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Gender Blur

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[21 Mar 2004|09:04pm]

in response to various comments about [info]_genderfuck:
if you don't agree with what i say on my community page, don't fucking join. simple as that. nobody wants a war, stay out of my way and i'll stay well clear of yours.
blend in/blend out/throw out your crayons

[20 Mar 2004|12:11am]

a sly piece of promotion, i created [info]_genderfuck[info]_genderfuck[info]_genderfuck[info]_genderfuck[info]_genderfuck[info]_genderfuck[info]_genderfuck[info]_genderfuck[info]_genderfuck[info]_genderfuck[info]_genderfuck[info]_genderfuck[info]_genderfuck[info]_genderfuck[info]_genderfuck[info]_genderfuck[info]_genderfuck
5 did their thing| blend in/blend out/throw out your crayons

[19 Mar 2004|11:14pm]

[ music | bjork ]

i like girls that look like girlish boys and boys that look like boyish girls. so i guess i'm right at home here. this is me )

4 did their thing| blend in/blend out/throw out your crayons

Check out this month's issue of Vice mag online! [13 Mar 2004|01:57pm]

[ mood | energetic ]
[ music | The Cramps - Save It ]

How come I've never heard of this before? I'm hauling ass to Samoa first chance I get! :P

"I just got back from Samoa, and I would like to be the first to say, "Holy fucking shit." I only went there to surf and hang around on the beach, but instead I got an eyeful of a verdant transsexual paradise that's left me questioning what it even is to be a boy.
...Samoa has these guys called fa'afafines. They're men who are raised from birth as women. Everyone is cool with it, they are everywhere, and they are really pretty..."

Read more... )

2 did their thing| blend in/blend out/throw out your crayons

blue jeans 2.0 [01 Mar 2004|04:04pm]

[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | le tigre ]

i need friends.

come see me.

it will be worth it i promise.


2 did their thing| blend in/blend out/throw out your crayons

Liberation- It's Not Just for Women Anymore [23 Feb 2004|10:24pm]



Washington, DC

10 AM Assembly on the Mall

Make history, create the future.

Want to know more?

Yeah, it's crazy cross-posted.
2 did their thing| blend in/blend out/throw out your crayons

excellent article in the SFGate [08 Feb 2004|09:53am]

[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | GBH - City Baby Attacked By Rats ]

hey everybody,

I found this article in the SFGate this morning. A lot of perspectives are covered here, including some really important ones about race that are often overlooked.

blessed be,

8 did their thing| blend in/blend out/throw out your crayons

Request :) [02 Feb 2004|06:54pm]

I am a horrible procrastinator, and tonight I need to interview someone who has either been diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder, or is currently undergoing a transformation. Mtf or ftm works! It's for a short abnormal psychology paper, and the focus will be to debate using the diagnosis of GID, whether it is actually a 'disorder' or not. Please email me or IM me tonight, if I am not around, it's because I'm off researching at a friend's place, thank you so much!

DramaBluezTitan (AIM)
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Damn them! [25 Jan 2004|07:31am]

[ mood | enraged ]

[x-posted to: [info]genderqueer, [info]genderoutlaws, and [info]queergrrrl ]

The Traditional values coaliton has a poll up on their website asking the question . . .

Should transgendered individuals be allowed to adopt children?
I realize there is nothing scientific about these kind of polls, yet I do not believe it should go unanswered. If you feel the same way go to the site and vote. As I type this, the NO votes are leading 2 to 1 . . .
Yes — 23.32% (2257)
No — 76.68% (7423)

If the link above does not work for you, the poll can be found at:;=36
7 did their thing| blend in/blend out/throw out your crayons

Yep . . . that it . . . [22 Jan 2004|07:56am]

[x-posted to: [info]genderqueer and [info]genderoutlaws]

This from RuPaul's blog entry yesterday . . .
similarly, i’m always surprised when i get questions from people who want to know if i’ve had a sex change or if i live as a woman. i always thought it was quite clear, through my writings, interviews and more importantly, my energy, that i am having a laugh at the issue of gender, rather than taking it seriously. you wouldn’t believe some of the things people ask me. sometimes i feel like i’m reading someone else’s mail.

no matter how many times i say that i don’t define myself by my sexuality, my color, the car i drive or the clothes i wear, people can’t resist wanting to put me in a compartment that serves to justify their own doctrine. i think these people are subconsciously afraid to acknowledge my multiplicity because it would force them to examine their own, which is usually hidden underneath their religion, politics or bling. before you can begin to understand someone, you must first love them, which is too daunting an idea for most.
All I can say to this is RIGHT ON!
1 did their thing| blend in/blend out/throw out your crayons

UN Resolution on LGBTQ rights [20 Jan 2004|01:22pm]

[ mood | determined ]

[x-posted to: [info]genderqueer, [info]genderoutlaws, [info]queergrrrl]

This came to my attention a little while ago . . . I thought I would spread it around

Next march, the United Nations will vote on an historical text which states that sexual orientation is a human right.

Please sign this online petition: to support the text
and visit to get more information.

The ILGA is pushing for the addition of two additional words to the resolution
"The Conference praised the resolution as an historic move but would have preferred the rights of transgender persons to be explicitly mentioned in the text. ILGA, therefore, suggests that the notion of "gender identity" be included in the final version of the resolution to be proposed by Brazil at the UNCHR next March."
blend in/blend out/throw out your crayons

DOA/Pete Burns Community! [20 Jan 2004|06:20pm]

[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Dead Or Alive - Hit & Run Lover ]

Apologies for both x-posting like crazy, and for possibly breaking community rules!

