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Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Mission accomplished!
Battles raging in Iraq

Four more US Marines have been killed in heavy fighting in Fallujah Tuesday on top of the three late yesterday.

On the brink of anarchy
"We fear that we are facing a civil war."

The Bush misadministration 'was last night facing a nightmare scenario in Iraq, fighting on two fronts against Sunni and Shia militants less than three months before it is due to hand over power to an Iraqi government.'

4/6/2004 10:23:11 AM: link to this post
Foul ball
The St. Louis Cardinals deny piping in applause to drown out the booing when Bush came out to throw the first pitch.

4/6/2004 12:30:44 PM: link to this post
Well...but...we didn't know what flights they were on!
Yeah...that's the ticket...

The lying fascist punk said Monday he will tell the commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks that his misadministration 'lacked the information needed to prevent the terrorists from striking.'

Balls. Forget about the fact that they knew something was going to happen soon - involving airplanes - or that the intell agencies knew the terrists were in the country taking one-way flying lessions, or that the WH sat on its hands and did nothing after the first plane hit the World Trade Center. Or that they still did nothing after the second plane hit.

"Let me just be very clear about this," the lying meathole said. "Had we had the information that was necessary to stop an attack, I'd have stopped the attack. ... If we'd have known that the enemy was going to fly airplanes into our buildings, we would have done everything in our power to stop it."

As one disgusted wag said, Yes, and had Custer known he was attacking so many Indians, he might have chosen to wash his hair that day instead.

4/6/2004 12:32:33 PM: link to this post
The buck doesn't stop
In any other country, officials would have quit in shame.

'From the president on down, no one in this administration ever admits a mistake or concedes having been wrong.' - Richard Cohen.

4/6/2004 12:33:48 PM: link to this post
Oh, hi, BTW...
About that economy?

The Bank of America Corp. Monday said it plans to cut 12,500 jobs.

4/6/2004 12:35:54 PM: link to this post
A Paul Revere no one wants to hear from
Gary Hart writes:

I co-chaired a national security panel that warned the Bush administration the terrorists were coming. Why hasn't the 9/11 commission called any of us to testify?

The U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century, co-chaired by former Sen. Warren Rudman and myself, reported to President George W. Bush and his new administration in January 2001 that terrorists were surely going to attack the United States and that our country was woefully unprepared. .... We documented the lack of intelligence coordination against this threat and the lack of preparation of up to two dozen federal agencies, as well as state and local governments, to prevent such attacks or respond to them when they did occur. In our final report we urged the new Bush administration to create a national homeland security agency to prevent terrorist attacks.

- from Salon.
4/6/2004 12:44:48 PM: link to this post
George Bush's Vietnam
"This president has now created the largest credibility gap since Richard Nixon. He has broken the basic bond of trust with the American people. Saying whatever it takes to prevail has become standard operating procedure in the Bush White House. In this administration, truth is the first casualty of policy.'' - Ted Kennedy.

Hiding in the White House
'It might be worth reminding the non-inquisitive media that the scoundrel who broke the law to get Wilson's wife is still in hiding in the White House. He or she or they should be easier to find than Iraq's WMDs.' - from an opinion piece in the SF Chronicle.

4/6/2004 02:45:58 PM: link to this post
Making progress in Iraq
20 GIs, a Salvadoran and 100 Iraqis have been killed since this past weekend.

"Hey, whatever," implied administrator L. Paul Bremer on ABC's Good Morning America.

4/6/2004 03:16:48 PM: link to this post
Shut up shut up shut up!

"A free Iraq's very important for peace in the world, long-term peace, and we're being challenged in Iraq because there are people there that hate freedom." - Squinty the Idiot, April 5, 2004.

4/6/2004 03:20:01 PM: link to this post
Monday, April 05, 2004

Bad news pouring out of Iraq...

'Bring it on!' Iraq's most violent civil disturbances since the occupation started.

Riots across Iraq Sunday and Monday have killed at least 52 Iraqis, eight US troops and a Salvadoran soldier. More than 200 were wounded. Meanwhile, US. troops on Monday sealed off Fallujah in 'major military operation' Vigilant Resolve, and US helicopters blasted targets in Baghdad. A US soldier and a Marine were killed.

