Angry Black Guy Stuff
April 09, 2004

Because it's all Angry Black Guy Stuff, All The Time, here at Yes indeedy do.

Alison Krauss + Union Station will perform the National Anthem at the Sunday, April 11th Playoff Series between the Nashville Predators and the Detroit Red Wings.  This will be the third game of this Western Conference Quaterfinal Playoff.  The game starts at 3:00 PM CST, and for those of you who cannot attend the sold out game it will be broadcast on ESPN and FOX.  Check your local listings.

From the Official Site of Alison Krauss + Union Station, which is a huge hangout for Angry Black Guys. Totally.

Not speaking of which:

AKUS Tour Dates
  • Thursday, May 6, 2004 Columbus, OH
  • Friday, May 7, 2004 Cincinnati, OH
  • Saturday, May 8, 2004 Chicago, IL
  • Sunday, May 9, 2004 Milwaukee, WI
  • Tuesday, May 11, 2004 Minneapolis, MN

I'm confident I'll miss all of these -- never met an opportunity I couldn't squander/blow in some way, shape or form -- but perhaps someone else will manage to make it to one of them.

Oh, and while we're not on the subject, from Sony Music Nashville:

Upcoming TV Appearances
April 21 Mary Chapin Carpenter on NBC's "Today Show"
April 27 Mary Chapin Carpenter on David Letterman

In support of Between Here And Gone, her new cd set for release on the 27th.

Also, from Tour Dates:

Emmylou, Patty Griffin, Buddy Miller, Gillian Welch and David Rawlings will join one another for a unique tour beginning in August in Atlanta, Georgia. Dubbing the tour "Sweet Harmony Traveling Revue," the set will be varied, featuring ensemble performances, solo numbers and, at times, instrument swapping. "Sweet Harmony Traveling Revue" will visit 14 cities on its three-week run, including New York's Central Park on August 18, and will wrap up August 29 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Closest show to me is the August 25th performance in beautiful(?) Cleveland, OH.

Road trip, baby.

I suppose Michelle won't let me stand on a chair front-row center while Emmylou plays, wearing a t-shirt saying DO ME, so maybe I shouldn't go with her. . .

She's an Angry Black Guy too, you know.

Do I mean Michelle or Emmylou?


Posted by Aaron at 05:43 PM Comment (1) Trackback (0)
Some brief notes of an explanatory nature
April 09, 2004


Good night England.
Good night Home Service and V for Victory.
Hello the Voice of Fate and V for Vendetta.
--Alan Moore.

From the introduction to V for Vendetta, which, like anything else by Alan Moore, is a Comic Worth Reading.

Even if Johanna doesn't appear to have reviewed it yet. . .

Anyway, that's the source of the current slogan. The current site name is from:

Double V

The Double V Campaign
Victory at Home Victory Abroad

Shortly after America’s entrance in to World War II, The [Pittsburgh] Courier launched "The Double V Campaign" (Double V). Under the theme of "Democracy: Victory at Home, Victory Abroad" The Courier remained patriotic, yet pushed for civil rights for blacks. It was very important that the campaign show loyalty towards the war effort, since the black press had been criticized for pushing their own agenda ahead of the national agenda.

[. . .] The campaign was created by James G. Thompson, of Wichita, KS. In a January 31, 1942 letter to the editor, titled, "Should I Sacrifice To Live ‘Half American?’" Thompson urged that such a campaign would set apart the confusion of a black American at the time. Formally debuting February 7, 1942, Double V, appeared only as the insignia; DEMOCRACY on top of two interlocking "V’s" with a crest that included "Double Victory" and AT HOME - ABROAD at the bottom of the logo. An eagle perched across the crest.

That's the symbol I mentioned yesterday.

I think it's time to bring that one back.

It's just, not only am I not sure what "Victory" means, or would look like, I'm not entirely certain that's what the Vs should stand for in the first place.

And I confess, Vendetta may not be the best choice.

