March 29, 2004

Tax-Funded Attacks Against White House Employees?!

Imagine you take a temporary job with your local school board, and that you are trying to encourage better educational standards. Let's say some school employees don't appreciate your changes to the curriculum. So, one Sunday afternoon, they grab the keys to a few school buses, fill them with a couple of hundred activists and impressionable kids from their classes, and truck on over to your house. These activists unload the adult instigators and the kids, and they surround your house and pound on your windows and scream at you all afternoon.

They also make sure that you understand that this is not an isolated incident, and that they will return, saying something like, "We will [come back] if he continues to ignore us."

Sound far-fetched? Ask Karl Rove.

You see, this Sunday, school employees from Wichita, Kansas, and Cleveland, Ohio, appear to have done exactly what I outlined above to the President's Senior Advisor, Karl Rove. They filled his small yard, surrounded his home while he was inside with his two young children, pounded on the walls and windows while screaming at him.

Several hundred people stormed the small yard of President Bush's chief political strategist, Karl Rove, yesterday afternoon, pounding on his windows, shoving signs at others and challenging Rove to talk to them about a bill that deals with educational opportunities for immigrants.

Protesters poured out of one school bus after another, piercing an otherwise quiet, peaceful Sunday in Rove's Palisades neighborhood in Northwest, chanting, "Karl, Karl, come on out! See what the DREAM Act is all about!"

Rove obliged their first request and opened his door long enough to say, "Get off my property."

"Seems like he doesn't want to invite us in for tea," Emira Palacios quipped to the crowd.

Others chanted, "Karl Rove ain't got no soul."

The crowd then grew more aggressive, fanning around the three accessible sides of Rove's house, tracking him through the many windows, waving signs that read "Say Yes to DREAM" and pounding on the glass. At one point, Rove rushed to a window, pointed a finger and yelled something inaudible.

. . .

Palacios, trembling and in tears herself, said, "He is very offended because we dared to come here. We dared to come here because he dared to ignore us. I'm sorry we disturbed his children, but our children are disturbed every day.

"He also said, 'Don't ever dare to come back,' " Palacios said. "We will, if he continues to ignore us."

And she apparently has the resources to follow through on her threat. You see, Ms. Palacios is not only one of the leaders of National People's Action, the group that attacked Mr. Rove and his family in his home, Ms. Palacios is an employee of Cloud Elementary School in Wichita, Kansas. What's more, her co-chair at National People's Action, Ms. Inez Killingsworth, is an employee of Alexander Hamilton Middle School in Cleveland, Ohio.

It is interesting that Ms. Killingsworth hails from Cleveland, because here is the picture from the Washington Post's account of the attack on Karl Rove's home:

"Christina Haynes, 11, of Cleveland and other demonstrators hold protest signs from school buses near the home of presidential adviser Karl Rove."

Given that, the relevant question here is where did the buses and the children come from?

It appears from this news article that Ms. Palacios and Ms. Killingsworth appropriated school buses and students from their respective schools. What's more, employees responsible for their students' safety appear to have purposefully placed these students into a violent and unpredictable situation, even encouraging them to form a mob and commit crimes against a person in his own home.

And they have threatened to do it again.

Ask the people responsible for Ms. Palacios and Ms. Killingsworth whether their school districts will continue to use taxpayer money to support political goon squads to attack people in their homes!

Ms. Palacios' Cloud Elementary School is located in District 6 of Wichita, Kansas. The Principal of the school is Ms. Carla Smith, and you can contact her by e-mail at The Board of Education member responsible for Cloud Elementary and Ms. Palacios is Mr. Lynn Rogers, and you can contact him by e-mail at

Ms. Killingsworth's Alexander Hamilton Middle School is located in Cleveland, Ohio. The Principal of the school is Mr. Hiawatha Shivers, and he may actually be complicit in the attack, given his involvement with these activist organizations, but you can contact him at (216) 561-3880. The Chairwoman on the Cleveland Board of Education is Margaret Hopkins, and you can contact her at (216) 361-8254. However, given the politically charged nature of Cleveland education, it may be more fruitful to contact the State Superintendent for Education, Dr. Susan Zellman, at (877) 644-6338.