Update: the news is getting worse.
'Coming under fire, the ICDC, a paramilitary force trained by the Americans, turned on the US soldiers and started to shoot at them. The soldiers fled their vehicles and headed for cover and then began to battle both the Mehdi Army and the ICDC members.' Their vehicles were set ablaze.

Eleven US troops have been killed in the past 24 hours.
4/5/2004 09:29:28 AM: link to this post
Well, they certainly have their work cut out for them
Bush loyalists pack Iraq press office

Rethug party operatives are leading a team of former Bush campaign workers, political appointees and ex-Capitol Hill staffers, running a propaganda office in Iraq, to 'ensure Americans see the positive side' of the Bush misadministration's invasion, devastation, and occupation.

"Iraq is in danger of costing George W. Bush his presidency and the media staff are determined to see that does not happen," Gordon Robison, a former CPA contractor, said. "I had the impression that they viewed their job as essentially political, promoting what the Coalition Provisional Authority is doing in Iraq as a political arm of the Bush administration."

In a related story...
Crossing the line from public relations to propaganda:

"The scope and scale of manipulation, suppression and misrepresentation of science by the Bush administration is unprecedented."

4/5/2004 09:37:59 AM: link to this post
Here we go
White House could delay 9/11 report until after the election.

Tom Kean, the chairman of the 9/11 commission, said he could not guarantee that the panel's report will be released before the November election because of a {cough...bullshit...cough...} protracted White House vetting process.

4/5/2004 10:43:24 AM: link to this post
Fried Rice
'It was revealed last week that she was due to give a speech on 9/11/01 which focused on missile defense, not terrorism. Apparently the speech said that we need to face "the threats and problems of today and the day after, not the world of yesterday," and then criticized Bill Clinton for focusing on terrorist groups and not on missile defense.' - from this week's Top Ten Conservative Idiots at DemoUnderground.

"Twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!"
4/5/2004 10:51:14 AM: link to this post
Cheney to hold the hand of the president
Simultaneous bathroom-breaks prerequisite in exchange for allowing Condoliar Rice to testify.
Does Cheney have to be in the room with Bush to make sure Bush does not screw up again?

Is Cheney supposed to kick him under the table?

At a press conference announcing the deal with the White House, Commission Chairman Tom Kean had the following exchange with a reporter:

Question: “Can you say why you would agree to have the vice president and the President testify at the same time? To someone else, it might be to allow, you know, Mr. Cheney to help Mr. Bush with the answers. And I’m just confused why you would allow them to go together.”
- Roger Simon.

4/5/2004 11:12:42 AM: link to this post
GAO: Bush misadministration failed to prepare for terrorist attacks
'The General Accounting Office cited several specific shortcomings that demonstrate the Bush Administration's continuing failure to make robust efforts to prepare our country for the possibility of further terrorist attacks or other breaches of our homeland security.'

Meanwhile, the commission investigating the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks agreed Sunday that evidence gathered by their panel showed the attacks could probably have been prevented.
4/5/2004 12:21:40 PM: link to this post
Students face action for 'shouting' during Lynne Cheney speech
'Xuse me, ma'am, but what kind of research did you do for your lesbian book?'

Three University of Maryland students are facing disciplinary action for calling out questions at the vice president's harpy wife's Feb.29 appearance there, drudge reports.

4/5/2004 12:44:16 PM: link to this post
Top ten questions you're afraid to ask Condoleezza Rice
10. "Did Bush ever hurt himself trying to pronounce your name?"

9. "At cabinet meetings, who besides you and Cheney wear lipstick?"

8. "Do you know Leeza Gibbons?"

7. "Do you own a condo?"

6. "Did you ever try the 'Condoleezza Rice' at Chi-Chi's?"

5. "As a souvenir, did you keep any of Saddam's beard lice?"

4. "Hey, where'd you get that cool Halliburton sweatshirt?"

3. "Who told CNN that Letterman faked the footage of the bored kid next to Bush?"

