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Below is information about the "Straight Edge 'Til Death" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:xxxedge (1231369) xxxedge
Name:Straight Edge 'Til Death
Website:Straight Edge Website.
Location:United States


* no shit talking
* no disrespecting other members of the community
* don't join if you're not straight edge
* add [info]lusciousxkisses to your friends list because she gave me the code for this journal, and shes so gangsta. and she’s not a ditz, there’s more to her than meets the eye *wink*


"The basic tenet of the philosophy centres around the issue of self-control. The goal is to regain as much personal control over your
own life as possible. sXe is the only youth counter-culture to actively discourage drug use, alcohol use, and casual sex.The term itself is believed to have been coined by the band Minor Threat of the punk rock/hardcore scene in the early '80s. Their singer Ian MacKaye eschewed the nihilistic tendencies of punk rock, promoting instead the simple (almost simplistic) philosophy of "don't drink/ don't smoke/ don't fuck. A common practice at all-ages punk shows was to mark minors with an "X" on their hands so they couldn't buy alcohol. As the straight-edge philosophy grew popular, punkers who were older than 18 but didn't drink for ideological reasons started to mark themselves with the X in a show of solidarity.”


All in all, just have fun, enjoy yourselves, and avoid causing unnecessary drama. You can post pictures of events, shows, of yourselves.. as long as it has some relation to the community. If you have any questions you can e*mail me [ ] and I’ll be sure to get back to you.
my journal: [info]razortight

Add this to your first entry when you join:

why you claimed edge:
favourite bands:

check them out or die.
Interests:5: jordie, straight edge, straight-edge, sxe, xxx. [Modify yours]
Members:90: 21gramsmissing, __adorexyou, _thesexkitten, afi_devotchka, airhead2004, andromeda647, anightmaresxe, asstarscollide, belevinwatuwant, bigpapasfritas, bleedinghartx, boldoutlined, boundinbloodxxx, brandonxedge, childc2017, chriskills, countxthexways, courageouscase, dark_vampiress, def_fuk, drumsnotjames, eyershprnces420, first_blood, fortheluvofpunk, frelsun, genericsuicide, gunglitzglamour, hahahazel, heartlikeagun_, heyitsmike, i_get_lost_, ibludgeoned_art, iknowimasinner, imatroll, impixie, inyoureyesx, jennxster, lessxthanthreex, likeabullet, lollipophope, matchingscars, mathgenius, metalheadrapper, morbidsuccubus, myates, mypoisonthewell, nojesusforyou, november_anthem, obsessivegemini, ohmyoliviax, pikacheeka, pull_like_drag, purityindeath, radarmaker, rawrockills, razortight, roxburyguy, shut_up_please, snodrah, sorrowsxrequiem, starsarefire, stereo_activist, stereotype_me_7, stolenxdreams, stupidlier, sweetxsummer, sxenikki, tamere, teejies, ten_or_12, thisisaboutyou, unedjukatid_kyd, unimportant_, xdustpinkx, xecksx, xedgeforlifex, xfatal_visionx, xikex4lbx, xjenstax, xloversliedeadx, xmichaelblackx, xmoretolife, xrazorxbladesx, xrestinpiecesx, xshanimalx, xslitmythroatx, xstarry_skiesx, xthelovex, xxlovesopurexx, xxxtammixxx
Watched by:60: 21gramsmissing, afi_devotchka, andromeda647, anightmaresxe, belevinwatuwant, boundinbloodxxx, brandonxedge, brokenxdreamx, childc2017, chriskills, countxthexways, courageouscase, dark_vampiress, def_fuk, drumsnotjames, hahahazel, heyitsmike, i_get_lost_, iknowimasinner, imatroll, impixie, inyoureyesx, jennxster, lessxthanthreex, likeabullet, lollipophope, mathgenius, metalheadrapper, nojesusforyou, november_anthem, obsessivegemini, onextuffxcookie, pikacheeka, purityindeath, radarmaker, razortight, roxburyguy, shut_up_please, sorrowsxrequiem, stolenxdreams, stupidlier, sweetxsummer, sxenikki, tamere, teejies, thisisaboutyou, unimportant_, xdustpinkx, xecksx, xfatal_visionx, xikex4lbx, xjenstax, xloversliedeadx, xmichaelblackx, xmoretolife, xoneofthesedays, xrestinpiecesx, xshanimalx, xthelovex, xxxtammixxx
Account type:Free Account

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