Posted by Ryan at 06:57 AM | TrackBack (0)

March 26, 2004

Friday Blog Roundup (3/26/04)- The Good, the Great, and Noam Chomsky.

It's Friday, and that means it's time for the best and brightest blog posts of the week to get another airing at Tasty Manatees Friday Blog Roundup. Let's get right into it:

1. "Don't you love it when a plan comes together?".
Anyone bastardizing quotes from the A-Team in their titles gets automatic first billing here at Friday Blog Roundup. Actually, Donald Sensing's piece is a great rundown of the recent brouhaha over some dead-end staffer from the previous Administration staffer badmouthing the President:

You remember the old saying, "It's hard to remember that your job is to drain the swamp when you're up to your waist in alligators." The "it was a diversion" side wants to do nothing, really, except kill alligators, as long as they appear. The other side says that killing alligators must be done, but it's urgent to remove the gators' nesting places unless you want to fight alligators down to the fortieth generation.
Uh, "Bush Lied"? Please. One Hand Clapping.

2. "Part of the problem ".
Mike, at Cold Fury, agrees. He also provides an assessment of that dead-end staffer's previous approach to terrorist attacks on this country for the previous Administration. The assessment comes in the form of a lengthy letter from Christopher Shays, chairman of the House Government Reform Committee’s National Security Subcommittee, where Shays describes his encounters with Mr. Clark:

Before September 11, 2001, we held twenty hearings and two formal briefings on terrorism issues. Mr. Clarke was of little help in our oversight. When he briefed the Subcommittee, his answers were both evasive and derisive. He said a comprehensive threat assessment, as recommended by GAO, was too difficult.

Mr. Clark said it would be “silly” to try to articulate a national strategy. In lieu of a threat assessment or strategy, he offered a laundry list of terrorist groups, as if the fight against global terrorism were nothing more than a hunt for common criminals.

Clark was part of the problem before September 11 because he took too narrow a view of the terrorism threat. His approach was reactive and limited to swatting at the visible elements of al Qe’eda, not the hidden global network and its state sponsors.

The blind spots and vulnerabilities that contributed to the September 11, 2001 tragedy were apparent to many throughout the years. Mr. Clarke was in a position to do something about them. Three national commissions – Bremer, Gilmore, and Hart-Rudman – had concluded the U.S. needed a comprehensive threat assessment, a national strategy and a plan to reorganize the federal response to the new strategic menace of terrorism.

Yet no truly national strategy to combat terrorism was ever produced during Mr. Clarke’s tenure. Instead, several presidential directives and a Justice Department five-year law enforcement plan were clumsily lashed together and called a strategy.

After his uninformative briefing, we wrote to Mr. Clarke asking for written answers to specific questions: Why was there no threat assessment? When would there be a strategy? Who was responsible for coordinating federal spending and the federal response? We never got a satisfactory answer. A copy of our letter to Mr. Clarke is enclosed.

On January 22, 2001, the Subcommittee wrote to Dr. Condoleeza Rice to express our concerns about Mr. Clarke’s narrow view of the terrorist threat and the urgency of mounting a strategic response. A copy of that letter is enclosed as well.

But then, it doesn't really matter if the man was a complete incompetent who was partially responsible for the deaths of thousands of his countrymen, because his book is selling like hotcakes, isn't it? Cold Fury.

3. "Understanding March 20".
Noam Chomsky has a blog. And it is just about as intelligent and thoughtful as you would expect. Welcome to the Blogosphere, Noam, but just so you know, we haven't drunk the Kool-Ade.

Noam's most fun post this week? A little self-congratulatory post on the importance of three or four dozen communists marching on behalf of Islamic jihad against the West. Take it away, Noam:

The pre-war demonstrations were without historical precedent, and surely important. The anniversary demos were also without precedent, and again surely will have an impact.
You're right, Noam. This certainly had an impact on my thoughts about your friends at the Workers' World Party.
Peace Protest 3 (Resistance).jpg

Obviously no one expects the same turnout in a mass effort to prevent a war and in a later mass effort to compel the occupiers to grant Iraqis authentic sovereignty, along with a host of other highly significant concerns.
Translation: Please don't desert me even though it's obvious that my movement only has about two dozen followers and they're all off their medication. I'm still important! Helter Skelter! Helter Skelter!