2. "About those Iraqi weapons of mass destruction -- did you check Baghdad Mini-Storage?"

1. "What kind of job will you and Bush be looking for in January 2005?"

- Letterman.

4/5/2004 12:55:16 PM: link to this post
Stupid quote of the day
"I suppose it would be considered lacking in nuance to nuke the Sunni Triangle.' - conservative tw@t Kathleen Parker.

4/5/2004 01:35:39 PM: link to this post
Portrait in arrogance
The Boy King, Emperor Snippy, gets cranky with reporters.

The Unelected Fraud was taking questions from the press corpse in NC when this exchange took place:

Bush: Let me ask you a couple of questions. Who's the AP person?

AP reporter: Here...

Bush (with a sneer): You are?

AP: Sir, in regard to --

Bush (another sneer): Who are you talking to?

AP: I'm sorry... Mr President, what...

AP, on planet soze: I'm talking to you, you miserable POS! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, what the #uck is wrong with you, you braindead loser? Christ!

Q: Mr. President, can you just tell me -- the 9/11 Commission, the Chairman yesterday, Governor Kean, said a date had been set, I think, for your testimony and the Vice President's. Is that --

Bush: I would call it a meeting.

AP, on planet soze: Who the #uck cares what you think. What does it say about you as a man and self-proclaimed 'war preznit' that you're too much of a pussy that you can't testify by yourself, you snivelling #uckwit?

Q: A meeting, I'm sorry.

Bush: Thank you.

Dear leader
4/5/2004 02:07:20 PM: link to this post

"We’ve declined from a President who came from a place called Hope, to an unsteady meat-headed martinet ruling his fraternity house based on fear." - Bill Moyers.

4/5/2004 02:34:20 PM: link to this post
Whiskey Tango F*cktard
My head hurts.

"This is one person - this is a person, and followers, who are trying to say, we don't want democracy - as a matter of fact, we'll decide the course of democracy by the use of force. And that is the opposite of democracy. And it's - that's why the CPA issued the statement they issued. Stretch." - Napoleon Numbskull, 4/5/04.

4/5/2004 03:01:09 PM: link to this post
Bush's biggest lie: Al Qaeda was at the top of his list
"While the Bush administration maintains it was focused extensively on terrorism, our analysis of 557 public statements reveals only one mention of al Qaeda by the administration over the 8-month period. Notably, this single mention of al Qaeda was found in a signed notice from pResident Bush continuing an executive order - issued by President Clinton."

4/5/2004 03:07:34 PM: link to this post
Never having to say 'sorry'
The most-incredible-comment-from-the-mouth-of-Condoleezza-Rice award

Goes to...
Her assertion that she can think of nothing more that the Bush administration could have done to prevent the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Normal people simply don’t say such things. When something goes wrong on their watch, most people think of what they could have done better and the honest ones admit that in hindsight they missed some opportunities.

With an event as momentous as a coordinated enemy assault on three prominent U.S. landmarks and the deaths of 3,000 people, it is hard to imagine that the national security coordinator can’t think of anything she, her boss or his administration could have done better in the preceding eight months.

But Condoleezza Rice seems to have adopted George W. Bush’s lifetime attitude of never having to say “Sorry.”

“I would like very much to know what more could have been done given that it was an urgent problem,” Rice told Ed Bradley of CBS News’s “60 Minutes” in a March 28 broadcast. “I don’t know, Ed, how, after coming into office, inheriting policies that had been in place for at least three of the eight years of the Clinton administration, we could have done more than to continue those polices while we developed more robust policies.”

Well, like maybe, Rice could have urged her boss to cut short his month-long August vacation. Perhaps, after hearing CIA Director George Tenet’s repeated warnings about an imminent al-Qaeda attack, possibly on U.S. soil and possibly involving airplanes, Bush could have demanded that all agencies redouble their search for clues, which we now know did exist in the bowels of federal agencies.

- from a must-read by Robert Parry.

4/5/2004 09:22:10 PM: link to this post
Yeah, but...but..he gassed his own people!
NEWSWEEK: A year into the Iraq war, is the world more secure?

ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI, former national-security adviser: The war was launched [over] weapons of mass destruction and with the added argument that it would help eliminate terrorism and promote the Israeli-Palestinian peace. In fact, there were no weapons of mass destruction. The war on terrorism probably has been set back because there are many more hostile terrorist groups now than there were a year ago. And the Palestinian peace process is literally in shambles.

NEWSWEEK: But Saddam is gone.

BRZEZINSKI: That may be a personal satisfaction, but the political effects are disproportionately negative ignorant slut.
4/5/2004 09:44:45 PM: link to this post
Sunday, April 04, 2004

'The Wizard of Oz Letter'
Bush pulls back the curtain on who really runs the White House

Bunnypants gets to bring along his vice president when he appears privately before the 9/11 commission.

With the revelation of the tandem testimony, nobody with a straight face can deny Cheney is a co-president or worse, the puppeteer who pulls Bush’s strings.

Aside from being fodder for the late-night comics, the arrangement confirms Bush’s inability to articulate anything without a script -- or a tutor by his side.

Try thinking about it this way: can anyone imagine Bush’s father in a similar situation bringing his vice president? (For those who need a refresher course, the elder Bush was a rocket scientist compared to his son, and the vice president was Dan Quayle.)

This is a defining moment in the Bush presidency because it reveals weakness at the top.

What Cheney and the tight circle around Bush are protecting is the myth they have created since 9/11 of a war president astride the world stage. Anybody who punctures that imagery is destroyed. Richard Clarke is only the latest in a series of insiders who have pulled back the curtain. At the center is an incurious president who is so inarticulate that he can’t be left on his own to make a sustained argument on behalf of his policies without falling back on rehearsed talking points and sound bites.

- Hot damn. Eleanor Clift, in Newsweek.
4/4/2004 01:38:16 PM: link to this post
'Everything is at stake now'
In the aftermath of the massacre of US security personnel in Fallujah, a knowledgeable Coalition Provisional Authority source said that if Iraq descends into civil war, Americans will be "distinctly less safe" than they were before the invasion.


The Bushies hope to whip Iraq into shape by July 1st, when the Iraqis are scheduled to take over running their own government. Oh, and guess who's at the top of the list to replace Paul Bremer as chief representative of the Bushies' interests in Iraq? John 'human rights abuses' Negroponte!
4/4/2004 02:01:50 PM: link to this post
Oh good
The White House will vet "line by line" the report of the independent commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks before it is publicly released, the commission chairman said on Sunday.

Chairman Thomas Kean said on NBC's Meet the Press that he was surprised to learn of the White House review, which he said was required under law to ensure any material that could compromise intelligence was not included.

The commission is expected to submit its report in July on intelligence failures before the 2001 attacks. Kean said he was confident the White House would finish its review so the report could be released well before the November presidential election.

- it was a Reuters story, but the link's worthless - the story's vanished. I'll pull up the Press the Meat transcript later.

- on edit: here's the link.
4/4/2004 02:10:23 PM: link to this post
Bush and Blair's secret pact for Iraq war
Decision came nine days after 9/11

George Bush first asked Tony Blair to support the removal of Saddam Hussein from power at a private White House dinner nine days after the terror attacks of 11 September, 2001.

According to Sir Christopher Meyer, the former British Ambassador to Washington who was at the dinner, Blair told Bush he should not get distracted from the war on terror's initial goal - dealing with the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.

Bush, claims Meyer, replied by saying: 'I agree with you, Tony. We must deal with this first. But when we have dealt with Afghanistan, we must come back to Iraq.' Regime change was already US policy.

4/4/2004 02:22:46 PM: link to this post
Creepier than Nixon
Tricky Dick Cheney, oily neocon puppetmaster, shadow president.