Posted by Aaron at 08:20 AM Comment (0) Trackback (0)
Flashback Friday: May We Bang You?
April 09, 2004

Put in mind of This Old Entry by a post at Electrolite:

These people aren’t frightening because they’re strong. They’re frightening because they’re cowardly and weak.

Where "These people" is a reference to the hard right. Or that's my reading anyway; hit the link and see if you agree. Or, you know, you could ask. Wacky idea, and one I certainly wouldn't follow through on my own self.

I figure this because Patrick quotes Rivka, who writes:

The hard right aren’t interested in apologies or corrections. If this were really about promoting civility of discourse, they’d have plenty to attack on their own side without hunting down people on ours. They want us to shut up, and that’s pretty much all that will satisfy them. Whether or not you agree with Kos, or Kathryn, it’s important that we not let them be drowned in a sea of right-wing viciousness. They have a right to be free of harrassment.

Which I been saying for years, hence the re-post. And although I did try a bit ago to do the whole reaching out and building bridges and looking for shared interests thang, I've come to the conclusion that it's just not worth trying with most of them.

I wish I could honestly say that I'm either surprised or disappointed.

The people at Warblogger Watch are writing about the disturbing philosophy of anti-Americanism. This is because they're always looking at the negative. Instead, we should look at Americanism.

Like any religion, Americanism is based on Faith and Faith Alone. Instead of things like logic, internal consistency, inquiry, observation, or rational thought.

The United States has a high regard for religion. This is why, unlike most of the planet, we refuse to have elections on the weekend, and instead schedule them on workdays.

Conservatives, arguably the closest to high priests of Americanism, generally see no problem with this, figuring that if people really wanted to vote, they'd just have the maid wake them up early that day and have the chauffeur drive them to the polling place (which the chauffeur should know the location of, why should you have to remember things like that?).

They also hate jokes like that, because they're divisive (a feature of anti-Americanism) and contribute to class warfare (ditto).

This does not apply to jokes about limousine liberals.

Remember that bit about internal consistency? There you go.

Another feature of Americanism is the recognition that the U.S. is Good. With a capital Guh. Foreigners, who are not adherents of Americanism and therefore by definition anti-American, often fail to grasp this simple idea. So when, for example, the American President starts declaring that one side or another of a conflict is a true partner for peace, or defining what constitute the legitimate political aspirations of someone on the other side of the planet, they tend to wonder who, exactly, gave him

(and it's been a he, and a white he at that, up until now. One of the things proponents of Americanism proudly point to are surveys indicating that a large percent of the population show a willingness to vote for a woman or a black person for president. [However, any other surveys showing support for the political aspirations of these groups should be discounted as resulting from not wishing to be seen as politically incorrect.] There are no surveys asking if, say, women would be willing to vote for a man, or if blacks would be willing to vote for a white person, because the questions are themselves incoherent. Such is the Power of Faith.)

the right to decide such things.

True believers in Americanism can ignore such heresy, usually because they're not even capable of understanding it. They are a simple people. Very simple. Simpletons, actually.

Oh, and while I'm at it:

Continue reading "Flashback Friday: May We Bang You?"
Posted by Aaron at 07:40 AM Comment (1) Trackback (1)
Answering my own question
April 08, 2004

Teen Attitude Hello Kitty

Ok, found issue #5 of THE TRUTH in the quarter bin at AF Books, and Josiah's dad did have a shield with "Double V" on it. Question is, do I track down the other issues, or just break down and buy the collection? Decisions, decisions. . .

Didn't see the Black Fetish Dress Hello Kitty, but did find another of the ones I got Lisa last week. Cute, ain't she? I'm torn between the auction, the essay contest, or just keeping the thing myself.

Nothing to add to the discussion of Dr. Rice's testimony, I'm afraid. Mostly because I've completely lost the ability to even pretend taking the right wing seriously. Tried reading a few of their blogs, treating 'em like over-the-top parodies of self-important losers, but no, they just come across as self-important losers with nothing vaguely resembling a sense of humor or basic human decency. What can you do?