Check out this prolific hack's entire blog. Don't worry, it will only take you about five minutes, and there isn't anything there that requires serious thought. Sorry, no permalinks, because it appears that setting up an archive with Movable Type is beyond Chomsky's abilities. One wonders how he finds the door in the morning to get out of the house. Noam Chomsky.

[Update- Looks like Chomsky has deleted all the comments on his site and closed the posts for comments. I don't blame him. If every post I put up elicited hundreds of separate well-thought and intelligent comments on what a joke I was, I would feel a little disheartened myself. Perhaps next this mental giant will figure out how to set up archives with Movable Type?]

4. "Sheik Ahmed Yassin: Terrorism, in his own words".
Yourish is dead-on. Check out what Hamas' "spiritual leader" had to say in the year leading up to his death. Meryl Yourish.

5. "If You Say Bush Lied About WMD, Then You Better Call Kerry A Liar Too".
John Kerry just revealed himself to be a disturbingly humorless, disgustingly partisan attack robot. In the process, he accused the Commander-in-Chief of telling lies to the American people. John Hawkins also has a spiffy new graphic which makes it clear that if you're going to call the President a "liar", you had better apply the same appellation to distinguished attack droid from Massachusetts. Right Wing News.

Posted by Ryan at 07:36 AM | TrackBack (0)

March 24, 2004

I forgot.

Check out John Moore's discussion of Senator Kerry's forgetful nature when it comes to youthful indiscretions. Personally, my guess is that Kerry realized things were getting out of hand and figured it was time to go. That much is understandable, but Kerry seems to have a hard time admitting when he's done the right thing.

Posted by Ryan at 11:54 PM | TrackBack (0)

March 22, 2004

We Have Met the Enemy...

There were a few "anti-war" protests this weekend. None in Washington, I'm afraid, but a few dozen people apparently showed up in San Francisco and New York. Pretty much the hard core of the enemy's propaganda machine.

Peace Protest 3 (Resistance).jpg
Five. Minutes. Alone.

Peace Protest 8 (March 20 SF).jpg
Apparently, this American protestor supports the murder of American women and children to further his political aims. I'm sorry, I meant to say, "Apparently this American protestor supports the murder of American women and children to further his political aims, and he is too stupid to realize that he wasn't supposed to come out and say it."

(From a rally held March 20 in San Francisco, courtesy of this guy.)

[Update- The Mudville Gazette has an excellent roundup of all this weekend's action. Links abound.

Also, check out Citizen Smash, who attended the San Diego protest. He even interviewed the leader of the UC San Diego "International Socialist Orginization", who spoke on how people need to support the "resistance" against our soldiers in Iraq. This insipid young lady expressed her support for the murder of Americans to Citizen Smash (specifically, Lt. Smash's friends). All I have to say is that Smash has unbelievable self-restraint.]

Posted by Ryan at 12:08 PM | TrackBack (0)

March 18, 2004

Foresight Versus Hindsight.

This was John Kerry's foresight in 1984, as he campaigned for votes in Massachusetts:


Here is John Kerry's hindsight as to his defense policy up to the moment he decided to run for President:

These weapons became conversation topics at American dinner tables during the Iraq war, but candidate Kerry in 1984 said he would have voted to cancel many of them -- the B-1 bomber, B-2 stealth bomber, AH-64 Apache helicopter, Patriot missile, the F-15, F-14A and F-14D jets, the AV-8B Harrier jet, the Aegis air-defense cruiser, and the Trident missile system.

He also advocated reductions in many other systems, such as the M1 Abrams tank, the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, the Tomahawk cruise missile, and the F-16 jet.

In retrospect, Kerry said some of his positions in those days were "ill-advised, and I think some of them are stupid in the context of the world we find ourselves in right now and the things that I've learned since then."

