
Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Lying Liar Radio

If you can’t beat them, join them…

Well, they can try right?

So thus begins the experimental “Liberal Talk Radio” the voice of the Democrat Party, funded of course, by rich Democrats…

So they’re calling it “Air America Radio” – that’s rich.

The golden boy of the new DNC Radio Network, Al Franken, must have had a whole class of Harvard students help him conjour up the line “We are flaming swords of justice … Bush is going down, he is going down, he is going down. And we’re going to help him,” while rallying a party of instant fans ("just add water") last night.

Did anyone listen to it at all today? I heard a clip of it on real talk radio… and boy was it bad… It wasn’t even talking politics it was just really juvenile yapping…

I don’t give it too long… Of course, I fully expect the funders of this project to fund it as long as they can - even when it is clear it won’t be profitable. How else will they save face after all the time, money, hatred, and ignorance they invested in this.

I would like to ask one question though…

I’ve heard accusations from the left that Republicans ”drape themselves in the flag,” so to speak.

I find it so curious that the Left criticizes conservatives for allegedly aligning “patriotism” with their ideals, and yet far left liberals get a pass for “draping themselves in ‘America’”.

Think about it.

Howard Dean has/had a website called “Dean For America” and on it, a blog called “Blog For America” (which is now called “Democracy for America” - which is another topic for another time.)

This Commie Radio Network as well, is doing the same thing, calling itself “Air America”

Is this suddenly and somehow “American talk radio”? Do only “good Americans” listen to this network? Is there any doubt this name is deliberate? Liberals, who can’t succeed in talk radio on their own have to privately fund their own network, thanks to rich Democrats (yes, they exist) and they have the gaul to plaster “America” on it? I’m sorry, but the only thing American about talk radio is what is labeled “conservative talk radio” — and I’ll tell you why.

No, not because it’s conservative, but because the conservatives who have made it big in talk radio did it by starting small and working their way up. They were good at what they did, and got better over the years, built up an audience, and ultimately became a success. That’s the American Dream. That’s American talk radio.

Al Franken wouldn’t know the American dream if it bitch slapped him. I’ve done talk radio radio before - I had a radio show my senior year of college… It’s hard work. All the rich Democrats in the world can’t buy the hard work and talent it takes to sustain a radio show.

The glory days of Liberal Talk Radio will be short lived. They ought to enjoy these first few days, because it’s only going to go downhill from there…

It’s Wictory Wednesday

The Bush ads are working. Here’s what Gallup has to say about them:

In a survey taken in mid-February, Kerry led Bush by 28 percentage points in [17 swing states where the ads are airing], 63% to 35%. Now Bush leads Kerry in them by six points, 51% to 45%.

In contrast, there has been much less volatility in states where the ads haven’t aired. Kerry held a four-point lead in them in February; Bush holds a two-point lead now.

Running those ads costs money. Every dollar you contribute ensures that several voters in a swing state see an ad exposing Kerry’s ultra-liberal record.

Today is Wictory Wednesday. Every Wednesday, dozens of bloggers ask their readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush 2004 campaign.

If you’re a blogger, you can join Wictory Wednesdays simply by putting up a post like this one every Wednesday, asking your readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush campaign. And then e-mail so that you’ll be added to the Wictory Wednesday blogroll, which will be part of the Wictory Wednesday post on all participating blogs:

Content courtesy of Blogs For Bush

Sunday, March 28, 2004

The First Interview on “The Margolis Incident”

The morning after “The Margolis Incident” I got a call from WEEI Sports Radio 850AM, who had seen the Herald article on the brawl. He had just spoken with my brother Aaron and wanted to interview us both. Around 7:30 Aaron and I were on the air talking about it.

Click here for the audio of the interview.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

“The Margolis Incident”

I’m sure by now many have been waiting to hear my account of what happened last night in Boston, while Bush was holding a fundraiser.

As you might know, I live near Boston, and when I found out Bush was going to be in the city, I was very excited. I had planned with a few friends of mine (most of them I met through Free Republic) to go down to show our support for President Bush.

