
Monday, June 16, 2003

The Bastardization of Democracy

Are Democrats stupid? Or are they just blinded by their prejudice against conservatives?

I am not kidding. This is getting beyond prejudice. It’s at a point of absolute bigotry.

Senator Patrick Leahy, of Vermont has urged President Bush to consult “with him and other leading Democrats before choosing a nominee, should a vacancy occur” in the U.S. Supreme Court.

Ex-fucking-cuse me?

Bite my ass, Leahy. Who the fuck are you to tell the President he should consult with you about his judicial nominees?

Bush has it within his power to nominate whomever he pleases.

Do you see what is going on here? Leahy wants to undermine the system of checks and balances by suggesting the President basically get the Democrats permission to nominate a candidate for the bench.

The New York Times reported on June 15, 2003:

In two recent letters to the White House, Mr. Leahy, the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, said that if Mr. Bush took advantage of a vacancy on the court to select a staunchly conservative judge, it would produce a political war that would upset the nation and diminish respect for the courts.

Bush isn’t the one gridlocking the courts by using filibusters to keep his nominees from getting confirmed. Of course, to Leahy and the Democrats, this is all Bush’s fault. I can’t believe Leahy had the audacity to suggest Bush consult with him on his nominees.

Mr. Leahy said his two letters urging a bipartisan process, the one on Wednesday and one sent on May 14, had not been answered.

Ha! A Democrat is urging a “bipartisan process”??? Is that what these filibusters have been - the championship of democracy and bipartisanship? Pardon me, Senator Leahy, but kiss my ass with your version of bipartisanship.

“The courts are the one part of government people yearn to believe is free of politics,” Mr. Leahy said. “That’s why the Florida case shook people so much,” a reference to the Supreme Court ruling in Bush v. Gore that resulted in Mr. Bush’s presidency.

Once again… the 2000 Election. It never ends. It just never ends.

Although the Senate has 51 Republicans, a bare majority, Democrats have blocked votes on two appeals court nominees and are likely to do so with other candidates, by mounting filibusters, or extended debates.

Breathe in that pure air of bipartisanship.

I am saying for the record now, that the next time the Democrats are in the White House (God forbid) that they are going to lay in they made for themselves.

They have perverted the judicial nomination process.
They have undermined the Constitution.
They have belittled the powers of the President.
They have blemished the purity of Democracy.

This is could set the most dangerous precedent in our government that could ultimately lead to the deterioration of the court system.

A bleak future awaits us.

I see no reason why Republicans should continue to play fair and let left-wing nominees get their fair shot at confirmations the next time a Democrat is in the White House (God forbid.) Why should they? Democrats always accuse the Republicans of playing hard and unfair – maybe it’s time to actually do that.

Fight fire with fire. Show the Democrats what it’s like to be on the receiving end of dirty tricks.

Fair game right? Should be.

Will it get to a point where the two-party system breaks down into an ridiculous and constant power struggle to constantly cripple the majority party to a state of non-productivity? Will it always be about opposing your political adversaries, and not doing what’s right for America?

For the Democrats, that is what it has been: Opposing the Republicans at all costs, at the expense of America.

America is the big loser here. Thanks to the DNC and their bastardization of democracy.


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  1. Judicial nominees to this point: 129.
    Confirmed: 127.

    Exactly what is it you’d like, Matt? 100%? I see that since you are in favor of changing the rules- changing the way the confirmation process happens to pretty much ensure WHATEVER party is in power (as your party so desperately desires), that you must be pretty angry about a mere 99.7% confirmation as well. DOn’t like the way the game is played? Well, let’s change the rules! Unfortunately, this will only go your way while your party is in power… and who will you blame when thei “rule change” goes against you? Well, the Democrats, of course. Because that is what politicos an pundits do.

    Opposing Republicans at all corts my ass. 127 out of 129. YOu know where all of this comes from? THe fact that the Republicans are in complete control And when things don’t happen the way they wanted, they need to make sure there is someone to blame.
    Well, KEEP BLAMING. True meaning of conservatism: NOTHING EVER CHANGES. You and the Democrats deserve each other. YOU PARTY PEOPLE represent EVERYTHING that is WRONG with this country.

    THe only difference between Hard Republicans and Hard Dems is that at least the dems LISTEN to you before they slam you. You “party faithful” sheep will be slamming my “ignorance” and “bigotry” before you even finish reading my statement.
    Tow the party line, sheep. Keep thinking what they tell you to.

    As for your tirade on bigotry and blind prejudice… you are a hypocrite.

    Comment by Dr. Benway — Monday, June 16, 2003 @ 1:43 pm

  2. Here, here Doc. And by the way, Matt, have you ever actually read the constitution? I’ll bet you can’t even tell us where the constitution mentions the appointment of judges? I’ll give you a day. But beware… if you do happen to locate it you’ll find that Leahy is not so far out of line.

    Comment by Jack — Monday, June 16, 2003 @ 5:38 pm

  3. You’re right Dr. Benway. I was slamming your “ignorance” and “bigotry” before I even finished reading. Such a mean mean world.

    Comment by Courtney — Monday, June 16, 2003 @ 10:30 pm

  4. Jack,

    I accepted your challenge. Please see my blog entry entitled “The Bastardization of Democracy - Part II”

    Dr. Benway, you’re next.

    Comment by Matt Margolis — Monday, June 16, 2003 @ 11:49 pm

  5. One of the most clearly stated and passionate shootdowns of the Democrats process. I do love to see someone being slap in the face honest.

    Comment by Spencer — Tuesday, June 17, 2003 @ 1:16 am

  6. I’m going to start off by saying this isn’t a Dem/Rep issue.
    Bush is an idiot. You are an idiot for backing him. John McCane deserved the nomination and the presidency.
    Well since we can’t change the past maybe we should look to the future. Put aside your partisanship,
    if thats even possible for you. From your comments it appears that you’ve got your Republican horse-blinders
    well in place. As a fellow Republican, I’m hoping beyond hope that Retired General Wesley Clark makes it out
    as the Democratic nominee. He’s the better man, in just about every way concievable. I’m just curious if you
    can even admit that to yourself. I doubt it, I’m sure you’ll come up with some assinine reason you feel George
    is better then a man with 3 times his intelligence, experience, negotiating power.. . etc etc. You’ve got your
    convictions, your blog, and your opinion, however blind and stupid they may be. God Bless America.

    Comment by Chris — Thursday, January 22, 2004 @ 7:19 pm

  7. Chris,

    If Bush didn’t deserve the nomination, (and you think this) why on earth can you not spell John McCain?

    So why don’t you take your stupid comments elsewhere. You only make yourself look like an idiot.

    Comment by Matt Margolis — Friday, January 23, 2004 @ 12:10 am

  8. That is a great point Matt, and probably the only one you could have possible made to rebut
    my statement. I’m sure your high-school debate team would be very proud. However, your
    blind convictions and aptitude for spelling errors far outweigh your common sense and intelligence.

    Comment by Chris — Friday, January 23, 2004 @ 8:24 am

  9. Chris, the point is the whether or not John McCain deserved the nomination or not is irrelevent. It’s on the same lines as arguing over the 2000 Florida recount in 2004.

    Complain about the past all you want. I’m looking towards the future, and i see a brighter one with Bush getting a second term.

    Comment by Matt Margolis — Friday, January 23, 2004 @ 8:53 am

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