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-- Kerry Unveils 'Dispassionate Liberalism' Agenda
-- Kerry Calls for Bin Laden to Testify -- Rice Praises Clarke for Defeating al Qaeda -- Newdow Calls Chief Justice Rehnquist His 'Higher Power' -- Rumsfeld Offers Plan to Prevent Past Terror Attacks -- FBI Tracked Kerry, But Failed to Stop Him -- Clarke: Bush's Saddam-Obsession Delayed Iraq Attack -- Kerry Speaks Out Against Snowboarding -- Bin Laden Withdraws Support for Kerry -- Scalia Questions Ginsburg's Absence from Cheney Duck Hunt -- Bush: Foreign Leaders Want Me to Fix Kerry's Wagon -- Al Qaeda Opens First Embassy in Madrid -- Countless Dozens Protest CNN Coverage of Iraq -- Kerry Seeks U.N. Coalition for Ad War on Bush -- Kerry Defends '95 Bill to Cut $1.5B from CIA -- DNC Demands Bush Drop 'President' from TV Ads -- U.K. Lords Create Supreme Court, Supreme Wig -- Viacom Replaces Martha with 'Janet Jackson Living' -- Gay Marriage: Kerry Admits He's 'Biblically Bi-Textual' -- U.N. Poll: Kerry Beats Bush in Landslide -- 9th Circuit Court Overturns New Iraq Constitution -- Howard Stern Demands to Be Fired -- Kerry Seeks Running Mate Through eHarmony.com -- Stewart Dumps Stock Just Before Guilty Verdicts -- Kerry Slams War Images in Kerry TV Ads |
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:: Kerry Calls for Bin Laden to Testify :: Rice Praises Clarke for Defeating al Qaeda :: Newdow Calls Chief Justice Rehnquist His 'Higher Power' :: Rumsfeld Offers Plan to Prevent Past Terror Attacks :: FBI Tracked Kerry, But Failed to Stop Him :: Clarke: Bush's Saddam-Obsession Delayed Iraq Attack :: Kerry Speaks Out Against Snowboarding :: Bin Laden Withdraws Support for Kerry :: Scalia Questions Ginsburg's Absence from Cheney Duck Hunt :: Bush: Foreign Leaders Want Me to Fix Kerry's Wagon
March 28, 2004
Kerry Unveils 'Dispassionate Liberalism' Agenda
(2004-03-28) -- After enduring criticism for his failure to make his mark on the Democrat party, or even have a blueprint for his own presidential campaign, John Forbes Kerry today unveiled a platform he called 'Dispassionate Liberalism: An Agenda for America." Taking his lead from President Bush's successful "compassionate conservatism" platform in the 2000 campaign, Mr. Kerry said his "dispassionate liberalism" similarly blunts the usual assaults on Democrats. "Just like Bush reversed conventional wisdom by proclaiming that Republicans actually care about people," said Mr. Kerry, "my agenda declares that it's okay to be a bleeding-heart liberal without the bleeding heart part." Democrat National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe said it's all part of the "New Aloofness," a Democrat sensibility that says "It's okay to be for big government and higher taxes without having to justify it by claiming to care about people who are many rungs below you on the economic ladder." "It's really a very liberating philosophy," said Mr. McAuliffe. "We can be millionaires, seek to extend the reach of government into the personal lives of Americans and not even have to pretend to relate to the ordinary proletarians." Kerry Calls for Bin Laden to Testify
(2004-03-28) -- Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee John Forbes Kerry today said that Usama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leaders of al Qaeda, should testify before the bipartisan commission investigating the 9/11 terror attacks. The remarks follow Mr. Kerry's call for National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice to testify before the panel. "We're asking U.S. officials how 9/11 could have been allowed to happen," said Mr. Kerry. "It seems that Mr. bin Laden and Mr. al-Zawahiri would have first-hand information that would be relevant to the committee's proceedings." Mr. Kerry said that when he is president of the United States, he will "direct Attorney General Richard Clarke to subpoena both al Qaeda leaders that they might be subjected to stern questioning." Rice Praises Clarke for Defeating al Qaeda
(2004-03-28) -- National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice today praised former counter-terrorism coordinator Richard A. Clarke for "leading the Clinton administration to crush al Qaeda before it had a chance to strike us again on our own soil." "After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1998 embassy bombings and the 2000 attack on the U.S.S. Cole, Dick Clarke took decisive action as President Clinton's trusted counter-terror chief," said Ms. Rice. "His detailed knowledge of al Qaeda spurred the lightning attacks that destroyed Usama bin Laden's Afghan training facilities and led to the arrest, conviction and execution of the man who was perhaps the greatest threat to the free world. One shudders to think what might have happened without Dick Clarke's resolute leadership." Ms. Rice said she would lobby "to get Mr. Clarke nominated for a Congressional Medal of Honor and the Nobel Peace Prize to go with the Pulitzer he will certainly win for his new book outlining how he protected Americans from terror attacks."
