A Viking Journey [entries|friends|calendar]
Börgiss Triefaargle Svenssen

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[26 Mar 2004|12:29pm]
[ mood | foul ]
[ music | Fall of Byzantium - Atmospheric Pressure ]

Friend: she's probably already distanced herself from you, it's hard to move and leave someone behind, so she got a headstart
Me: and of course, when when I left off where the only appropriate response was "yes" or "no" I simply got no response whatsoever.
Friend: :-/
Me: so now I'm siting here and I don't knwo what to do
Friend: if she's going to be a baby about it, do nothing
Friend: or you could just go and leave her stuff on her doorstep
Me: if I'm gonna go it'll have to be real soon. And I want to see her, adn I want to help her, but fuck man... I can take a hint
Friend: haha, well that's good to know
Friend: I think she's doing her thing. Lots of people distance themselves before a breakup. It's really difficult if someone interferes with it
Friend: and I know you want to help, but I dont think she wants your help
Me: I dunno man... mixed signals. It seemed like she was really trying to imply she wanted me to come, but when I tell her I need explicit confirmation one way or another, she just doens't say anything at all, or talks about some other shit

Sack and Pillage

fuck [22 Mar 2004|10:00am]
[ mood | pissed off ]

I'm supposed to be at work 15 minutes ago.

Sack and Pillage|3 Villages|

Apparently I'm emo as fuck [21 Mar 2004|01:00am]
Your Icon is..... by d3athofs3asons
Your Name
Your Age
Your B-day
Your Icon Is....
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!
Sack and Pillage|2 Villages|

[21 Mar 2004|12:35am]
3. How do some people feel about you?: HEY, HEY COUNTERFIET FAKE
4. How do you feel about yourself?: A SELF CALLED NOWHERE
6. Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend/interest: WE ALMOST FIGURED OUT HOW WE' D GET ALONG, AND GIVEN TIME WE' D FIND IT STRANGE TO BE ALONE.
8. Where would you rather be?: EVERYONE'S YOUR FRIEND IN NEW YORK CITY.
9. Describe what you want to be: I WISH THAT I COULD JUMP OUT OF MY SKIN.
10. Describe how you live: I AM A REAL WORM, I AM AN ACTUAL WORM. I LIVE LIKE A WORM.
Sack and Pillage|2 Villages|

Destination: Indiana [16 Mar 2004|03:36am]
[ mood | sad ]

She's going away. I kinda knew this was coming. And I mean, I haven't even seen her in over a month, so I suppose losing her wont be as big a shock or adjustment as it could be. It still sucks though. For a while there we spent every day together. I almost never woke up alone. She was always there to play nintendo or listen to bad metal with me. Plus she had a Megaman tat, for chris'sakes!... And did I meantion that she used to buy me burritos? And cook vegan cakes?

How is she not awesome?

If you answered "She is awesome," then award yourself 20 points for the correct answer. Of course, the point is somewhat moot, now, since she's going away. I'll still always remember those days fondly though.

So now Brigham is alone and single, again. But whereas I am losing a friend, she is losing a many, plus her home, her livelyhood... Caitlin, if you read this, I hope everything goes well for you. You'll always be welcome in San Diego. You will be missed.

Sack and Pillage|2 Villages|

fuckin'-A [14 Mar 2004|08:28pm]
[ music | Marduk - 502 ]

xEARTHIANx: I was looking through some stuff I had from hichschool, and I found pictures of this girl, Donna
xEARTHIANx: and it's not that you two really like the same, so much as you have similar facial features and similar style
mothlullaby: really?
mothlullaby: i want to see her
mothlullaby: !!!
mothlullaby: you should marry her
xEARTHIANx: hahahah
mothlullaby: haa
mothlullaby: we can have threesomes
mothlullaby: me and me and u
xEARTHIANx: holy FUCK!!!
xEARTHIANx: that's the BEST idea I ever heard

Sack and Pillage|4 Villages|

Pure Fucking Darkness [03 Mar 2004|10:12pm]
Info Black
Your Heart is Black

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

This makes me wanna put on some eyeliner and wear black gloves with the fingers cut off.
Sack and Pillage|1 Village|

Raise Your Hand if You Get This Joke [03 Mar 2004|08:31am]
[ mood | cold ]

HURD (h&rd;)
1. n. An acronym: Hard to Understand Redundant Development.