For those of you who have been wondering, this is the reason I have been so critical of John Kerry. In an age where foreign enemies are planning to incinerate me and the people I love, John Kerry has no foresight in national security policy. His political instinct is to take the easy votes from his "anti-war" base, and ignore the consequences of his actions.

John Kerry's brilliant hindsight won't help our soldiers in the field, and it certainly won't bring the victims of terrorists back from the dead.

I want foresight, not hindsight.

Posted by Ryan at 09:51 AM | Comments(7) | TrackBack (1)

March 16, 2004

An Appeal to Honor.

John Kerry has it completely within his power to protect the national security of the United States and save American lives. He also has the opportunity to do the honorable thing, and we must call on him to do it.

For those who have been following along, Spain recently capitulated in the face of a terrorist attack, and voted to change its foreign policy to appease Al Qaeda. Cobardes all across Spain voted to drop to their knees before a terrorist threat, and a Spanish politician quickly used the blood of his countrymen to effect the terrorists' demands.

Now, because of Spain's cowardice, the terrorists we are fighting around the world will rationally believe that it is in their best interest to murder Americans. After all, Democratic candidate John Kerry has repeatedly claimed that our invasion and liberation of Iraq has led to more terrorist attacks against Americans and less help from allies abroad, the same claim that Spanish Socialist and newly elected Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has made. One cannot blame foreign terrorists for thinking that if they murder a large number of Americans on our own soil, much as they did in Spain, a U.S. politician would act no differently than a Spanish politician.

This is how John Kerry can save American lives.

Senator Kerry can come forward now and state clearly and unequivocally that he will not accept personal political gain from the murder of Americans. John Kerry can make it known that if terrorists kill Americans before the election in a bid to unseat the President, he will bow out of the race.

"Preposterous!" you say. "It would mean giving George Bush the White House for four more years, quite possibly allowing him to harm national security even further in his unilateral quest for Empire!"

Perhaps. If you believe that President Bush' foreign policy leaves much to be desired, you are certainly entitled to think that President Bush's re-election is a possible outcome that would be worse for the country in the long run.

But it is a 100% certainty that Al Qaeda will murder Americans since the tactic worked so well in Spain. Americans will die because Al Qaeda hates George W. Bush and is willing to take a gamble on John Kerry. America is already engaged in a full-blown war to annihilate terrorists where they live, they would be fools not to take the bet that they can divide us with our own blood.

Senator Kerry, I call on you to save your fellow Americans from foreign assassins. It's the honorable thing, it's the right thing. Stand up for your countrymen and tell the terrorists they will not win here.

Posted by Ryan at 01:12 PM | Comments(20) | TrackBack (4)

March 09, 2004

What are You Doing for Your Soldiers?

This is a special request both for readers in the Washington, DC area and those outside Washington. As you know, many men have been seriously wounded in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. This is a price they have paid to ensure our security. We should do everything we can to provide them comfort and support as they heal.

Recovery is a long and hard process for some of these soldiers. When men injured in combat are brought home for treatment, they are primarily sent to Walter Reed Army Medical Center, in suburban Washington, DC. There, they are supported by a professional and dedicated staff in the highest quality hospital I have ever seen. However, the men and their families can use your help with basic items that can make the process easier, and your well-wishes and support help men stay strong.

Here are three ways you can provide comfort and assistance to the men who have served our country:

1. Visit Them!

For those within the Washington, D.C. metro-area:

Walter Reed's Wounded Soldier

"Birthday Parties".

If you haven't been to a Walter Reed "birthday party", you should go this Saturday, March 13. Volunteers and the staff at Walter Reed Army Hospital have set up a birthday party/reception for wounded soldiers on the second Saturday of every month (many times, even soldiers whose birthdays aren't in that month attend, as well). These parties are well-attended by soldiers and visitors, and it is a great opportunity to sit and visit with the men, hear their stories, and give them your companionship and support. The men at Walter Reed could use basic convenience items, like phone cards, but most of all, they are bored and would like to hang out with you.