Dick Cheney is a political disaster awaiting recognition. In the book, I set forth a relatively long list of inchoate scandals, not to mention problems worse than scandals. They all involve Cheney in varying degrees. Bush can't dump Cheney, for it is Cheney, not Rove, who is Bush's backroom brain. He is actually a co-president. Bush doesn't enjoy studying and devising policy. Cheney does. While Cheney has tutored Bush for almost four years, and Bush is better prepared today than when he entered the job, Cheney is quietly guiding this administration. Cheney knows how to play Bush so that Cheney is absolutely no threat to him, makes him feel he is president, but Bush can't function without a script, or without Cheney. Bush is head of state; Cheney is head of government.
- John Dean, who should know.

4/4/2004 02:36:57 PM: link to this post
"Arlen, the idea that you're a fiscal conservative is harder to believe than your single bullet theory." - Pat Toomey to Arlen Specter.

4/4/2004 02:40:09 PM: link to this post
Saturday, April 03, 2004

Powell: 'whoopsies!'
Colin Powell expressed new doubts yesterday on the misadministration's claims of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, saying the description in his UN presentation was based on 'faulty sources' - sources that had been cited by intelligence officials, certain journalists, and bloggers as unreliable even before his presentation.

Meahwhile, the US death toll in Iraq hit 600 on Friday.

The littlest cheerleader
Property of the WH

The White House is now in charge of media access to the yawning, bratty doorstop behind the Letterman/Bunnypants/CNN flap this week.

White House assistant propaganda minister Reed Dickens has been named chief brainwasher/nanny for anyone vacuous enough to want to interview the little hellspawn.

Blah blah blah.
4/3/2004 09:46:47 AM: link to this post
Not so fast
The 9/11 commission has been 'granted a look' at some of the Clinton papers.

But - and get this - the Bushies have released 'only a fraction' of the thousands of classified counterterrorism documents requested by the 9/11 panel - and by the Clintons.

The WaPo reports that WH spokes-hamster Scott McClellan 'declined to say whether the White House would agree to actually hand over any of the disputed documents at issue, raising the possibility of further disputes,' and that "some commission members said yesterday that the lack of disclosure of the Clinton documents raises the possibility that the Bush administration has withheld other relevant records, as well."

4/3/2004 10:05:26 AM: link to this post
It's a gray day, but the birds are singing, the crocuses are blooming, my pet stray cat is pregnant, and it's my birthday today. Huzzah! I'm going to celebrate by having some smoked salmon, some cigars, and three kinds of potatoes for dinner.

Mmmmmmm, potatoes......

4/3/2004 10:15:34 AM: link to this post
Great pic of bald eagle chicks.

And one of a 41-pound cat, the poor thing.
4/3/2004 10:28:14 AM: link to this post
Cross-stitching in the firelight

VP harpy wife/spoilsport Lynne Cheney has put the ol' chastity belt on the reissue of Sisters, her historical romance novel filled with such sanctified conservative themes as brothels, attempted rapes and hot lesbian love.

4/3/2004 10:40:42 AM: link to this post
A former brothel madam has been named California Businessman of the Year by the National Republican Congressional Committee.

4/3/2004 11:02:44 AM: link to this post
Yeah, but can he sing 'Lady of Spain' while drinking a glass of water?
4/3/2004 11:07:55 AM: link to this post
Waffles and whine: the many flip-flops of George dumbass Bush.

Fear factor: US transit systems are at "code yellow-plus."

Nancy Pelosi wishes John Kerry would pick John McCain as a running mate.

4/3/2004 12:46:27 PM: link to this post
Rush Limbaugh, wiener salesman
In 1971 Limbaugh attended Southeastern Missouri University, where, according to reports, he had a brief but heated affair with Elliot Sanders. So gay is Limbaugh, guarantees Sanders, that, "none of his marriages was ever consummated."
- seen at BartCop.

4/3/2004 01:11:43 PM: link to this post
Well, we don't have to gas them, but...
Faux Nooze gasbag Bill O'Reilly thinks we should do a Saddam on Fallujah's ass:

The remaining dissenters must be harshly dealt with. Fear can be a good thing. Homicidal terrorists and their enablers must be killed or incarcerated. And their punishment must be an example to others.

How do you think Saddam controlled Iraq all these decades?

