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Below is information about the "East o' the Sun, West o' the Moon" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:east_o_the_sun (880733) east_o_the_sun
East o the Sun, West o the Moon
...and never would you find your way there.
Name:East o' the Sun, West o' the Moon
About:"This is called the theory of narrative causality and it means that a story, once started, takes a shape. It picks up all the vibrations of all the other workings of that story that have ever been.
This is why history keeps on repeating all the time.
So a thousand heroes have stolen fire from the gods. A thousand wolves have eaten grandmother, a thousand princesses have been kissed. A million unknowing actors have moved, unknowing, through the pathways of story.
It is now impossible for the third and youngest son of any king, if he should embark on a quest which has so far claimed his older brothers, not to succeed."
--Witches Abroad by Terry Pratchett

This community is for anyone who loves fairy tales, the true-sometimes violent, sometimes sexual-Brothers Grimm tales and others. Not the sweetened Disneyized versions we often get.

This is a place to share and discuss all types of fairy/folk tales from around the world. A new story will be posted by the mods every two days; however, members are encouraged to post the stories that they find anytime they wish. Friendly debate and intelligent discussion is encouraged. Be polite or else. The mods reserve the right to ban as they see fit. Members can use lj-cuts for longer pieces if they wish, but it is not a requirement.

We want this to be a fun and enlightening community. You only get out of it what you put into it.

The mods are [info]crowley and [info]fireriven
Memories:35 entries
Interests:49: andrew lang, blue fairy book, bruno bettelheim, castles, charles de lint, charles perrault, courage, culture, endicott studio, evil stepmothers, fair maidens, fairies, fairy godmothers, fairy tales, faithful companions, folk lore, giants, gods, green fairy book, hans christian anderson, happy endings, heroes, heroines, jack zipes, jane yolen, joseph campbell, justice, kings, love, magic, magic rings, myth, neil gaiman, ogres, patricia mckillip, princes, princesses, queens, robin mckinley, secret identities, stepsiblings, tall tales, terri windling, the brothers grimm, true love, villains, wicked stepmothers and sisters, wisdom, woodcutters. [Modify yours]
Members:104: _lore, aelfsciene, akamarykate, angelbob, angelislington, aristhasia, artzyelf, ase, autoerotica, avengangle, belladonnarosa, brephophagist, bridgetester, catwithclaws, chunkygoat, cortneyofeden, crowley, delirieuse, demarazare, djedet, dreamiflame, eck, elorie, emberleo, eowyn1121, eumenide, eustacia_vye28, faolan_dubgall, faustian_wish, fireriven, fujinsama, godlyperspectiv, grievous_angel, herbpixie, invader_jim, islen, jadegirl, jaroselket, jasperkitty, jdoryt, jewel_of_denial, jocunddaffodils, kayselkiemoon, kethlenda, kya, ladylazarus1, ladyofvictory, laffingkat, lauramc, led_astray, livingfire, lizzielove, lukutoukka, mammasteed, melaenis, melusine, misslunakitty, mlion, mokie, mystic9429, mystril, nearly_there, niankhsekhmet, pdcawley, pegkerr, pghbekka, pirandella, porcinea, puzzledance, quokka, red_queen, reverend_betty, rosetryst, roz_mcclure, ruzi, saoilsinn, satia, satyric, sausconys_books, sciamachy, scriva, selkiediver, seraphcelene, seraphina_prime, shemem, siriusashke, slyzucchinio, spooky_lemur, stony_silence, street_hussy, sturmcrow, tanac, thefirethorn, tigerrose101, tpala, uathsaille, uminomamori, veryaldasgrove, voske, wadam, we_r_art, who_took, wolfieboy, zoloft
Watched by:103: _lore, akamarykate, angelbob, angelislington, aristhasia, artzyelf, aryas_zehral, ase, avengangle, belladonnarosa, borange, boxofdelights, brephophagist, catwithclaws, chunkygoat, circehellene, conuly, cortneyofeden, crowley, dealan_de, delirieuse, demarazare, djedet, dreamiflame, elorie, emberleo, eowyn1121, eumenide, faolan_dubgall, faustian_wish, fireriven, fujinsama, gallowglass, godlyperspectiv, gothwalk, grailquestion, grievous_angel, herbpixie, invader_jim, islen, jadegirl, jaroselket, jasperkitty, jdoryt, jessicaya, jewel_of_denial, jocunddaffodils, kayselkiemoon, kimberly_a, kya, ladylazarus1, lauramc, littleshaman, livingfire, lizzielove, lukutoukka, luthe, lyahdan, mammasteed, melaenis, melusine, misslunakitty, mlion, mokie, mystril, nearly_there, niankhsekhmet, pdcawley, pegkerr, pirandella, porcinea, puzzledance, quokka, rainbow_rikku, red_queen, reverend_betty, roz_mcclure, ruzi, saoilsinn, sarafinapekkala, satia, satyric, sausconys_books, sciamachy, scriva, shantak, shemem, siriusashke, slightlights, slowmack, slyzucchinio, speccygeekgrrl, spooky_lemur, stasiaslash, sweetkat, tigerrose101, tpala, uilos, uminomamori, veryaldasgrove, wolfieboy, wolflady26, zoloft
Member of:1: telleroftales
Account type:Free Account

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