Four more US Marines have been killed in heavy fighting in Fallujah Tuesday on top of the three late yesterday.
On the brink of anarchy "We fear that we are facing a civil war."
The Bush misadministration 'was last night facing a nightmare scenario in Iraq, fighting on two fronts against Sunni and Shia militants less than three months before it is due to hand over power to an Iraqi government.'
_________________________________________________ Foul ball The St. Louis Cardinals deny piping in applause to drown out the booing when Bush came out to throw the first pitch.
_________________________________________________ Well...but...we didn't know what flights they were on! Yeah...that's the ticket...
The lying fascist punk said Monday he will tell the commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks that his misadministration 'lacked the information needed to prevent the terrorists from striking.'
Balls. Forget about the fact that they knew something was going to happen soon - involving airplanes - or that the intell agencies knew the terrists were in the country taking one-way flying lessions, or that the WH sat on its hands and did nothing after the first plane hit the World Trade Center. Or that they still did nothing after the second plane hit.
"Let me just be very clear about this," the lying meathole said. "Had we had the information that was necessary to stop an attack, I'd have stopped the attack. ... If we'd have known that the enemy was going to fly airplanes into our buildings, we would have done everything in our power to stop it."
As one disgusted wag said, Yes, and had Custer known he was attacking so many Indians, he might have chosen to wash his hair that day instead.
_________________________________________________ A Paul Revere no one wants to hear from Gary Hart writes:
I co-chaired a national security panel that warned the Bush administration the terrorists were coming. Why hasn't the 9/11 commission called any of us to testify?
The U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century, co-chaired by former Sen. Warren Rudman and myself, reported to President George W. Bush and his new administration in January 2001 that terrorists were surely going to attack the United States and that our country was woefully unprepared. .... We documented the lack of intelligence coordination against this threat and the lack of preparation of up to two dozen federal agencies, as well as state and local governments, to prevent such attacks or respond to them when they did occur. In our final report we urged the new Bush administration to create a national homeland security agency to prevent terrorist attacks.
_________________________________________________ George Bush's Vietnam "This president has now created the largest credibility gap since Richard Nixon. He has broken the basic bond of trust with the American people. Saying whatever it takes to prevail has become standard operating procedure in the Bush White House. In this administration, truth is the first casualty of policy.'' - Ted Kennedy.
Hiding in the White House 'It might be worth reminding the non-inquisitive media that the scoundrel who broke the law to get Wilson's wife is still in hiding in the White House. He or she or they should be easier to find than Iraq's WMDs.' - from an opinion piece in the SF Chronicle.
_________________________________________________ Making progress in Iraq 20 GIs, a Salvadoran and 100 Iraqis have been killed since this past weekend.
"Hey, whatever," implied administrator L. Paul Bremer on ABC's Good Morning America.
_________________________________________________ Arrrrgggghhhh Shut up shut up shut up!
"A free Iraq's very important for peace in the world, long-term peace, and we're being challenged in Iraq because there are people there that hate freedom." - Squinty the Idiot, April 5, 2004.
613 'Bring it on!' Iraq's most violent civil disturbances since the occupation started.
Riots across Iraq Sunday and Monday have killed at least 52 Iraqis, eight US troops and a Salvadoran soldier. More than 200 were wounded. Meanwhile, US. troops on Monday sealed off Fallujah in 'major military operation' Vigilant Resolve, and US helicopters blasted targets in Baghdad. A US soldier and a Marine were killed.
Update: the news is getting worse. 'Coming under fire, the ICDC, a paramilitary force trained by the Americans, turned on the US soldiers and started to shoot at them. The soldiers fled their vehicles and headed for cover and then began to battle both the Mehdi Army and the ICDC members.' Their vehicles were set ablaze.
_________________________________________________ Well, they certainly have their work cut out for them Bush loyalists pack Iraq press office
Rethug party operatives are leading a team of former Bush campaign workers, political appointees and ex-Capitol Hill staffers, running a propaganda office in Iraq, to 'ensure Americans see the positive side' of the Bush misadministration's invasion, devastation, and occupation.
"Iraq is in danger of costing George W. Bush his presidency and the media staff are determined to see that does not happen," Gordon Robison, a former CPA contractor, said. "I had the impression that they viewed their job as essentially political, promoting what the Coalition Provisional Authority is doing in Iraq as a political arm of the Bush administration."
In a related story... Crossing the line from public relations to propaganda:
"The scope and scale of manipulation, suppression and misrepresentation of science by the Bush administration is unprecedented."
_________________________________________________ Here we go White House could delay 9/11 report until after the election.
Tom Kean, the chairman of the 9/11 commission, said he could not guarantee that the panel's report will be released before the November election because of a {cough...bullshit...cough...} protracted White House vetting process.