4/3/2004 01:27:19 PM: link to this post
So, a chimp, a pretzal, and a gram of smack walk into a bar...
"The other night Kerry was on MTV's 'Choose or Lose' and Kerry said he was fascinated by rap and hip hop. In a related story, President Bush said he was fascinated by shiny objects." - Jay Leno, giving his Rove-induced hemorrhoids a well-deserved break.

4/3/2004 01:35:19 PM: link to this post
In a cave beneath a grassy knoll...
I don't know why I keep doing this to myself. Maybe it's just that eerie fascination that makes some people follow twisters or slow down to look at train wrecks, or study their poop in the bowl before they flush. But yes, I went to visit the mouthbreathing troglodytes at RimJob's today, and yes, I do need some aspirin.
'The question that all Conservatives and Republicans have failed to ask about 9-11.

'Give the demands of liberals and democrats for Dr. Rice to appear publicly before the commission looking into 9-11, why is it that we as Conservatives and Republicans have not demanded that both Senators John Kerry and Teddy Kennedy appear publicly before the 9-11 commission as well, given the fact that both planes that struck the World Trade Center Towers came out of Boston's Logan Airport?'
And I thought my tinfoil hat was on too tight.

4/3/2004 02:38:28 PM: link to this post
Winning hearts and minds
Anti-American voices are getting louder and more insistent in Iraq, and the US tanks with "bloodlust" and "kill them all" painted on them probably aren't helping.
4/3/2004 05:53:23 PM: link to this post
Holy $hit!!!
Check out the cover of the new Newsweek!

Karl's going to have a coronary!!
4/3/2004 06:19:46 PM: link to this post
Friday, April 02, 2004

Smear without fear
Whoring for the White House

WH lickspittle CNN makes wild accusations, gets caught, claims someone 'misspoke,' denies responsibility.
- another must-read by Paul Krugman.

4/2/2004 10:53:17 AM: link to this post
Bush blocks Clinton papers from 9/11 panel

"But...but...they're highly sensitive!" squeals WH spokes-hamster Scott McClellan.

Yeah, to the Bush misadministration. The Clinton papers contain thousands of pages relating to Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and terrorism. What do the Bushies have? Toilet paper.

The commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks said on Thursday that it was pressing the White House to explain why the Bush administration had blocked thousands of pages of classified foreign policy and counterterrorism documents from President Bill Clinton's White House files from being turned over to the panel's investigators.

The commission and the White House were reacting to public complaints from former aides to Mr. Clinton, who said they had been surprised to learn that three-quarters of the nearly 11,000 pages of files the former president was ready to offer the commission had been withheld by the Bush administration.
- from the NY Times.

4/2/2004 11:02:10 AM: link to this post
Clarke's corroborating witnesses
Add three more to the list!

Brian Sheridan, President Clinton's outgoing assistant secretary of Defense for special operations, was astonished when his offers during the transition to bring the new Pentagon leadership up to speed on terrorism were brushed aside. 'I offered to brief anyone, any time on any topic. Never took it up.'

A three-star general, Donald Kerrick had served at the end of the Clinton administration as deputy national security advisor, and he spent the final four months of his military career in the Bush White House. He sent a memo to the NSC's new leadership on 'things you need to pay attention to.' He wrote about Al Qaeda: 'We are going to be struck again.' But he never heard back.

The most damaging remarks came from Gen. Henry Shelton, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff until Oct. 1, 2001. Shelton told us that in the Bush administration terrorism had moved 'farther to the back burner... Is the White House going to vilify these men too?
- Daniel Benjamin.

Speaking of witnesses, noone's ever turned up who could confirm Smirky McFlightsuit's claim that he was in the Alabama national guard when he was supposed to be.

4/2/2004 11:16:53 AM: link to this post
OK, add another one...
"You know why I think George Tenet is still in his job? I think there are smoking guns all over the White House."

Former Sen. Gary Hart says he, too, warned Condoliar Rice about an imminent terror attack on two occasions before 9/11.