Was going to do the quote'n'insult thang, but what's the point? Give a look at the blog for The O'Franken Factor instead. Which, if you're into that whole clicking of links thing, should lead you to Operation Hero Miles:

Operation Hero Miles provides a way for you to help our troops stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan by donating your unused frequent flyer miles. Efforts are underway to make the donated miles more broadly available to all U.S. military personnel.

Hey, I ain't got enough miles on American for me to do anything with. May as well give 'em to a good cause. And send a politely worded message to Northwest asking 'em to get with the program.

So, how was your day?

Posted by Aaron at 09:58 PM Comment (0) Trackback (0)
I'm an idiot
April 08, 2004

Looking through THE CREW #7 (the final issue of what was most definitely not supposed to be a seven issue miniseries), and finally took a good look at Josiah X's shield on page 3.

It's an old-school Captain America style shield, not that round thingee. It has an eagle on it, and the possibly-confusing words, "Double V".

Still haven't even picked up the trade for THE TRUTH. Is this the same one the character was carrying in that?

If so, might have to break down and buy the damned thing. . .

If you have no idea what I'm babbling about, don't sweat it. Unfortunately, it's a Black thing.

If you don't understand, ask somebody.


Posted by Aaron at 05:28 PM Comment (1) Trackback (0)
April 08, 2004


The Three Fates spread is an exceptionally popular way to gain insight into the emerging arc of the past, present, and future. The Cat People Tarot paints a picture of faraway lands trod by mystical archetypes and their feline companions. This deck is a perfect tool for dreamers and idealists, and is a great choice for divining the nature of human imagination. If you would like your own copy of the Cat People Tarot, you can buy it now!

Click for DetailsThe significator, not shown is the card you have chosen to embody your presence and the focus of the reading. Queen of Swords: Sharp, quick-witted, keen person. Intense perceptions. A subtle person. May signify a widow or woman of sadness. Mourning. Privation. Absence. Loneliness. Separation. One who has savored great happiness but who presently knows the anxiety of misfortune and reversal.
Click for DetailsThe left card represents an important element of the past. Page of Pentacles, when reversed: An unrealistic person. Failure to recognize obvious facts. Dissipation of ideas. Illogical thinking. Rebelliousness. Wastefulness. Loss. Unfavorable news.
Click for Details The middle card represents a deciding element of the present. Queen of Cups, when reversed: Inconsistency of honor. Possible immorality. Dishonesty. Unreliability. Vice.
Click for Details The right card represents a critical element of the future. King of Wands, when reversed: Severity. Austerity. Somewhat excessive and exaggerated ideas. Dogmatic, deliberate person.

I was wondering about that.

This is why I like being proven wrong.

Posted by Aaron at 10:02 AM Comment (0) Trackback (0)
Two Days Notice
April 08, 2004

Should there be a possessive apostrophe in tha-- never mind.

SPEC Chicago presents an evening of readings concerning "Breakups & Ex's"

Saturday, April 10 at 7:00 pm
at Mojoe's Cafe Lounge in Roscoe Village
(2256 W. Roscoe, Chicago)

SPEC Chicago presents a reading dedicated to the theme of "Breakups & Ex's", hosted by Andrew Mall.

Contact Brent Ritzel ( at for more information.

Readers include:
Andrew Mall (Living Proof zine)
Grant Schreiber (Judas Goat Quarterly)
Emerson Dameron (Kazoo zine)
Anna Weiler (independent writer)
Brandon Wetherbee (
Brent Ritzel (Zine Guide & Tail Spins)
Aaron Cynic (Diatribe zine)
Keight Sandler (Backstabber zine)
Jessica Disobedience (Safety Pin Girl)
Larry O. Dean (
Leonard "The Ludic Kid" Pierce (The Ludic Log -
Ziggy Cyanide (Zygote and Choking Hazard zines)

Tara? TranceJen? Lauriean? Ursula? Any of you crazy kids planning on going to this?

