, which plays a large role in running that country, and by Hezbollah, an Iranian-created terrorist group based in Lebanon."
[Washington Times]

The Mullahs Have Declared War On America!
"Iran has clear objectives in Iraq. The only question is whether the United States still has clear objectives in Iraq and whether Washington recognizes that this war front just got wider."
[ ]

Time to Confront Clerical Regime In Iran On All Fronts
As long as Iran is ruled by a theocratic regime there will be no specter of freedom and popular governance for Iranians, no end to the meddling in Iraq, and no relief from Irans nuclear and terrorist threats.[]

Regime funded Arabic Satellite TV Networks Enflame Iraq
"The two Islamic republic's funded Arabic Satellite TV Networks, Al Manar and Al Alam, are enflaming Iraq by increasing their flow of Anti American propaganda..."
[SMCCDI News Services]

U.S. State Dept. Iran Human Rights Report (MUST READ!!)
[US State Department], source for 'Free Iran' wear and
Tyranny@25 Oppression reaches a milestone in Iran.
"Twenty-five years after Khomeini declared the Islamic Republic, nearly 70 million Iranians struggle to be free. It's imperative that we do not abandon them."
[Michael Rubin]

Zarqawi, Getting Around
"But now that Zarqawi's name has surfaced in connection with Madrid, anyone who is serious about waging war against terrorism must find a way to deal effectively with the mullahcracy in Tehran."
[Michael Ledeen]

Who rules Iran?
"Westerners often meet with assorted officials who, they are led to believe, run Islamist Iran. They don't.."
[Amir Taheri]

Iran Hiding Its Nuclear Activities
"The report is being viewed seriously because it originates from outside U.S. intelligence sources," said the U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "It has contributed to a greater sense of frustration, both in the U.S. and within the IAEA."
[LA Times]

Drifting, Dangerously
And so we drift on, led by a president with uniquely good instincts and rare courage, but who seems not to understand that many of his people are weakening the strength of his message and even, on occasion, acting in a direction counter to what he has long said was our national mission.
[Michael Ledeen]

Time for Regime Change in Tehran (FREEDOM IS COMING!)
If we are going to win the war on terror, the liberation of Iran is not an option. It is a prerequisite. The Bush administration should be saying so -- and living up to its words.
[Boston Globe]

Democracy or Islamocracy
"Unfortunately, it is illusory to think that the change in Muslim societies will come from within, alone. Four interrelated factors are hindering a successful internal and autonomous change: oriental despotism, the rentier economy, the domination of Islam, and external interventionism. These elements constitute a Gordian knot which can only be cut off by Alexander's sword. The USA's intervention in both Afghanistan and Iraq must be understood as an imperative chirurgical intervention to break this vicious chain."
[Iran va Jahan]

Families of political prisoners celebrated Nowruz in front of Evin's (Prison) walls
Families celebrated the coming of the New Iranian year by conducting the age old New Year ceremonies outside of the prison walls amidst an unusual snowfall.
[SMCCDI Information Services]

Festival of Light and Fire, A Defiance of Ruling Clerics
In Yazd, between 7000-8000 people gathered in Atlasi Sq and attacked the known regime agents. In Booshehr, one revolutionary guard is reported killed. In Shiraz, the people attacked government agents who were filming them and broke their cameras. In Kerman, the people were shouting, Referendum, Referendum, This is the cry of nation. In Sarab, Azarbijan, where the people have a fierce reputation for their fighting capabilities, the local Baseejis were on the run while shouting Allah-Akbar.
[Iran va Jahan]

A Plea for Help, on Behalf of the Iranian Freedom-Loving People
"Human beings are all members of one body. They are created from the same essence. When one member is in pain, The others cannot rest.If you do not care about the pain of others, You do not deserve to be called a human being." - famous Persian poet Saadi Shirazi

Regime anti-riot forces start attacking
[SMCCDI Newswires]

Unsung Heroes (MUST READ)
"We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire. Neither the sudden shock of battle nor the long-drawn trials of vigilance and exertion will wear us down". Sir Winston Churchill - Feb 9, 1941
[Nicole Sadighi]

IRAN: Dead Regime Walking!
"The Islamic Republic of Iran has been put on Death Row, not by the hawks on the Bush administration or what its rulers call their 'Zionist Enemies', but but by the dint of its own internal contradictions."