Sack and Pillage

Metallo commands you! [27 Feb 2004|11:55pm]
Go here.
Listen to "Alithiea".
Sack and Pillage|1 Village|

And it wasn't even David... [26 Feb 2004|03:14pm]
[ music | CALIBAN - Sunday?s Words ]

hate television: yeah! I almost got warned off AIM! When I signed on yesterday this woman randomly asked if I was a racist, so I of course said "Yes". Then she said, "Swear 2 god?!" and I replied, "I don't believe in god, because he's a black man and a Jew"
hate television: and she warned me a bunch of times
xEARTHIANx: hahahahaha!

Sack and Pillage

Epic Fucking Mario Battle [26 Feb 2004|03:09am]
[ mood | depressed ]

I seriously almost cried during part 2...


Sack and Pillage

Awww yeah! [25 Feb 2004|12:34am]
[ music | (Free Radio San Diego 96.9FM) ]

Law: 1
Chaos: 4
Good: 2
Evil: 5

Your alignment: Chaotic Evil

Sack and Pillage|2 Villages|

Too poignant... [24 Feb 2004|04:47pm]
[ music | Tom Waits - Innocent When You Dream ]

The bats are in the belfry
The dew is on the moor
Where are the arms that held me
And pledged their love before?
And pledged their love before...

And it's such a sad old feeling
All the fields are soft and green
It's memories that I'm stealing
But you're innocent when you you dream
When you dream
You're innocent when you dream
When you dream
You're innocent when you dream

I made a golden promise
That we would never part
I gave my love a locket
And then I broke her heart
And then I broke her heart...

And it's such a sad old feeling
All the fields are soft and green
It's memories that I'm stealing
But you're innocent when you you dream
When you dream
You're innocent when you dream
When you dream
You're innocent when you dream

We're running through the graveyard
And we laugh my friends and I
We swore we'd be together
Until the day we die
Until the day we die...

And it's such a sad old feeling
All the fields are soft and green
It's memories that I'm stealing
But you're innocent when you you dream
When you dream
You're innocent when you dream
When you dream
You're innocent when you dream

Sack and Pillage|1 Village|

haiku [24 Feb 2004|03:50pm]
LiveJournal Haiku!
Your name:brigham
Your haiku:out together i
think i woke up i can't say
Created by Grahame
Sack and Pillage

ouch. [24 Feb 2004|02:42pm]
So fucking fell out of the shower just a little bit ago. I was holding onto the curtain bar and leaning out, so I could reach around the corner and turn off one of the lights. The bar gave, I fucking fell onto the floor. Kinda banged my shin on the edge of the tub, on the way down. I'm fine, but needless to say it kinda fucking ruined my shower, which is where I go to relax, reflect, and just forget about the world.

Learn from my mistakes, children. DO NOT DO THIS.
Sack and Pillage|3 Villages|

fuckin' A [24 Feb 2004|02:35pm]
It still weirds me out when I wake up completely naked, and I don't know how I got that way... Seriously.
Sack and Pillage|5 Villages|

hmmm [20 Feb 2004|03:33am]
Sack and Pillage|1 Village|

Ok, this is just starting to get fucking weird.... [19 Feb 2004|10:51pm]
Ok, so you may know that I have Recurring Dreams which pop with some regularity. Well, they showed up last night, times two...

dream #1:

So I'm out with some kids. We're just kinda hanging out, wandering around. As it works out, there's 3 boys (myself, and my brother Joe, and possibly my friend Jacob) and 3 girls (one of them was my friend Nichole, who I apparently am kinda thinking about hooking up with).

For some reason we need to hit up an ATM; probably to get foods. As it turns out, because of the neighborhood we're in, the closest ATM is right by my parents' house. Actually, it's attached to it. A couple quick observations are worth mentioning here... First, the ATM being attached was actually taken from reality to an extent, where there's a dumpster enclosure attached to my parents' place. Second, in my dream, "my parents' place" is actually my childhood home of about 6 years, near Tierra Santa, in San Diego.