March 25, 2004
Newdow Calls Chief Justice Rehnquist His 'Higher Power'
(2004-03-25) -- Self-proclaimed atheist Michael Newdow yesterday pleaded with the U.S. Supreme Court to remove the phrase 'under God' from the Pledge of Allegiance and acknowledged the court's Chief Justice as his "personal higher power." "In the name of William H. Rehnquist almighty," said Mr. Newdow, "I call upon this court to protect the rights of those who have no recourse to a higher power than this. And, by Rehnquist, I will continue this fight until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream." At the end of his legal arguments, Mr. Newdow prostrated himself on the floor of the courtroom and said "blessed be the glorious name of Rehnquist, may he reign forever." Later he told reporters on the steps of the court building, "My personal relationship with Rehnquist brings me unspeakable joy, hope for the future and peace in my heart. It's a comfort to know that he's thinking about me at this very moment."
March 23, 2004
Rumsfeld Offers Plan to Prevent Past Terror Attacks
(2004-03-23) -- U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld today told the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States that he has a plan to prevent past acts of terror. "As I have listened to people speculate on what might have been done to prevent 9/11," said Mr. Rumsfeld, "I realized that we've been doing all the post-mortem analysis after the fact." Mr. Rumsfeld proposed that the CIA, FBI and the Pentagon immediately begin "studying the facts about the next major terror attack, which will never happen because we will prevent it in hindsight." "All we have to do is figure out who attacked us, where and when," he said. "It's a simple matter of stepping out of the time-space continuum to ward off future incidents after they have already happened." FBI Tracked Kerry, But Failed to Stop Him
(2004-03-23) -- Questions about the reliability of U.S. intelligence services grew today as documents revealed that the FBI tracked Democrat presidential candidate John Forbes Kerry as early as 1971, but did nothing to stop him. "This looks like another tragic intelligence failure," said an unnamed aide to the Senate Intelligence Committee. "FBI agents knew Kerry was in the country and they even attended his anti-war speeches, but apparently their reports never reached the highest levels of the agency. He was literally within our grasp and we let him slip through." The aide blamed the failure on the Nixon administration, which he said was too distracted by the war in Vietnam to devote full attention to homeland security. "If John Kerry is elected president of the United States," he said, "Republicans will have no one to blame but themselves."
March 22, 2004
Clarke: Bush's Saddam-Obsession Delayed Iraq Attack
(2004-03-22) -- A new book by Richard Clarke, the former counter-terrorism coordinator for the Bush administration, charges that the president was so obsessed with Saddam Hussein that he delayed invading Iraq for 19 months after the 9/11 terror attacks "just so he could let his hatred of Saddam simmer in his mind." Mr. Clarke told CBS reporter Leslie Stahl that, from the beginning, the Bush administration didn't take the al Qaeda threat seriously and was focused on attacking Iraq. "The 9/11 attacks by al Qaeda were such an utter surprise to [National Security Advisor] Rice and [Defense Secretary] Rumsfeld, that it took them almost a month to retaliate against the Taliban," said Mr. Clarke. "By contrast, Rumsfeld started planning to hit Saddam from the moment he took office in January 2001. Sure enough, only 26 months after that he unleashed a lightning strike on Iraq. He would have launched the attack sooner if Bush hadn't been so obsessed with Saddam that he couldn't see straight." The former official said even the war against the Taliban was part of the president's obsession with Saddam Hussein. "Bush foolishly believed that there was a link between al Qaeda and Iraq," Mr. Clarke said. "So, in order to bring down Saddam Hussein, he first attacked the Taliban in Afghanistan in October 2001, because they harbored al Qaeda. Bush thought that if the Taliban fell, Saddam would soon follow. It's clear that Rumsfeld and Rice have thought about nothing but Iraq for more than three years now."
