The purpose of this website:
We're less safe, less prosperous, and less free than we were when
George W Bush took office.
This site is dedicated to the proposition that the American people
are smarter than Bush thinks we are, and that if more of us knew the
truth about his administration, his popular support would crumble.
Our plan is to bring people to this site and turn them on to alternative
news sources that are telling the story that the corporate media is
too timid to report.
Why is Bush popular?
It's simple. We're scared.
Since 9/11, we're afraid of hijacked planes, anthrax attacks, dirty
bombs, and nuclear holocaust. We're scared to death, for good reason.
Bush has manipulated our fears to meet his political ends. Without
our fear, more Americans would have noticed by now how radically
conservative Bush is. Without our fear, we would have demanded to
know why he's talked so much but done so little to ensure our safety.
Without our fear he would have never gotten support to attack Iraq
without credible proof of either a link to 9/11 or Weapons of Mass
The dangerous thing about Bush is not, as some felt during his candidacy,
that he is stupid. He is not. The dangerous thing about Bush is
that he thinks that the American people are stupid. He thinks that
if he says often enough that his invasion of Iraq is part of the
war against terrorism, even though there is no proof that Iraq had
anything to do with Al Quada or 9/11, that people will believe it.
He thinks that if proposes a tax break for rich people nobody will
notice so long as he calls it a jobs bill. He thinks that we won't
notice if he guts the Education Department and calls it the "Leave
no Child Behind Act." He thinks that we won't recognize his
note to polluters if he calls it "Clear Skies legislation."
Complacency and the Corporate Media?
Keep in mind that 40% of the electorate would enthusiastically
support a Republican president even if he were to invade Mexico.
Another 40% will support just about anything a Democratic president
does. Among the other 20%, people are too busy living their lives
to pay attention. And the corporate media is so afraid of saying
anything that could be construed as having a liberal bias that it
will happily report anything the administration says without question
or comment.
Could Bush have prevented 9/11?
We'll never know. This is the most secretive administration
in a decade, and it keeps anything that could reflect poorly on
it under wraps. But three things are certain:
- Shortly before 9/11, Bush was warned of an imminent attack involving
hijacked planes.
- Bush did nothing about it.
- Bush has attempted to hide the fact that these warnings occurred;
he even had Condoleza
Rice lie about it.
Did Bush lie about Iraq and its weapons of mass
Yes. Though Bush apologists in the media have suggested that he
only exaggerated, (remember when exaggerations made by Al Gore were
picked apart incessantly by these same writers?) there is no doubt
that Bush knew that the case against Iraq was skewed. In fact, evidence
is surfacing that the administration spinmasters' attempts to pin
responsibility for 9/11 on Iraq began
within hours of the attacks, despite a total lack of evidence
of Iraqi involvement.
Does it matter that he lied?
Yes and no. As
John Dean has noted, Bush has almost certainly committed an impeachable
offense. In practical terms, things have changed for the worse
since the time of the Watergate scandal, when Republican Senators
demanded to know what Nixon's role was, and Democrats led the investigation.
Now, the Republicans are dedicated to nothing more than protecting
their own, and the Democrats are dedicated to protecting their own
backsides. Besides, in real terms, this is but one in a pattern
of lies.
This president lies about everything. And what he doesn't lie about,
he spins. Take the flap about his Niger assertion in his State of
the Union speech, for example. His people made the rounds saying
that the statement was technically true, even though it was made
in the knowledge that it was false. They would rather redefine what
a lie is than admit that the president made one. And any fault wasn't
the president's but that of CIA director George Tenet, or Condy
Rice, or her assistants. In other words, the buck stops over there
Remember that this president set a higher standard for himself when
he ran for office on a promise to return honor to the White House.
Other Bush lies:
Has he lied about his military service and his sweetheart financial
dealings with Harkin energy and the Texas Rangers baseball club.
What about his sobriety? You
decide. (requires Quicktime)
Use this link to check out the new
Cheney-Bush '04 campaign site. No, really, do
it. You'll be glad you did. |