So we are standing around at the side of my parents' place, waiting for whoever it was among us to get their money. This house had a sliding glass door leading to the den, just to the right of where the ATM was in my dream. I could see my sister in there, and as it turns out, She was in there, hanging out with Havie. She saw us outside, though the glass door, and came out to talk. "How dare you?? Why would you think it was ok to bring a date around me?" (In my dreams, She cares a lot more about this kinda thing than I'm sure She does in real life.) I try to explain that it's not a date, but She points out that there's a 3 to 3 ratio, and She knows I have a thing for one of the girls.

At this point there's some missing events. I'm not sure if I just can't remember them, or if they simply did not take place in the dream. That'll happen sometimes, where dreams just kinda jump around. Anywho, leaping forward a short time...

We ended up talking for a while, and we're on friendly terms for the moment. There's some hugging, and maybe kisses on the face. I remember distinctly She said "Now I can eat again." This doesn't make a lot of sense out of context, but it was because She'd been so upset lately She couldn't even eat. This goes on for a while, and then I wake up.

At least, I think I woke up. I can't say conclusively that I did. I remember looking at my cellphone to see the time, and it was around 5am. Then I lay there trying to recall the details of the dream. Now, normally I would just assume I was awake at this point, but something rather unprecedented happened next...

Dream #2:

Now, this one's pretty jumbled. I don't necessarily recall a cohesive sequence of events, or their order. There's a lot of holes in this one. Here's what I do remember though...
I was in my old neighborhood again, like in the last dream. There was something about street performers, who were targeting their acts toward children. Only it was weird, because they were wearing these elaborate foam suits, like on children's television.
There was this one woman, dressed I believe as some kinda friendly dragon, but she had a Star Trek insignia on her left breast. I was trying to convince her to make a children's Star Trek show. She was hesitant at first, but I think she agreed to at least try.

Then we come to a completely different scene. I'm not sure how this is related to the street performers, or which came first, or how it moved from one to the other, but they were part of the same story arc, somehow... I find myself inside a building. I think it may have been near where I was talking to the street performers. It's a house or an apartment. I'm sitting near an open window, talking with Her.

I remember looking out the window, and seeing lights in the windows of the building across the way spelling out "help me". Like, the lights were set up in such a way that they formed the letters by which windows were lit up. This was done in 2 different places, and I remember thinking it was a joke... Not sure what the significance of that was, but there it is.

She we are talking and smiling and snuggling close. We kiss. And kiss again. Then start making out. We babble for a time about how much we missed being together, and the love, and all that kinda stuff. The question arises about wether She's happy with the way things are going, and She replies, "How could I not be happy, with a sexy boy that I love sitting in my lap and kissing me?"

Now, this is the weird part... I tell her about how I missed her a lot, and that I had been dreaming about her. In fact, I told her about the dream I had just had 4 hours earlier. ATM and all. I told her about all the other dreams I had about her recently. This might not sound like a big deal, but it kinda blew my mind when it happened. It's like, you're having that amazing, wonderful dream, and you wake up, and realize none of it happened. And there's that crushing disappointment that hits you briefly. Only this time, in the second dream, I'm talking about those other dreams, which kinda leads one to believe they're not, in fact, dreaming. It it was just kinda like, "Fuck!" when I had to go through that twice in one morning.

At least I'm not dreaming about her dying, lately.
Sack and Pillage|1 Village|

"Treatise on Solitude" [17 Feb 2004|08:32pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Blood-Curdling Cries ]

One of the living dead
(I am) wandering alone
(Through the) arctic wilderness
Where nothing warms my heart

A cavernous echo inside me
Horrific, blood-curdling cries
A cavernous echo of you
It fades, and slowly it dies

I am all alone
(I can) never return home
(Obscure) distant memories
Of you are all I have

A cavernous echo inside me
Horrific, blood-curdling cries
A cavernous echo of you
It fades, and slowly it dies

Unobtainable desires
(For a) shadow of the past
(Linger on) to torment my soul
I'll never have it back
I am all alone
(I can) never return home
(In this) arctic wilderness
Where nothing warms my heart

Sack and Pillage|2 Villages|

a random memory [17 Feb 2004|02:39am]
[ mood | tired ]

The only way I know how to describe the cacophony of emotions is to describe them as a chaotic harmony, which felt like coming home after being away for a long time.

Sack and Pillage

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