Iraq's Terror Sources Reside Next Door (Clerical Regime)
We will never have true freedom and stability in Iraq until the terror masters in Tehran and Damascus have been defeated and removed from power.
[Michael Ledeen]

Renaissance in Tehran
But it will become increasingly difficult for European governments to sell any policy of support for an ugly regime to their own respective citizens, who have come to loathe Islamist fascism.
[Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi & Elio Bonazzi]

Can the EU Afford to Support the Mullah$?!
[by Dariush Dana / Comments via Spenta]

US Senator, John Cornyn (R - TX), reiterates support of Iranian freedom lovers.
[SMCCDI News Services]

Why do the British plan on sending more Iranians to their deaths?
[Sunday Herald]

Iran Ranked at the Bottom of Globalization Index
[Iran Institute for Democracy]

Congressman Andrews' House Speech on Iran (PRO-Regime Change/Iranian Freedom)
[Congressman Andrews]

More Protests & Crackdowns throughout Iran!
[SMCCDI News Services]

Going Soft on Iran
[Reuel Marc Gerecht]

Listen to the Iranians, They Know
[Michael Ledeen]

Iran Operates 100 Military Contracts in Libya
[Middle East Newsline]

Europe's Iran Wimpout
[The Wall Street Journal]

Now Tehran's Pushing Buttons
[Australian Financial Review]

To: Leaders of the European Union and the People of Europe

Europe Should Stand Up!

Protest wave rocks more provincial cities!

Iranian Lashed To Death In Mafia Clerical Regime Prison.

US State Dept Calls Oil Cos' Iran Investments 'A Mistake'
Iran has racked up $4bn of international energy investment in just a week thanks to deals with France, Malaysia and Japan.

"I Am in Permanent Contact with Iran" -Reza Pahlavi

Iranians take matters into their own hands.

Iranian Election Fiasco
"Finally, perhaps our enterprising journalists could ask the administration how it can be, three years after inauguration, that we still have no Iran policy."
[Michael Ledeen]

What the BBC Didn't Report from Iran Elections
[Iran va Jahan]

The Virus Must Be Stopped!
[Dariush Shirazi]

Stalinist Mullahs
[Michael Ledeen]

Cox&; Showcase:

*Deev (Rapper)
*AyraLive Radio
Persian Music
Traditional Music
Persian Music

Persian Songs by Alireza 
Assar - Definitely visit his website which has great concert updates and 
more music!
*Eshgh-e Elahi
4:16" Listen to Eshgh-e
Elahi by Alireza Assar
4:40" Listen to 
Divoonegi by Alireza Assar
4:20" Listen to
Sadegi by Alireza Assar
4:15" Listen to
Mosalmanan by Alireza Assar
*Hal-e Man-e Bi To
4:55" Listen to
Hal-e Man-e Bi To by Alireza Assar
*Hele Asheghan
4:48" Listen to Hele 
Asheghan by Alireza Assar
*Zir-e Baran...
7:19" Listen to Hele
Zir-e Baran... by Alireza Assar
*Radd-e Pa
4:19" Listen to Hele
Radd-e Pa by Alireza Assar
*Ghodisan-e Aseman
4:40" Listen to 
Ghodisan-e Aseman by Alireza Assar
*Kavir-e Ghorbat
5:48" Listen to
Kavir-e Ghorbat by Alireza Assar
*Ensanam Arezoost
6:24" Listen to
Ensanam Arezoost by Alireza Assar

Persian Songs by Shifteh
4:35" Listen to Ghesseyeh-Pedar-Bozorg by Shifteh
3:20" Listen to Emrooz-Faghat by Shifteh
4:20" Listen to Ghiame-Ma by Shifteh
4:10" Listen to Iraneh-Minou-Seresht by Shifteh
6:24" Listen to Poshte-Paye-Zamaneh by Shifteh

Persian Songs by Mehrdad
3:40" Listen to Jonoubiha by Mehrdad
3:24" Listen to Pashin-Pashin by Mehrdad
4:28" Listen to Vatan by Mehrdad

Persian Songs by Dariush
*Afsaneh Ha
------ Music by Dariush
------ Music by Dariush
*Ba Man Az Iran Begu
------ Music by Dariush
*Dobareh Misazamat Vatan
------ Music by Dariush
------ Music by Dariush
*Iran Negah Kon
------ Music by Dariush
*Razeghi Par Par Shod
------ Music by Dariush

by Shahrzad Sepanlouh
*Zendanie Siasi
by Dr. Foroutan
*Gole Laleh
by Shahryar Ghanbari
by Amir Aram
*Khiaban Khabha
by Alireza Assar
*Ahan Abad
by Hatef
*Yare Dabestani
by Jamsheid Jam
*For Democracy

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