Especially if you are an attractive young lady.

Seriously, these guys are average men, just like the rest of us, and they are bored, lonely, and wounded. Almost to a man, the soldiers remain positive, and every person who can drop by and provide material assistance and companionship helps them get better. Come this Saturday, March 13, and visit with your soldiers.

This week's Wounded Soldiers' Birthday Party will be held in the Dining Hall at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, located at 6900 Georgia Ave., NW. It is just a few minutes off the Beltway, simply take the Georgia Ave. exit and drive south for a few miles, you'll see it on the right, just past Silver Spring.

The Birthday Party is held on the second Saturday of every month, from 12:00 to 3:00 P.M. If you have any questions, you can contact the organizer, Karen Theobald, either by e-mail at, or by phone at (703) 907-2342.

Remember to bring gifts. Here are a few of the more popular items with the soldiers:

1. Phone Cards- You can get phone cards at Target or almost any grocery store with tons of time on them for the soldiers to use to call home.
2. Phone cards- Seriously, these are popular.
3. Movies- If you can get first-run DVD's or VHS, these are popular. Otherwise, go with a Blockbuster gift card (that way, they can choose what they want). The staff show DVD's to gatherings, and most of the individual soldiers' rooms have VHS players and t.v.'s for the soldiers to watch movies on their own.
4. Gift Certificates to Clothing Stores- Although it's been nice lately, most of these guys are shipped over here with no clothing of their own. They are issued some basic necessities, but many of them will need clothes for moving around the medical center (it's cold in Washington, and Walter Reed is huge). These guys appreciate gift certificates to stores like Old Navy (there's one nearby), The Gap, or other chain stores. The soldiers have volunteers available who can go get them clothing.
5. Magazines, board games, cards, etc.- Again, these guys have a lot of free time on their hands. Maxim seems to be pretty popular.
6. Phone Cards.
7. Gift certificates to pizza chains that deliver, or other fast food chains- The men's families appreciate any help with their expenses in visiting Washington. Also, some of the less seriously wounded men are in dormitory or off-campus housing, and these gift certificates can come in really helpful.

See you there.

2. Provide Gifts Through the

Pentagon Foundation

For those outside Washington, D.C.:

Pentagon Foundation's Military


Donate to the Pentagon Foundation. The Pentagon Foundation's Military Heroes program provides financial and material support to wounded soldiers and their families staying with them near Walter Reed in Washington. The money you give is devoted to providing comfort to the men who have given of themselves for you and providing comfort to the families that support them.

Even if you can only give $10 or $20, do so right now.

3. Send Them Your Support!

Keep the Cards and Letters


Your well-wishes mean something. Most of us haven't been placed in the situation where strangers pray for us, but these men could use it. Send cards and letters to:

OEF/OIF Soldiers Care of: Col. Jonathan Jaffin
6825 16th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20307

If you have visited a soldier at one of the Birthday Parties, this is a good opportunity to follow up with him and let him know you're keeping him in your prayers and hoping for his speedy recovery.

If you would simply like to send a gift for the men, see the list of recommended items above, and send it to Col. Jaffin with a note, explaining that the gift is for the men.

Posted by Ryan at 08:00 AM | TrackBack (4)

March 08, 2004

Carnival of the Capitalists.

Check out this week's Carnival of the Capitalists at Catallarchy!

Posted by Ryan at 02:22 PM | TrackBack (0)

Jesse Jackson is Not On Our side.

In case you didn't miss it, Jesse Jackson is claiming that Haitian strongman Jean Bertrand Aristide was somehow kidnapped by U.S. forces and removed from power in Haiti. Jackson led a protest this weekend that called for the United States to re-install Aristide in power.

When Jackson first began making his asinine pronouncements, I questioned his loyalty. I did this because Jackson has allied himself with a foreign despot against his own countrymen.

Now, Bloomberg is reporting that Jesse Jackson's friend Aristide is calling on his supporters to "resist" U.S. Marine peacekeepers:

"Exiled former Haitian President Jean- Bertrand Aristide today called on his supporters to peacefully resist foreign peacekeeping troops in the Caribbean nation, a day after six people were killed at an anti-Aristide demonstration, Agence France-Presse reported.