His report "warned that a devastating terrorist attack on America was imminent and called for the immediate creation of a Cabinet-level national security agency, and delivering it to President Bush on January 31, 2001, Hart and Rudman personally briefed Rice, Rumsfeld and Secretary of State Colin Powell. But, according to Hart, the Bush administration never followed up on the commission's urgent recommendations, even after he repeated them in a private White House meeting with Rice just days before 9/11."

4/2/2004 11:56:07 AM: link to this post
Antonin Scalia, self-made martyr
"He could have been the next chief justice. Today, he's just a poster boy for intolerance, vitriol and questionable ethics." - Tim Grieve, in Salon.

4/2/2004 12:00:56 PM: link to this post
'The US knew al-Qaida would attack cities with airplanes'
Condoliar Rice's claim that there was no such information was 'an outrageous lie.'

A former translator for the FBI with top-secret security clearance says she has provided information to the 9/11 panel which proves senior officials in the WH knew of al-Qaida's plans to attack the US with aircraft months before the strikes happened.
Sibel Edmonds said she spent more than three hours in a closed session with the commission's investigators providing information that was circulating within the FBI in the spring and summer of 2001 suggesting that an attack using aircraft was just months away and the terrorists were in place.

The Bush administration, meanwhile, has sought to silence her and has obtained a gag order.
- from the UK Independent.

4/2/2004 12:01:42 PM: link to this post
Before the repugs start blowing each other...
308,000 minimum wage jobs were 'created' - but among those returning to work were the 72-thousand-plus Californians returning from a strike. Those jobs were already there: it's like they're being counted twice. Sort of like counting votes in Florida.

Fun fact: (a) Gateway has pulled the plug on stores, 2,500 jobs lost.
(b) The unemployment rate rose to 5.7 from 5.6 percent.
4/2/2004 12:45:32 PM: link to this post
At least they got that horrible beast Martha Stewart

The asscorn judge in the Tyco case has just declared a mistrial.

4/2/2004 01:37:34 PM: link to this post
Prosecutors expanding inquiry in Valerie Plame case
The investigation into whether someone in the Bush misadministration illegally disclosed Ms Plame's identity will now also examine whether White House officials lied to investigators or 'mishandled classified information' related to the case.

'The broadened scope is a potentially significant development that represents exactly what allies of the Bush White House feared when Attorney General John Ashcroft removed himself from the case last December.'


4/2/2004 02:29:46 PM: link to this post
Poll: Bush credibility takes hit
The lying suckjob's approval numbers are circling clockwise down the crapper in the latest poll by CBS.

4/2/2004 03:12:02 PM: link to this post
"You can't fly in on an aircraft carrier and declare victory and have the deaths continue. You can't do that.'' - hero/patriot John McCain, 04/01/04.

"Karl, kin he say that? Karl??"
4/2/2004 03:24:42 PM: link to this post
Pelosi: 'war preznit' a pathetic #ucking pansy
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says it's baffling and embarrassing that Poppy's Little Poophead is appearing before the Sept. 11 commission with Dick Cheney at his side instead of by himself.
"I think it speaks to the lack of confidence that the administration has in the president going forth alone, period," Pelosi, D-Calif., said Friday. "It's embarrassing to the president of the United States that they won't let him go in without holding the hand of the vice president of the United States."

"I think it reinforces the idea that the president cannot go it alone," she said. "The president should stand tall, walk in the room himself and answer the questions."
Not hide behind his minder's skirts as if he was still in didies, the chickenshit little asswipe.

4/2/2004 04:37:27 PM: link to this post
Why does he hate America?
"And the problem we face right now is we love freedom, and we're not going to change, and the people that we fight hate freedom."

"You know what I'm talking about when I talk about people who are willing to love their neighbor just like they love themselves in the community in which you live."

"We went back to the United Nations and said, look, this guy is a problem, he's a threat. He used gas on his own people. He's a - we've got to take it seriously. September the 11th taught us a lesson. So we came together and said, look, get rid of your weapons, Mr. Saddam Hussein. He said, no."

- America's Dingleberry, mangling the same old tired factually-challenged speech into a new version of craptitude, 3/30/04.

"Hunt 'em down! Freedom! Cookies!"
4/2/2004 05:29:21 PM: link to this post
