YES! A Journal of Positive Futures
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Economic Alternatives

Sarah van Gelder
Fran Korten

YES! But How?
David Korten

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Making Peace

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The spring 2004 issue of YES is available now

A Conspiracy of Hope

International political movements are not new. What is new is the global convergence of values around peace, ecological sustainability, and the rights of people to self-determination and freedom from poverty. letter from the editor


a conspiracy of hope
Many thought the global movement against unfair trade started in Seattle 1999. But going back over 200 years, people have reached across borders to end the slave trade, shame a brutal colonial regime, and bring respite to laborers of the industrial revolution.
by Zahara Heckscher

making the whole world a witness
Human rights abuses thrive in the dark, dank world of censorship and government secrecy. What if those in danger could shine the light of publicity where it matters most?
by Dana Hughes

resources for crossing borders
Resources for global policy advocacy, consumer campaigns, education, media, books and films
by Becky Brun

report from the World Social Forum
What began as a counter to the elite World Economic Forum has become a global gathering for those who believe that another world is possible—and are making it so
by Frances F. Korten

appropriating the internet for global activism
Activists are appropriating the Internet to collaborate, get heard, and mobilize. But this is just the beginning
by Mark Surman & Katherine Reilly

etiquette for activists
Why do so many attempts to build coalitions across race and culture fail? These seasoned activists offer insights on what works—and what doesn’t
by Michael F. Leonen

Our readers choice: In the past 3 months, the most emailed articles have been:

the battle for water
Waste, pollution, population growth, global trade rules, and now privatization are threatening billions of people with water scarcity. How can we reclaim water for all life? by Tony Clarke & Maude Barlow

visualize a fair election in 2004
The techniques that brought us Florida 2000 are catching on across the U.S. Here’s how to take our elections back. by Greg Palast & Ina Howard

the war against ourselves
A career army officer went to the Gulf to bring US soldiers safely through nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare. What he experienced convinced him that war is obsolete. an interview with Major Doug Rokke

Check out our Back Issues:
whose water? cover
Whose Water?
Winter 2004
government cover photo
Government of the People
Fall 2003
finding courage cover
Finding Courage
Summer 2003
Our Planet, Our selves cover picture
Our Planet, Our Selves
Spring 2003
Democracy cover photo
What Would Democracy Look Like?
Winter 2003

cover: Arundhati Roy at the opening of the 2004 World Social Forum in Mumbai, India. Photo by Emmanuel Dunand /AFP/Getty Images

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We The People
Conversations on Being American

cover we the people video

Help us with the next issue of YES!
The next issue of YES! will focus on the good life. Just what is the good life, or a good life? Is it a life filled with material possessions and money, or is it something else? Read more.

Positive Futures Network is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting people's active engagement in creating a more just, sustainable, and compassionate world. PFN is the publisher of YES! A Journal of Positive Futures.

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