March 21, 2004
Kerry Speaks Out Against Snowboarding
(2004-03-20) -- The presumptive Democrat presidential nominee, Sen. John Forbes Kerry, today called for a ban on snowboarding. The demand comes less than a week after a Secret Service agent caused the Senator to tumble on a slope in Idaho. "Snowboarding is an inherently dangerous activity," said Mr. Kerry. "Although I'm one of the best snowboarders alive, and I don't fall down, there is no way to protect the average 19-year-old from being taken out by a [expletive deleted] Secret Service agent. The board manufacturers claim the sport is safe. But how do you ask a man to be the last man to break his leg for a lie?" In a symbolic gesture, Mr. Kerry plans to throw his snowboard, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, over the White House fence later this week. TV news crews will be permitted to videotape his second snowboard toss attempt. Bin Laden Withdraws Support for Kerry
(2004-03-21) -- Religious philosopher Usama bin Laden today announced that although he had been among the unnamed foreign leaders who support John Forbes Kerry's election as U.S. president, he has withdrawn his support. "At first, I was an anyone-but-Bush man," said Mr. bin Laden on an audiotape aired by al Jazeera TV. "But the more I hear about Kerry's strategy of nuanced engagement, the more I like Bush. At least I know where I stand with the Great Satan from Texas." Mr. bin Laden said he was concerned that his emissaries would be "tied up for years in fruitless talks with the Kerry administration." "Next thing you know, al Qaeda will be chairing the U.N. Human Rights Commission," he said. "We don't have time for that kind of nonsense." The Kerry campaign released the following brief statement: "There are no longer any foreign leaders who support Senator Kerry's candidacy."
March 18, 2004
Scalia Questions Ginsburg's Absence from Cheney Duck Hunt
(2004-03-18) -- Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia today claimed that his colleague, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, should recuse herself from a case involving Vice President Dick Cheney because she refused to hunt ducks with Mr. Cheney in January. The statement comes in response to the Sierra Club's contention that Mr. Scalia should recuse himself, since he accompanied Mr. Cheney on the duck hunt. "Justice Ginsburg's failure to hunt ducks with the Vice President gives rise to questions of bias against him," said Mr. Scalia. "If she were truly objective, she would have hunted with Mr. Cheney and picked off a few ducks for which he was aiming, thereby demonstrating neither blinding affection nor prejudicial antipathy. I like the Vice President but, given the chance, I would shoot his duck...as I have amply demonstrated."
March 16, 2004
Bush: Foreign Leaders Want Me to Fix Kerry's Wagon
(2004-03-16) -- In the wake of claims by Democrat presidential candidate John Forbes Kerry that foreign leaders hope he wins the White House, President George Bush today said "unnamed foreign leaders told me they want me to clean Kerry's clock, you know, to fix his wagon." "They can't go out and say this publicly," Mr. Bush said, "but boy they look at you and say, 'You've got to pummel this wishy-washy appeaser. You've got to spank him with the buckle end of the belt'. Of course, I can't tell you who said that, but them foreigners want me to put a hurt on him." Mr. Bush, like Mr. Kerry, spends hours every day chatting with foreign leaders to find out what kind of American foreign policy will be most popular with them. And while Mr. Kerry speaks fluent French thanks to childhood summers spent at a family estate in Brittany, Mr. Bush speaks Spanish and Pig Latin, which he calls "the new Esperanto...the global language of diplomacy." "You wouldn't believe some of the things my foreign buddies have told me about Enator-say Erry-kay," said Mr. Bush. "It's all on the Q.T., of course." Al Qaeda Opens First Embassy in Madrid
(2004-03-16) -- Spain's newly-elected socialist prime minister today declared the start of a "new era of protection from terror" as he cut the ribbon at the grand opening of the al Qaeda embassy in downtown Madrid. The building, formerly known as the U.S. Embassy, will house the offices and "manufacturing facilities" of the global religious social services organization headed by renowned philosopher Usama bin Laden. "Spain's involvement in the war on terror caused the recent train station bombings," said Prime Minister-elect José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. "Now that the Spanish people have elected a socialist government, and embraced al Qaeda's diplomats, we have nothing to fear. Al Qaeda has promised to protect us from extremists like those at the U.S. White House and Pentagon." Mr. Zapatero said he was "pleasantly surprised at al Qaeda's reasonable pricing for high-quality protection."
March 15, 2004
Countless Dozens Protest CNN Coverage of Iraq
(2004-03-15) -- Countless dozens of protestors marched on CNN's Atlanta headquarters today to speak out against the Cable News Network's "barrage of negative coverage" about the U.S. role in the liberation of Iraq. The event followed a CNN story about an anti-war march in Washington D.C., which the network claimed drew a crowd estimated by police to number "in the low triple-digits." No independent crowd-size estimate was available for the Atlanta protest, but organizers said several cases of bottled water were consumed and at least one participant claimed he was inadvertently jostled by a fellow protestor. "This is arguably as massive as the anti-war march in D.C.," one organizer shouted over the din of several clusters of chatting protestors. "We figured if we could get a crowd this large, then CNN would have to cover the march even though we're protesting their coverage. You just can't ignore the roar of the vox populi." |
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