David G. Post:  Research & Writings  

[last updated: February, 2004]  [ email me ]

   Who am I and What do I Do?

I am a Professor of Law at Temple University Law School in Philadelphia, PA; I'm also a Senior Fellow at the Tech Center at George Mason University Law School in Arlington, VA, and Adjunct Scholar at the Cato Institute, the Co-Director of ICANNWatch.org , Disputes.org , and the Cyberspace Law Institute , and a member of the band "Bad Dog ."  I'm also an occasional contributor to the Volokh Conspiracy blog , and I write a monthly column (with Brad Brown) called "On The Horizon" for Inforrmation Week magazine.

If you're interested in more details, here's a brief bio,  and  my complete CV. , and some write-ups about my work from Wired, the NY Times Cybertimes , Inter@ctive Week , and  The Temple Times.

For Students:  [A copy of Acrobat reader, required for PDF files, is available here ].

Some Recent Writing

           A Summary of Copyright Law.  I prepared this PowerPoint presentation for a talk on copyright issues that I gave recently to the Health Sciences faculty at Temple.


            "Copyright, Scientific Research, and the Public Access to Science Act ."  [draft]  This is part of the work I've been doing with some of the folks at the Public Library of Science and is intended as a response to some of the arguments put forward by opponents of the recently-introduced "Public Access to Science Act."


Thomas Jefferson and Cyberspace.

                    I have begun working on a book, tentatively entitled Mr. Jefferson's Cyberspace , setting out a "Jeffersonian perspective" on events in the online world.   Here is a  draft of the Prologue and the first two substantive chapters ("Notes on the State of Cyberspace").

                    Some other pieces that will eventually make their way into the book are:

[If you want to read some interesting stuff about the nature of intellectual property, you could do worse than reading Thomas Jefferson's letter to Isaac McPherson , dated August 13, 1813.]

        Some of My Other (Sort-of) Recent Writings

·  Against 'Against Cyberanarchy ' -- a reply to Jack Goldsmith (17 Berkeley Technology Law Journal 1363 (2002)) 

·    His Napster's Voice  (20 Temple Env. & Tech. L.J. 35 (2002), reprinted in Copy Fights: The Future of Intellectual Property in the Information Age (W. Crews and A. Thierer, eds (Cato Institute, 2002)) and Mots Pluriels , special edition No 18 (August 2001) [ MS Word version here

·  The Free Use of our Faculties":  Jefferson, Cyberspace, and the Languages of Social Life,  49 Drake L. Rev. 407 (2001).

Some Law Review Articles on Cyberspace Governance

Miscellany I'm also in a band -- "Bad Dog." We do mostly original acoustic rock and roll. Craig Jenkins (of the Washington DC Citypaper) wrote that we have an "earnest, seemingly artless American folk sound . . twisting the genre in interesting, albeit gentle ways {and} a gift for timeless, ungimmicky songwriting."   Click here  to hear some of the songs we have recorded (.mp3 format). Email me if you'd like a copy of the whole CD.

Older Stuff

·          Technolog! & (Meaning /3 Life  

    Personal Jurisdiction and Cyberspace Governance

Some Plugging In columns on jurisdictional matters

Copyright Law and other Intellectual Property matters

Miscellaneous Issues