Posted by Aaron at 08:56 AM Comment (4) Trackback (0)
One Week Notice
April 08, 2004

Even I should be able to hold this in my brain for just one fucking week. . .

2004 Leon Forrest Lecturer, Samuel R. Delany

Event Date: April 15, 2004
Event Time: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Event Location: Abbott Auditorium - Pancoe Life Sciences Pavilion, 2200 Campus Drive, Evanston Campus

Then again, I managed to miss Nalo Hopkinson when she was in town, and I'd known about that in advance, too. My track record with SF authors of color ain't so great, true, but there are so very many of them. It's like missing a bus. Another will be along shortly.

Sorry, Condi is boring the hell out of me with the "inserting oft-repeated info into answers as total non-sequitur" thang. . .

Posted by Aaron at 08:42 AM Comment (2) Trackback (0)
Book Giveaway
April 08, 2004

Anyway, so. As is my wont, went to the Brown Elephant Resale Shop last weekend, and found a couple things that those of you with childrens might be interested in.

  1. Lemony Snicket's *THE BAD BEGINNING* (it set me back $1 American)
  2. A set of (all?) eight of Laura Ingalls Wilder's LITTLE HOUSE books. Not in the best of shape, but in a fetching box with (faded) artwork. It was all of two bucks for the lot. -- Snagged. You snooze, you lose.

Turned on the hearings. Uh oh. Condi has her pissed-off look. And they ain't even ask the first question yet. . .

Anyway, since I'm unlikely to adopt, and have forgotten what sex is at this point, anyone out there who has kids want these?

Posted by Aaron at 08:07 AM Comment (4) Trackback (0)
She isn't, she wasn't, she ain't ever gonna be
April 08, 2004

Just to pre-empt any right-wingers thinking about recycling Clarence Thomas' old line about "a high-tech lynching for an uppity black" with regards to Dr. Condoleezza Rice's upcoming testimony before the 9-11 commission: She ain't uppity. You don't reach that level of government -- or corporate, or academia -- being uppity. Trust me on this one. I come from a long line of uppity negroes. We know these things.

No, that last bit is too subtle. Let me restate as simply as possible: white folks, particularly right-wing white folks, who are even thinking about getting into an argument with me concerning the definition of "uppity" are wasting their time. Not mine, since no way am I taking that bait. As far as this subject goes, you don't know shit about shit, and needs to shut the fuck up.

There, that should be clear enough.

Might as well also mention that it's entirely possible to criticize the woman without being sexist and/or racist, as I'm fairly confident the idjits will charge. Don't worry, they don't believe anyone who does criticize her is being one or both of those either; it's just a convenient blunt object to attack opponents with. Like the crusade Glenn Reynolds is on about Air America reducing broadcast diversity in the, what, five or six cities where they air at the moment.

They wouldn't be sincere about the uppity/lynching thing either.

This is just one of the many, many reasons I'd prefer not hearing from 'em here. Bad enough they're evil fucking assholes, but evil fucking assholes making spurious charges about what are actually serious issues, just ones that don't directly effect them, is just. . . not something I particularly care to deal with, if it's all the same to you.

Posted by Aaron at 05:35 AM Comment (3) Trackback (0)
Muse Sick-N-Hour Mess Age
April 06, 2004

I've used that one before, haven't I?

The Chick Singer Story

Now in its 14th year, Chick Singer Night is the nation's original and longest-running songfest for female artists. The format is a simple one. All singers are welcome; all styles of music, all levels of experience, all walks of life. Each singer shows up the afternoon of the show, charts in hand, and runs her songs with the CSN Band. Later that evening they hit the stage with a hot band in a cool venue and give the performance of a lifetime!

I'm really not sure why I hadn't heard of Chick Singer Night before now, or how I missed Chicago Songfest back in February. We'll chalk this up to lack of advertising on their part, rather than lack of attention on mine. Ok, me, not we. Shut up.

Hallelujah Brasil!

