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Below is user information for Mirar. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:mirar (10764) mirar
Location:Falun, Dalarna, Sweden
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 7680463 (Add User, Send Message)
Interests:48: 3d design, 4x4, anime, architecture, art, calendars, cats, china, computer games, computer programming, computer security, counterstrike, crpg, cuddling, digital pictures, dogs, electronics, first person shooters, first person sneakers, fps level design, fun, genealogy, girls, guns, hiking, i18n, interesting people, japan, love, manga, more cuddling, mountainbiking, mythology, nature, niven, online chatting, peace, photography, photos, pratchett, rpg, science, science fiction, security, silent pc, sweden, thief, web design. [Modify yours]
Friends:63: anty, aspenamy, auroracity, awriter, behind_the_lens, blind_wolf, ciri, cnnmn, dawn_tigris, dcqueenking, dragonlicious, dragonyosh, elfwood, elfwoodprojects, elfwoodrant, elfwoodtech, ellenmillion, ew_gothic, grizz, gsveda, j3t, jeeptalk, jenni_the_odd, johannakatt, jokergirl, jwz, kali, kehrli, labluething, lightfeather, lj_maintenance, lj_swedish, lokisfern, lorriejharris, loth, lunghai, mebird, minnaloushe, mirar, mistiannyi, morrowind, niwi, nnaah, noceur, plague_dog, pussinboots, rivoclavis, sayaka, screever, sheepykins, snowunicorn, songblade, spiegelscherben, steppinrazor, tarlia, theroach, tongari, torrent, unmiserable, urban_decay, wildmage, xae, zahra
Friend of:47: abris, alfedenzo, altair99, amoryl, anty, aspenamy, awriter, blind_wolf, celedhel, dangercat, dawn_tigris, dragonlicious, dragonyosh, dutchsky, edfrogz, ellenmillion, eozarth, finne, gsveda, hillae, jenni_the_odd, jokergirl, juliagrady, kehrli, labluething, lightfeather, lorriejharris, markel, mebird, mirar, mistiannyi, noceur, pussinboots, quyetpawz, random_dragon, resavyn, richermes, rivoclavis, sheepykins, songblade, spiegelscherben, steppinrazor, taleck, theroach, torrent, wyldirishtric, zahra
Member of:12: auroracity, behind_the_lens, dcqueenking, elfwood, elfwoodrant, elfwoodtech, lj_dev, lj_swedish, loth, morrowind, setlang, urban_decay
Account type:Early Adopter

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