'I am the democratically elected president of the republic of Haiti and I remain the constitutional president,' Aristide told French radio from the Central African Republic, according to AFP. 'The Haitian people are resisting and must continue their peaceful resistance against this unacceptable occupation, following an equally unacceptable political kidnapping.'

Demonstrators blamed the violence in the capital, Port-au- Prince, on Aristide supporters and said French and U.S. peacekeepers hadn't provided enough security, AFP said. The protesters called for Aristide to be returned to Haiti and put on trial. A Spanish television journalist was among those killed when gunmen fired on the crowd. Thirty-four people were hurt. "

A U.S. journalist was also wounded in the attack by Aristide's supporters.

Jesse Jackson is now supporting a foreign insurgency against an American peacekeeping operation. That's known as "treason". American soldiers have their lives on the line, and a bought-and-paid-for lobbyist is propagandizing on behalf of the foreign thug coordinating the attacks against them.

Loud and clear, any American who provides aid and support to Aristide is directly responsible for Aristide's actions.

Posted by Ryan at 11:39 AM | TrackBack (0)

Memorable Words
"I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it."John Kerry, explaining his "nuanced" vote to strip U.S. soldiers in combat of pay, equipment, and supplies. Shortly after voting to abandon U.S. troops in the field, Senator Kerry was able to overtake Democratic anti-war candidate Howard Dean.
Comfort the Wounded
Pentagon Foundation.jpg

Help comfort wounded soldiers and their families with a tax-deductible donation to the Pentagon Federal Credit Union's Military Heroes fund. Your donation goes to cover expenses for comfort items for the wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, as well as family members staying with them. Even if you can only afford to give $20, please do it.
"Choose Peace"- A 33-second video.
(Right Click, "Save as").

Choose Peace.jpg
Because for too long, Americans have treated war and peace as if it were up to us to "choose" between them.

Go with a proven team!
Recent Entries
Tax-Funded Attacks Against White House Employees?!
Friday Blog Roundup (3/26/04)- The Good, the Great, and Noam Chomsky.
I forgot.
We Have Met the Enemy...
Foresight Versus Hindsight.
An Appeal to Honor.
What are You Doing for Your Soldiers?
Carnival of the Capitalists.
Jesse Jackson is Not On Our side.
Five Items (3/8/04).
Venezuela's Communist Revolution, Part II.
Kerry's Big Endorsement.
I heard somewhere that if you don't link to Glenn Reynolds, he might come to your house and eat your puppy. I don't personally believe it, but why risk it? And anyways, his site has great links and some insightful analysis. Indeed.
Belmont Club
I highly recommend this site. Wretchard posts pieces every day or two on world events that are unfailingly thoughtful and offer in-depth historical perspective on current events. Not to be missed.
Carnival of the Capitalists
An astounding collection of economics and business discussion by some of the brightest minds I have ever seen.
Professor Bainbridge
Amazing blog with some down-in-the-dirt corporate law and insightful commentary on law and economics. I give it five gavels!
Strong stuff on the War on Terror.
The European resistance.
Patriot Paradox
Interviews and commentary.
Watcher of Weasels
Very cool page of rotating links to outstanding pieces on the web.
Business Pundit
A well-done page on free markets and business analysis. Rob is one of the founders of the Carnival of the Capitalists.
Useful Fools
A cool Arizona blog.
Damnum Absque Injuria
Great political and legal commentary from the unpronouncible XRLQ.
Daniel Drezner
I find myself agreeing with Dan Drezner a lot. Drop in here to find thoughtful analysis and good links to in-depth pieces.

Other Sites
Allah Is In The House
This is very wrong, but so funny I had to include it.
I think Frank J. may be just slightly too cool for school.
Drudge Report
If you don't know what this is, tough.
Wall Street Journal- Best of the Web
Check it once a day, usually in the late afternoon.
The Lotar
College foosball. Abusive dementia. Lunatic picks. Florida State over Miami? Please.
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