The Center for Performance & Exhibition
Saturday, April 10 7:30pm $30 in Advance,
$35 at the door, (21 & Over)

A magical night marking the end of Lent and the first real night of partying and celebration, come enjoy the best in Brasilian entertainment with music by Paulo Garcia, Capirinhas, and a spectacular Brasilian dinner by Sinha. Elegant Cuisine. If you can’t fly down to Rio, this Carnival is the next best thing!

Me, I can't fly down to Rio and don't think I'll make it there. Have I mentioned lately that my life sucks?

Well, it bears repeating.

Posted by Aaron at 07:15 AM Comment (0) Trackback (0)
I rather enjoy being proven wrong
April 05, 2004

In this case, on the chances of success (or even continued publication) of Captain America & The Falcon:

Thanks, in no small part, to you, CAPTAIN AMERICA & THE FALCON will remain on Marvel's publishing schedule at least through Year One. Marvel informed me today we are green lit through issue #12, so no danger of CREW-ing this book (at least for now). Thank you all for supporting this title, thank you Bart for your brilliant work giving us a great Nitrus boost out of the gate. and for those of you doing the wait-and-see, you heard it here first: the book is solid. Get on board!

"CREW-ing," of course, is a reference to. . . aw, skip it.

Besides, you'd know if you were reading Priest's blog. And I have no idea why you wouldn't.

Unless you're too busy reading Dwayne's blog:

In other Justice League Unlimited news: * The Continuum has learned that an episode of the show will be an adaptation of sorts of the Alan Moore Superman story "For the Man Who Has Everything."

Definitely something to look forward to -- I'd ask how one could screw up Alan Moore, but someone would just cough and suggest I rent League of Extraordinary Gentlemen or From Hell, and I'd look all sheepish and stuff.

Don't enjoy being proven wrong that much, or that frequently, at least. . .

Posted by Aaron at 06:46 PM Comment (3) Trackback (0)
Another Damn Housekeeping Entry
April 05, 2004

Going through the list o'links, making sure everything is working, and actually visiting everthing for a change. Had to rename one or two, and make some additions. Spike made mention of Joey Manley's Blog, f'r instance (if you don't know who that is, hit the link. He has, like, a photo, and a brief bio, and stuff).

Also, I'd been ignoring the whole tempest in a teapot about Daily Kos, also added, because I figured anyone taking advice on morality from the right. . . is a complete fucking moron, basically. And clearly has never read, say, one of the comment threads at Little Green Footballs, where you'll find commentary that makes Kos' look positively Christlike. But Patrick Nielsen Hayden says what I'd like to, better, and without the profanity, so go read his comment at Making Light instead.

Because of course the political Right in this country is so very, very careful to police itself and dissociate itself from extremist or violent sentiments. So naturally it's incumbent on every single liberal in America, certainly including every weblogger and political campaign, to get out there and grovel if one single prominent person says one single dumb thing.

Because, you know, I could be quoting out of context or something.

Changed the Sherman Alexie link to point to the stuff i like page at his official site. Not quite a blog, but as good as we're likely to get, so quit your whining.

I thought this NBA Slam Dunk contest was the best ever, not because of the successful dunks, but because of the glorious failures. Foolish ambition is a beautiful thing.

Didn't see the contest, but agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment. I'm all about the foolish ambition.

Updates as I do that copy and paste and read thingee. Possibly.

Posted by Aaron at 06:47 AM Comment (4) Trackback (0)
Okay, I own two now
April 04, 2004

Two pre-recorded MiniDiscs, that is; Indigo Girls' Swamp Ophelia (which previous link takes you to their Artist Direct page -- more on that in a minute) and Mary Chapin Carpenter's Come On Come On (which, yes, I bought just for Passionate Kisses, but the rest is good, too). Which just puts me that much closer to total freakhood, I expect.

Looking forward to the launch of CONNECT, and just signed up for the beta program. Figure the freakhood might actually work in my favor for once. . .

Continue reading "Okay, I own two now"
Posted by Aaron at 11:32 AM Comment (1) Trackback (0)