I had a wooden stick with some Bush-Cheney ‘04 rally signs secured to it, and an “I Blog For Bush” sign with a “Massachusetts is Bush Country” sign on the reverse side.

My brother Aaron and I arrived at the intersection of Arlington and Boylston Streets around 5:15pm. The anti-Bush crowd was out in full force. They weren’t necessarily Kerry fans, but they included environmental activists, union workers, anti-war protesters, and plenty of other interesting types.

Aaron and I joined up with our group of friends who were already there. There was about nine of us. Now, keep in mind, we were not the only Bush supporters there – there was in fact a sizeable number of College Republicans there, who we had been with but got separated from, as Tyler from Pardon My English, who was part of my group notes:

The local group of FReepers got separated from the main group of Bush supporters. The main group included about 45-60 College Republicans (hailing from Emerson, Emmanuel, Tuft’s, Harvard (I was shocked, too), Boston University, and Boston College). The FReepers, all 9 of us, were on the other side of a wall of union members. The union members let their true colors shine when they started making gay jokes. Yes…the people who are protesting Bush, who opposes gay marriage, were making gay jokes. It didn’t end with gay jokes, they also tossed out the incest, Oedipal incest, and pedophilic jokes. They were classy people.

I started out close to the barricades completely surrounded by union workers and other anti-Bush protesters who were clearly not thrilled by my presence. I am not exaggerating when I tell you, at times, it did not feel safe. Between anti-Bush protesters who were attacking us verbally, to those who made many attempts to block or steal my sign, they did everything they could to make us feel unwelcome.

Friday, March 26, 2004

Yes, That Was Me

Things got a little rough in Boston last night:

A brawl erupted between opponents and supporters of President Bush last night behind police barricades a block from his fund-raiser at the Park Plaza Hotel.

Two Bush supporters, twin brothers Matt and Aaron Margolis, traded blows at the corner of Arlington and Boylston streets with several men who they said were union members.

The fight started after a man wearing an Ironworkers Local 7 sweatshirt, perched atop a subway entrance, repeatedly taunted the brothers.

“They told us to get out of here or we’d get beaten up,'’ said Matt Margolis, 24, of Beverly.

“I said, `I support your freedom of speech - please support mine. Come on down and we can have a conversation.’

“He jumped down and swung on my brother. Then they all jumped in and tore our signs apart.'’

More to come on this later…

UPDATE 2: Tyler at Pardon My English, (who was there with us) has a write up of what happened. Mine is on the way.
UPDATE: 3: My full account of the brawl (or on Blogs For Bush.)

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

What A Dick (Clarke)

Well, I suppose you can draw your own conclusions, but Fox News has just uncovered an interview of Richard Clarke from 2002 shows him defending the Bush administration and it’s policies towards al-Qaeda.

It’s amazing how people’s views change when you get a book deal, right?

It’s Wictory Wednesday!

John Kerry’s campaign has already raised a record-breaking $15 million over the Internet this month alone! And they’re currently raising a million dollars a day. In fact, Kerry may very well raise a record $100 million before he accepts his party’s nomination at the end of July.

We have to face up to the fact that the Bush campaign is already being outspent on the airwaves by shadowy liberal groups with hundreds of millions of dollars from limousine liberals like George Soros. Add Kerry’s resources and we can expect a formidable barrage of anti-Bush ads on TV for the next several months.

Only you can help fight back against this assault. You have the power to even out the odds and give the Bush campaign the resources it needs to prevent an anti-war protester from becoming president.

Or maybe you’d prefer that President Kerry raise your taxes by a trillion dollars. He has already pledged to veto any attempt by Congress to extend the Bush tax cuts beyond their expiration date.

Today is Wictory Wednesday. Every Wednesday, dozens of bloggers ask their readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush 2004 campaign.

If you’re a blogger, you can join Wictory Wednesdays simply by putting up a post like this one every Wednesday, asking your readers to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush campaign. And then e-mail so that you’ll be added to the Wictory Wednesday blogroll, which will be part of the Wictory Wednesday post on all participating blogs:

Content courtesy of Blogs For Bush