[info]_therightstuff is the perfect choice for all DOA/Pete Burns fans, with regular news updates, rare mp3s for downloading and much more! Fans new and old will love it, I promise you ;)

Join now!


3 did their thing| blend in/blend out/throw out your crayons

[19 Jan 2004|11:41am]

Hi! I just noticed that I have a lot of cool people on my friends list that arent on livejournal! Add them!

[info]calad1 Calpernia Addams- She was the girlfriend of Barry Winchell. Barry was brutally murdered because he was in a relationship with Calpernia, who at the time was a preoperative transsexual. A movie was made of her life called Soldier's Girl.

[info]dailyclips Outlet Wire is the nation's most comprehensive listing of the day's top LGBT news items.

[info]outfordean OUT for DEAN is a grassroots organization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) supporters of Howard Dean for President.

[info]rupaulblog If you dont know who Rupaul you live under a rock?

If you know of any other cool LGBT blogs let me know! ENJOY!

BTW..Check out my journal and add me if you wish :)

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Court denies transgender marriage appeal [15 Jan 2004|08:04pm]

[ mood | angry ]

[x-posted to [info]genderqueer, [info]genderoutlaws ]

Court denies transgender marriage appeal
Ann Rostow, / Network
Thursday, January 15, 2004 / 04:27 PM

SUMMARY: A divided three-judge panel of the 11th District Ohio Court of Appeals ruled recently that a heterosexual couple may not marry under state law if one member is transsexual.

A divided three-judge panel of the 11th District Ohio Court of Appeals ruled recently that a heterosexual couple may not marry under state law if one member is transsexual.

Although Jacob Nash was born female, he changed his sex in the late 1990s and obtained a revised birth certificate from his home state in Massachusetts. Nonetheless, the Ohio courts have continued to ignore this legal document in denying him the right to marry his partner, Erin Barr.

( read remainder of article )

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What should I say in response to this? (xposted) [10 Jan 2004|04:57pm]

[ mood | shocked ]

Read more... )

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Ahem. [05 Jan 2004|06:41pm]

Hi everyone, I'm new... to the community, as well as to the TG community. Right. I'm glad to be here, and I hope to be a worthwhile contribution. ;) .waves to all.

- Rabbit
7 did their thing| blend in/blend out/throw out your crayons

Pronouns need not apply . . . [29 Dec 2003|08:11am]

[ mood | happy ]

This article was published in this morning's San Francisco Chronicle and despite a few minor errors (that I caught) is a good one. This is the scene I have been hanging out in.

Throw out your pronouns -- 'he' and 'she' are meaningless terms in the Bay Area's flourishing transgender performance scene
Rona Marech, Chronicle Staff Writer
Monday, December 29, 2003
©2003 San Francisco Chronicle | Feedback | FAQ


On a recent evening, 62 people traveled to the edge of the Mission District and paid $5 at the door of El Rio bar to see "Wicked Messenger 3.0," a show aptly billed as "21st century variant cabaret."

That night's performers included transgender punk-rocker Shawna Virago and her band the Deadly Nightshades, and Julia Serano, a self-described transsexual lesbian who powered her way through a poem that read, in part, "I am the loose thread/ that unravels the gender of everyone around me."

Transgender writer Max Wolf Valerio's spirited reading about a date with a clueless co-worker inspired so much laughter that he momentarily broke up himself, giggling into the microphone: "It's true, it's true!"

While the evening of extreme-sport gender-bending was laden with surprises -- including the drag king strip act and Valerio relating how he ultimately got the girl -- the uninitiated might be most surprised to find out just how commonplace the event was.

As the Bay Area's transgender community has grown and made significant civil rights gains, a transgender art scene has flowered. Taking the stage at these performances are people who have a gender identity different from the one assigned at birth or who call themselves "genderqueer" to mean that they don't subscribe to a male-female gender system . . .

( read complete article )
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1) New SoCal Genderqueer group; 2) Quest to find API trans/queer folk [20 Dec 2003|12:14pm]

[ mood | determined ]

1) Southern California Genderqueer Revolution; 2) A QUEST: Where are the TRANS & QUEER ASIAN/PACIFIC ISLANDERS? )

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NGLTF -- Making 'Room at the Inn' For Transgender People [16 Dec 2003|12:16pm]

[x-posted to: my own journal [info]queergrrrl and to [info]genderqueer ]

This was posted to a list I am on . . . I thought it would be relevant here. If you click on the links I put in the article you can access the full text of the manual.

.......... queergrrrl


Task Force: Sheri A. Lunn ­ Director of Communications; 323-857-8751 or Roberta Sklar 917-704-6358
National Coalition for the Homeless: Donald Whitehead 202-737-6444 ext. 14
-Making 'Room at the Inn' For Transgender People

-New Guide Provides Concrete Recommendations for Shelters on How to Make Shelters Safe for Transgender People

"I don't think most Americans have any idea how much discrimination transgender people face," said Matt Foreman, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Executive Director. "If they did, more people would be doing something about it. Transgender people who lose their jobs because of discrimination, then lose their homes because they can no longer pay the rent or mortgage, are still likely to get a 'your kind is not welcome here' from an emergency shelter. I am hopeful that this guide will be a tool for shelters to make changes so that all people have a safe and warm place to stay."

continued )
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Trans/Genderqueer/Genderfuck songs? [15 Dec 2003|12:46pm]

Hi there,

I'm trying to find choice songs that fuck with gender, not just for an upcoming party I'm helping to plan (more on that party later), but so's I can expand my musical repertoire. Any suggestions? Artist and titles? Thanks.
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